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Sedimentological, geochemical and particle-size analyses were used to reconstruct the evolution of both trophic state and hypolimnetic anoxia in Lake Bourget (French Alps) during the last century. Radionuclide dating (210Pb, 137Cs and 241Am) confirmed the annual rhythm of laminations in the upper sediment profile. In Lake Bourget, biochemical varves are triplets composed of a diatom layer (spring lamina), a bio-precipitated calcite-rich layer (spring/summer lamina), and a layer rich in organic matter and detrital particles (winter lamina). The onset of eutrophication and the first appearance of an anoxic facies occurred simultaneously and were dated by laminae counting to AD 1943±1 year. Persistent anoxic conditions began in AD 1960. Eutrophication is characterised by drastic increases in the flux of biogenic silica (mostly diatoms), lacustrine organic matter, and larger calcite crystals (15–30 μm). The increase of organic matter also represents a marker of the onset of anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion. Our results show that eutrophication was the main factor controlling anoxia in the hypolimnion. This eutrophication was caused mostly by the inflow of untreated sewage effluents, and to a lesser extent, by input of fertilizer-derived phosphorus during floods of the Rhone River and run-off from the lake catchment. The Rhone River, however, can also be a source of re-oxygenation via underflows that originate during flood events. Oxygenation of the hypolimnion is also controlled by low winter temperatures, which enable turnover of the lake. Thus, global warming, associated with a forecasted reduction in precipitation, might reduce the efficiency of hypolimnetic re-oxygenation in Lake Bourget.  相似文献   
High-resolution images from the Mars Obiter Camera (MOC) onboard the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) show a variety of gully features on sloped surfaces of Mars. The mechanism of gully formation is still under debate, although a majority of studies tend to favor a mechanism related to liquid water flow based on geomorphology and fluid mechanics considerations. In this study, we examined four known gully sites using Visible and Infrared Mineralogical Mapping Spectrometer (OMEGA) imagery. In particular, we analyzed the absorption depths of the water-associated absorption bands and concluded that there are stronger water signatures at the gully-exposed sites than in the surrounding areas. This implies that the water signatures, most likely representing water ice, isolated water molecules, and/or hydroxyl molecules incorporated into minerals, are still present in the shallow unconsolidated soils. This study provides additional evidence that water was likely involved in the formation of the gully features and is still locally active on the Martian surface in the present time.  相似文献   
A laboratory study of scalar diffusion in the convective boundary layer has found results that are consistent with a 1999 large-eddy simulation (LES) study by Jonker, Duynkerke and Cuijpers. For bottom-up and top-down scalars (introduced as ‘infinite’ area sources of passive tracer at the surface and inversion, respectively) the dominant length scale was found to be much larger than the length scale for density fluctuations, the latter being equal to the boundary-layer depth h. The variance of the normalized passive scalar grew continuously with time and its magnitude was about 3–5 times larger for the top-down case than for the bottom-up case. The vertical profiles of the normalized passive scalar variance were found to be approximately constant through the convective boundary layer (CBL) with a value of about 3–8c*2 for bottom-up and 10–50c*2 for top-down diffusion. Finally, there was some evidence of a minimum in the variance and dominant length scale for scalar flux ratios (top-down to bottom-up flux) close to −0.5. All these convection tank results confirm the LES results and support the hypothesis that there is a distinct difference in behaviour between the dynamic and passive variables in the CBL.  相似文献   
This paper and a companion article present illustrated guides to the identification of sub-fossil chironomid larvae (Insecta: Diptera: Chironomidae) preserved in the sediments of low- and mid-elevation lakes in East Africa. They are based on analysis of surface-sediment death assemblages from 61 lakes located in the humid to semi-arid environments in equatorial East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania), supplemented with similar surface-sediment samples from 12 lakes in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia), and sub-recent core samples from six lakes in Kenya and two in Uganda. We analyzed about 11,000 specimens and identified 98.4% of these to species, species group, genus, or tribe level, depending on current -taxonomic knowledge of the various considered genera and the taxonomic resolution of preserved diagnostic features. We distinguished 90 different sub-fossil morphotypes, of which 16 are Tanypodinae, 19 are Orthocladiinae, and 55 are Chironominae. In this paper we focus on the subfamily Chironominae (tribes Chironomini and Tanytarsini). The diagnostic characters distinguishing these morphotypes from each other resemble differences at the species level in the better-known Holarctic fauna, hence we consider most of our morphotypes equivalent to morphological species or groups of closely related species. Given that core samples yielded only seven morphotypes not also found in the surface-sediment samples, the current inventory of 90 taxa likely represents the large majority of distinct sub-fossil chironomid larval types to be found in East African lakes, excluding the few very large Rift lakes, cold-water lakes above treeline, and special standing-water environments such as fens and bogs. Consistent use of a single set of morphological characters to identify both fossil and living chironomid larvae would ensure exchangeability of information between modem and paleoenvironmental studies on aquatic invertebrate communities in African lakes, and increase the relevance of paleoenvironmental reconstructions to water-quality evaluations aimed at sustainable management of scarce, fluctuating surface-water resources in tropical East Africa.  相似文献   
We investigated paleolimnological records from a series of river deltas around the northeastern rim of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa (Tanzania and Burundi) in order to understand the history of anthropogenic activity in the lakes catchment over the last several centuries, and to determine the impact of these activities on the biodiversity of littoral and sublittoral lake communities. Sediment pollution caused by increased rates of soil erosion in deforested watersheds has caused significant changes in aquatic communities along much of the lakes shoreline. We analyzed the effects of sediment discharge on biodiversity around six deltas or delta complexes on the east coast of Lake Tanganyika: the Lubulungu River delta, Kabesi River delta, Nyasanga/Kahama River deltas, and Mwamgongo River delta in Tanzania; and the Nyamuseni River delta and Karonge/Kirasa River deltas in Burundi. Collectively, these deltas and their associated rivers were chosen to represent a spectrum of drainage-basin sizes and disturbance levels. By comparing deltas that are similar in watershed attributes (other than disturbance levels), our goal was to explore a series of historical experiments at the watershed scale, with which we could more clearly evaluate hypotheses of land use or other effects on nearshore ecosystems. Here we discuss these deltas, their geologic and physiographic characteristics, and the field procedures used for coring and sampling the deltas, and various indicators of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   
Climate change tends to negatively affect the power sector, inter alia, by causing cooling problems in power plants and impairing the water supply required for hydropower generation. In the future, when global warming is expected to increase, autonomous adaptation to climate change via international electricity markets inducing reallocations of power generation may not be sufficient to prevent supply disruptions anymore. Furthermore, the consequent changes of supply patterns and electricity prices might cause an undesirable redistribution of wealth both between individual power suppliers and between suppliers and consumers. This study ascertains changes in European power supply patterns and electricity prices caused by on-going global warming as well as the associated redistribution of wealth for different climate change scenarios. The focus of the analysis is on short-term effects. Our results confirm that autonomous adaptation in the power sector should be complemented by planned public adaptation in order to preserve energy security and to prevent undesired distributional effects.  相似文献   
Higher-order moments, minima and maxima of turbulent temperature and water vapour mixing ratio probability density functions measured with an eddy-covariance system near the ground were related to each other and to vertical boundary-layer profiles of the same scalars obtained through airborne soundings. The dependence of kurtosis on squared skewness showed a kurtosis intercept below the Gaussian expectation, suggesting a compression of the probability density function by the presence of natural boundaries. This hypothesis was corroborated by comparing actual minima and maxima of turbulent fluctuations to estimates obtained from the first four sample moments by fitting a four-parameter beta distribution. The most sharply defined boundaries were found for the minima of temperature datasets during the day, indicating that negative temperature fluctuations at the sensor are limited by the availability of lower temperatures in the boundary layer. By comparison to vertical profiles, it could be verified that the turbulent minimum of temperature near the ground is close to the minimum of potential temperature in the boundary layer. The turbulent minimum of water vapour mixing ratio was found to be equal to the mixing ratio at a height above the minimum of the temperature profile. This height roughly agrees with the top of the non-local unstable domain according to bulk Richardson number profiles. We conclude that turbulence statistics measured near the surface cannot be solely explained by local effects, but contain information about the whole boundary layer including the entrainment zone.  相似文献   
A dense grid of multichannel high-resolution seismic sections from the Bay of Kiel in the western Baltic Sea has been interpreted in order to reveal the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geological evolution of the northern part of the North German Basin. The overall geological evolution of the study area can be separated into four distinct periods. During the Triassic and the Early Jurassic, E–W extension and the deposition of clastic sediments initiated the movement of the underlying Zechstein evaporites. The deposition ceased during the Middle Jurassic, when the entire area was uplifted as a result of the Mid North Sea Doming. The uplift resulted in a pronounced erosion of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata. This event is marked by a clear angular unconformity on all the seismic sections. The region remained an area of non-deposition until the end of the Early Cretaceous, when the sedimentation resumed in the area. Throughout the Late Cretaceous the sedimentation took place under tectonic quiescence. Reactivated salt movement is observed at the Cretaceous Cenozoic transition as a result of the change from an extensional to compressional regional stress field. The vertical salt movement influenced the Cenozoic sedimentation and resulted in thin-skinned faulting.  相似文献   
Multichannel seismic (MCS) data from the Yaquina forearc basin off Peru reveal a complex distribution of gas and gas hydrate related reflections. Lateral variations of the reflection pattern at the assumed base of the gas hydrate stability zone in terms of continuity, amplitude, and signal attenuation underneath are observed, as well as the possible occurrence of paleo-bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs). Phase reversed reflections above the bottom simulating reflector point to free gas within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). To constrain the interpretation of the observed reflection pattern we calculated the velocity distribution along the MCS line from high-resolution ocean bottom hydrophone recordings with two independent methods. Heat flux values estimated on the basis of the velocity-depth functions increase with decreasing amplitude of the BSR and peak near chemoherms. These results suggest a model of the Yaquina Basin where free gas is trapped under parts of the BSR, and within the GHSZ, particularly under the seafloor and under an erosional unconformity. The hypothesis of a paleo-BSR that reflects the uplift of the base of the hydrate stability zone caused by the deposition of a particular sediment sequence is supported by the estimated heat flux values.  相似文献   
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