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In the Erzgebirge Crystalline Complex, eclogites occur in three different high pressure (HP) units (1, 2 and 3) recording contrasting pressure (P)–temperature (T) conditions. Eclogites from HP-unit 1 experienced peak metamorphic conditions in the coesite stability field at about 33 kbar/850 °C. Commonly, these eclogites from HP-unit 1 are all very similar, with an eclogitic peak assemblage of omphacite–garnet–coesite–K-feldspar, rarely accompanied by kyanite, and omphacites systematically deviating from a stoichiometric composition. In contrast, an eclogite recently found near Blumenau, is mineralogically and geochemically different from the typical eclogites of HP-unit 1. This unusual eclogite reveals the eclogitic equilibrium assemblage omphacite–garnet–coesite–phengite–phlogopite–kyanite, and yields metamorphic peak conditions of 870 °C and >29 kbar. There is clear textural evidence of the formation of phlogopite and kyanite under partial consumption of phengite and garnet. Moreover, the omphacite is stoichiometric and contains abundant exsolution lamellae, the thickest of which were identified as quartz by the electron microprobe. The finer lamellae were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Oligoclase was identified as an exsolution phase. Other lamellae proved to consist of K-white mica, also interpreted as exsolution. Prior to exsolution, the omphacite composition must have been cation-deficient, as that of the other, common HP-unit 1 eclogites. These non-stoichiometric compositions are ascribed to partial substitution by the Ca-Eskola pyroxene component, which calculates to an average of 8 mol% for omphacite in HP-unit 1 eclogites. According to experiments, this substitution becomes significant at P > 30 kbar. Exsolution of K-white mica may indicate hydroxyl defects in the original omphacite, also favoured by high pressure. Oligoclase and K-white mica exsolution from Ca-Eskola-rich clinopyroxene has not previously been reported. The omphacite has a disordered C2/c structure; and in just one case very small (a few tens of nanometres) antiphase domains, resulting from the C2/c to P2/n transformation, are present. These features may indicate a brief thermal history and rapid tectonic processes. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 April 2000  相似文献   
Ocean Dynamics - While moderate wind and wave conditions prevail in the eastern equatorial Pacific, modeling waves in this area remains challenging due to the presence of multiple wave systems...  相似文献   
cDNA clones for glutathione S-transferases A (GST-A) and A1 (GST-A1) from plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) were expressed as N-terminally 6XHis tagged proteins in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity from Ni-NTA silica. GST-A was an efficient catalyst for conjugation of unsaturated alkenals derived from peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids with the highest activity observed with trans-non-2-enal (8 micromol min(-1) mg(-1)). GST-A1 was a very efficient Se-independent glutathione peroxidase with an activity towards cumene hydroperoxide of 25 micromol min(-1) mg(-1). Although the enzymes exhibited moderately high activities towards the model substrate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) they exhibited little or no activity towards other common prototypical xenobiotic substrates. Together with data for ontogeny, tissue distribution and inducibility of these enzymes, we contend that a primary function of these enzymes is protection from the harmful effects of lipid peroxidation products generated naturally or exacerbated by xenobiotic exposure.  相似文献   
The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) began a national project to develop a new global atmospheric model system in 2011. The ultimate goal of this 9-year project is to replace the current operational model at the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), which was adopted from the United Kingdom’s Meteorological Office’s unified model (UM) in 2010. The 12-km Korean Integrated Model (KIM) system, consisting of a spectral-element non-hydrostatic dynamical core on a cubed sphere grid and a state-of-the-art physics parameterization package, has been launched in a real-time forecast framework, with initial conditions obtained via the advanced hybrid four-dimensional ensemble variational data assimilation (4DEnVar) over its native grid. A development strategy for KIM and the evolution of its performance in medium-range forecasts toward a world-class global forecast system are described. Outstanding issues in KIM 3.1 as of February 2018 are discussed, along with a future plan for operational deployment in 2020.  相似文献   
Several cryptotephra layers that originate from Icelandic volcanic eruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of ≤ 4 and tephra volumes of < 1 km3 have previously been identified in Northern Europe, albeit within a restricted geographical area. One of these is the Hekla 1947 tephra that formed a visible fall-out in southern Finland. We searched for the Hekla 1947 tephra from peat archives within the previously inferred fall-out zone but found no evidence of its presence. Instead, we report the first identification of Hekla 1845 and Hekla 1510 cryptotephra layers outside of Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Ireland and the UK. Additionally, Hekla 1158 tephra was found in Finland for the first time. Our results confirm that Icelandic eruptions of moderate size can form cryptotephra deposits that are extensive enough to be used in inter-regional correlations of environmental archives and carry a great potential for refining regional tephrochronological frameworks. Our results also reveal that Icelandic tephra has been dispersed into Finnish airspace at least seven times during the past millennium and in addition to a direct eastward route the ash clouds can travel either via a northerly or a southerly transport pathway.  相似文献   
Soil erosion is one of the most severe land degradation processes in the Mediterranean region. Although badlands occupy a relatively small fraction of the Mediterranean area, their erosion rates are very high. Many studies have investigated to what extent vegetation controls soil erosion rates. This study, however, deals with the impact of erosion on vegetation establishment. In semi‐arid badlands of the Mediterranean, soil water availability constitutes the main limiting factor for vegetation development. As a consequence, south‐facing slopes are typically less vegetated due to a very large water stress. However, these findings do not necessarily apply to humid badlands. The main objective of this paper is to determine the topographic thresholds for plant colonization in relation to slope aspect and to assess the spatial patterns of vegetation cover and species richness. We surveyed 179 plots on highly eroded badland slopes in the Central Pyrenees. We defined four aspect classes subdivided into slope angle classes. Colonization success was expressed in terms of vegetation cover and species richness. Slope angle thresholds for plant colonization were identified for each slope aspect class by means of binary logistic regressions. The results show that a critical slope angle exists below which plants colonize the badland slopes. Below this critical slope angle, plant cover and species richness increase with a decreasing slope angle. The largest critical slope angles in humid badlands are observed on south‐facing slopes, which contrasts with the results obtained in semi‐arid badlands. North‐facing slopes however are characterized by a reduced overall vegetation cover and species richness, and lower topographic threshold values. The possible underlying processes responsible for this slope‐aspect discrepancy in vegetation characteristics are discussed in terms of environmental variables that control regolith development, weathering and erosion processes. Moreover, possible restoration strategies through the use of vegetation in highly degraded environments are highlighted. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) missions have confirmed aqueous activity on Mars. Here we review the analyses of the field-based MER data, and conclude that some weathering processes in Meridiani Planum and Gusev crater are better explained by late diagenetic water-rock interactions than by early diagenesis only. At Meridiani, the discovery of jarosite by MER-1 Opportunity indicates acidic aqueous activity, evaporation, and desiccation of rock materials. MER-based information, placed into the context of published data, point to local and limited aqueous activity during geologically recent times in Meridiani. Pre-Amazonian environmental changes (including important variations in the near-surface groundwater reservoirs, impact cratering, and global dust storms and other pervasive wind-related erosion) are too extreme for pulverulent jarosite to survive over extended time periods, and therefore we argue instead that jarosite deposits must have formed in a climatically more stable period. Any deposits of pre-existent concretionary jarosite surviving up to the Amazonian would not have reached completion in the highly saline and acidic brines occurring at Meridiani. MER-2 Spirit has also revealed evidence for local and limited Amazonian aqueous environmental conditions in Gusev crater, including chemical weathering leading to goethite and hematite precipitation, rock layering, and chemical enhancement of Cl, S, Br, and oxidized iron in rocks and soils. The estimated relative age of the impact crater materials in Gusev indicates that these processes have taken place during the last 2 billion years. We conclude that minor amounts of shallow acidic liquid water have been present on the surface of Mars at local scales during the Amazonian Period.  相似文献   
The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds are an important component of the climate system at hemispheric and global scales. Variations in their intensity and latitudinal position through an ice-age cycle have been proposed as important drivers of global climate change due to their influence on deep-ocean circulation and changes in atmospheric CO2. The position, intensity, and associated climatology of the southern westerlies during the last glacial maximum (LGM), however, is still poorly understood from empirical and modelling standpoints. Here we analyse the behaviour of the southern westerlies during the LGM using four coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations carried out by the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PMIP2). We analysed the atmospheric circulation by direct inspection of the winds and by using a cyclone tracking software to indicate storm tracks. The models suggest that changes were most significant during winter and over the Pacific ocean. For this season and region, three out four models indicate decreased wind intensities at the near surface as well as in the upper troposphere. Although the LGM atmosphere is colder and the equator to pole surface temperature gradient generally increases, the tropospheric temperature gradients actually decrease, explaining the weaker circulation. We evaluated the atmospheric influence on the Southern Ocean by examining the effect of wind stress on the Ekman pumping. Again, three of the models indicate decreased upwelling in a latitudinal band over the Southern Ocean. All models indicate a drier LGM than at present with a clear decrease in precipitation south of 40°S over the oceans. We identify important differences in precipitation anomalies over the land masses at regional scale, including a drier climate over New Zealand and wetter over NW Patagonia.  相似文献   
Jordanian authorities have achieved a nearly one hundred percent connection rate to municipal water supply services in urban areas. Following this unusual achievement for a lower-income country, a private management contractor was introduced to the capital city Amman, along with a form of economic regulation. However, water rationing due to extreme water scarcity, amplified by high and irregular population growth, disproportionately affects the city’s low-income households. This paper investigates the status of water supply service and regulatory arrangements with respect to poor and vulnerable consumers who were targeted in a household survey in June/July 2005. It identifies specific regulatory challenges which were not within the remit of or addressed by the acting quasi-regulator and the water authorities. In its extremes of connection coverage, water scarcity and population, the management of water supply in Amman presages the pro-poor water service challenge of many, even lower income, economies irrespective of the extent to which they may achieve the access targets of the Millennium Development Goals.  相似文献   
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