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This paper describes the collection, reduction, and analysis of 0.4–1.0 m Mars imaging spectroscopy data obtained during the 1988 and 1990 oppositions from Mauna Kea Observatory and provides a general outline for the acquisition and analysis of similar imaging spectroscopy data sets. The U.H. 2.24-m Wide Field Grism CCD Spectrograph was used to collect 13 three-dimensional image cubes covering 90% of the planet south of 50°N in the 0.4–0.8 m region (/=245 at 0.6 m) and covering 55% of the planet south of 50°N in the 0.5–1.0 m region (/=293 at 0.75 m). Spectra extracted from these image cubes reveal the detailed character of the martian near-UV to visible spectrum. Images at red wavelengths reveal the classical albedo markings at 100–500 km spatial resolution while images at blue wavelengths show little surface feature contrast and are dominated by condensate clouds/hazes and polar ice. Many of the data acquisition, reduction, and analysis steps discussed here are new or unique to imaging spectroscopy data sets. These techniques exploit the information contained within the spatial domain of data such as these, thus allowing more traditional point-spectral analysis techniques to be expanded into an imaging format.  相似文献   
Phase angle and temperature are two important parameters that affect the photometric and spectral behavior of planetary surfaces in telescopic and spacecraft data. We have derived photometric and spectral phase functions for the Asteroid 4 Vesta, the first target of the Dawn mission, using ground-based telescopes operating at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (0.4–2.5 μm). Photometric lightcurve observations of Vesta were conducted on 15 nights at a phase angle range of 3.8–25.7° using duplicates of the seven narrowband Dawn Framing Camera filters (0.4–1.0 μm). Rotationally resolved visible (0.4–0.7 μm) and near-IR spectral observations (0.7–2.5 μm) were obtained on four nights over a similar phase angle range. Our Vesta photometric observations suggest the phase slope is between 0.019 and 0.029 mag/deg. The G parameter ranges from 0.22 to 0.37 consistent with previous results (e.g., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Magnusson, P., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Argyle, R.W., Morrison, L.V. [1992]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 94, 43–71; Piironen, J., Magnusson, P., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Williams, I.P., Buontempo, M.E., Morrison, L.V. [1997]. Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 121, 489–497; Hasegawa, S. et al. [2009]. Lunar Planet. Sci. 40. ID 1503) within the uncertainty. We found that in the phase angle range of 0° < α ? 25° for every 10° increase in phase angle Vesta’s visible slope (0.5–0.7 μm) increases 20%, Band I and Band II depths increase 2.35% and 1.5% respectively, and the BAR value increase 0.30. Phase angle spectral measurements of the eucrite Moama in the lab show a decrease in Band I and Band II depths and BAR from the lowest phase angle 13° to 30°, followed by possible small increases up to 90°, and then a dramatic drop between 90° and 120° phase angle. Temperature-induced spectral effects shift the Band I and II centers of the pyroxene bands to longer wavelengths with increasing temperature. We have derived new correction equations using a temperature series (80–400 K) of HED meteorite spectra that will enable interpretation of telescopic and spacecraft spectral data using laboratory calibrations at room temperature (300 K).  相似文献   
We present a method to constrain the albedo and diameters of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) based on thermal flux in their near-infrared spectra (0.7–2.5 μm) using the Standard Thermal Model. Near-infrared spectra obtained with the SpeX instrument on NASA Infrared Telescope Facility are used to estimate the albedo and diameters of 12 NEAs (1992 JE, 1992 UY4, 1999 JD6, 2004 XP14, 2005 YY93, 2007 DS84, 2005 AD13, 2005 WJ56, 1999 JM8, 2005 RC34, 2003 YE45, and 2008 QS11). Albedo estimates were compared with average albedo for various taxonomic classes outlined by Thomas et al. (Thomas, C.A. et al. [2011]. Astron. J. 142(3)) and are consistent with their results. Spectral band parameters, like band centers, are derived and compared to spectra of laboratory mineral mixtures and meteorites to constrain their composition and possible meteorite analogs. Based on our study we estimate the albedos and diameters of these NEAs and compare them with those obtained by other techniques such as ground-based mid-infrared, Spitzer thermal infrared and Arecibo radar. Our results are broadly consistent with the results from other direct methods like radar. Determining the compositions of low albedo asteroids is a challenge due to the lack of deep silicate absorption features. However, based on weak absorption features and albedo, we suggest possible meteorite analogs for these NEAs, which include black chondrites, CM2 carbonaceous chondrites and enstatite achondrites. We did not find any specific trends in albedo and composition among the asteroids we observed.  相似文献   
We present three-dimensional unsteady modeling and numerical simulations of a coronal active region, carried out within the compressible single-fluid MHD approximation. We focus on AR 9077 on 14 July 2000, and the triggering of the X5.7 GOES X-ray class “Bastille Day” flare. We simulate only the lower corona, although we include a virtual photosphere and chromosphere below. The boundary conditions at the base of this layer are set using temperature maps from line intensities and line-of-sight magnetograms (SOHO/MDI). From the latter, we generate vector magnetograms using the force-free approximation; these vector magnetograms are then used to produce the boundary condition on the velocity field using a minimum energy principle (Longcope, Astrophys. J. 612, 1181, 2004). The reconnection process is modeled through a dynamical hyper-resistivity which is activated when the current exceeds a critical value (Klimas et al., J. Geophys. Res. 109, 2218, 2004). Comparing the time series of X-ray fluxes recorded by GOES with modeled time series of various mean physical variables such as current density, Poynting energy flux, or radiative loss inside the active region, we can demonstrate that the model properly captures the evolution of an active region over a day and, in particular, is able to explain the initiation of the flare at the observed time.  相似文献   
The direct detection of Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) by telescopic imaging is not currently practical for objects much less than 100 km in diameter. However, indirect methods such as serendipitous stellar occultations might still be employed to detect these bodies. The method of serendipitous stellar occultations has been previously used with some success in detecting KBOs—Roques et al. (Astron J 132(2):819–822, 2006) detected three Trans-Neptunian objects; Schlichting et al. (Nature 462(7275):895–897, 2009) and Schlichting et al. (Astrophys J 761:150, 2012) each detected a single object in archival Hubble Space Telescope data. However, previous assessments of KBO occultation detection rates have been calculated only for telescopes—we extend this method to video camera systems, and we apply this derivation to the automated meteor camera systems currently in use at the University of Western Ontario. We find that in a typical scenario we can expect one occultation per month. However recent studies such as those of Shankman et al. (Astrophys. J. Lett. 764. doi:10.1088/2041-8205/764/1/L2, 2013) and Gladman et al. (AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 2012) which indicate that the population of small KBOs may be smaller than has been assumed in the past may result in a sharp reduction of these rates. Nonetheless, a survey for KBO occultations using existing meteor camera systems may provide valuable information about the number density of KBOs.  相似文献   
Time-Distance ‘travel time’ perturbations (as inferred from wave phase) are calculated relative to the quiet-Sun as a function of wave orientation and field inclination in a uniform inclined magnetic field. Modelling indicates that the chromosphere-corona Transition Region (TR) profoundly alters travel times at inclinations from the vertical θ for which the ramp-reduced acoustic cutoff frequency ω c cosθ is similar to the wave frequency ω. At smaller inclinations phase shifts are much smaller as the waves are largely reflected before reaching the TR. At larger inclinations, the shifts resume their quiet-Sun values, although with some resonant oscillatory behaviour. Changing the height of the TR in the model atmosphere has some effect, but the thickness and temperature jump do not change the results substantially. There is a strong correspondence between travel-time shifts and the Alfvén flux that emerges at the top of the modelled region as a result of fast/Alfvén mode conversion. We confirm that the TR transmission coefficient for Alfvén waves generated by mode conversion in the chromosphere is far larger (typically 30 % or more) than for Alfvén waves injected from the photosphere.  相似文献   
A preliminary analysis of the data from the UCLA magnetometer on board the Apollo 15 subsatellite indicates that remnant magnetization is a characteristic property of the Moon, that its distribution is such as to produce a rather complex pattern or fine structure, and that a detailed mapping of its distribution is feasible with the present experiment. The analysis also shows that lunar induction fields produced by transients in the interplanetary magnetic field are detectable at the satellite orbit so that in principle the magnetometer data can be used to determine the latitudinal and longitudinal as well as radial dependences of the distribution of electrical conductivity within the Moon. Finally, the analysis indicates that the plasma void or diamagnetic cavity which forms behind the Moon when the Moon is in the solar wind, is detectable at the satellite's orbit and that the flow of the solar wind near the limbs is usually rather strongly disturbed.Publication No. 981. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics.  相似文献   
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