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Mayall Ⅱ = G1 is one of the most luminous globular clusters (GCs) in M31. Here, we determine its age and mass by comparing multicolor photometry with theoretical stellar population synthesis models. Based on far- and near-ultraviolet GALEX photometry, broad-band UBVRI, and infrared JHKs 2MASS data, we construct the most extensive spectral energy distribution of G 1 to date, spanning the wavelength range from 1538 to 20 000A. A quantitative comparison with a variety of simple stellar population (SSP) models yields a mean age which is consistent with G1 being among the oldest building blocks of M31 and having formed within ~1.7 Gyr after the Big Bang. Irrespective of the SSP model or stellar initial mass function adopted, the resulting mass estimates (of order 10^7M⊙) indicate that GI is one of the most massive GCs in the Local Group. However, we speculate that the cluster's exceptionally high mass suggests that it may not be a genuine GC. Our results also suggest that G1 may contain, on average, (1.65±0.63) × 10^2L⊙ far-ultraviolet-bright, hot, extreme horizontal-branch stars, depending on the adopted SSP model. In addition, we demonstrate that extensive multi-passband photometry coupled with SSP analysis enables one to obtain age estimates for old SSPs that have similar accuracies as those from integrated spectroscopy or resolved stellar photometry, provided that some of the free parameters can be constrained independently.  相似文献   
The post-1994observationsof the blazar OQ 530 in optical BV RI bands, and radio observations at 22GHz and 37GHz were collected. The date compensated discrete Fourier transform (DCDFT) and CLEANest methods were used to search for possible periodicities. Two possible periods of 456±100 days and 258±29 days were found in the optical bands. The existence of possible correlations between the optical and radio emissions was investigated by means of discrete correlation function (DCF) analysis, and no significant correlation was found. Some possible mechanisms for the periodic variability are discussed.  相似文献   
The Doppler Effect and Spectral Energy Distribution of Blazars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relativistic beaming model is adopted to discuss quantitatively the observational differences between radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs) and X-ray-selected BL Lac objects (XBLs), and between BL Lac objects and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). The main results are the following:(1) In the Doppler corrected color-color(αro^in-αox^in) diagram,XBLs and FSRQs occupy separated regions, while RBLs bridge the gap between them. These properties suggest that similar intrinsic physical processes operate in all the objects under a range of intrinsic physical conditions. (2) Our results are consistent with the results of Sambruna, Maraschi and Urry (1996) from other methods. We show the αxox introduced by Sambruna to be a good index for describing the energy distribution because it represents the intrinsic energy distribution and includes the Doppler correction. (3)The Doppler effect of relativistic beaming is the main mechanism, and the physical differences(such as magnetic fields, electron energies) are also important complementary factors for understanding the relation between XBLs and RBLS.  相似文献   
The optical flash accompanying GRB 990123 is believed to be powered by the reverse shock of a thin shell. With the best-fit physical parameters for GRB 990123 and the assumption that the parameters in the optical flash are the same as in the afterglow, we show that: 1) the shell is thick rather than thin, and we have provided the light curve for the thick shell case which coincides with the observation; 2) the theoretical peak flux of the optical flash accounts for only 3×10~-4 of the observed. In order to remove this discrepancy, the physical parameters, the electron energy and magnetic ratios, εe and εB, should be 0.61 and 0.39, which are very different from their values for the late afterglow.  相似文献   
This study uses the data from a sample survey conducted in April 2007 on 1 251 rural households in 11 villages of Henan Province, the largest less developed agricultural province in China, to examine how geography affects rural household income (RHI). The quantitative analysis indicates following results. 1) The significance of the traditional geographical factors reduces as RHI rank increases. 2) The landform does not affect the RHI significantly. The per capita income of rural household in a plain area is lower than that in a mountainous area. And 3) the capital endowment and status of non-farm economic activities contribute to the increase of RHI. But the probability and intensity of non-farm economic activities of rural households in urban outskirts villages are higher than that in non-urban outskirts villages. Based on the results, the paper further concludes that geography still plays a significant role in rural development, but it is changing over time. The agricultural resources (such as per capita arable land) significantly affect RHI with the relatively lower income level, while the geographical location shows a more significant impact on RHI with the relatively high income level. Along with economic development, the proximity replaces the traditional geographical factors such as landform and physical resources as the major determining factor in RHI.  相似文献   
1Introduction SomeSchiffbasecomplexesderivedfromaminoacidsareparticularlyactiveinbiologycatalysisandmaterial.Thestudyofthemisfocusofthestudyof coordinationchemistry.Recently,studiesofsuchmetalcomplexesofmono Schiffbaseshavebeenre ported(Fanetal.,2003a,b;L…  相似文献   
通过对传感器输出信号波形有无振荡进行分类 ,依据传感器响应时间的定义 ,分别找到一阶、二阶及理想动态传感器的频带上限与动态响应时间两者间的关系式 ;提出了传感器“受激系数”的概念 ,推导出输出信号波形有无振荡两种传感器之间的比例关系。并通过一个数值例子 ,说明所推导出关系式的应用。  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区发育有三套富含有机碳的泥页岩地层,即中-上元古界渣尔泰山群和白云鄂博群的海相含炭页岩系:晚古生界上石炭统太原组和二叠系山西组的海陆交互相含炭页岩系;中新生界的陆相含炭页岩系,页岩气主要赋存在陆相含炭页岩系中.根据煤、油气勘查成果以及页岩气评价资料,认为鄂尔多斯盆地含页岩气地层厚度大,有机质碳含量高,为好的烃源岩;在阿拉善盆地、二连-海拉尔盆地、通辽地区中生界炭质页岩、煤层及油页岩发育且厚度大,河套盆地中渐新统临河组和中新统五原组形成于潟湖相,富含有机质,为生油气的有利层位,推断这些盆地页岩气资源前景良好.依据页岩气形成条件和含页岩气地层的相关分析,提出页岩气勘查工作首先在鄂尔多斯盆地和二连-海拉尔盆地群展开,在获得一定成果的基础上,再对阿拉善盆地和河套盆地进行勘查,对通辽盆地页岩气进行野外调查.  相似文献   
Ventilation in the North Pacifi c is examined using data from the eddy-resolving 1/12° global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model(HYCOM) and Quik SCAT wind stress data. For the period January 2004 to December 2006 and area 20°–40°N, the total annual subduction rate is estimated at 79 Sv, and the obduction rate 41 Sv. Resolving the small-scale and high-frequency components of the eddy fi eld can increase the subduction rate by 42 Sv, and obduction by 31 Sv. Lateral induction is the dominant contributor to enhancement of subduction/obduction, and temporal change of mixed layer depth has a secondary role. Further analysis indicates that the high-frequency components of the eddy fi eld, especially those with timescale shorter than 10 days, are the most critical factor enhancing subduction/obduction.  相似文献   
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