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Eberhard Haug 《Solar physics》1991,133(1):111-116
During the past decade a number of instruments designed for studying solar oscillations have been developed at the Sayan observatory. A double solar telescope using two Jensch-coelostats and two objective lenses provides the capability to filter lower-order modes. This instrument is also used (in the single-telescope mode) for making observations of the mean magnetic field of the Sun. Spatially-differential methods based on polarization separation of images are best suited for investigations of local oscillations and higher-order modes. These methods make it possible to carry out narrow-band spatial filtering of large wave numbers. They are useful when investigating contrast oscillations as well as the oscillations and rotation of sunspots and other solar features.  相似文献   
The optical appearance of spokes was studied in high resolution (?200 km/lp) images obtained by Voyager 2. Spokes are classified into three categories. (1) Extended spokes are seen in the distance interval of 100,000 to 112,000 km from Saturn's center. They have diffuse edges and are slightly wedge shaped. Their width at the base (towards Saturn) is about 20,000 km. Their active times (during which they increase in width) range from 4000 to 12,000 sec. (2) Narrow spokes are found in the distance range 104,000 to 116,000 km, have sharply defined edges, and are narrowest at the corotation distance (112, 300 km). Their typical radial extension and width is 6000 and 2,000 km, respectively. (3) Filamentary spokes are found outside 110,000 km mostly joined with a wider spoke further in. They are typically 3000 km in length and 500 km in width. Their active time is less than 1000 sec. Several narrow spokes were observed during formation along radial lines in the sunlit portion of the ring. The formation time is typically ?5 min for a 6000-km-long spoke. The rate of spoke formation is highest at the morning ansa outside Saturn's shadow. Several spokes have been found where one edge revolves with Keplerian speed whereas the other edge stays radial. Recurrent spoke patterns have been observed at the period of Saturn's rotation. From edge-on views of the ring system, an upper limit for the height of spokes of 80 km is derived.  相似文献   
The importance of antecedent topography in dictating Holocene facies patterns has been generally recognized. There is, however, disagreement as to origin or lithology of the antecedent topography, particularly with respect to the siliciclastic or carbonate nature of the underlying topography and structural patterns. To help resolve these problems, published and unpublished information have been compiled to produce a structural fabric map of onshore and offshore Belize that includes a new geologic map of the country. The map, along with illustrated seismic lines, demonstrates the occurrence of a number of NNE-trending transpressional faults in which landward directed thrusting is consistently displayed along with tectonic inversion. Offshore wells in conjunction with the seismic lines document the inversion as post-Eocene, suggesting a similar age for transpressional fault movement. Presumably, the landward-directed thrusting reflects the opposing force of eastward-directed subduction along the western margin of Central America relative to the westward seafloor spreading of the Caribbean Cayman Ridge. The Belize faults show little current seismicity, but, nevertheless, the resulting structures have affected Quaternary carbonate deposition as evidenced on an illustrated seismic line by both seaward and landward (bi-directional) progradation of the reef margin from an underlying structural high. The structural influence on the development of Holocene antecedent topography is further suggested by the occurrence of a Bouguer gravity plateau in the same shelf area that marks the occurrence of the Belize lagoon rhomboid shelf atolls. The youngest documented lithology of 12 illustrated offshore exploration wells is Miocene carbonate. In some wells, the carbonate is interpreted as extending into the Pliocene and Holocene although no age diagnostic criteria are in evidence. In other wells, siliciclastics of unknown age and thickness are identified as overlying Neogene carbonates. The regional distribution and age of onshore limestones suggests that unroofing of the Cretaceous carbonate cap of the Maya Mountains siliciclastic sediment source did not occur until late in Neogene time, perhaps no earlier than late Pliocene. Consequently, the Maya Mountains could not have been a major offshore source of siliciclastics until the Quaternary. Information on the lithology of the immediately underlying pre-Holocene is provided by limited penetration core data and shallow resolution seismic lines. These show that antecedent Pleistocene limestones beneath the Holocene reefs were deposited around 130,000 b.p. (isotope stage 5e). The thickness of the overlying Holocene, shelf margin, reef-capped carbonates increases along depositional strike from a few meters in the north to more than 25 m in the south. In contrast, piston cores and seismic data from the southern shelf lagoon collectively document the occurrence of antecedent siliciclastic topography. The southward dip of both carbonate and siliciclastic antecedent surfaces is presumably a reflection of increasing southerly subsidence. Increasing antecedent erosional relief in the same direction reflects the pronounced southerly increase in paleo-rainfall that presumably paralleled that of present-day rainfall.  相似文献   
Daily precipitation forecast of ECMWF verified over Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the performance of the Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) model (t?+?27 h to t?+?51 h) in predicting precipitation is discussed. This model is the first, which has been verified over Iran. The spatial resolution of the model is 0.351° and the 24-h forecasts are compared with daily observations. The study concentrates on year 2001 and the precipitation measurements were collected from the data of 2,048 rain gauges in Iran. The accuracy of four different interpolation methods (nearest neighborhood, inverse distance, kriging, and upscaling) was investigated. Using cross-validation, the inverse distance method (IDM) with minimum mean error was applied. Verification results are given in terms of difference fields (mean error?=?0.46 mm/day), rank–order correlation coefficients (0.70), as well as accuracy scores (false alarm ratio?=?0.50 and probability of detection?=?0.60) and skill scores (true skill statistics [TSS]?=?0.45) in year 2001. The position of the rain band was only partly captured by the ECMWF model; however, the position of maximum precipitations agrees with the observations well. The results show that the high values of TSS are associated with the large amounts of precipitation (over 25 mm). Slight to moderate precipitation events have been underforecasted by the model (bias?<?1) and it leads to a small value of TSS for these thresholds (5–25 mm/day). The ECMWF model has better performance in high and mountainous regions than over flat terrain and in deserts. Comparing TSS over the Alborz and the Zagros Mountains, it is obvious that the ability of the model to predict the convective precipitation events needs some improvement. The amount of daily precipitation has been also slightly overestimated over Iran. From the beginning of January up to 21 March 2001, the ECMWF time series indicates an obvious phase shift of 1 day, although in other months, no phase shift is noticed.  相似文献   
Five years of photoelectric photometry of this bright K1 III RS CVn binary has been obtained at thirteen different observatories. Except for one year, the light curve has shown two minima, separated by roughly a half cycle. At the epoch of discovery (1977.2) one minimum was shallower but as of 1980.2 the two became comparable in depth. During the 1979–80 season the light curve changed shape rapidly, the shallower minimum becoming as deep as the other within about 80 days or perhaps less. Times of both minima can be fit with a photometric period of 19 d .423, which is 0.9% shorter than the 19 d .603 orbital period. The overall brightness range during the five years has been 4 m .13<V<4 m .29.Guest Observer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Linear belts 50–100 km in width of long-wavelength positive magnetic anomalies exceeding 500 nT are observed on continental blocks of the Scotia arc. The most developed is the West Coast Magnetic Anomaly which may be traced for more than 1300 km along the Antarctic Peninsula. Comparison of magnetic profile data after low-pass filtering and reduction to pole reveals a striking similarity between the individual anomaly belts. Correlation of the anomalies with positive gravity anomalies, seismic refraction data and geology indicates that the sources are linear batholiths intruded during Mesozoic/Cenozoic subduction. The anomaly belts are truncated at the block margins reflecting Cenozoic fragmentation of a cuspate convergent margin. An early Cenozoic reconstruction, based on the assumption that the batholiths once formed a continuous curvilinear feature, shows a good alignment of Mesozoic strato-tectonic terrains and is compatible with the known history of Scotia Sea opening.  相似文献   
The scientific community has expressed strong interest to re-fly Stardust-like missions with improved instrumentation. We propose a new mission concept, SARIM, that collects interstellar and interplanetary dust particles and returns them to Earth. SARIM is optimised for the collection and discrimination of interstellar dust grains. Improved active dust collectors on-board allow us to perform in-situ determination of individual dust impacts and their impact location. This will provide important constraints for subsequent laboratory analysis. The SARIM spacecraft will be placed at the L2 libration point of the Sun–Earth system, outside the Earth’s debris belts and inside the solar-wind charging environment. SARIM is three-axes stabilised and collects interstellar grains between July and October when the relative encounter speeds with interstellar dust grains are lowest (4 to 20 km/s). During a 3-year dust collection period several hundred interstellar and several thousand interplanetary grains will be collected by a total sensitive area of 1 m2. At the end of the collection phase seven collector modules are stored and sealed in a MIRKA-type sample return capsule. SARIM will return the capsule containing the stardust to Earth to allow for an extraction and investigation of interstellar samples by latest laboratory technologies.  相似文献   
We present observations of strong, episodic, bottom-intensified currents from two current meter moorings, each of a year's duration, placed in the central Greenland Sea at 75°N, 8°W, in a water depth of circa 3340 m. The events, recorded by the current meters placed some 50 m above the sea floor, occur about 4 times a year and last about a week. They show currents of up to 43 cm/s, turning in direction, occasionally modulated by a signal of the frequency of the Coriolis parameter or the semi-diurnal tide. The temperature record at the current meter however remains constant to 0.01°C. The current direction measured at overlying meters correlates well with that of the deepest meter – the current speed does not. Independent, geological data also show evidence of strong bottom flows in the area.We discuss possible mechanisms for these `benthic storms', including the hypothesis of a sediment driven plume descending from the East Greenland continental slope. These high energy events have implications for sedimentation, shelf-basin exchange and boundary mixing processes. Normal mode theory is used to justify the dynamical response of the system to such a bottom-trapped impulse.  相似文献   
The universally known subsidence theory of Darwin, based on Bora Bora as a model, was developed without information from the subsurface. To evaluate the influence of environmental factors on reef development, two traverses with three cores, each on the barrier and the fringing reefs of Bora Bora, were drilled and 34 uranium‐series dates obtained and subsequently analysed. Sea‐level rise and, to a lesser degree, subsidence were crucial for Holocene reef development in that they have created accommodation space and controlled reef architecture. Antecedent topography played a role as well, because the Holocene barrier reef is located on a Pleistocene barrier reef forming a topographic high. The pedestal of the fringing reef was Pleistocene soil and basalt. Barrier and fringing reefs developed contemporaneously during the Holocene. The occurrence of five coralgal assemblages indicates an upcore increase in wave energy. Age–depth plots suggest that barrier and fringing reefs have prograded during the Holocene. The Holocene fringing reef is up to 20 m thick and comprises coralgal and microbial reef sections and abundant unconsolidated sediment. Fringing reef growth started 8780 ± 50 yr bp ; accretion rates average 5·65 m kyr?1. The barrier reef consists of >30 m thick Holocene coralgal and microbial successions. Holocene barrier‐reef growth began 10 030 ± 50 yr bp and accretion rates average 6·15 m kyr?1. The underlying Pleistocene reef formed 116 900 ± 1100 yr bp , i.e. during marine isotope stage 5e. Based on Pleistocene age, depth and coralgal palaeobathymetry, the subsidence rate of Bora Bora was estimated to be 0·05 to 0·14 m kyr?1. In addition to subsidence, reef development on shorter timescales like in the late Pleistocene and Holocene has been driven by glacioeustatic sea‐level changes causing alternations of periods of flooding and subaerial exposure. Comparisons with other oceanic barrier‐reef systems in Tahiti and Mayotte exhibit more differences than similarities.  相似文献   
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