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Leg 115 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered basaltic rocks from four sites along the ancient trail of the Réunion hotspot. The age of volcanism, determined from biostratigraphic data at the four sites, increases to the north and records the motion of India away from the Réunion hotspot through Tertiary time. Hotspot activity began with the eruption of the Deccan flood basalt flows at the time of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The Réunion hotspot has been stationary with respect to other hotspots in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean basins through Tertiary time. The geochemical compositions of the drilled basalts differ according to the relative contributions of magmas from hotspot and MORB mantle sources.  相似文献   
Contaminant rebound and low contaminant removal are reported more frequently with in situ chemical oxidation than other in situ technologies. Although there are multiple causes for these results, a critical analysis indicates that low oxidant volume delivery is a key issue. The volume of oxidant injected is critical and porosity of the aquifer matrix can be used to estimate the pore volume. The total porosity (qT) is the volume of voids relative to the total volume of aquifer material. The mobile porosity (qM) is the fraction of voids that readily contributes to fluid displacement, and is less than qT leading to smaller estimates of oxidant volume. Injecting low‐oxidant volume may result in inadequate oxidant distribution and postinjection dispersal within the radius of influence, insufficient oxidant contact and oxidant loading, and incomplete treatment; whereas, greater oxidant volume achieves a greater oxidant footprint and may involve risk that the injected oxidant may migrate into nontarget areas and displacement of contaminated groundwater. Design guidelines and recommendations are provided that could help achieve more effective technology deployment, reduce the role of heterogeneities in the subsurface, and result in greater probability the oxidant is delivered to the targeted treatment zone.  相似文献   
Models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are key components of agro-hydrological models for irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide practices. Many of the hydrological models for water transfer in the crop–soil system are either too approximate due to oversimplified algorithms or employ complex numerical schemes. In this paper we developed a simple and sufficiently accurate algorithm which can be easily adopted in agro-hydrological models for the simulation of water dynamics. We used a dual crop coefficient approach proposed by the FAO for estimating potential evaporation and transpiration, and a dynamic model for calculating relative root length distribution on a daily basis. In a small time step of 0.001 d, we implemented algorithms separately for actual evaporation, root water uptake and soil water content redistribution by decoupling these processes. The Richards equation describing soil water movement was solved using an integration strategy over the soil layers instead of complex numerical schemes. This drastically simplified the procedures of modeling soil water and led to much shorter computer codes. The validity of the proposed model was tested against data from field experiments on two contrasting soils cropped with wheat. Good agreement was achieved between measurement and simulation of soil water content in various depths collected at intervals during crop growth. This indicates that the model is satisfactory in simulating water transfer in the crop–soil system, and therefore can reliably be adopted in agro-hydrological models. Finally we demonstrated how the developed model could be used to study the effect of changes in the environment such as lowering the groundwater table caused by the construction of a motorway on crop transpiration.  相似文献   
Jing Zhang  Mark Ross 《水文研究》2012,26(24):3770-3778
Clay‐settling areas (CSAs) are one of the most conspicuous and development‐limiting landforms remaining after phosphate mining. Many questions are asked by the mining and regulatory communities with regard to the correct modelling (predictive) methods and assumptions that should be used to yield viable hydrologic post‐reclamation landforms within CSAs. Questions as to the correct methodology to use in modelling/predicting long‐term CSA hydrologic performance have historically been difficult to answer because the data and analysis to support popular hypotheses did not exist. The goal of this paper was to substantially improve the data, analysis and predictive methodology necessary to return CSAs to viable hydrologic units, and moreover, to develop better understanding of the hydrology of CSAs and their ability to support wetlands. The study site is located at the Fort Meade Mine in Polk County, Florida. In this paper, continuous model simulation and calibration of study site were conducted for the hydrologic model, Hydrological Simulation Program – FORTRAN, which was generally selected on the basis of its popularity in predicting the hydrologic behaviour of CSAs. The objective of this study was to simulate streamflow discharges and stage to estimate runoff response from these areas on the basis of the observed rainfall within the CSA. A set of global hydrologic parameters was selected and tested during the calibration by the parameter estimation software PEST. A comparison of the simulated and observed flow data indicates that the model calibration adequately reproduces the hydrologic response of the CSAs. The estimated parameters can be used as references for future application of the model. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A model is presented for the emplacement of intermediate volume ignimbrites based on a study of two 6 km3 volume ignimbrites on Roccamonfina Volcano, Italy. The model considers that the flows were slow moving, and quickly deflated from turbulent to non-turbulent conditions. Yield strength and density increased whereas fluidisation decreased with time and runout of the pyroclastic flows. In proximal locations, on the caldera rim, heterogeneous exposures including discontinuous lithic breccias, stratified and cross-stratified units interbedded with massive ignimbrite suggest deposition from turbulent flows. In medial locations thick, massive ignimbrite occurs associated with three types of co-ignimbrite lithic breccia which we interpret as being emplaced by non-turbulent flows. Multiple grading of different breccia/lithic concentration types within single flow units indicates that internal shear occurred producing overriding or overlapping of the rear of the flow onto the slower-moving front part. This overriding of different parts of non-turbulent pyroclastic flows could be caused by at least two different mechanisms: (1) changes in flow regime, such as hydraulic jumps that may occur at breaks in slope; and (2) periods of increased discharge rate, possibly associated with caldera collapse, producing fresh pulses of lithic-rich material that sheared onto the slower-moving part of the flow in front.We propose that ground surge deposits enriched in pumice compared with their associated ignimbrite probably formed by a flow separation mechanism from the top and front of the pyroclastic flow. These turbulent clouds moved ahead of the non-turbulent lower part of the flow to form stratified pumice-rich deposits. In distal regions well-developed coarse, often clast-supported, pumice concentrations zones and coarse intra-flow-unit lithic concentrations occur within the massive ignimbrite. We suggest that the flows were non-turbulent, possessed a relatively high yield strength and may have moved by plug flow prior to emplacement.  相似文献   
Peter I Øy is located in the Bellinghausen Sea, 400 km NE of Thurston Island, West Antarctica. It is a Pleistocene volcanic island situated adjacent to a former tranform fault on the continental rise of the presently passive margin between the Pacific and Antarctica. New K-Ar age determinations ranging from 0.1 to 0.35 Ma show that the volcanism responsible for this island took place at the same time as post-subduction, rift-related volcanism occurred in the nearby Marie Byrd Land and the Antarctic Peninsula. The rocks of the island are alkalic basalt and hawaiite, benmoreite and trachyte. The basic tocks typically contain phenocrysts of olivine (Fo61–84), diopsidic augite, and plagioclase (ca. An60). Small xenoliths are present and consist of mantle-type spinel lherzolite, cumulate clinopyroxenite and gabbro and felsic inclusions that consist of medium-grained strained quartz, plagioclase, and abundant colorless glass. Chemically, the basic rocks are characterized by rather high MgO (7.8–10.2 wt.%) and TiO2 (3.1–3.7 wt.%) and relatively low CaO (8.4–9.5 wt.%) contents. They have steep REE patterns, [(La/Yb)N = 20] with HREE only 5 x chrondrite. Y and Sc are almost constant at relatively low levels. Compatible trace elements such as Ni and Cr show considerable variation (190–300 and 150–470 ppm, respectively.), whereas V shows only little variation. Sr and Nd isotope ratios vary slightly with 87Sr/86Sr averaging 0.70388 and 143Nd/144Nd 0.512782, both typical for ocean island volcanism. Lead isotope ratios are consistently high in basalts; 206Pb/204Pb = 19.194, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.728 and 208Pb/204Pb = 39.290, whereas benmoreïte is somewhat less radiogenic. Oxygen isotope analyses average δ18O = +6.0‰. Incompatible trace elements vary by a factor of 1.5–2.0 within the range of the basic rocks. It is proposed that the incompatible trace-element variations represent different degrees (<10%) of partial melting, and that these melts were later modified by minor (<15‰) olivine and spinel fractionation. The very small variation in Y (and Sc) and the very fractionated REE pattern indicate that the source had an Y- and HREE-rich residual phase, most probably garnet. Furthermore, it is suggested that the source was slightly hydrous and that melting took place at 18–20 kbar. Trachyte was derived by multiphase fractionation of ne-normative basalts, and benmoreite from hy-normative parental liquids. The rocks of Peter I Øy are generally of the same type and age as those outcropping in extensional regimes on the nearby continent, and therefore, these occurrences may be related to each other in some way. However, the Peter I Øy rocks are considerably more radiogenic in strontium and less radiogenic in neodymium than the rocks of the Antarctic Peninsula and Marie Byrd Land. Possible explanations are that Peter I Øy represent asthenospheric hot spot activity, or transtensional rifting as subduction ceased.  相似文献   
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