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回顾了体系地震动力分析的历史过程,并对地震动力分析的传统理论方法、近似方法和现代计算技术从新的角度加以阐述,同时给出体系地震动力分析的应用前景,以促进经典的传统理论方法、近似方法和现代计算技术的综合和在实际工程中的应用,形成系统而完整的地震动力分析体系。  相似文献   
同时采用4个台站的国际超导重力仪长期连续重力观测资料和国际地球自转服务中心提供的同步地球自转参数,研究了极移引起的地球重力场变化特征。利用自回归模型估计了各序列的功率谱密度和积谱密度,结果表明极移导致的重力效应的主要能量集中在Chandler摆动和周年项附近,叠积后实际重力观测与极移重力信号理论值之间的差异分别为0.4%和3.9%,说明超导重力仪可有效监测极移导致的重力变化。  相似文献   
地下水位对定点形变观测干扰的抽水实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
抽水所造成的地下水位的变化会即时在局部范围内造成地表的形变,干扰定点地壳形变观测。在蓟县地震台进行的抽水实验表明:这种干扰的幅度与抽水水井到形变监测仪器的距离有关,也和抽水水井水位的最大降深有关。根据实验数据得到了抽水对定点形变观测的影响范围的经验公式。  相似文献   
分析了华北北部20世纪70年代初以来的断层形变资料。结果表明:震前断层活动存在明显的阶段性特征;短临阶段断层形变异常主要形态有两种:一种是在α、β相后的γ相短临异常,这种异常一般在近源区出现;另一种是较大幅度的突跳型短临异常,这种异常一般在远源区出现,这些都是断层形变前兆由中期过渡到短期的明显标志;断层形变短临异常有从外围向震中迁移的特征;唐山地震前出现γ相短临异常的比例高于大同和张北地震,主要表现为在中期趋势积累背景上的反向;3次强震前α、β、γ相异常场地的分布具构造控制特征;强震前场地断层异常活动存在象限性分布特征,且与震源机制解的结果基本一致。  相似文献   
大姚6级双震前的地震前兆特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
在连续形变观测资料中除了存在于整个时间域的短周期潮汐信息(固体潮)外,还有出现在某个时间段的长周期非潮汐信息.如何从时间或空间上认识和提取这些信息.成为认识地震过程和进行地震预报关键和迫切的问题之一。利用小波分析的时一频特性和奇异性检测特性,对大姚6级双震前的连续形变观测资料进行了处理,提取潮汐资料中的非潮汐信息。发现在地震前震中附近的形变台站都接收到了相同频段的异常信号.周期为几天到十几天,出现在各个台站的时间也大致相同。这些在震前具有一定时、空分布的信息有可能是地震前兆。  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to examine the effect of stocking density on the water quality of culture area, as well as the growth, body composition and cortisol content of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Pen-reared trout were stocked in densities of 40, 60, 80 fish individuals m-3(4.6, 6.6, 8.6 kg m-3, SD1, SD2 and SD3 groups, respectively) for 300 days. Compared to the water from SD1 and SD2, that from SD3 exhibited significantly higher NH4+-N content and COD(chemical-oxygen-demand), and a significant reduction of dissolved oxygen in day 180(40.6 kg m-3). Stocking density was significantly associated with body weight, standard length, VSI(viscerosomatic index), CF(condition factor) and FC(food coefficient) in group SD3, particularly in day 240 and day 300(45 or 49.3 kg m-3). Increased crude fat and decreased crude protein were displayed in high density group when the density reached to 36 kg m-3. As a cumulative effect of density-related stress, VSI, CF, FC, moisture, and crude protein content varied over time in each density group(SD1, SD2, and SD3). In summary, trout exhibited a better growth performance in low density(26.3 kg m-3) than those reared in high densities(36 and 45 kg m-3). The results indicate that rainbow trout(114.44 g ± 6.21 g, 19.69 cm ± 0.31 cm) initially stocked in 6.6 or 8.6 kg m-3 should be lightened to less than 36 kg m-3 after an intensive rearing for 240 days.  相似文献   
Advanced glycation endproducts(AGEs) have been recognized as hazards in processed foods that can induce chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and diabetic nephropathy. In this study, we investigated the AGEs contents of 35 types of industrial seafood products that are consumed frequently in eastern China. Total fluorescent AGEs level and Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine(CML) content were evaluated by fluorescence spectrophotometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS), respectively. The level of total fluorescent AGEs in seafood samples ranged from 39.37 to 1178.3 AU, and was higher in canned and packaged instant aquatic products that were processed at high temperatures. The CML content in seafood samples ranged from 44.8 to 439.1 mg per kg dried sample, and was higher in roasted seafood samples. The total fluorescent AGEs and CML content increased when seafood underwent high-temperature processing, but did not show an obvious correlation. The present study suggested that commonly consumed seafood contains different levels of AGEs, and the seafood processed at high temperatures always displays a high level of either AGEs or CML.  相似文献   
Seed long-distance dispersal(LDD) events are typically rare, but are important in the population processes that determine large-scale forest changes and the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. However, previous studies focused on species dispersed via animal-mediated LDD, and ignored those dispersed by wind. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of canopy openness, edge, seed source, and patch tree density on the LDD of seeds by wind in forest. We collected birch seeds, a typical wind-dispersed species, throughout a larch plantation. We then assessed the relationship between birch LDD and each factor that may influence LDD of seeds by wind including distance to edge, canopy openness size, distance to mature forest, and the tree density of the larch plantation. We used univariate linear regression analysis to assess the influence of those factors on birch LDD, and partial correlations to calculate the contribution of each factor to LDD. The results showed that both canopy openness and edge had significant influences on birch LDD. Specifically, a negative relationship was observed between distance to edge and birch LDD, whereas there was a positive correlation between canopy openness size and LDD. In contrast, the distance to the mature forest was not correlated with birch LDD. Our results suggest that patch tree density could potently affect the probability of LDD by wind vectors, which provides novel and revealing insights regarding the effect of fragmentation on wind dynamics. The data also provide compelling evidence for the previously undocumented effect of habitat fragmentation on wind-dispersed organisms. As such, these observations will facilitate reasonable conservation planning, which requires a detailed understanding of the mechanisms by which patch properties hamper the delivery of seeds of wind-dispersed plants to fragmented areas.  相似文献   
利用2003-01~2013-12期间GRACE数据反演得到地球表面质量变化,使用全球正向建模恢复法改正泄露影响,获得南极冰盖质量变化。比较GRACE直接估计和泄露影响改正后的结果发现,南极冰盖在2003~2013年质量变化信号衰减20.3%,西南极有26.4%的质量消融信号泄露到了周边,东南极的泄露影响更高达70%。改正后的结果表明,南极冰盖绝大部分质量消融发生在西南极和南极半岛,质量积累发生在东南极的Ronne冰架和Amery冰架;西南极冰盖质量变化速度达到-152.47±2.00 Gt/a,基本上等同于南极全岛的质量消融速度,而南极半岛的冰盖融化速度为-27.44±0.75 Gt/a,基本与东南极的冰盖质量积累速度27.27±5.12Gt/a抵消;南极全岛冰川整体质量以-152.64±7.00 Gt/a速度消失,并以-18.85±4.87 Gt/a2的加速度加速融化,导致海平面以0.41 mm/a的速度上升。  相似文献   
随着工业化、城镇化、农业现代化和信息化的进程加快,我国面临的资源环境承载规模将进一步扩大,经济社会活动强度也将更高,人口、资源、环境之间的矛盾与冲突将不可避免地日趋激烈,因此开展资源环境承载力评估研究十分必要。以荣成市为研究对象,建立了资源环境承载力评价指标体系,基于GIS技术实现了属性数据的空间化,完成了各项指数的计算,分析了荣成市资源环境承载力状况。在资源环境承载力评价的基础上,分乡镇对荣成市土地空间布局进行优化,并形成综合分区引导。研究结论显示,荣成市资源环境基础性评价为可载,基于水资源系统的综合承载状态判定为临界,基于生态条件与环境质量系统的综合承载状态判定为可载。基于评价结果结合区位特点,荣成市各乡镇可按新兴产业、制造业、服务业,生态旅游业,生态农业,生态林业4个方向引导开发。  相似文献   
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