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Colour–magnitude diagrams are presented for the first time for L32, L38, K28 (L43), K44 (L68) and L116, which are clusters projected on to the outer parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The photometry was carried out in the Washington system C and T 1 filters, allowing the determination of ages by means of the magnitude difference between the red giant clump and the main-sequence turn-off, and metallicities from the red giant branch locus. The clusters have ages in the range 2–6 Gyr , and metallicities in the range −1.65<[Fe/H]<−1.10, increasing the sample of intermediate-age clusters in the SMC. L116, the outermost cluster projected on to the SMC, is a foreground cluster, and somewhat closer to us than the Large Magellanic Cloud. Our results, combined with those for other clusters in the literature, show epochs of sudden chemical enrichment in the age–metallicity plane, which favour a bursting star formation history as opposed to a continuous one for the SMC.  相似文献   
This paper presents a probabilistic approach to the estimation of lateral strengths required to provide an adequate control of inelastic deformations in structures during severe earthquake ground motions. In contrast to a deterministic approach, the approach presented herein accounts explicitly for the variability of the response of non-linear systems due to the inherent uncertainties in the intensity and characteristics of the input excitation by considering the probability distribution of maximum inelastic strength demands. This study is based on the computation of non-linear strength demands of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems experiencing different levels of inelastic deformation when subjected to 124 recorded earthquake ground motions. Using empirical cumulative distribution functions site-dependent probabilistic non-linear spectra were computed for six probabilities of exceedance of different levels of inelastic deformation. It is concluded that the lateral strength required to control displacement ductility demands is significantly affected by the maximum tolerable inelastic deformation, the system's period of vibration, the local site conditions and the level of risk in exceeding the maximum tolerable deformations.  相似文献   
The goal of this work was to understand the main hydrodynamic processes acting on tidal flats of the coast of Amapá near the mouth of the Amazon River, and how they change over the short term (~ 20 years). The analysis of morphological and geobotanical units was carried out by applying processing and interpretation methods to optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, combined with data on water salinity, maximum flood height, sedimentary facies data, rainfall and river discharge. The temporal analysis of morphological and geobotanical units suggests the relative stabilization of savannah, ‘várzea’ and mangrove areas during the drier period and increasing tidal amplitude between 1987 to 1997. The wetter period and decreasing tidal amplitude between 1997 to 2008 led to an increase in the area of ‘várzea’ and lakes over savannah, and the expansion of mangroves mainly over the inundated field and tidal mud/mixed flats. Therefore, the decrease in rainfall index during the drier period is well‐correlated with the reduction of the Calçoene River discharge and jointly with increasing tidal amplitude favored the increase of migration rate of the mud bank and erosion profile along the littoral. It was followed by the increase of the Calçoene River discharge and jointly with decreasing tidal amplitude during the wetter period, favoring the development of mangroves on muddy substrates near the coastline. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Given the particular hydrogeological setting at Salliqueló County, Western Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, this paper places attention on the lens that supplies fresh water to its capital, Salliqueló. This lens constitutes the most important fresh-water reservoir in the county. It overlies saline waters, and is recharged through high-permeability sandy sediments at a rate that exceeds by far the actual water demand. Restrictions in exploitation are not limited by the total requirement but rather by the flows extracted from individual wells that may generate up-coning of saline waters, with a resulting overall deterioration in quality of the pumped water. The variations in the position of the interface between saline and fresh waters, as related to the change in extraction rates, were obtained by means of a simulation of the flow of two fluids of different densities. Finally, based on the general hydrogeological characterization and on the simulation results, various methods for the management of these fresh-water resources are proposed, such as the deactivation of urban supply wells, the monitoring of the saline interface position, and the establishment of a protection perimeter for the water-supply wells.
Resumen Enmarcado dentro de las características hidrogeológicas generales del partido de Salliqueló, oeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, este trabajo se centra en la lente que abastece de agua dulce a Salliqueló, la capital del partido. Esta lente constituye la reserva de agua dulce más importante del partido, se ubica sobre aguas salinas y es recargada a través de sedimentos arenosos de alta permeabilidad a una tasa que excede grandemente los requerimientos de la población. Sin embargo, las restricciones en la explotación no están dadas por las demandas totales sino por las extracciones en perforaciones individuales, que pueden generar ascensos de agua salina con el consiguiente deterioro en la calidad del agua extraída. Las variaciones de la posición de la interfase respecto de los cambios en la explotación fueron obtenidas por medio de la simulación del flujo de dos fluidos de diferente densidad. Finalmente, con base en la caracterización hidrogeológica general y en los resultados de la simulación, se proponen varias medidas para la protección del recurso hídrico, tales como: la desactivación de los pozos de abastecimiento en el ámbito urbano, el control de la posición de la interfase salina y la definición de perímetros de protección de los pozos de abastecimiento, entre otras.

Résumé Etant donné les particularités hydrogéologiques de la région de Salliqueló, ouest de la province de Buenos Aires, Argentine, cet article traite de la lentille deau douce alimentant en eau potable la capitale, Salliqueló. Cette lentille constitue la réserve la plus importante deau douce de la région. Elle se superpose aux eaux salées et est rechargée via les sédiments sableux et perméables, à un taux dépassant largement la demande actuelle en eau. Les restrictions dans lexploitation ne sont pas limitées par la demande totale mais par les débits extraits des forages privés, qui pourraient générer des rabattements induisant des arrivées deaux salées, arrivées qui peuvent dégrader la ressource pompée. Les variations de la position de linterface eau douce–eau salée, en relation avec les taux dexploitation, ont été obtenues en simulant lécoulement de deux fluides de différentes densités. Finalement, sur base dune caractérisation hydrogéologique et des résultats de la simulation, des méthodes variées pour la gestion de la ressource en eau douce sont proposées, entre autre, la désactivation de pompages urbains, suivi de linterface eau douce–eau salée, et la mise en place de zones de protections des captages deau souterraine.
The fluctuation of the water table east of La Pampa province and northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, influences agricultural production in the region because it is closely related to the alternation of dry and wet periods. Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies have been used as predictors to forecast atmospheric variables in different regions of the world. The objective of this work is to present a simple model to forecast seasonal rainfall using SST distribution in the Pacific Ocean as a predictor. Once the relationship between precipitation and water-table fluctuations was established, a methodology for the prediction of water-table fluctuations was developed. A good agreement between observed and predicted water-table fluctuations was found when estimating water-table fluctuations in the summer and autumn seasons. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Northwestern Argentina was the site of the continental Salta rift in Cretaceous to Paleogene time. The Salta rift had a complex geometry with several subbasins of different trends and subsidence patterns surrounding a central high. Fault trends in the rift were extremely variable. There is evidence of normal and/or transfer faults trending N, NE, E and SE. It is not clear if all these faults were active at the same time, indicating a poorly defined extension direction, or if they formed in different, non-coaxial extension phases. In either case, their trends were very likely influenced by preexisting fault systems. Beginning in early Eocene time, the rift basins were superseded by Andean foreland basins and later became caught in the Andean thrust deformation propagating eastward, resulting in the inversion of rift faults. Due to their different orientations, not all faults were equally prone to reactivation as thrusts. N to NNE trending faults were apparently most strongly inverted, probably often to a degree where the traces of their normal fault origin have become obliterated. We present seismic evidence of moderately inverted N trending faults in the Tres Cruces basin and field examples of preserved E trending normal faults. However, reactivation sometimes also affects faults trending approximately parallel to the main Neogene shortening direction, indicating short-term deviations from the general pattern of Neogene thrust deformation. These pulses of orogen-parallel contraction may be linked to the intermittent activity of oblique transfer zones.  相似文献   
The Proterozoic sediment-hosted Zn–(Pb) sulfide and non-sulfide deposits of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil, are partially syn-diagenetic and epigenetic and were probably formed during extensional events. The majority of the deposits occur within shallow water dolomites. The Pb isotopic data of sulfides are relatively homogeneous for individual deposits and plot above the upper crust evolution curve of the Plumbotectonic model. Some of the deposits are characterized by highly radiogenic lead (206Pb/204Pb ≥ 21) originating from the highly radioactive crust of the São Francisco Craton. Pb and S isotopic data suggest the sources of metal and sulfur for the deposits to be the basement rocks and seawater sulfates in the sediments, respectively. The relatively high temperatures of formation (100 to 250 °C) and moderate salinity (3% to 20% NaCl equiv.) of the primary fluid inclusions in the sphalerite crystals suggest the participation of basinal mineralizing fluids in ore formation. The steep paleo-geothermal gradient generated by the radioactively enriched basement rocks probably assisted in heating up the circulating mineralizing fluids.  相似文献   
In Japan, many major cities are located on tectonic basins which are surrounded by faults and underlain by soft alluvial materials. Because these areas are subject to earthquake damages, it is important to determine their seismic engineering characteristics. Geotechnical databases which contain many borehole logs are useful information sources for this type of analysis. Each datum stored in the database has a value or an attribute, and its location is irregular in both horizontal and vertical directions. A new interpolation method based on the optimization principle is proposed here to deal with such three-dimensionally distributed data. Susceptibility of unconsolidated ground to liquefaction is known to be related to the content of loose and saturated sand. The mixture ratio of several soil types in a deposit, i.e., granular composition, is strongly influenced by the sedimentary environment. There are two numerical methods: the optimization principle method (OPM) used to determine three-dimensional distribution of granular composition and the model used to evaluate liquefaction. The application of the proposed methods to two locations in Japan indicated that the zones with high susceptibility to liquefaction were indeed those that had suffered from liquefaction during past earthquakes.  相似文献   
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