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Giovanni Monegato Sally E. Lowick Cesare Ravazzi Roberta Banino Marta Donegana Frank Preusser 《第四纪科学杂志》2010,25(5):617-632
The Middle–Late Pleistocene alluvial and lacustrine succession of Valeriano Creek (southeastern Alpine foothills, 190 m a.s.l.) documents the environmental evolution of the piedmont plain before the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The sedimentary record was investigated by multidisciplinary stratigraphical and sedimentological studies coupled with petrographic and palaeobotanical analysis. A chronology has been provided by luminescence, radiocarbon dating and pollen biochronology. The succession developed at the valley mouth of a small catchment and is confined in the piedmont plain by the alluvial fans of major rivers. The oldest deposits were formed during a cold phase during the late Middle Pleistocene. This part of the piedmont plain was generally stable until Termination II, when it was trenched more than 15 m deep by watercourses. The infilling succession of the trench, mostly by low‐energy alluvial sediments interbedded with mire and peat deposits, documents, for the first time on the southern side of the Alps, the relationships between fluvial activity, vegetation and climate change at the foothills piedmont plain during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. The stadial–interstadial climate forcing implies a local reorganisation of fluvial dynamics and of forest composition, although substantial plant cover persisted even during cooler stadials. In accordance with coeval alluvial and speleothem records from the northern side of the Alps, this environmental evolution supports a very restricted Alpine glaciation of the main fluvial catchments of the southeastern Alps during MIS 5a–d. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Smail MOSTEFAOUI Ernst ZINNER Peter HOPPE Frank J. STADERMANN Ahmed El GORESY 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2005,40(5):721-743
Abstract— We performed in situ morphological and isotopic studies of graphite in the primitive chondrites Khohar (L3), Mezö‐Madaras (L3), Inman (L3), Grady (H3), Acfer 182 (CH3), Acfer 207 (CH3), Acfer 214 (CH3), and St. Marks (EH5). Various graphite morphologies were identified, including book, veins, fibrous, fine‐grained, spherulitic, and granular graphite, and cliftonite. SIMS measurements of H, C, N, and O isotopic compositions of the graphites revealed large variations in the isotopic ratios of these four elements. The δ15N and δ13C values show significant variations among the different graphite types without displaying any strict correlation between the isotopic composition and morphology. In the Khohar vein graphites, large 15N excesses are found, with δ15Nmax ~+955‰, confirming previous results. Excesses in 15N are also detected in fine‐grained graphites in chondrites of the CH clan, Acfer 182, Acfer 207, and Acfer 214, with δ15N ranging up to +440‰. The 15N excesses are attributed to ion‐molecule reactions at low temperatures in the interstellar molecular cloud (IMC) from which the solar system formed, though the largest excesses seem to be incompatible with the results of some recent calculation. Significant variations in the carbon isotopic ratios are detected between graphite from different chondrite groups, with a tendency for a systematic increase in δ13C from ordinary to enstatite to carbonaceous chondrites. These variations are interpreted as being due to small‐ and large‐scale carbon isotopic variations in the solar nebula. 相似文献
江汉平原长湖近代沉积物磁性测量及其气候意义 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
根据1992年长湖所取代表性92-5 面沉积物磁性测量结果并结合化学分析和孢粉分析,研究长湖近代沉积物磁性参数变化与气候变化的关系,指出该地区最近400a来气候变化总趋势是一个由冷变暖的过程。 相似文献
Any conductive sulphide ore body can generate electrical ore potentials and this can be regarded as a geobattery, with an upper positive cathode and a lower negative anode. Two mechanisms which can occur simultaneously and which appear to explain these potentials are the oxygen concentration cell (OCC) and the sulphide galvanic cell (SGC). When there is a difference of O2 concentration between the cathode and anode, the OCC operates by contributing oxygen to the anode, and ceases when the difference is diminished. However, gradients of pH, temperature or pressure can keep the cell operating. In the SGC the sulphides dissolve at the anode (producing metal ions, sulphur and electrons), while at the cathode, either sulphides dissolve producing metal and sulphur ions, or reaction is as in the OCC. The ore potential measured in the field is the sum of the oxygen concentration cell and at times locally dominant sulphide galvanic cells. 相似文献
Oliver Bujok Viceith Tan Erich Klein Ralf Nopper Reimar Bauer Andreas Engel Marie-Theres Gerhards Armin Afchine Daniel S. McKenna Ulrich Schmidt Frank G. Wienhold Horst Fischer 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》2001,39(1):37-64
A novel fully-automated airborne gas chromatograph for in situmeasurements of long-lived stratospheric tracers hasbeen developed, combining the high selectivity of a megabore PLOTcapillary column with recently developed sampling and separationtechniques. The Gas cHromatograph for theObservation of Stratospheric Tracers (GHOST)has been successfully operated during three STREAM campaigns(Stratosphere TRoposphere Experiment byAirborne Measurement) onboard a Cessna Citation IIaircraft in two different modes: Either N2O andCF2Cl2(CFC-12) or CFC-12 and CFCl3 (CFC-11) have been measuredsimultaneously, with a time resolution of 2 min for both modes.Under flight conditions the instrument precision (1) forthese species is better than 0.9%, and the accuracy(1) is better than 2.0% of the tropospheric values ofall measured compounds. The detection limits (3) arebelow 28 ppb for N2O, 14 ppt for CFC-12, and 8 ppt forCFC-11, respectively, i.e., well below 10 % of the troposphericvalues of all measured compounds. Post-mission optimization of thechromatographic separation showed a possible enhancement of thetime resolution by up to a factor of 2, associated with acomparable increase in precision and detection limit. As test ofactual performance of GHOST results from an in-flight N2Ointercomparison with a tunable diode laser absorptionspectrometer (TDLAS) are presented. They yield an excellentagreement between both instruments. Furthermore, on the basis ofthe hitherto most extensive set of upper tropospheric and lowerstratospheric data, the relative stratospheric N22O lifetime isre-assessed. When referenced to the WMO reference CFC-11 lifetimeof 45 ± 7 years an N2O lifetime of 91 ± 15 yearsis derived, a value substantially smaller than the WMO referencelifetime of 120 years. Moreover, this value implies astratospheric N2O sink strength of 16.3 ± 2.7 Tg (N)yr–1 which is 30% larger than previous estimates. 相似文献
We use a global atmospheric chemistry transport model to study the possible influence of aqueous phase reactions of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) on the concentrations and budgets of NOx, SOx, O3 and H2O2. Laboratory studies have shown that the aqueous reaction of HNO4aq withHSO–
3aq, and the uni-molecular decomposition of the NO4
– anion to form NO2
– (nitrite) occur on a time scale of about a second. Despite a substantial contribution of the reaction of HSO–
3aq with HNO4aq to the overall in-cloud conversion of SO2 to SO4
2–, a simultaneous decrease of other oxidants (most notably H2O2) more than compensated the increase in SO4
2– production. The strongest influence of heterogeneous HNO4 chemistry was found in the boundary layer, where calculated monthly average ozone concentrations were reduced between 2% to 10% andchanges of H2O2 between –20% to +10%compared to a simulation which ignores this reaction. Furthermore, SO2 was increased by 10% to 20% and SO4
2–depleted by up to 10%. Since the resolution of our global model does not enable a detailed comparison with measurements in polluted regions, it is not possible to verify whether considering heterogeneous HNO4 reactions results in a substantial improvement of atmospheric chemistry transport models. However, the conversion of HNO4 in the aqueous phase seems to be efficient enough to warrant further laboratory investigations and more detailed model studies on this topic. 相似文献
Magnus M. Haaland Matthias Czechowski Frank Carpentier Mathieu Lejay Bruno Vandermeulen 《Geoarchaeology》2019,34(1):100-114
Optical thin section observations represent the core empirical basis for most micromorphological interpretations at archaeological sites. These observations, which often vary in size and shape, are usually documented through digital graphic representations such as photomicrographs, scans, or figures. Due to variability in documentation practices, however, visual thin section data can be captured with a range of methods and in many different formats and resolutions. In this paper, we compare and evaluate five common image‐based methods for documenting thin sections in high‐resolution: a flatbed scanner, a film scanner, a macro photography rig, and conventional stereo and light microscopes. Through the comparison results, we demonstrate that advances in digital imaging technology now allow for fast and high‐resolution visual recording of entire thin sections up to at least ×30 magnification. We suggest that adopting a digital micromorphological documentation practice has several advantages. First, a digital thin section may be observed more efficiently and consistently, for example, on a computer screen, and the spatial configuration of large or complex features may be more accurately documented. Second, they allow for the establishment of digital repositories that may promote scientific reproducibility and inter‐laboratory communication, as well as lay the foundations for more consensus‐based educational training of archaeological micromorphology. 相似文献
Thomas M. Rosenberg Frank Preusser Ingo Blechschmidt Dominik Fleitmann Reto Jagher Albert Matter 《第四纪科学杂志》2012,27(1):13-16
Relict fluvial and lacustrine deposits in the interior of Oman near Saiwan consist of waterlain breccias with pebble imbrications and current ripples, covered by algal laminites containing calcified reeds and charcoal pieces. Geomorphological evidence suggests that the palaeolake covered a maximum surface of 1400 km2 and had a maximum depth of about 25 m. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermally transferred OSL dating indicate that this palaeolake existed sometime between 132 and 104 ka. The rich archaeological evidence in the area suggests substantial human occupation, possibly at the time when Palaeolake Saiwan existed. Interestingly, the lithic traditions of the archaeological material show no clear relation to coeval findings from neighbouring areas, putting a question mark on the origin of the culture found at Saiwan. This finding raises questions concerning the origin of the population inhabiting Saiwan, as the site lies along one possible route for the dispersal of anatomically modern humans out‐of‐Africa. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Andrew U. Frank 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(3):269-290
ABSTRACT Abstract. Geographers use spatial reasoning extensively in large-scale spaces, i.e., spaces that cannot be seen or understood from a single point of view. Spatial reasoning differentiates several spatial relations, e.g. topological or metric relations, and is typically formalized using a Cartesian coordinate system and vector algebra. This quantitative processing of information is clearly different from the ways human draw conclusions about spatial relations. Formalized qualitative reasoning processes are shown to be a necessary part of Spatial Expert Systems and Geographical Information Systems. Addressing a subset of the total problem, namely reasoning with cardinal directions, a completely qualitative method, without recourse to analytical procedures, is introduced and a method for its formal comparison with quantitative formula is defined. The focus is on the analysis of cardinal directions and their properties. An algebraic method is used to formalize the meaning of directions. The standard directional symbols (N, W, etc.) are supplemented with a symbol corresponding to an undetermined direction between points too close to each other which greatly increases the power of the inference rules. Two specific systems to determine and reason with cardinal directions are discussed in some detail. From this example and some other previous work, a comprehensive set of research steps is laid out, following a mathematically based taxonomy. It includes the extension of distance and direction reasoning to extended objects and the definitions of other metric relations that characterize situations when objects are not disjointed. The conclusions compare such an approach with other concepts. 相似文献