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通过对鹤壁市43 a夏玉米生育期间气象要素线性趋势以及其不同年代的均值、变异系数(C·V)、距平变化分析,揭示了在全球气候变暖背景下鹤壁市夏玉米生育期间气候条件的变化规律:活动积温和降水量分别在1993年和1977年前后发生气候突变,降水量由增加趋势转变为减少趋势,活动积温由减少趋势转变为增加趋势;全生育期间及各生育期的活动积温均呈缓慢增多趋势;播种期和苗期发生初夏旱几率高于全省平均水平,影响到玉米的适时播种和出苗;全生育期间日照时数的年际变化与各生育期间的日照时数变化趋势均呈现出随年份逐渐减少趋势,但仍属气候正常振动.  相似文献   
我国干湿气候区划研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾和综述了20世纪中期以来我国在干湿气候区划指标、潜在蒸散计算方法、干湿气候区划等级划分标准及命名方式等方面的研究进展,在此基础上给出了利用干燥度指数进行干湿气候区划的计算方法和等级划分标准,并利用1981-2010年全国2207站的气象观测资料,对近30年来我国干湿气候空间特征进行了分析。结果表明,最近30年我国干旱区(包括极干旱、干旱和亚干旱区)面积为469.2万km2,占国土面积的48.8%,其中极干旱区、干旱区和亚干旱区面积分别为87.8万km2、209.2万km2和172.2万km2,分别占国土面积的9.1%、21.8%和17.9%,主要分布于新疆、内蒙古、西藏、青海、甘肃等西部地区;亚湿润区、湿润区和极湿润区面积占我国国土面积的比例分别为16.2%、27.8%和8.8%,主要位于我国长江以南及东北部分地区。  相似文献   
在TWP3风廓线雷达各种故障中,发射机故障率高居榜首。基于TWP3风廓线雷达发射机工作原理和关键点信号特性,结合故障统计数据,将发射机常见故障归纳为6类典型故障。通过分析典型故障,研究出一套故障诊断流程,并结合3个典型案例进行剖析。结果表明:发射机典型故障诊断流程可以快速、准确诊断发射机故障,具有思路清晰、操作规范、基层雷达站技术人员容易掌握的特点,可有效缩短发射机故障修复时间,提高TWP3风廓线雷达技术保障水平。  相似文献   
鹤壁市单日降水量极值估算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用耿贝尔(Gumber)极值分布原理,对鹤壁市1965-2004年最大日降水量进行降水分布拟合,估算预报时段内可能出现的最大日降水量,得出50 a、80 a鹤壁市可能出现的最大日降水量分别为278.7 mm和301.9 mm;利用二次指数平滑法,得到鹤壁市最大日降水量年际变化总体上呈线性减少趋势.统计结果显示:鹤壁市最大日降水量有峰值增大、谷值减小的趋势,说明在未来一定时期,极端最大日降水量发生的可能性不断增加;最大日降水量集中出现在7-8月份,有明显的季节特征.  相似文献   
The Linnan subsag is the main oil producer of the Linpan oil zone. Based on the oil group composition, gas chromatography data and biomarker analysis, it was indicated that crude oils from different oilfields varied greatly in group composition and showed obvious heterogeneities in the aspects of precursor type, crude oil maturity and hydrocarbon depositional environment. According to the characteristics of source rocks, three oil populations can be distinguished, i.e., the southern, northern and transitional oil populations. Furthermore, on the basis of post-reservoir reworking processes, the medium conditions of hydrocarbon-generating environment and differences in maturity, six oil families and twelve sub-families were distinquished. An integrated study suggested that the factors leading to such heterogeneities in crude oil composition mainly include different source rocks, multi-stage oil/gas charging, geo-chromatographic effects during oil/gas migration, reservoir heterogeneities and various post-reservoir secondary alterations.  相似文献   
铜山岭铜多金属矿床是湘南W、Sn、Pb、Zn、Cu多金属矿集区的代表性矿床,本文对其不同类型岩石和矿石矿物进行了S、Pb、C同位素组成对比研究。矿石硫化物的δ34 S值变化范围为-1.9‰~5.7‰,平均值为2.6‰,硫主要来源于硫同位素组成均一化的岩浆。硫化物硫同位素平衡温度表明,矿床主要成矿温度为134~339℃。矿石铅的206 Pb/204 Pb、207 Pb/204 Pb、208 Pb/204 Pb比值分别为18.256~18.856、15.726~15.877、38.352~39.430;岩体岩石铅的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb比值分别为18.617~18.805、15.721~15.786、38.923~39.073;两者铅同位素组成相同,都主要为上地壳铅,是由同一岩浆体系分异形成,可能来源于古老基底岩石。不同类型岩石、方解石矿物的δ13 CPDB值为-9.88‰~1.32‰,δ18 OSMOW值为11.67‰~17.68‰,从矽卡岩矿体到距岩体稍远的围岩地层,方解石矿物的δ13 CPDB、δ18 OSMOW值逐渐增大,成矿流体中的碳早期可能主要来源于岩浆,在成矿过程中有部分碳酸盐岩地层碳的加入。铜山岭矿床成矿物质主要来源于岩浆,赋矿地层对矿床成矿物质来源作用不显著,仅提供了少量成矿物质。  相似文献   
The critical area around an oasis where desertification occurs determines the ecological security and stability of the oasis. In this study, the soil quality in the critical area of desertification surrounding the Ejina Oasis was evaluated by using a soil quality index (SQI). The soil surface moisture content was related to vegetation cover; it remained high to a distance of 600 m from the oasis, decreased at distances of 600 to 1,700 m, and then gradually increased to a distance of 1,900 m. The sand content and soil bulk density gradually decreased to a distance of 300 m from the oasis; however, the silt and clay contents, soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM), and total and available nutrients increased away from the oasis. From 300 to 1,900 m, the sand content and soil bulk density increased; however, values of other soil properties decreased. Thus, a distance of 300 m from the edge of the oasis represents an obvious demarcation point for soil properties. SOM and the clay content were the key factors that determined soil quality. SQI increased from 0.284 at the edge of the oasis to 0.793 at 300 m, decreased to 0.262 at 1,400 m, and then decreased further to 0.142 at 1,900 m. SQI was lowest at distances of 1,400–1,900 m. The area beyond 300 m from the oasis was most vulnerable to desertification, and is thus the area where desertification control measures should be strengthened.  相似文献   
库车坳陷中生代海侵事件对有机质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对库车河剖面三叠侏罗系重要生烃组段进行了有机质生物标志化合物及单体烃同位素研究,研究结果表明,海侵层位与非海侵层位在生物组成和生标特征等方面明显不同,海侵带来了不同的生物体,使有机质类型发生了改变。在生物标志化合物参数方面表现为Pr/Ph小于1,甾烷含量丰富,甾烷中C27化合物丰度与C29相当,三环萜烷有C21<C23>C24的分布特点,单体烃同位素表现出富集轻碳同位素的特点。中生代海侵事件对塔北隆起区及库车拗陷油气资源具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
冬春亚洲大气环流与华北中部夏季降水的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1957~2002年的NCEP/NCAR 500 hPa再分析资料以及同期华北地区夏季降水资料,分析了华北中部夏季降水与前期环流的关系。结果表明:夏季华北中部降水的多少与冬季东亚槽强弱、春季巴尔喀什湖到贝加尔湖的蒙古高原地区高度场呈显著相关。20世纪80年代中期以前冬季东亚槽偏强、春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏低;80年代中期之后冬季东亚槽开始转弱、春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高。这与华北夏季降水的演变趋势相对应。说明冬季东亚槽的减弱以及春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高是近年来华北夏季降水减少的原因之一。冬季东亚槽强对应夏季西太平洋副高在日本海地区高度呈偏强趋势,有利华北中部夏季降水偏多;春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高有利于华北夏季出现西高东低形势,华北中部夏季降水易偏少。  相似文献   
Research on recycling waste printed circuit boards is at the forefront of preventing environmental pollution and finding ways to recycle resources. A wet process for reclaiming metals from printed circuit boards applying a tapered diameter separation bed is described, and the separation mechanism of the device is proposed. The motion of a particle in the tapered diameter fluid flow field and particle separation within this field were studied. As the material passes through the fluid field, along with the water, differences in particle density, granularity, and shape cause particles to follow at different trajectories. A tapered diameter separation bed was used to process 1?C0.074?mm-sized crushed material from discarded printed circuit boards. The separation efficiency of 91.77?% and the recovery rate of 95.79?% for recovered metal were achieved with a discharge water flow rate of 4.5m3/h, a material feed rate of 300?g/min, and an obliquity of 30°. For ?0.074?mm printed circuit boards, the metal recovery is 93.42?% and the separation efficiency is 77.63?% when the water discharge is 2?m3/h, the obliquity is 35o, and the material feed rate is 450?g/min. The superfine products in a size range of ?0.074?mm can be recovered effectively under suitable operating condition using the tapered diameter separation bed. It indicates that the lower separation limit of the tapered diameter separation bed can be close to zero. The technique will prevent environmental pollution from waste printed circuit boards and allow efficient recovery.  相似文献   
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