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Man-made defence structures (e.g., breakwaters, jetties) are becoming common features of marine coastal landscapes all around the world. The ecology of assemblages of species associated with such artificial structures is, however, poorly known. In this study, we evaluated the density and size of fish predators of echinoids (i.e., Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, Sparus aurata), and the density of sea urchins (i.e., Paracentrotus lividus) at defence structures (i.e., breakwaters) inside and outside the marine protected area of Miramare (northern Adriatic Sea) in order to: (1) assess possible differences in fish predator density and size between protected and fished breakwaters; (2) assess whether fish predation may have the potential to affect sea urchin density in artificial rocky habitats. Surveys were carried out at four random times over a period of two years. Total density, and density of medium- and large-sized individuals of the three predatory fishes were generally greater at the protected than at the fished breakwaters, whereas no differences were detected in the density of small-sized individuals. Density of the sea urchin P. lividus did not show any difference between protected and fished breakwaters. The results of this study suggest that: (1) protection may significantly affect predatory fishes in artificial rocky habitats; (2) differences in predatory fish density, and size may be unrelated with the density of the sea urchin P. lividus; (3) protected artificial structures such as breakwaters, originally planned for other purposes, could represent a potential tool for fish population recovery and enhancement of local fisheries.  相似文献   
AquantitativeanalysisontheEgyptianMediterraneanwaters¥M.A.SaidandF.M.Eid(ReceivedSeptember21,19931accfeptedJanuary15,1994)Abs...  相似文献   
本文用在加拿大诺瓦·斯科舍省芬克湾采集到的两只活体偏顶蛤(Modiolus)贝壳上的氧同位素组成重建了过去十年间的底层海水温度记录,它也可作为一种独立的方法来确定贝壳上外生长线的沉积时间。由于对贝壳进行了密集采样(可多至每个贝壳沉积年份取15个样品),贝壳上的δ~(16)O变化反映了芬克湾底层海水的季节性变化。两只贝壳所得的温度剖面符合得很好,说明它们基本上是与真实的环境温度相对应的。本研究证明在海胆疾病爆发时底层海水的温度并没有异常升高,这说明疾病传播的关键因素是带病的生物体,而不是温度。同位素技术也说明了在贝壳外表面上可见的外生长线是年轮性的,它们是在每年冬季最低水温时沉积出来的。  相似文献   
Lead concentrations and isotopic composition have been measured in bone and teeth of small cetaceans belonging to three species (Delphinus delphis, Phocoena phocoena and Stenella coeruleoalba), to evaluate the toxicological risk and to determine sources of lead in the European waters. Lead concentrations, far lower than threshold value inducing toxic effects in human, were higher in teeth than in bones, but highly correlated between the two tissues (r=0.92, p<0.001). Large variations of 206Pb/207Pb values in bone tissue showed that cetaceans must be submitted to various atmospheric influences. No geographical differences appeared which is consistent with studies on their distribution indicating seasonal movements between Brittany waters and the Bay of Biscay. The negative correlation between 206Pb/207Pb ratios and age of the individuals reflected the decrease in the production of alkyl lead in Europe, i.e., the increasing use of unleaded gasoline.  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionEvery year ,Taiwanis subjectedtotwo or three typhoonintrusions in average which always causedisasters . Most of the disasters which occur around the coastal zone are due to seabed instability andcoastal structure destruction caused bytyphoo…  相似文献   
The extraordinary SN 1997cy associated with GRB 970514 has been observed photometrically and spectroscopically for nearly 2 yr. At the time of discovery, SN 1997cy was the brightest supernova (SN) ever observed (MV相似文献   
杨文雄  陈军  易丁 《贵州气象》2013,37(1):26-28
根据玉屏国家一般气象站1961年1月—2010年12月雷暴观测记录资料,采用最小二乘法对年雷暴日数进行线性模拟,结合5 a滑动平均和累计距平方法,分析玉屏县50 a来年雷暴日数的年、月、日变化特征。得出了如下结论:玉屏县近50 a来年雷暴日数总体上呈减少趋势,历年平均雷暴日数47 d,每10 a平均减少2 d;1985年为年雷暴日数出现转折的年份,但突变分析不显著。雷暴天气在全年均有发生,呈双峰型分布,最大峰值出现在7-8月,平均8.5 d和8.6 d,次大峰值出现在4月,平均7.6 d;夏季是雷暴天气多发季节,雷暴日数占全年的47%,春季是雷暴天气次多发季节,占雷暴日数38%,秋、冬季雷暴天气占8%和7%。一日中雷暴出现的高峰时段12-18 h,以14-16 h出现概率为最大,占26%。雷暴初日有提早趋势,终日有推迟趋势。  相似文献   
五种植物提取液的抗鱼病菌和抗鱼病毒效应(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在探索用廉价的野生植物防治鱼病。所用的植物有牛繁缕(Stellaria aqu-atica),双花凤仙(Impatiens biflora),夜来香(Oenothera biennis),艾草(Artem-isia vulgaris)和忍冬(Lonicera japonica)。用作试验的鱼病菌共13种(18个菌株),分属于气单孢菌属、假单孢菌属、爱德华氏菌属、耶尔森氏菌属、弧菌属。所用的鱼病毒为传染性胰脏坏死病毒IPNV,传染性造血组织坏死病毒IHNV。上述病原微生物均获自美国马里兰大学微生物系。实验结果表明,五种植物提取液均有不同程度的抗鱼病菌作用,其中以牛繁缕的抗菌谱最广,作用力最强。忍冬、艾草、牛繁缕有抗鱼病毒作用。其中以忍冬的效果最好,它能抑制IPNV和IHNV。而艾草和牛繁缕只能抑制IHNV。  相似文献   
The present paper assesses the use of the supralittoral amphipod Talitrus saltator as a bioindicator of the effects of human trampling on the supralittoral sandy band. Samplings in delimited areas were carried out at sites subjected to different human impact. The results showed a strong negative correlation between the number of swimmers and the sandhopper population density, while there was no clear relationship between sandhopper abundance and the other factors considered: granulometry, compactness and organic carbon content of the sand, and trace metal contents in the sand and sandhoppers. A field test of trampling conducted in a confined space showed its direct negative effect on sandhopper survival. However, trace metal analysis confirmed the ability of T. saltator to bioaccumulate some elements (Hg, Zn, Cu, Cd). Our study demonstrates that T. saltator is a good bioindicator of human impact in the supralittoral zone of sandy shores.  相似文献   
贵州省气象通信业务监控及自动转报系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰方信  易丁  汪华  李波 《贵州气象》2006,30(5):31-34
“贵州气象通信业务监控及自动转报系统”的研究,实现了将贵州省各个发报站点传至贵州省气象局网络服务器的各个时次及各类报文进行分类,以多媒体方式实施实时监控,对监测到的各类报文进行检误、订正,并将省规定的文件名命名方式按传输至指定区域的命名方式进行重新命名处理,使参加全球、全国、各个区域中心及全省交换的各类报文符合相应的规定标准,并按要求将规范化后的各类报文文件自动传输至指定的区域。从而最大限度的减轻报务员的工作量,并大幅度提高报文传输的准确率和及时性。  相似文献   
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