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Subduction-related Quaternary volcanic rocks from Solander and Little Solander Islands, south of mainland New Zealand, are porphyritic trachyandesites and andesites (58.20–62.19 wt% SiO2) with phenocrysts of amphibole, plagioclase and biotite. The Solander and Little Solander rocks are incompatible element enriched (e.g. Sr ~931–2,270 ppm, Ba ~619–798 ppm, Th ~8.7–21.4 ppm and La ~24.3–97.2 ppm) with MORB-like Sr and Nd isotopic signatures. Isotopically similar quench-textured enclaves reflect mixing with intermediate (basaltic-andesite) magmas. The Solander rocks have geochemical affinities with adakites (e.g. high Sr/Y and low Y), whose origin is often attributed to partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. Solander sits on isotopically distinct continental crust, thus excluding partial melting of the lower crust in the genesis of the magmas. Furthermore, the incompatible element enrichments of the Solander rocks are inconsistent with partial melting of newly underplated mafic lower crust; reproduction of their major element compositions would require unrealistically high degrees of partial melting. A similar argument precludes partial melting of the subducting oceanic crust and the inability to match the observed trace element patterns in the presence of residual garnet or plagioclase. Alternatively, an enriched end member of depleted MORB mantle source is inferred from Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions, trace element enrichments and εHf ? 0 CHUR in detrital zircons, sourced from the volcanics. 10Be and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic systematics are inconsistent with significant sediment involvement in the source region. The trace element enrichments and MORB-like Sr and Nd isotopic characteristics of the Solander rocks require a strong fractionation mechanism to impart the high incompatible element concentrations and subduction-related (e.g. high LILE/HFSE) geochemical signatures of the Solander magmas. Trace element modelling shows that this can be achieved by very low degrees of melting of a peridotitic source enriched by the addition of a slab-derived melt. Subsequent open-system fractionation, involving a key role for mafic magma recharge, resulted in the evolved andesitic adakites.  相似文献   
Maldive Islands are characterized by a unique coral nature and thus they posses unique tourism resources though in a one-sided way, namely in the submarine and littoral environment of the islands, lagoons and reefs, associated with the year-round tropical climate. Therefore, not only divers and snorklers enjoy the profuse underwater resources, but also beach tourists are attracted by the nature of the beaches and the climatic conditions as well. This environment really guarantees relaxation and recreation. Tourism in Maldives which was introduced in 1972 only, has successfully developed so far. Proof is given by the rapidly growing number of tourists and tourist resorts (islands) over the past 10 year period. On the European market, Maldives today rank among the most attractive tourist destinations in the tropics. Maldives offer large natural resources for tourism to be further developed in the future. The sensitive environment does however call for most considerate measures.  相似文献   
The sample interval for the selection of extreme magnitudes plays an important part in the quality of Gumbel model fitting. A short sample interval can produce many observations, which is helpful in obtaining a reliably fitting model. However a short sample interval can bring many dummy ``observations', a condition which adversely biases the fitting. The short sample interval also increases the chance to introduce non-independent observations as well, which violates a basic requirement of the Gumbel model. On the other hand, a large time interval not only reduces the number of observations, but also enlarges the observation error. Thus, for Greece, the most suitable parameters of the third Gumbel extreme model are obtained by using a sample interval which produces minimum error. In consideration of the reliability of the seismic data, earthquakes with magnitude M 5.5 in Greece and its surrounding region after 1900 are used mainly in the present paper. In order to obtain well resolved contour maps with smooth changes a 2°× 2° cell with half-degree overlap strategy was used to scan the region. The most expected largest earthquake for the next fifty, one hundred and two hundred years are estimated for each cell. Likewise, the events with magnitude at a probability of 90\% of non-exceedance over the next fifty, one hundred and two hundred years are estimated for each cell. In parallel to this procedure we also analyze the 67 shallow seismic zones outlined by Papazachos and his colleagues and detail individual zone results where these are obtained. The most perceptible earthquake magnitude for the range of intensities I = {VI}, VII and VIII are also calculated. All results show that the areas around the Hellenic Arc and the Cephalonia Transform Fault for Greece have comparatively high frequency of destructive earthquakes accompanied by a high occurrence probability of moderate earthquakes (M 5.5).  相似文献   
A common assumption in the geological analysis of modern reefs is that coral community zonation seen on the surface should also be found in cores from the reef interior. Such assumptions not only underestimate the impact of tropical storms on reef facies development, but have been difficult to test because of restrictions imposed by narrow‐diameter cores and poor recovery. That assumption is tested here using large‐diameter cores recovered from a range of common zones across three Campeche Bank reefs. It is found that cores from the reef‐front, crest, flat and rubble‐cay zones are similar in texture and coral composition, making it impossible to recognize coral assemblages that reflect the surface zonation. Taphonomic signatures imparted by variations in encrustation, bioerosion and cementation, however, produce distinct facies and delineate a clear depth zonation. Cores from the reef‐front zone (2–10 m depth) are characterized by sections of Acropora palmata cobble gravel interspersed with sections of in‐place (but truncated) A. palmata stumps. Upper surfaces of truncated colonies are intensely bioeroded by traces of Entobia isp. and Gastrochaenolites isp. and encrusted by mm‐thick crustose corallines before colony regeneration and, therefore, indicate punctuated growth resulting from a hurricane‐induced cycle of destruction and regeneration. Cores from the reef crest/flat (0–2 m depth) are also characterized by sections of hurricane‐derived A. palmata cobble‐gravels as well as in‐place A. palmata colonies. In contrast to the reef front, however, these cobble gravels are encrusted by cm‐thick crusts of intergrown coralline algae, low‐relief Homotrema and vermetids, bored by traces of Entobia isp. and Trypanites isp. and coated by a dense, peloidal, micrite cement. Cores from the inter‐ to supratidal rubble‐cay zone (+0–5 m) are only composed of A. palmata cobble gravels and, although clasts show evidence of subtidal encrustation and bioerosion, these always represent processes that occurred before deposition on the cay. Instead, these gravels are distinguished on the basis of their limited bioerosion and marine cements, which exhibit fabrics formed in the intertidal zone. These results confirm that hurricanes have a major influence on facies development in Campeche Bank reefs. Instead of reflecting the surface coral zonation, each facies records a distinctive, depth‐related set of taphonomic processes, which reflect colonization, alteration and stabilization following the production of new substrates by hurricanes.  相似文献   
The pipe shapes, infill and emplacement processes of the Attawapiskat kimberlites, including Victor, contrast with most of the southern African kimberlite pipes. The Attawapiskat kimberlite pipes are formed by an overall two-stage process of (1) pipe excavation without the development of a diatreme (sensu stricto) and (2) subsequent pipe infilling. The Victor kimberlite comprises two adjacent but separate pipes, Victor South and Victor North. The pipes are infilled with two contrasting textural types of kimberlite: pyroclastic and hypabyssal-like kimberlite. Victor South and much of Victor North are composed of pyroclastic spinel carbonate kimberlites, the main features of which are similar: clast-supported, discrete macrocrystal and phenocrystal olivine grains, pyroclastic juvenile lapilli, mantle-derived xenocrysts and minor country rock xenoliths are set in serpentine and carbonate matrices. These partly bedded, juvenile lapilli-bearing olivine tuffs appear to have been formed by subaerial fire-fountaining airfall processes.

The Victor South pipe has a simple bowl-like shape that flares from just below the basal sandstone of the sediments that overlie the basement. The sandstone is a known aquifer, suggesting that the crater excavation process was possibly phreatomagmatic. In contrast, the pipe shape and internal geology of Victor North are more complex. The northwestern part of the pipe is dominated by dark competent rocks, which resemble fresh hypabyssal kimberlite, but have unusual textures and are closely associated with pyroclastic juvenile lapilli tuffs and country rock breccias±volcaniclastic kimberlite. Current evidence suggests that the hypabyssal-like kimberlite is, in fact, not intrusive and that the northwestern part of Victor North represents an early-formed crater infilled with contrasting extrusive kimberlites and associated breccias. The remaining, main part of Victor North consists of two macroscopically similar, but petrographically distinct, pyroclastic kimberlites that have contrasting macrodiamond sample grades. The juvenile lapilli of each pyroclastic kimberlite can be distinguished only microscopically. The nature and relative modal proportion of primary olivine phenocrysts in the juvenile lapilli are different, indicating that they derive from different magma pulses, or phases of kimberlite, and thus represent separate eruptions. The initial excavation of a crater cross-cutting the earlier northwestern crater was followed by emplacement of phase (i), a low-grade olivine phenocryst-rich pyroclastic kimberlite, and the subsequent eruption of phase (ii), a high-grade olivine phenocryst-poor pyroclastic kimberlite, as two separate vents nested within the original phase (i) crater. The second eruption was accompanied by the formation of an intermediate mixed zone with moderate grade. Thus, the final pyroclastic pipe infill of the main part of the Victor North pipe appears to consist of at least three geological/macrodiamond grade zones.

In conclusion, the Victor kimberlite was formed by several eruptive events resulting in adjacent and cross-cutting craters that were infilled with either pyroclastic kimberlite or hypabyssal-like kimberlite, which is now interpreted to be of probable extrusive origin. Within the pyroclastic kimberlites of Victor North, there are two nested vents, a feature seldom documented in kimberlites elsewhere. This study highlights the meaningful role of kimberlite petrography in the evaluation of diamond deposits and provides further insight into kimberlite emplacement and volcanism.  相似文献   


Serpentinized rocks closely associated with Paleoproterozoic eclogitic metabasites were recently discovered at Eseka area in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in southern Cameroon. Here, we present new field data, petrography, and first comprehensible whole-rock geochemistry data and discuss the protolith and tectonic significance of these serpentinites in the region. The studied rock samples are characterized by pseudomorphic textures, including mesh microstructure formed by serpentine intergrowths with cores of olivine, bastites after pyroxene. Antigorite constitutes almost the whole bulk of the rocks and is associated (to the less amount) with tremolite, talc, spinel, and magnetite. Whole-rock chemistry of the Eseka serpentinites led to the distinction of two types. Type 1 has high MgO (> 40 wt%) content and high Mg# values (88.80) whereas Type 2 serpentinite samples display relatively low MgO concentration and Mg# values (< 40 and 82.88 wt%, respectively). Both types have low Al/Si and high Mg/Si ratios than the primitive mantle, reflecting a refractory abyssal mantle peridotite protolith. Partial melting modeling indicates that these rocks were derived from melting of spinel peridotite before serpentinization. Bulk rock high-Ti content is similar to the values of subducted serpentinites (> 50 ppm). This similarity, associated with the high Cr contents, spinel-peridotite protolith compositions and Mg/Si and Al/Si ratios imply that the studied serpentinites were formed in a subduction-related environment. The U-shaped chondrite normalized-REE patterns of serpentinized peridotites, coupled with similar enrichments in LREE and HFSE, suggest the refertilized nature due to melt/rock interaction prior to serpentinization. Based on the results, we suggest that the Eseka serpentinized peridotites are mantle residues that suffered a high degree of partial melting in a subduction-related environment, especially in Supra Subduction Zone setting. These new findings suggest that the Nyong series in Cameroon represents an uncontested Paleoproterozoic suture zone between the Congo craton and the São Francisco craton in Brazil.

A new technique for the in situ analysis of Re, Au, Pd, Pt and Rh in natural basalt glass by laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS is described. The method involves external calibration against NIST SRM 612/613 or 614/615 glass certified reference materials, internal standardisation using Ca, and ablation with a 200 μm wide beam spot and a pulsed laser repetition rate of 50 Hz. Under these conditions, sensitivities for Re, Au, Pd, Pt and Rh analyte ions are ˜ 5000 to 100,000 cps/μg g-1. This is sufficient to make measurements precise to ˜ 10% at the 2-10 μg g-1 level, which is well within the range of concentrations expected in many basalts. For LA-ICP-MS calibration and a demonstration of the accuracy of the technique, concentrations of Re, Au, Pd, Pt and Rh in the NIST SRM 610/611 (˜ 1 to 50 μg g-1), 612/613 (˜ 1 to 7 μg g-1), 614/615 (˜ 0.2 to 2 μg g-1) and 616/617 (˜ 0.004 to 2 μg g-1) glasses were determined by solution-nebulisation (SN)-ICP-MS. Using the 612/613 or 614/615 glasses as calibration standards, LA-ICP-MS measurements of these elements in the other NIST glasses fell within ˜ 15% of those determined by SN-ICP-MS. Replicate LA-ICP-MS analyses of the 612/613 and 614/615 glasses indicate that, apart from certain anomalous domains, the glasses are homogeneous for Re, Au, Pd, Pt and Rh to better than 3.5%. Two LA-ICP-MS analyses of natural, island-arc basalt glasses exhibit large fractionations of Re, Au and Pd relative to Pt and Rh, compared to the relative abundances in the primitive mantle.  相似文献   
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