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This work investigates the behavior of the sunspot number and Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) signal recorded in the tree ring time series for three different locations in Brazil: Humaitá in Amaz?nia State, Porto Ferreira in S?o Paulo State, and Passo Fundo in Rio Grande do Sul State, using wavelet and cross-wavelet analysis techniques. The wavelet spectra of tree ring time series showed signs of 11 and 22?years, possibly related to the solar activity, and periods of 2–8?years, possibly related to El Ni?o events. The cross-wavelet spectra for all tree ring time series from Brazil present a significant response to the 11-year solar cycle in the time interval between 1921 to after 1981. These tree ring time series still have a response to the second harmonic of the solar cycle (5.5?years), but in different time intervals. The cross-wavelet maps also showed that the relationship between the SOI x tree ring time series is more intense, for oscillation in the range of 4–8?years.  相似文献   
The Solânea Complex (572 ± 8 Ma) comprises various intrusions that total 200 km2. It cuts Palaeoproterozoic migmatized orthogneisses of the Serrinha–Pedro Velho Complex, which is part of the São José do Campestre Massif, North Tectonic Domain of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. It is a post-collisional intrusion constituted of coarse-grained biotite–amphibole monzogranites, fine-grained leucogranites and diorites. Major, trace and rare earth elements data, used to constrain the origin and nature of these rocks, indicate that the monzogranites display chemical features of weakly peraluminous ferro-potassic trans-alkaline granitoids, similar to coeval occurrences described in eastern Nigerian. Sm–Nd data together with the whole rock geochemical data suggest that: (I) the monzogranites were generated by partial melting of tonalitic gneiss from the lower crust, leaving behind a granulitic residue; (II) the diorites originated by partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle; (III) the evolution of the Solânea Complex involved magma mixing between the monzogranites and diorites. K-feldspar and amphibole fractionation appear to have occurred during the evolution of the monzogranites.Leucogranites constituting an elliptical shaped intrusion (80 km2), the Dona Inês Pluton, are intruded to the north of the Solânea Complex. They also occur as small intrusions cross-cutting the border of the Solânea Complex. Geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the leucogranites were generated by melting of crustal Palaeoproterozoic rocks. Rb–Sr data gave an age of 544 ± 16 Ma.Trans-alkaline magmatism is associated with ductile–brittle deformation in the Serrinha–Pedro Velho Complex of the São José do Campestre Massif. This event follows the peak of an extensional-related high-temperature metamorphism (upper amphibolite to granulite facies), with estimated age of 578 to 574 Ma. If a pre-Gondwana reconstruction is considered, this event is seen to extend to the African side of Gondwana in eastern Nigeria.  相似文献   
This paper provides important insights into the generation, extraction and crystallization of clast-laden impact melt rocks from the Araguainha impact structure, central Brazil. Despite the mixed nature of the Araguainha target rocks (comprising a 2 km thick sequence of sedimentary rocks and underlying granitic basement), the exposed melt bodies are characterised by an alkali-rich granitic matrix embedding mineral and rock fragments derived only from the target granite. The melt rocks occur in the form of a massive impact melt sheet overlying the eroded central uplift structure, and as melt veins in the granite of the core of the central uplift. Bulk-rock major and trace element data (including platinum group elements) indicate that the precursor melts were generated locally, principally by partial melting of the target granite, without any contribution from the sedimentary sequence or the projectile. The dense network of melt veins was formed in isolation, by selective melting of plagioclase and alkali feldspar within the granite target. Plagioclase and alkali feldspar melted discretely and congruently, producing domains in the matrix of the melt veins, which closely match the stoichiometry of these minerals. The compositionally discrete initial melt phases migrated through a dense network of microfractures before being assembled into larger melt veins. Freezing of the melt veins was substantially fast, and the melt components were quenched in the form of alkali-feldspar and plagioclase schlieren in the matrix of the melt veins. The overlying impact melt rock is, in contrast, characterised by a granophyric matrix consisting of albite, sanidine, quartz, biotite and chlorite. In this case, melt components appear to have been more mobile and to have mixed completely to form a granitic parental melt. We relate the melting of the minerals to post-shock temperatures that exceeded the melting point of feldspars.  相似文献   
Brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of some fishes from the coast of Rio de Janeiro State was studied as a possible pesticide biomarker in marine environmental monitoring. AChE specific activity in brain varied from 145 to 530 U/g of proteins and the Michaelis-Menten constant (K(M)) for acetylthiocholine varied from 104 to 291 microM among the 20 species studied. The enzyme sensitivity to methyl paraoxon, evaluated by the inhibition kinetic constants, shows that some species (Paralonchurus brasiliensis and Genidens genidens) are more sensitive (IC50-30 min=455 and 468 nM, respectively). The less sensitive Merluccius hubbsi and Percophis brasiliensis (IC50-30 min=3339 and 3259 nM, respectively) belong to the super-order Paracanthopterygii, which includes the more ancient species. On the other hand, more susceptible species belong to the super-order Acanthopterygii, which includes more recent species. These results suggest a possible evolutionary linkage for AChE sensitivity to methyl paraoxon. The application of inhibition kinetic constants for fish brain AChE in phylogenetic studies is still being investigated. The results have shown that a fish sentinel species should have the highest brain AChE level among the more sensitive ones.  相似文献   
Two cap carbonates overlying glaciogenic diamictites crop out extensively in the eastern Vaza Barris Domain of the Sergipano Belt, northeastern Brazil. They are represented by carbonates of the Jacoca Formation, resting on top of diamictite of the Ribeiropolis Formation, and by the Olhos D’Agua Formation (carbonates, organic-rich towards the top), which overlies diamictite of the Palestina Formation. These two sequences were deformed and metamorphosed at sub-greenschist facies-conditions during the Brasiliano cycle (650–600 Ma).  相似文献   
Geostatistical modeling, using airborne and borehole electromagnetic data, was used to estimate electrical conductivity in groundwater within fractured paragneisses and migmatites in a semi-arid climate in northeastern Brazil. Despite the geologic heterogeneity of crystalline aquifers, the use of high resolution helicopter electromagnetic (HEM) data enabled the characterization of groundwater electrical conductivity where data from drilled wells were insufficient. The tacit assumption is that HEM measurements can be used to relate rock electrical conductivity to groundwater electrical conductivity. In this study, the HEM data were used as an external drift variable in non-stationary estimation and stochastic simulation to identify the variability of groundwater electrical conductivity. Validation tests, comparing predicted values for groundwater conductivity with measurements in new wells, confirmed the success of these models in locating fresh groundwater sources in crystalline bedrock.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic sediment-hosted Zn–(Pb) sulfide and non-sulfide deposits of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil, are partially syn-diagenetic and epigenetic and were probably formed during extensional events. The majority of the deposits occur within shallow water dolomites. The Pb isotopic data of sulfides are relatively homogeneous for individual deposits and plot above the upper crust evolution curve of the Plumbotectonic model. Some of the deposits are characterized by highly radiogenic lead (206Pb/204Pb ≥ 21) originating from the highly radioactive crust of the São Francisco Craton. Pb and S isotopic data suggest the sources of metal and sulfur for the deposits to be the basement rocks and seawater sulfates in the sediments, respectively. The relatively high temperatures of formation (100 to 250 °C) and moderate salinity (3% to 20% NaCl equiv.) of the primary fluid inclusions in the sphalerite crystals suggest the participation of basinal mineralizing fluids in ore formation. The steep paleo-geothermal gradient generated by the radioactively enriched basement rocks probably assisted in heating up the circulating mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   
Measurements of the environmental isotopes carbon-14 and oxygen-18 and of the electrical conductivity in ground water, together with MODFLOW-88 (DOS) simulations of pumping tests, were used to achieve a detailed understanding of the functioning of an aquifer in the area of a well field. The methodology was applied in the sedimentary basin of the Cariri region, in the south of Ceará State in Brazil. Localized hydraulic connections between adjacent aquifer units could be detected, and mixing ratios for the contributions from the units involved were determined. Cone of depression simulations for a three-year drought period revealed well interference and a drastic lowering of the piezometric level, thereby explaining the hydrogeologic changes and transformations in vegetation that were observed in the area of the well field. The combined use of the modeling tools and the geochemical field observations is shown to provide more detailed insight into the conceptual model of the groundwater flow system.  相似文献   
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