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Abstract Quaternary buried ancient river channels are widespread in the shallow-level sediments of the northern shelf of the South China Sea. The sedimentary sequence mainly of fluvial deposits comprise an important component part of the low-stand system tract and transgressive system tract in the study region. The plannar variation and spatial association of the sedimentary features such as incised valley fillings, deltaic foreset wedges and block slides of shelf-marginal fans reflect the palaeogeographic environment during the fall of the regional sea level in the northern part of the South China Sea. Based on the high-resolution seismic reflection data and gelogical data from boreholes, the present paper makes an integrated interpretation of the Quaternary ancient river channels in the shallow sediments of the study area, studies the sedimentary features of the ancient channels such as their spatial distribution, seismic facies reflection indicators, sedimentary facies and sand-body types, and discusses their formational setting and evolutionary model, with the main purpose to render a service to the hydrocarbon resources exploration and development and marine engineering in the northern shelf of the South China Sea.  相似文献   
Heat flow and the origin of helium in natural gases from fault basins of the continental rift-valley in eastern China are discussed in terms of helium isotope geochemistry.3He/4He ratios in natural gases from the rift-valley range from 2.23 × 10−7 to 7.21 × 10−6, which are directly proportional to the concentration of helium and ΣNHC/ΣHC ratio in natural gases. Geological and isotope geochemical data suggest that helium in natural gases consists predominantly of crustal radio-genic and upper mantle-derived helium. In a simple mixing pattern between crustal He and mantle-derived He, mantle-derived helium in natural gases would account for 10–60%. Calculated values for heat flow (Q) range from 59.7 to 82.4mWm−2, of which about 60 percent in the rift-valley is derived from the upper mantle. Natural helium reservoirs would be found in the areas where the upper mantle uplifted greatly and heat flow is large in the continental rift-valley. The project is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
震旦系陡山沱组沉积期形成的黔中开阳、瓮安富磷矿沉积区,矿石产量大、品位高,是国内外重要的磷矿资源产区。黔中磷矿主要分布于黔中古陆周缘的滨浅海环境中,矿石类型以碎屑状磷块岩为主,间夹原生泥晶磷块岩、生物结构磷块岩和次生土状结构磷块岩。开阳式高品位磷块岩的动态沉积成矿过程通常为“三阶段成矿”: 第一阶段为初始成磷作用阶段,在新元古代大规模成磷背景下,上升洋流携带深部富磷海水进入滨浅海地区,并通过生物化学作用使磷质聚集并形成原生磷块岩沉积;第二阶段为簸选成矿作用阶段,高能波浪、风暴水流对原生磷块岩持续的破碎、磨蚀、搬运和再沉积过程中,簸选去除了原生沉积物中的陆源细碎屑、砂泥质成分,保留并聚集磷质碎屑颗粒,形成品位较高的碎屑状矿石;第三阶段为淋滤作用阶段,海平面升降变化使之前形成矿石受暴露事件影响,遭受强烈的风化淋滤作用,碎屑状磷矿石内的碳酸盐岩胶结物和白云石条带被淋滤运移,导致矿层发育大量溶蚀孔洞,甚至形成土状磷块岩,矿石品位再次得到大幅度提升。三阶段成矿作用随古地理条件和海平面变化在沉积成岩过程中多期次、动态进行,最终形成工业价值极高的磷矿石。  相似文献   
Li Ping  Li Pei-Ying  Du Jun 《Natural Hazards》2014,73(3):2107-2126
In this study, on the basis of 3,200 km shallow stratigraphic section and side-scan sonar data of the coastal area of the Yellow River Delta, we delineated and interpreted a total of seven types of typical hazardous geologies, including the hazardous geology in the shallow strata (buried ancient channel and strata disturbance) and hazardous geology in the seabed surface strata (pit, erosive residual body, sand patch, sand wave and scour channel). We selected eight parameters representing the development scale of the hazardous geology as the zoning indexes, including the number of hazardous geology types, pit depth, height of erosive residual body, length of scour channel, area of sand patch, length of sand wave, width of the buried ancient channel and depth of strata disturbance, and implemented the grid processing of the research area to calculate the arithmetic sum of the zoning indexes of each unit grid one by one. We then adopted the clustering analysis method to divide the near-shore waters of the Yellow River Delta into five hazardous geology areas, namely the serious erosion disaster area controlled by Diaokou lobe waves, hazardous geology area of multi-disasters under the combined action of the Shenxiangou lobe river wave flow, accumulation type hazardous geology area controlled by the current estuary river, hazardous geology area of single disaster in the deep water area and potential hazardous geology area of the Chengdao Oilfield. All four of the main factors affecting the development of hazardous geology, namely the diffusion and movement of sediment flux of the Yellow River water entering the sea, seabed stability, bottom sediment type and distribution, as well as the marine hydrodynamic characteristics, show significant regional differentiation characteristics and laws. These characteristics and laws are consistent with the above-mentioned zoning results, in which the distribution, scale and genetic mechanism of hazardous geology are considered comprehensively. This indicates that the hazardous geology zoning based on the cluster analysis is a new attempt in research regarding the hazardous geology zoning of the near-shore waters of the modern Yellow River Delta and that this type of zoning has a high level of reasonability.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of cement kiln dust (CKD) on the swelling properties, strength properties, and microstructures of CKD-stabilized expansive soil were investigated. Samples were prepared and stabilized with different CKD content ratios, ranging from 0 to 18% by dry mass. The results obtained show that the maximum swelling pressures decrease exponentially with increases in CKD content. Both the cohesion and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) increase at ratios below 10% CKD and then decrease slightly, above that ratio. CKD can also improve the strength of saturated, expansive soil. There is no visible change of UCS for soil without CKD when cured, while the UCS of a sample with 10% CKD content after curing for 90 days is higher than that after curing for only 1 day. This indicates that CKD can improve the long-term strength of expansive soil. Finally, microstructure analysis reveals that the addition of CKD reduces the montmorillonite content of expansive soil and decreases its swelling properties. The addition of CKD also changes the pore volume distribution, both the size and amount of macro-pores and micro-pores decrease with increase in CKD content. For saturated samples, the size of macro-pores is obviously reduced, while that of micro-pores is slightly increased for both treated and untreated soils. Hydration and saturation processes make the soil structure become dispersive which results in a lower strength, and adding CKD can restrain this process. The suggested optimal CKD content is between 10 and 14% and with a curing time of more than 27 days.  相似文献   
通过大量的实验分析,揭示了Coniopteris simplex的原位孢子特征,甘肃窑街盆地中侏罗世Coniopteris simplex 原位孢子的基本特征可以概括为:孢子为四面体形,极面观为三角形至圆三角形,顶角钝圆,三边线内凹; 体积小,极面观直径为25~38 μm,平均约30 μm; 三射线平直或微弯,其长度为半径的2/3~3/4,宽度较窄,具唇状边缘。外壁近于光滑,但具多条不规则的褶皱; 无周壁; 孢子的颜色以黄褐色为主。明确了Cyathidites minor可能是Coniopteris simplex孢子,后者为前者的母体植物。  相似文献   
克氏原螯虾主要养殖在长江中下游地区,目前最主要的养殖模式为虾稻共作模式。大量研究结果表明,克氏原螯虾的生长发育与气象要素密切相关。水温在25-30℃时,克氏原螯虾生长较快;16-25℃水温范围内,温度越高,越有利于雌虾卵巢发育;20-30℃水温范围内,水温越高,受精卵孵化时间越短。光明和黑暗时间之比为16 h∶8 h时,最有利于雌虾性腺发育。与克氏原螯虾养殖有关的气象灾害主要有暴雨洪涝、高温热害、低温冷害。鉴于目前的养殖和气象因子影响研究及服务现状,建议气象部门开展虾-稻种养基地气象观测站网建设,开展气温与水温相关性和水温预报研究,以及气象要素对克氏原螯虾影响的定量化研究。  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东南缘的川滇菱形块体的地壳运动主要以鲜水河、安宁河、则木河、小江、红河、澜沧江、龙门山等深大断裂的强烈构造活动为特征,新生代以来受青藏高原物质向东侧流动及阿萨姆顶点楔入的作用,使该地区构造活动复杂,地震活动强烈而频繁,是研究地壳形变与地震的有利地区之一.但由于形变观测资料时空分布的制约,以前很多学者对川滇地区活动断裂的GPS形变研究主要以大尺度为主,主要反映川滇块体的整体运动特征,而对于利用GPS研究各个块体间的相互作用及其对边界带的活动构造的作用缺少深入的分析,本文正是基于1998~2002年间该地区200多GPS点位的三期GPS复测资料(网络工程和973项目),将川滇地区分为9个次级活动块体,计算了各个活动块体的欧拉旋转矢量和主要活动断裂的运动速度,并分析了该地区的应变场特征和地震危险性.结果表明川滇地区活动块体的运动有以下特点:  相似文献   
杜定全 《矿物学报》1994,14(4):394-398
宜兴东岭逆冲断层带是一条脆性剪切带,断层带内不同变形程度的断层岩在构造地球化学特征上有明显的集散规律,随着岩石变形程度的增加,SiO2的含量相对降低,除FeO以外的其它主元素和除Li以外的微量元素则相对富集,即在断层岩变形过程中,SiO2自变形相对强烈的断层带中心向两侧的硅化带迁移,除FeO和Li之外的其它主元素和微量元素则自断层带两侧向中心迁移。这种迁移趋势是受各元素本身构造地球化学特性所制约。  相似文献   
野外露头岩石学与地层学研究表明,青藏高原东北缘囊谦古近纪盆地贡觉组自下而上可分为5个岩性段,它们构成两套由粗变细的沉积序列,主要形成于冲积扇-河流-湖泊-三角洲沉积环境。不同的岩性段具有不同的岩石组合,反映其形成于不同的沉积环境:第一岩性段分布局限,为滨浅湖相沉积;第二岩性段、第四岩性段和第五岩性段形成于近源、快速堆积环境;第三岩性段为面积分布广泛的干旱-炎热气候条件下的河流-湖泊沉积环境产物。由于盆地沉积的不对称性及所处沉积环境的不同,各岩性段在盆地内的出露也不相同,总体反映盆地经历了早期挤压推覆前陆盆地、中期走滑拉分盆地、晚期走滑挤压推覆前陆盆地的演化历史。  相似文献   
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