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Closed form analytical expressions of stresses and displacements at any field point due to a very long dip-slip fault of finite
width buried in a homogeneous, isotropic elastic half-space, are presented. Airy stress function is used to derive the expressions
of stresses and displacements which depend on the dip angle and depth of the upper edge of the fault. The effect of dip angle
and depth of the upper edge of the fault on stresses and displacements is studied numerically and the results obtained are
presented graphically. Contour maps for stresses and displacements are also presented. The results of Rani and Singh (1992b)
and Freund and Barnett (1976) have been reproduced. 相似文献
P. K. Mukhopadhyay F. Goodarzi M. A. Kruge M. H. Alimi 《International Journal of Coal Geology》1997,34(3-4)
Organic-rich from the Schei Point group (middle to late Triassic in age) and the Ringnes formation (late Jurassic) from the Sverdrup basin of the Canadian arctic archipelago have been geochemically evaluated for source rock characterization. Most samples from the Schei Point group are organic-rich (> 2% TOC and are considered as immature to mature oil-prone source rocks [kerogen types I, I–II (IIA) and II (IIA)]. These kerogen types contain abundant AOM1, AOM2 and alginite (Tasmanales, Nostocopsis, Leiosphaeridia, acritarch and dinoflagellate) with variable amounts of vitrinite, inertinite and exinite. Samples from the Ringnes formation contain dominant vitrinite and inertinite with partially oxidized AOM2, alginite and exinite forming mostly immature to mature condensate- and gas-prone source rocks [kerogen type II–III (IIB), III and a few II (IIA)]. Schei Point samples contain higher bitumen extract, saturate hydrocarbons and saturate/ aromatic ratio than the Ringnes samples. Triterpane and sterane (dominant C30) distribution patterns and stable carbon isotope of bitumen and kerogen suggest that the analyzed samples from the Schei Point group are at the onset of oil generation and contain a mixture of sapropelic (algal) and minor terrestrial humic organic matter. Sterane carbon number distributions in the Ringnes formation also suggest a mixed algal and terrestrial organic matter type. There are some variations in hopane carbon number distributions, but these are apparently a function of thermal maturity rather than significant genetic differences among samples. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the two samples with similar maturity shows that the Schei Point sample generates three times more pyrolyzate than the Ringnes sample. Both samples have a dominant aliphatic character, although the Ringnes sample contains phenol and an aromaticity that is higher than that of the Schei Point sample. 相似文献
Krishna K. Osuri U. C. Mohanty A. Routray Makarand A. Kulkarni M. Mohapatra 《Natural Hazards》2012,63(3):1337-1359
The convection and planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes play significant role in the genesis and intensification of tropical cyclones (TCs). Several convection and PBL parameterization schemes incorporate these processes in the numerical weather prediction models. Therefore, a systematic intercomparison of performance of parameterization schemes is essential to customize a model. In this context, six combinations of physical parameterization schemes (2 PBL Schemes, YSU and MYJ, and 3 convection schemes, KF, BM, and GD) of WRF-ARW model are employed to obtain the optimum combination for the prediction of TCs over North Indian Ocean. Five cyclones are studied for sensitivity experiments and the out-coming combination is tested on real-time prediction of TCs during 2008. The tracks are also compared with those provided by the operational centers like NCEP, ECMWF, UKMO, NCMRWF, and IMD. It is found that the combination of YSU PBL scheme with KF convection scheme (YKF) provides a better prediction of intensity, track, and rainfall consistently. The average RMSE of intensity (13?hPa in CSLP and 11?m?s?1 in 10-m wind), mean track, and landfall errors is found to be least with YKF combination. The equitable threat score (ETS) of YKF combination is more than 0.2 for the prediction of 24-h accumulated rainfall up to 125?mm. The vertical structural characteristics of cyclone inner core also recommend the YKF combination for Indian seas cyclones. In the real-time prediction of 2008 TCs, the 72-, 48-, and 24-h mean track errors are 172, 129, and 155?km and the mean landfall errors are 125, 73, and 66?km, respectively. Compared with the track of leading operational agencies, the WRF model is competing in 24?h (116?km error) and 72?h (166?km) but superior in 48-h (119?km) track forecast. 相似文献
Twenty-five drinking water samples collected from the household property and from the Sydney Regional Municipality well bores and lakes were analyzed to evaluate the various inorganic parameters, level of concentrations of the priority elements and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The pH of the majority of the water samples was below the guidelines adopted by Health and Welfare Canada (1996), although the drinking waters supplied by the Sydney Regional Municipality were within the guidelines. Only three water samples (13 and 14: Point Aconi area and 16: Port Morien fish plant) have elevated concentrations of various PAHs compared to the detection limit. Eight samples have higher concentrations of manganese and two samples (number 7: Sydney Airport and number 1: RCMP Office; Reserve Mines) have higher concentrations of priority elements (especially lead) than the recommended guidelines (>0.05 mg/l). These priority elements and the PAHs in the drinking water samples may have originated from the leaching of the individual coal seams within that part of the Sydney Basin. Other potential sources of these elements and PAHs (Power Plant disposal, Sydney Tar Pond, metalliferous rocks, hydrocarbon reservoir rocks) are not located close enough to the sampling sites of the water samples. Therefore, they are not considered the source of these elements and PAHs. 相似文献
Whole-rock and sulfide lead-isotope data from the hydrothermal JADE field in the Okinawa back-arc trough 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
The mineralization of the active hydrothermal JADE field resembles in many aspects the Kuroko-type mineralization. The JADE
field is located in a back-arc graben and is associated with a bimodal volcanism. Lead isotope data from igneous rocks, sediments,
and ores further emphasize the similarities with the Kuroko ores and suggest that both sediments and volcanic rocks contributed
comparable amounts of lead to the deposit. When compared to the sediments, a much larger volume of volcanic rocks must have
contributed lead to the deposit, because of the considerably lower lead concentration of volcanic rocks. In contrast to the
crustal type lead of the JADE field and the Kuroko-type sulfide deposits the lead isotope signatures of VMS-type deposits
at mid-ocean ridges is distinctly different. In the absence of a sedimentary cover it reflects the composition of the mantle
source, whereas in the presence of a sedimentary cover it is either a mixture of mantle and sedimentary lead or it may even
be completely dominated by the latter.
Received: 5 October 1995 / Accepted: 10 May 1996 相似文献
The results of study of the isotopic-lithological compositions of carbonate and terrigenous-carbonate rocks in the Soyana
River section (northern East European Platform, Arkhangel’sk district) are presented. The results make it possible to identify
10 main lithotypes and show a wide variation range of δ13C (from −2.2 to +3.6‰, PDB) and δ18O (from 22.5 to 30.5‰, SMOW). These lithological features and isotopic compositions suggest that the rocks were formed in
a shallow-marine setting characterized by rapidly changing sedimentation conditions in various facies (and/or paleoecological)
zones: inlets, lagoons, supralittoral, littoral, and shoals. Periods of aridization and humidization are recorded. The results
also indicate numerous synsedimentary short-term hiatuses and stages of increased continental runoff—episodic pulsatory input
of clastic material with the continental paleoflows. 相似文献
Olivier Rouxel Edward Sholkovitz Katrina J. Edwards 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2008,72(14):3413-3430
Dissolved Fe concentrations in subterranean estuaries, like their river-seawater counterparts, are strongly controlled by non-conservative behavior during mixing of groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. Previous studies at a subterranean estuary of Waquoit Bay on Cape Cod, USA demonstrate extensive precipitation of groundwater-borne dissolved ferrous iron and subsequent accumulation of iron oxides onto subsurface sands. Waquoit Bay is thus an excellent natural laboratory to assess the mechanisms of Fe-isotope fractionation in redox-stratified environments and determine potential Fe-isotope signatures of groundwater sources to coastal seawater. Here, we report Fe isotope compositions of iron-coated sands and porewaters beneath the intertidal zone of Waquoit Bay. The distribution of pore water Fe shows two distinct sources of Fe: one residing in the upward rising plume of Fe-rich groundwater and the second in the salt-wedge zone of pore water. The groundwater source has high Fe(II) concentration consistent with anoxic conditions and yield δ56Fe values between 0.3 and −1.3‰. In contrast, sediment porewaters occurring in the mixing zone of the subterranean estuary have very low δ56Fe values down to −5‰. These low δ56Fe values reflect Fe-redox cycling and result from the preferential retention of heavy Fe-isotopes onto newly formed Fe-oxyhydroxides. Analysis of Fe-oxides precipitated onto subsurface sands in two cores from the subterranean estuary revealed strong δ56Fe and Fe concentration gradients over less than 2m, yielding an overall range of δ56Fe values between −2 and 1.5‰. The relationship between Fe concentration and δ56Fe of Fe-rich sands can be modeled by the progressive precipitation of Fe-oxides along fluid flow through the subterranean estuary. These results demonstrate that large-scale Fe isotope fractionation (up to 5‰) can occur in subterranean estuaries, which could lead to coastal seawater characterized by very low δ56Fe values relative to river values. 相似文献
Laishram Sunil Singh V. K. Gahalaut Arun Kumar 《Journal of the Geological Society of India》2014,83(5):513-516
We report results of 9 years of GPS measurements of crustal deformation at Imphal, Manipur, a site located in the Indo-Burmese wedge of northwest Sunda arc. The analysis of these measurements suggests that the site moves at a rate of about 36.3±0.5 mm/year towards N55° in the ITRF2008. With respect to the Indian plate it moves at a rate of 16.7 mm/year towards N222°, i.e., predominantly towards southwest. The site is located about 15 km east of the Churachandpur Mao fault (CMF), which is reported to accommodate part of the India-Sunda motion. The site motion is not significantly affected by the earthquakes that occurred in the nearby region. However, the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake caused a coseismic displacement of ~ 3–5 mm predominantly towards southwest. The site motion is almost linear, with some seasonal variation, and does not show any evidence of accelerated slip or slow earthquake on the CMF or along the plate boundary. 相似文献
D. Lange J. Cembrano A. Rietbrock C. Haberland T. Dahm K. Bataille 《Tectonophysics》2008,455(1-4):14-24
A temporal seismic network recorded local seismicity along a 130 km long segment of the transpressional dextral strike-slip Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (LOFZ) in southern Chile. Seventy five shallow crustal events with magnitudes up to Mw 3.8 and depths shallower than 25 km were observed in an 11-month period mainly occurring in different clusters. Those clusters are spatially related to the LOFZ, to the volcanoes Chaitén, Michinmahuida and Corcovado, and to active faulting on secondary faults. Further activity along the LOFZ is indicated by individual events located in direct vicinity of the surface expression of the LOFZ. Focal mechanisms were calculated using deviatoric moment tensor inversion of body wave amplitude spectra which mostly yield strike-slip mechanisms indicating a NE–SW direction of the P-axis for the LOFZ at this latitude. The seismic activity reveals the present-day activity of the fault zone. The recent Mw 6.2 event near Puerto Aysén, Southern Chile at 45.4°S on April 21, 2007 shows that the LOFZ is also capable of producing large magnitude earthquakes and therefore imposing significant seismic hazard to this region. 相似文献