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贡湖水质富营养化综合评价及初步预测   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对1996年7月贡湖三次调查资料进行的水质和富营养化现状综合评价显示:贡湖水质以Ⅲ-Ⅳ类为主,局部已出发V类,凯氏氮,非离子氨和总磷为主要污染物;营养型以中营养和中富营养类型分布面积较广。  相似文献   
高度不饱和脂肪酸,特别是20:5(EPA)和22:6(DHA)等n-3系列高度不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFA)对人类的生长发育和健康有重要的作用,具有降血脂、降血压、抗血栓、防止血小板凝聚,降低胆固醇等作用,可以用于治疗心脑血管疾病,还能抑制某些肿瘤的发生,降低其生长速度(Simopoulos et al.,1991)。DHA是人类大脑和视网膜正常发育必不可少的物质,能改善脑机能、提高智力和记忆力(Simopoulos et al.,1991; Carlson et al.,1991),目前尤其受到人们的重视;EPA和DHA也是海洋鱼类及甲壳类动物幼体生长发育所必需的营养要素,近年来在水产养殖中也受到特别重视。 海洋微藻具有合成EPA和DHA等n3-PUFA的奇特能力,其它海洋生物,包括鱼类中的EPA和DHA大都通过食物链从藻类积蓄而来(齐藤洋昭,1993),而且藻油没有鱼腥味,很少含胆固醇,因此海洋微藻是EPA和DHA的另一种重要的来源;海洋微藻又是海洋水产动物育苗中非常重要的生物饵料,其EPA和DHA的含量是衡量其营养价值的非常重要的指标,因此海洋微藻中高度不饱和脂肪酸的研究和开发近年来受到了极大的重视,成了研究的热门。 本文报道了我国沿海水产养殖中几种常用微藻的脂类和高度不饱和脂肪酸的组成和含量,为海洋微藻的开发利用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
于1992年9月–1994年5月先后对崂山湾海域作了7个航次调查。由实验室培养试验和现场采样分析两种方法得出食物链一个营养级的13C富集度分别为(1.6±0.2)×10-3和1.7×10-3,两者几乎一致。由7个季度月的现场采集样品的同位素分析结果表明,从处在食物网底部的浮游植物到最高级的肉食性鱼类之间δ13C差值平均为6.9×10-3,相当于5个营养级;并由各类生物的碳同位素数据分别确定了它们在该食物网中的营养位置,其结果与食性分析方法所得结果基本吻合。同位素示踪方法研究的结果还表明,崂山湾水体生物食物网中碳的来源主要是浮游植物碳。  相似文献   
Based on the measured data in recent 20 years, the variation trends of the median grain size of the surface sediment, the sand-silt boundary and the mud area on the adjacent continental shelf of the Yangtze Estuary were analyzed in depth, and the effects of natural mechanism and human activities were discussed. The results show that:(1) In recent years(2006-2013), the median grain size of sediment and the distribution pattern of grouped sediments in the adjacent continental shelf area to the Yangtze Estuary have presented no obvious change compared with those before 2006;(2) The median diameter of the surface sediment in the continental shelf area displayed a coarsening trend with the decrease of sediment discharge from the basin and the drop in suspended sediment concentration in the shore area;(3) In 2004-2007, the sand-silt boundary in the north part(31°30′N) of the continental shelf area presented no significant changes, while that in the south part(31°30′S) moved inwards; In 2008-2013, both the sand-silt boundaries in the north and south parts of the continental shelf area moved inwards, mainly due to the fact that in the dry season, a relatively enhanced hydrodynamic force of the tides was generated in the Yangtze River, as well as a decreased suspended sediment concentration and a flow along the banks in North Jiangsu;(4) The mud area where the maximum deposition rate is found in the Yangtze Estuary, tends to shrink due to the drop in sediment discharge from the basin, and the decrease in suspended sediment concentration in the shore area and erosion in the delta. Moreover, it tended to shift to the south at the same time because the implement of the training works on the deep-water channel of the North Passage changed the split ratio between the North and South Passages with an increase in the power of the discharged runoff in the South Passage.  相似文献   
无人机遥感系统由于具有响应迅速、起降方便、可低空作业、分辨率高等优点,在自然灾害调查及应急救援中有广泛的应用。文章在台风"苏力"登陆后,利用无人机遥感系统及时获取台风登陆点附近25km~2范围的高分辨遥感影像,通过对遥感影像进行分析处理,提取研究区域典型风暴潮承灾体的灾害损失信息并对其进行统计分析,为风暴潮灾害损失评估提供数据支持;对无人机低空遥感系统在风暴潮灾害调查及灾害损失评估中的应用作初步探索。结果表明,无人机低空遥感系统在风暴潮灾害调查中的应用具有一定的可行性且取得一定成果,但受制约的方面也较多,今后还需结合风暴潮灾害特点作进一步的应用探索。  相似文献   
北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速与浮标风速的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北黄海QuikSCAT散射计矢量风资料与黄海实测浮标站风速资料进行对比分析,结果表明:北黄海QuikSCAT卫星风速和浮标观测风速的大小基本吻合,二者平均偏差是0.26 m/s,相关系数是0.74;风向偏差较大,平均偏差是117.52°。根据卫星风速和浮标风速的对比分析结果,提出了修正方案。修正后的QuikSCAT风向与实测浮标站风向的平均偏差显著提高到20.44°。该修正方案实施简单,修正效果显著,为更准确地使用卫星资料提供了保证。  相似文献   
The sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and geostrophic circulation in the South ChinaSea (SCS) are studied using TOPEX/POSE1DON (T/P) altimetry data. The SSHA, which is obtained after tidal correction based on the tidal results from T/P data, is predominated by seasonal alternating monsoons. The results reveal that the SSHA in the central part of the SCS is positive in spring and summer, but negative in autumn and winter. It is also found that the SSHA in the SCS can be approached with the sum of tidal constituents SA and SSA. The geostrophic circulations in the SCS are calculated according to sea surface dynamic topography, which is the sum of SSHA and mean sea surface height. It is suggested that the circulation in the upper layer of the SCS is generally cyclonic and notably western intensified during autumn and winter, while the western intensification is weak during spring and summer. It is also indicated that the Kuroshio intrudes into the northeastern SCS throuth the Luzon Strait in winter. But ther  相似文献   
Tidal effect on nutrient exchange in Xiangshan Bay, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiangshan Bay is an estuary in China which borders on the East China Sea. The circulation in the estuary is driven by tidal movement, residual current, the internal density distribution, and synoptic wind forcing; however, the last three are not the main dynamic factors affecting nutrient transport. Because the estuary tends to be eutrophic, a synoptic study was carried out to assess the influence of tidal movement on the nutrient distribution patterns within the estuary and to estimate the fluxes of nutrient transport between the estuary and the sea. Nitrate and ammonium are found to be exported from the estuarine water to the coastal water under usual tidal conditions, except for storm tides which result in large amounts being imported because of the extremely high concentrations in the coastal bottom water. Exports of phosphate and silicate are shown to be consistent during spring tides and neap tides in all seasons. However, the usual tidal regimes resulted in only minor nutrient exchange except during abnormal events.  相似文献   
白沙口潮汐电站的淤沙问题在1972年就由中国科学院海洋研究所与山东省水文总站合作进行了研究,并于1974年提出了研究结果和淤沙防治措施的建议。但由于某些原因有关建议未能得以实施。近几年来淤沙又有发展,严重威胁着潮汐电站(图1)的寿命。1983年9月国家科委海洋专业组与山东省科委决定对白沙口电站的淤沙问题开展进一步的研究。解决洄淤问题,不仅是白沙口潮汐电站的迫切任务,而且对开发我国潮汐资源也有着重要的意义。本文根据此项研究的成果撰写,主要阐明电站泥沙运动的基本规律,在此基础上提出防治措施的建议。  相似文献   
南海西部灾害性地质研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
灾害地质学(hazard geology)是研究对海底工程,特别是海洋石油工程能够产生直接危害,或具有潜在性危害的地质因素的特征及分布规律的科学。在过去几十年的海上石油开发中,由于事先未能对灾害性地质进行详细调查而造成重大损失的事件不乏其例。1973年3月,墨西哥湾一钻井平台,因浅层天然气喷发引起火灾,数千万美元的仪器设备毁于一旦。1977年南海莺歌海盆地作业的一架自升式钻井平台,在水深75m处插桩时,由于埋藏古河道的影响,地层分布不连续,两只柱腿插在古河岸上,至海底以下3m即稳定,另一只桩腿落入古河床,插入21m尚不稳定,致使钻井平台倾斜,后被迫移位才免遭于害。灾害性地质问题的研究已成为海洋石油和天然气开发成败的关键问题之一,因而引起了国内外有关部门的极大重视。1985-1987年,中国科学院海洋研究所受南海西部石油公司的委托,对珠江口以西至北部湾东部的广大海域,进行了大规模的灾害性地质、工程地质的普查及井位调査。调查中先后使用了“科学一号”科学考察船和“南海502”、“南海503”等工程物探及工程地质调查船,在海上进行了七千余公里的综合性工程物探测量,为研究调查区灾害性地质问题积累了丰富的资料。  相似文献   
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