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利用1°×1°经纬度NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、地面1h观测降水资料和TRMM卫星产品资料,分析了2009年6月8~9日引发贵州南部的强降水天气过程的中尺度对流系统活动,并进一步研究了大气正压非平衡强迫、湿斜压热动力耦合强迫在强降水天气发生发展与维持过程中的作用。结果表明:8~9日贵州南部的强降水主要是由中尺度系统的发生发展引起的。南海季风不仅给贵州南部强降水区带来充足的水汽,同时也带来足够的能量。正压非平衡强迫在降水的开始阶段与降水落区有较好的对应关系,是强降水的启动机制。斜压热动力耦合强迫在降水的维持阶段,特别是当大气层结转为弱湿中性时,其分布和强度与中尺度对流系统和降水的强度与落区有较好的对应关系,可能是强降水的维持机制。   相似文献   
湖北恩施地区硒地质地球化学环境背影   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国湖北省恩施州存在一个高Se环境区和一个低Se环境区。它们曾分别暴发流行过人体Se中毒和克山病。在高Se区的地层岩石中共有5个含Se层位,因而本区在各个地质历史时期都存在高Se地质背景,但Se中毒只发生于下二叠统茅口组上段和吴家坪组控制的范围内。富Se的二叠系岩石中以硅质炭质页岩含Se最高(平均247.72×10-6),其次为含炭硅质岩(平均52.4×10-6),最低为硅质白云岩(平均3.13×10-6)。Se质量分数随上述岩石类型降低的趋势与这些岩石中有机炭浓度依次降低有关。高Se区同一地层岩石在不同地点发育的土壤总Se质量分数和水溶性Se质量分数的分布存在明显的差异。根据这种差异可划分出3种土壤Se的分布类型,并据此提出进行高Se中毒危险区的地球化学预测。高Se与低Se土壤出露范围的大小决定于其源岩所处的地质构造、岩石性质与产状和地形坡度综合作用的结果。富Se岩石和缺Se岩石各自产于褶皱的两翼和向斜核部。产状平缓且与坡度方向一致,呈面状大面积出露,其派生的土壤Se影响范围较大。在挤压褶皱两翼的富Se岩层产状陡,呈狭窄条带出露,其派生的土壤Se影响范围取决于搬运介质的性质、强度以及所处的地形条件。  相似文献   
正"板块构造何时启动"是当今地球科学领域最重大科学问题之一.不同领域学者基于地质学、地球化学、数值模拟和纯粹猜想等多方证据及约束条件提出多种理论假说.近期,针对这一重大科学问题和热点话题,Timothy M.Kusky等3位长期从事全球大地构造,尤其是前寒武纪大地构造研究的学者根据多年在全球不同时代克拉通、汇聚板块边界和造山带的研究和地质实例,在《Journal of Earth Science》发表了  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to provide a first insight on the incorporation of eight metals in the eggs of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis via maternal transfer, using radiotracer techniques ((110m)Ag, (241)Am, (109)Cd, (60)Co, (134)Cs, (54)Mn, (75)Se and (65)Zn). The cuttlefish was fed daily with radiolabelled crabs for two weeks; it then started to spawn every three days. Among the eight tracers, only (110m)Ag, (75)Se and (65)Zn were significantly transferred to the eggs. The radiotracer distribution among the egg compartments showed that (75)Se and (65)Zn were accumulated mainly in the vitellus whereas (110m)Ag was found in similar proportion in the vitellus and the eggshell. During the embryonic development, (75)Se and (65)Zn contained in the vitellus were progressively transferred to the embryo, likely to supply its metabolic needs in these essential elements. Although it has no known biological functions, Ag contained in both vitellus and eggshell was also transferred to the embryo. Overall, our results showed that transfer of Ag, Se, and Zn does actually occur from a female cuttlefish to its eggs, at least during the last two weeks before spawning.  相似文献   
Aliphatic hydrocarbons and 39 PAH (parental and alkylated homologs) determined in ca. 100 sediment samples from the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, were evaluated for source discrimination using new approaches. Concentrations of total PAH were in the range of 96-135,000 μg kg(-1) similar to other coastal urbanized embayment. Traditional diagnostic ratios were not as efficient PAH source indicators, e.g. biomass combustion was assigned as the major source of the pyrolytic PAH although the hydrographic basin is highly industrialized and urbanized. It is proved petrogenic imprint cannot be detected if only the 16 USEPA PAH are determined. The high production in the eutrophic system is not apparent in the aliphatic fraction dominated by land derived n-alkanes due to the effectiveness of microbial degradation. The present work demonstrates the complexity of hydrocarbon forensics when applied to chronically contaminated environments.  相似文献   
白垩纪大火成岩省与地幔对流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白垩纪事件是全球非常明显和重要的一次地质突发事件,包括洋壳的超巨量形成,地磁正超时达41Ma之久(124~83 Ma),海水温度大幅度升高,黑色页岩沉积和石油形成的大量增长,海平面的快速上升,大气CO2水平的急剧升高,以及伴生的生物灭绝事件等。中—新生代的大火成岩省与冈瓦纳超大陆的裂解伴生,是超级地幔热柱产生的结果,而与欧亚超大陆的形成伴生分散火成岩省,是超级冷地幔下降流的结果,两者的联合构成全地幔对流的格局。全地幔对流模型为白垩纪地质演化、生物演化和环境演化的突变提供地球深部过程的约束。  相似文献   
加姆斯堡锌矿床位于南非开普省西北部的纳马奎兰地区内。加姆斯堡足一个有陡边的残山,大约7公里长,宽5公里,比海平面高1150米,比周围平原大约高250米。这山的平顶面是白垩纪广泛准平原化的残余,有部分已被剥蚀形成一个内部盆地。在剥蚀盆地内边缘,该贱金属矿床呈一十大铁帽出露。 1972年开始由O′okiep铜矿公司对加姆斯进行勘查。1978年10月,根据55000米的钻探工作量确定,该区的储量为150×10~6吨,锌的平均品位为7.1%,pb为0.55%。  相似文献   
华南奥陶—志留纪之交的五峰组—龙马溪组及华北新元古界下马岭组发现的钾质斑脱岩,都产自类似的黑色硅质-碳质页岩/板岩岩系。这两套黑色岩系与上、下地层的接触关系、岩性组成以及垂向序列所揭示的地质过程,具有良好的可对比性,都符合Ettensohn总结的黑色页岩与板块构造运动之间的成因关系模式。岩石元素地球化学研究表明,这两组不同时代的钾质斑脱岩具有相似的源岩岩浆背景,为中酸性的粗安岩-英安岩-流纹岩系列,源于同碰撞岛弧(synCOL-VA)背景的火山喷发活动,与板块边缘的俯冲碰撞密切相关。由于华南五峰组—龙马溪组内斑脱岩及黑色页岩沉积的形成与此间华夏地块与扬子地块的汇聚相关,华北下马岭组的黑色岩系与钾质斑脱岩的形成可能也和华北地块与相邻地块的碰撞相关。推测后者很可能为Rodinia超大陆或Pangea850Ma汇聚时的沉积-地层学响应。  相似文献   
利用2009年9月—2010年5月贵州88个气象站地面观测资料,800个自动气象站温度、降水资料以及NCEP再分析资料,分析了持续干旱过程中的大尺度环流背景及气象要素分布特征,同时运用气候干湿指数、综合气象干旱指数对此次持续干旱程度进行了模拟。结果表明,贵州此次持续干旱天气主要发生在西太平洋副热带高压呈带状分布,强度偏强、位置偏西、南支系统偏弱及冷空气活动路径偏北偏东的环流条件下。在干旱期间,贵州西部地区气温为正距平,降水为负距平,空气相对湿度为38%~73%,气候干湿指数<0.6;东部地区气温除2009年11月和2010年4~5月为负距平外,其余月份均为正距平,降水基本上为负距平,空气相对湿度为60%~81%,除2009年11月和2010年4~5月气候干湿指数>1.0外,其余月份均<0.6。总体上,贵州西部地区的旱情较东部地区严重。  相似文献   
As competition for increasingly scarce ground water resources grows, many decision makers may come to rely upon rigorous multiobjective techniques to help identify appropriate and defensible policies, particularly when disparate stakeholder groups are involved. In this study, decision analysis was conducted on a public water supply wellfield to balance water supply needs with well vulnerability to contamination from a nearby ground water contaminant plume. With few alternative water sources, decision makers must balance the conflicting objectives of maximizing water supply volume from noncontaminated wells while minimizing their vulnerability to contamination from the plume. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) were developed with simulation data from a numerical ground water flow model developed for the study area. The ANN-derived state transition equations were embedded into a multiobjective optimization model, from which the Pareto frontier or trade-off curve between water supply and wellfield vulnerability was identified. Relative preference values and power factors were assigned to the three stakeholders, namely the company whose waste contaminated the aquifer, the community supplied by the wells, and the water utility company that owns and operates the wells. A compromise pumping policy that effectively balances the two conflicting objectives in accordance with the preferences of the three stakeholder groups was then identified using various distance-based methods.  相似文献   
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