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为探究淡水湖库及其所属流域蒸散发演变特征,以及气象因子对蒸散发的影响规律。以长三角地区最大的淡水人工湖和重要的水源地——千岛湖为研究对象,采用Penman-Monteith等方法与WEP-L分布式水文模型,分别计算千岛湖流域1960—2020年潜在蒸散发(ET0)与实际蒸散发(ETa),分析二者年际变化趋势及突变年份;采用偏微分方法分析气象因子对ET0的敏感性和贡献度;采用归因分析法分析突变前后气象因子对ETa变化的贡献度,并利用蒸发表面水分指数(EM1)解析流域蒸发互补关系。结果表明:ET0与ETa多年平均值分别为1021.7和857.5 mm,整体皆呈减少趋势,倾向率分别为-0.77和-1.03 mm/a,二者均在1980和2000年左右发生突变;ET0对相对湿度变化最为敏感,ET0增加的月份主要是由于相对湿度、平均气温的正贡献,风速呈负贡献但相对较小,ET0减少的...  相似文献   
为全面探索河流溶解性有机碳(DOC)与二氧化碳(CO2)动态及驱动因素的相关关系,以我国三峡库区河流——澎溪河为对象,于雨季和旱季采集表层水体水样,分别通过原位和室内测定,明确水文参数(水温、pH、碱度和流速)、DOC浓度和营养元素(总氮(TN)和总磷(TP))浓度,并计算水体CO2分压(pCO2)、水—气界面CO2交换通量和营养元素化学计量比(DOC:TN、DOC:TP和TN:TP)。以河流CO2、DOC和营养状态动态变化为基础,通过对DOC、TN、TP、营养元素化学计量比和荧光峰(B、T、A、M、C、D和N)与河流pCO2的多维分析建立及评估潜在的耦合关系,从而揭示特定区域河流CO2的来源与驱动因素特征。结果显示,澎溪河水—气界面CO2交换速率在3.75~22.9 m/d范围内,雨季((9.91±4.93)m/d)>旱季((6.69±4.30) m/(d),pCO2在65.95~2...  相似文献   
溴是完备工业体系的关键必备元素。盐湖卤水是溴的重要来源。青藏高原盐湖众多,富含钾、锂、硼等资源元素,开发潜力巨大。然而,目前针对青藏高原盐湖溴浓度、分布特征及其物源的研究仍然薄弱。本次研究采集了26个青藏高原盐湖表卤水样品并分析其溴浓度,进一步总结其他64个已报道盐湖数据,系统分析了青藏高原盐湖溴浓度分布特征,并进一步探讨了溴的可能物源。结果表明:青藏高原盐湖表卤水溴分布在0.5~246.8 mg/L之间,平均为41.1 mg/L,其中,碳酸盐型盐湖卤水平均溴浓度最高(47.0 mg/L),且集中分布在高原南部,而氯化物型盐湖平均溴浓度最低(30.1mg/L),盐湖溴浓度呈现自南向北降低的趋势;青藏高原盐湖中溴有多种来源,高原南部富溴盐湖溴的来源可能主要与热泉补给有关,而柴达木盆地盐湖高溴来源可能主要与深部地层水(如油田水、背斜构造裂隙孔隙水、砂砾孔隙卤水、气田水等)补给有关。  相似文献   
多波束测深系统越来越被广泛应用于深海调查,并逐渐成为远海综合调查船的标配仪器.利用其开展水深测量作业前对其测深性能进行有效而全面地评估是极为关键的一步.利用2套SeaBeam3012深水多波束测深系统、1套HY1690深水单波束测深系统,在不同条件海域开展一系列系统性试验,并对测深数据分别开展"线与线"、"线与面"及"...  相似文献   
The four-dimensional variational assimilation (4D-Var) has been widely used in meteorological and oceanographic data assimilation. This method is usually implemented in the model space, known as primal approach (P4D-Var). Alternatively, physical space analysis system (4D-PSAS) is proposed to reduce the computation cost, in which the 4D-Var problem is solved in physical space (i.e., observation space). In this study, the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm, implemented in the 4D-PSAS system is evaluated and it is found that the non-monotonic change of the gradient norm of 4D-PSAS cost function causes artificial oscillations of cost function in the iteration process. The reason of non-monotonic variation of gradient norm in 4D-PSAS is then analyzed. In order to overcome the non-monotonic variation of gradient norm, a new algorithm, Minimum Residual (MINRES) algorithm, is implemented in the process of assimilation iteration in this study. Our experimental results show that the improved 4D-PSAS with the MINRES algorithm guarantees the monotonic reduction of gradient norm of cost function, greatly improves the convergence properties of 4D-PSAS as well, and significantly restrains the numerical noises associated with the traditional 4D-PSAS system.  相似文献   
杜丁丁  张成君  李志文 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1279-1288
碳库效应存在影响了14C测年的准确性,制约了沉积物在湖泊研究中的应用。本文研究位于典型西风环流带的新疆博斯腾湖现代碳库效应,结合同位素地球化学、水化学等方法,探讨了博斯腾湖碳库效应的影响机制。研究结果表明,博斯腾湖最大现代碳库年龄为3535年,最小为现代碳,集中在670~945年。而过去碳库效应集中在1033~2200年。深水区表现为碳库年龄较小且稳定;在入湖口碳库效应最大,富水生植物浅水区碳库效应最小。与过去碳库年龄相比较,现代碳库效应整体表现更为年轻。研究发现,博斯腾湖口受流域外源“死”碳影响,深水区受湖水与大气CO2交换率差异影响,富水生植物浅水区可能受水生植物光合作用影响。此外,核爆效应也对博斯腾湖现代碳库效应产生了影响,可能导致最高约1000年的年代误差。利用深水区放射性碳比活度(pMC)平均值与大气碳比活度差值(~18%),得出深水区沉积物存在约846年现代碳库效应,再经核爆效应校正后得出博斯腾湖存在最高约1800年碳库效应。  相似文献   
以烟台市的芝罘岛风砂沉积剖面为研究对象,分析色度特征,并结合光释光测年探讨末次间冰期该地区的气候。结果表明:1)色度参数L*均值为52.13,在整个剖面表现为黄土层L*高于古土壤层,指示寒冷干燥的气候条件。a*b*C*h*均值依次为11.18、25.03、27.43和0.421,其值均表现为古土壤层高于黄土层,指示温暖湿润的气候条件。2)各色度参数在剖面垂直方向上呈现峰谷交替的3个旋回,反映该地区末次间冰期的气候变化经历由夏季风占主导,气候暖湿,降水较多(MIS5e:118.5—124.9 ka)→夏季风势力减弱,冬季风增强,气温下降(MIS5d:105.2—118.5 ka)→夏季风影响明显,气候湿热(MIS5c:94.7—105.2 ka)→冬季风增强,气温下降(MIS5b:83.4—94.7 ka)→开始转向暖湿(MIS5a:70.18—83.4 ka)→再转向干冷(MIS4:62.85—70.18 ka)的冷暖震荡。  相似文献   
Variable curvature friction pendulum bearings(VCFPB) effectively reduce the dynamic response of storage tanks induced by earthquakes.Shaking table testing is used to assess the seismic performance of VCFPB isolated storage tanks.However,the vertical pressure and friction coefficient of the scaled VCFPB in the shaking table tests cannot match the equivalent values of these parameters in the prototype.To avoid this drawback,a real-time hybrid simulation(RTHS)test was developed.Using RTHS testing,a...  相似文献   
In addition to the normal service loadings, engineering structures may be subjected to occasional loadings such as earthquakes, which may cause severe destruction. When the steel rebar is corroded, the damage could be more serious. To investigate the seismic performance of corroded RC columns, a three-dimensional mesoscale finite element model was established. In this approach, concrete was considered as a three-phase composite composed of aggregate, mortar matrix and interfacial transition zone...  相似文献   
Observations made on the northern Portugal mid-shelf between May 13 and June 15,2002 were used to characterise the near-surface velocity during one upwelling season. It was found that in the surface mixed layer,the 'tidal current' was diurnal,but the tidal elevation was semi-diurnal. Both the residual current and the major axes of all tidal constituents were nearly perpendicular to the isobaths and the tidal current ellipses rotated clockwise;the major axis of the major tidal ellipse was about 3 cm s-1. The extremely strong diurnal current in the surface layer was probably due to diurnal heating,cooling,and wind mixing that induced diurnal oscillations,including the diurnal oscillation of wind stress. This is a case different from the results measured in the other layers in this area. The near-inertial spectral peaks occurred with periods ranging from 1 047 min to 1 170 min,the longest periods being observed in deeper layers,and the shortest in the surface layer. Weak inertial events appeared during strong upwelling events,while strong inertial events appeared during downwelling or weak subinertial events. The near-inertial currents were out of phase between 5 m and 35 m layers for almost the entire measurement period,but such relationship was very weak during periods of irregular weak wind. Strong persistent southerly wind blew from May 12 to 17 and forced a significant water transport onshore and established a strong barotropic poleward jet with a surface speed exceeding 20 cm s-1. The subinertial current was related to wind variation,especially in the middle layers of 15 m and 35 m,the maximum correlation between alongshore current and alongshore wind was about 0.5 at the 5 m layer and 0.8 at the 35 m layer. The alongshore current reacted more rapidly than the cross-shore current. The strongest correlation was found at a time lag of 20 h in the upper layer and of 30 h in the deeper layer. The wind-driven surface velocity obtained from the PWP model had maximum amplitude of about 7 cm s-1,corresponding to a wind stress at 0.1 Pa,and the horizontal velocity shear due to thermal wind balance had the order of 3 cm s-1. So the local wind and thermal wind would only explain a part of the strong surface velocity variations.  相似文献   
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