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In this paper a contribution is made to the ongoing debate on which brown shrimp generation mostly sustains the autumn peak in coastal North Sea commercial fisheries: the generation born in summer, or the winter one. Since the two perspectives are based on different considerations on the growth timeframe from settlement till commercial size, the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory was applied to predict maximum possible growth under natural conditions. First, the parameters of the standard DEB model for Crangon crangon L. were estimated using available data sets. These were insufficient to allow a direct estimation, requiring a special protocol to achieve consistency between parameters. Next, the DEB model was validated by comparing simulations with published experimental data on shrimp growth in relation to water temperatures. Finally, the DEB model was applied to simulate growth under optimal food conditions using the prevailing water temperature conditions in the Wadden Sea. Results show clear differences between males and females whereby the fastest growth rates were observed in females. DEB model simulations of maximum growth in the Wadden Sea suggest that it is not the summer brood from the current year as Boddeke claimed, nor the previous winter generation as Kuipers and Dapper suggested, but more likely the summer generation from the previous year which contributes to the bulk of the fisheries recruits in autumn.  相似文献   
Large ground-based laser beam interferometers are presently in operation both in the USA(LIGO) and in Europe(VIRGO) and potential sources that might be detected by these instruments are revisited.The present generation of detectors does not have a sensitivity high enough to probe a significant volume of the universe and,consequently,predicted event rates are very low.The planned advanced generation of interferometers will probably be able to detect,for the first time,a gravitational signal.Advanced LIGO and...  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the implications of a commutative formulation that integrates branch-cutting cosmology, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity. Building on a mini-superspace structure, we explore the impact of an inflaton-type scalar field on the wave function of the Universe. Specifically analyzing the dynamical solutions of branch-cut gravity within a mini-superspace framework, we emphasize the scalar field's influence on the evolution of the evolution of the wave function of the Universe. Our research unveils a helix-like function that characterizes a topologically foliated spacetime structure. The starting point is the Hořava–Lifshitz action, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, with running coupling constants denoted as g i $$ {g}_i $$ . The corresponding wave equations are derived and are resolved. The commutative quantum gravity approach preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner formalism. Additionally, we delve into a mini-superspace of variables, incorporating scalar-inflaton fields and exploring inflationary models, particularly chaotic and nonchaotic scenarios. We obtained solutions for the wave equations without recurring to numerical approximations.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the implications of the recently developed commutative formulation based on branch-cutting cosmology, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity. Assuming a mini-superspace of variables, we explore the impact of an inflaton-type scalar field ϕ ( t ) $$ \phi (t) $$ on the dynamical equations that describe the trajectories evolution of the scale factor of the Universe, characterized by the dimensionless helix-like function ln 1 [ β ( t ) ] $$ {\ln}^{-1}\left[\beta (t)\right] $$ . This scale factor characterizes a Riemannian foliated spacetime that topologically overcomes the big bang and big crunch singularities. Taking the Hořava–Lifshitz action as our starting point, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, with running coupling constants denoted as g i $$ {g}_i $$ , the commutative quantum gravity approach preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner formalism. We investigate both chaotic and nonchaotic inflationary scenarios, demonstrating the sensitivity of the branch-cut Universe's dynamics to initial conditions and parameterizations of primordial matter content. The results suggest a continuous connection of Riemann surfaces, overcoming primordial singularities and exhibiting diverse evolutionary behaviors, from big crunch to moderate acceleration.  相似文献   
This article focuses on the implications of a noncommutative formulation of branch-cut quantum gravity. Based on a mini-superspace structure that obeys the noncommutative Poisson algebra, combined with the Wheeler–DeWitt equation and Hořava–Lifshitz quantum gravity, we explore the impact of a scalar field of the inflaton-type in the evolution of the Universe's wave function. Taking as a starting point the Hořava–Lifshitz action, which depends on the scalar curvature of the branched Universe and its derivatives, the corresponding wave equations are derived and solved. The noncommutative quantum gravity approach adopted preserves the diffeomorphism property of General Relativity, maintaining compatibility with the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner Formalism. In this work we delve deeper into a mini-superspace of noncommutative variables, incorporating scalar inflaton fields and exploring inflationary models, particularly chaotic and nonchaotic scenarios. We obtained solutions to the wave equations without resorting to numerical approximations. The results indicate that the noncommutative algebraic space captures low and high spacetime scales, driving the exponential acceleration of the Universe.  相似文献   
Acoustic diversity charts were produced for a Portuguese soft bottom mid-shelf area, depth from 30 to 90 m, using a single-beam echo sounder coupled to the acoustic systems QTC VIEW Series IV and V. A similar acoustic pattern was identified by both systems, which, after ground-truth interpretation based in available sediment and biological data, established a preliminary spatial distribution model of the benthic habitats in this coastal area. However, some of the acoustic areas were interpreted using one or very few sediment and benthic samples. A specific validation survey was conducted a posteriori, in which the positioning of the sediment and benthic community sampling sites was based on the acoustic diversity previously identified. The results clearly confirm the benthic habitats distribution model suggested by the acoustic method, indicating a high potential for the use of such approach in the identification and mapping of large-scale soft bottom coastal shelf habitat diversity.  相似文献   
An experimental study on Phragmites australis leaf litter decomposition was conducted in the estuarine environment, Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal, using the leaf-bag technique, with fine- (1 mm) and coarse-mesh (5 mm) bags. The leaf bags were placed in the field sites at day 0, covering a complete salinity gradient, and replicates were collected over time, at days 3 (leaching), 7, 15, 30 and 60. The biomass loss through the leaching phase, about 20% of the initial leaf mass, was independent of both the salinity and the bag mesh size. The biomass decay pattern along the salinity gradient varied through time and presented strong similarities between the two mesh sizes, with the remaining biomass always lower in the 5 mm mesh-size bags. At days 7 and 15, the lowest remaining biomass was observed at the head of the estuary, the preferential distribution area of P. australis. At day 30, the remaining biomass was higher in the marine area and diminished under a direct relationship with salinity, reaching the lowest value in the freshwater environment, with values ranging from 66% to 44% of the initial weight in 5 mm bags, and from 79% to 51% in 1 mm bags. The largest heterogeneity in the remaining biomass among the study areas positioned along the salinity gradient was found close to days 30 (5 mm) and 40 (1 mm). The overall results indicate that the relationship between leaf decay rate and salinity depends on the decay time considered (k15, k30 or k60) and, for the later stages (k60), also on the leaf-bag mesh size. This implies that the use of leaf litter decay rates as a functional indicator in transitional waters will need to take into consideration the factor location in the salinity gradient and leaf litter stage at which the decay rate is determined. The differences between the decay rates with the mesh size acted mainly at the level of the absolute k value and not at the level of the pattern along the salinity gradient. Even so, the data obtained at the mouth of the estuary, in the area closest to a fully marine environment, indicated that after the initial biomass loss through leaching, P. australis decayed either very slowly, in the 5 mm, or not at all, in the 1 mm mesh bags.  相似文献   
Flow modeling and hydrogeochemical inversion calculations were performed on the aquifer systems of the Crato-Juazeiro Graben in the Araripe Sedimentary Basin of the Cariri Valley, Northeast Brazil, in order to assess aquifer interconnections through an aquitard of the Araripe Plateau. Steady state hydraulic head numeric calculations with the finite difference method used Modflow software with hydrologically based boundary conditions and a piezometric surface as initial condition. Hydrogeochemical inversion with PHREEQC was performed for two water samples representing typical initial and final waters along the flow path. Flow simulation shows that approximately 20% of all recharge water from the superior aquifer system passes through the Santana aquitard reaching the middle aquifer system. Quantification of mineral dissolution/precipitation processes, ion exchange and microbiological redox reactions taking place in the aquifer systems also indicates hydraulic interconnection of the superior and middle aquifer systems through the Santana aquitard.  相似文献   
Cosmological N -body simulations were performed to study the evolution of the phase-space density   Q =ρ/σ3  of dark matter haloes. No significant differences in the scale relations   Q ∝σ−2.1  or   Q ∝ M −0.82  are seen for the 'cold' or 'warm' dark matter models. The follow-up of individual haloes from   z = 10  up to the present time indicate the existence of two main evolutionary phases: an early and fast one  (10 > z > 6.5)  , in which Q decreases on the average by a factor of 40 as a consequence of the randomization of bulk motions, and a late and long one  (6.5 > z ≥ 0)  , in which Q decreases by a factor of 20 because of mixing induced by merger events. The study of these haloes has also evidenced that rapid and positive variations of the velocity dispersion, induced by merger episodes, are related to a fast decrease of the phase-space density Q .  相似文献   
We show that gravitational light deflection is truly equivalent to the optical effect of a prism and a thin diverging lens when the massive deflector has cylindrical symmetry. We then investigate the possibility of cosmological measurements analogous to those proposed by Refsdal in the spherically-symmetric case.This work was partially supported by FINEP, CNPq, and CAPES.  相似文献   
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