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CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY,SEDIMENTATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE XIGAZE FOREARC BASIN: IMPLICATIONS FOR DYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF THE YARLUNG ZANGBO SUTURE ZONE1 All埁greCJ,CourtillotV ,TapponnierP ,etal.StructureandevolutionoftheHimalaya Tibetorogenicbelt[J] .Nature,1984 ,30 7:17~ 2 2 . 2 CoulonC ,MaluskiH ,BollingerC ,etal.MesozoicandCenozoicvolcanicrocksfromcentralandsouthernTibet:3 9Ar 40 Ardating ,petrotogicalcharacteristicsandgeodyn…  相似文献   
TWO SUITES OF OPHIOLITE RECOGNIZED IN THE MAQEN AREA, NORTHEASTERN TIBETAN PLATEAU1 JiangCF ,YangJS ,FengBG ,etal.OpeningandClosingTectonicsofKunlunMountains.Beijing :GeologicalPublishingHouse (inChinese) ,1992 . 2 XuZQ ,YangJS ,LiHB ,etal.TheA’nyemaqenSutureBeltandtheDynamicsinSubductionandCollision .TheStudyoftheOphioliteandGeodynamics[M ].(inChinese) .1996 .185~ 189. 3 YangJS ,XuZQ .TheA’nyemaqenOphioliteBeltEastKunlunMts.,NWChi…  相似文献   
LATE CENOZOIC TECTONICS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE TARIM BASIN: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE TARIM BASIN AND THE SOUTHERN TIAN SHAN, WEST CHINAgrants 4 98340 50and 4 9732 0 90fromtheNSFofChina;;andproject96 913 0 7 0 1fromtheMinistryofSci enceandTechnology ,China…  相似文献   
在湖泊、河流、水庫等等上面的水文工作实踐中,常常需要从水面采取水样,以進行化学分析。为了这个目的,建議用一种簡單的仪器(投擲式采样器),这种采样器可以取到距岸边10到15米远的,水面下5到50厘米深处的水样。投擲式采样器構造如下(圖1、2):一个  相似文献   
美国蒙塔那州斯提耳沃特铬铁矿床是世界著名的层状铬铁矿矿床之一。多年来曾有不少地质工作者探讨过这一岩体的层状构造和矿层的成因。本书作者较详细地研究了岩体下部超镁铁带和矿层的韻律性构造,并在这基础上对其成因提出了新的看法。估价:O.70元  相似文献   
本文介绍了花岗岩类(石英二长岩及花岗闪长岩)岩基型侵入体中矽化带型热液铀矿床的岩体、区域构造、伴生有色金属矿床、铀矿床本身及成矿年代。铀矿化和灰色及黑色微粒石英脉或玉髓脉的关系密切。铀矿化晚于锌铅矿化。铀矿化年代为6000万年。其后有英安岩的侵入。  相似文献   
Hest bien clair que toute reponse a cette question, sera du plus haut interet pour les geologues de la Chine, vu que les resultats de la geodesie semblent bien indiquer que la croute terrestre est divisee en plusieurs blocs independants, juxtaposes et equilibres isostatiquement.  相似文献   
引言雷德多姆(Red Dome)金矿床位于澳大利亚昆士兰州东北部的奇拉戈(Chillagoe)附近(图1),目前由Elders矿产有限公司以露天开采方式开拓中,其地质储量有含金2g/t的矿石1380万吨。估计其它有用元素还有银4.6g/t、铜0.46%和锌1.0%。贱金属和贵金属产于斑状流纹岩墙与以碳酸盐为主的沉积岩接触处形成的矽卡岩内。既有内  相似文献   
美国地质调查所研究成了一种测量He含量的车载质谱仪。该仪器在已知铀矿区作了试验,并在土壤气和水中都发现了He异常。气体样品收集在注射器式取样器里,然后注入到质谱仪中作He分析。仪器以10ppb的灵敏度每天可做100多次分析。在科罗拉多州维尔德郡所进行的详细研究表明,根据土壤气体的He值所编绘的等值线图,能圈定出异常区,同时异常相对矿体沿地下水的下流方向有所偏移。其它研究包括如下地点:科罗拉多州杰弗逊郡舒瓷兹瓦尔德铀山矿,那里He异常可能与地质构造有关;新墨西哥州安布罗西亚湖附近的地区,那里He异常位置与地下水运动有关;周日效应试验结果表明,He的变化甚微,可能与土壤湿度有关。  相似文献   
Groundwater quality of the Tiruppur district in Tamil Nadu was investigated in this study to develop a Water Quality Index (WQI) model. Hydrochemical parameters showed tremendous variation in certain location over the seasons. Ionic chemistry of groundwater suggested that textile industries and rock-water interaction are major threats to the water quality. Analysis of Na and Ca concentration indicates that direct as well as the inverse cation exchange controls the natural cation chemistry. NO3 concentration shows that the pre-monsoon samples were affected by the fertilizer usage in agricultural fields. Na-Cl type of the water was dominant throughout the study area except few locations. WQI showed that 55% of the pre-monsoon samples and the 47% of the post monsoon samples were classified as poor/very poor/unsuitable for drinking category. Leaching of the textile waste and their transport to the downstream was well observed during the post-monsoon season. The specific contribution of river Noyyal in the transport of the solutes to the discharge zones was proved by the hydrochemistry of the samples.  相似文献   
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