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A row of rigid piles is addressed as the countermeasures for isolating Rayleigh waves in a poroelastic half‐space. The complex characteristic equations for Rayleigh waves are derived via Biot's theory and their existence conditions are given. The piles are modeled as Euler–Bernoulli beams with longitudinal displacements and the diffracted field by each pile is constructed only with Rayleigh waves. Six infinite linear systems of algebraic equations are obtained in terms of the equilibrium of forces and continuity of displacements at the pile–soil interfaces. The systems are subsequently solved in the complex least‐squares sense. The influence of certain pile and soil characteristics such as the permeability of poroelastic soil, spacing between the piles and length of the piles on the isolating performance of a pile barrier is investigated. Computed results show that the permeability of poroelastic soil displays a significant effect on the vertical amplitude reduction of Rayleigh waves. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
MapBasic提供了一组能创建新对象的语句和函数,其中经纬网格的实现主要采用创建区域的CreateRegion语句,可整体画一个区域再采用"分割区域创建经纬网法",也可使用"循环语句创建经纬网法"。实现地理编码,则可以通过采用导入电子表格数据的方法以及编程实现的方法。  相似文献   
总结了昆明地区关山动物群自1999年命名以来开展的研究工作和取得的新进展。简要叙述了关山动物群的研究概况、地层位置、生物群组合特征和关山动物群的研究意义。在关山动物群中首次发现了古虫动物门的Vetulicola ganggtoucunenisis Luo,Fu et Hu,吐卓虫Tuzoia sp.nov.,古蠕虫Palaeoscolex sp.nov.,腕足类Heliomedusa sp.nov.及三叶形虫、海绵动物新属种。指出关山动物群是一个由多门类软躯体后生动物化石组成的伯吉斯页岩型的动物群,时代介于澄江动物群与凯里动物群(或伯吉斯页岩动物群)之间,起到了承前启后的作用,在寒武纪生命大爆发和寒武纪早期生物演化的研究中有重要意义。  相似文献   
A systematic investigation on silica contents and silicon isotope compositions of bamboos was undertaken. Seven bamboo plants and related soils were collected from seven locations in China. The roots, stem, branch and leaves for each plant were sampled and their silica contents and silicon isotope compositions were determined. The silica contents and silicon isotope compositions of bulk and water-soluble fraction of soils were also measured. The silica contents of studied bamboo organs vary from 0.30% to 9.95%. Within bamboo plant the silica contents show an increasing trend from stem, through branch, to leaves. In bamboo roots the silica is exclusively in the endodermis cells, but in stem, branch and leaves, the silica is accumulated mainly in epidermal cells. The silicon isotope compositions of bamboos exhibit significant variation, from −2.3‰ to 1.8‰, and large and systematic silicon isotope fractionation was observed within each bamboo. The δ30Si values decrease from roots to stem, but then increase from stem, through branch, to leaves. The ranges of δ30Si values within each bamboo vary from 1.0‰ to 3.3‰. Considering the total range of silicon isotope composition in terrestrial samples is only 7‰, the observed silicon isotope variation in single bamboo is significant and remarkable. This kind of silicon isotope variation might be caused by isotope fractionation in a Rayleigh process when SiO2 precipitated in stem, branches and leaves gradually from plant fluid. In this process the Si isotope fractionation factor between dissolved Si and precipitated Si in bamboo (αpre-sol) is estimated to be 0.9981. However, other factors should be considered to explain the decrease of δ30Si value from roots to stem, including larger ratio of dissolved H4SiO4 to precipitated SiO2 in roots than in stem. There is a positive correlation between the δ30Si values of water-soluble fractions in soils and those of bulk bamboos, indicating that the dissolved silicon in pore water and phytoliths in soil is the direct sources of silicon taken up by bamboo roots. A biochemical silicon isotope fractionation exists in process of silicon uptake by bamboo roots. Its silicon isotope fractionation factor (αbam-wa) is estimated to be 0.9988. Considering the distribution patterns of SiO2 contents and δ30Si values among different bamboo organs, evapotranspiration may be the driving force for an upward flow of a silicon-bearing fluid and silica precipitation. Passive silicon uptake and transportation may be important for bamboo, although the role of active uptake of silicic acid by roots may not be neglected. The samples with relatively high δ30Si values all grew in soils showing high content of organic materials. In contrast, the samples with relatively low δ30Si values all grew in soil showing low content of organic materials. The silicon isotope composition of bamboo may reflect the local soil type and growth conditions. Our study suggests that bamboos may play an important role in global silicon cycle.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of cement kiln dust (CKD) on the swelling properties, strength properties, and microstructures of CKD-stabilized expansive soil were investigated. Samples were prepared and stabilized with different CKD content ratios, ranging from 0 to 18% by dry mass. The results obtained show that the maximum swelling pressures decrease exponentially with increases in CKD content. Both the cohesion and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) increase at ratios below 10% CKD and then decrease slightly, above that ratio. CKD can also improve the strength of saturated, expansive soil. There is no visible change of UCS for soil without CKD when cured, while the UCS of a sample with 10% CKD content after curing for 90 days is higher than that after curing for only 1 day. This indicates that CKD can improve the long-term strength of expansive soil. Finally, microstructure analysis reveals that the addition of CKD reduces the montmorillonite content of expansive soil and decreases its swelling properties. The addition of CKD also changes the pore volume distribution, both the size and amount of macro-pores and micro-pores decrease with increase in CKD content. For saturated samples, the size of macro-pores is obviously reduced, while that of micro-pores is slightly increased for both treated and untreated soils. Hydration and saturation processes make the soil structure become dispersive which results in a lower strength, and adding CKD can restrain this process. The suggested optimal CKD content is between 10 and 14% and with a curing time of more than 27 days.  相似文献   
马鞍桥金矿床产于西秦岭造山带商丹断裂带南缘的E-W脆-韧性剪切带中,矿床空间定位和矿体展布受脆-韧性剪切带控。选择马鞍桥金矿床矿石、地层岩石和二长花岗斑岩的代表性样品,针对性地开展碳-氧和氢-氧同位素分析测试。研究结果证明:成矿早阶段和主阶段成矿流体以变质热液或地层改造热液为主,而晚阶段则主要为大气降水。马鞍桥金矿床矿化地质特征和同位素地球化学组成为广义的类卡林型金矿床或属介于造山型和卡林型金矿床之间的过渡类型。  相似文献   
高精度GPS实时差分(RTK)定位技术是目前各领域最广泛使用的测量技术之一,尤其是在石油物探测量中,提高了测量成果的精度,满足了三维和高分辨率地震勘探的要求,提高了作业速度,减轻了测量人员的劳动强度,从而深受人们的青睐。本文从RTK基准站选择、转换参数求取、数据链传输、流动站作业过程等方面,探讨了石油物探测量中对RTK技术的不利因素及处理方法。  相似文献   
Luan  Lubao  Ding  Xuanming  Cao  Guangwei  Deng  Xin 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(11):3261-3269
Acta Geotechnica - This paper presents a new analytical model for calculating the dynamic performance of pile groups subjected to vertical loads. The derived solution allows considering the robust...  相似文献   
The literature indicates climate change is likely to cause more frequent and intense extreme weather events along with higher temperatures and altered precipitation. Taiwan frequently suffers from extremes in the form of typhoons, and their effects threaten both social stability and public security. Temperature effects through climate change are also expected to alter crime rates. We examine the immediate and longer-run impacts of typhoons and other climate variables on crime rates in Taiwan. The immediate results suggest that typhoon intensity has a significantly negative influence on rates of crime, including all violent crimes and automobile thefts. They also show that warmer temperatures have a strong positive effect on all violent crimes and all the subtypes of violent crimes. In addition, longer duration typhoons increase the immediate rates of all violent crimes, automobile thefts and muggings while decreasing the rate of burglaries. In the long run, we find that typhoon intensity, duration and landfall have persistent, lagged effects on crime that vary from negative to positive. For example, strong-intensity typhoons have significantly negative lagged effects on crimes 3–5 months in the future but positive lagged effects on crimes in future months 6–9. Finally, projections under the IPCC climate change scenarios show all violent crimes will increase.  相似文献   
中国海相探矿权区块定量评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究了我国海相油气探矿权区块基本油气地质条件、勘探程度、技术经济条件等要素和特点的基础上,给出了48个评价参数和归一化取值参照表,建立了探矿权区块评价工作流程、评分参数及计算公式。提出对我国海相勘探层探矿权区块评价应该注意:与国外海相碳酸盐岩评价的差别;与国内陆相碎屑岩评价的差别;成藏组合的划分;评价内容的有效性、不确定性和评价参数的可信度;成败经验的总结和勘探程度的研究。  相似文献   
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