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Considerable instability exists among large U.S. metropolitan areas in their status as wholesale trade centers. Differences in wholesale trade growth rates, changes in national shares, and shifts in rank position reflect not only population growth patterns, but also structural changes in the national economy. In the latter instance, the wholesale product mix of SMSAs is an important factor in explaining their differential fortunes within the wholesaling hierarchy.  相似文献   
Tidal exchanges of nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon by a high and a low elevation marsh in the Rhode River estuary were measured throughout the year. Both marshes tended to import particulate matter and export dissolved matter, although they differed in the fluxes of certain nutrients. Compared with tidal exchanges, bulk precipitation was a major source of ammonia and nitrate and a minor source of other nutrients. There was a net retention of nutrients by the portion of the Rhode River that included both marshes and a mudflat. However, the marshes accounted for only 10% of the phosphorus retention and 1% of the nitrogen retention while they released organic carbon amounting to 20% of the retention. This suggests that the mudflat acted as a sink for nutrients. The primary role of the marshes seems to be transformation of particulate to dissolved nutrients rather than nutrient retention or release.  相似文献   
香港城市与郊区气候差异分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
香港天文台近年的研究显示,香港的气温上升是由温室效应增强所导致的全球变暖及本地高密度城市发展的共同影响.除温度外,香港因受城市化影响,相对湿度在城市与郊区之间亦有很明显的差异.选取1989-2006年较能代表香港市区与郊区情况的气象站每小时气温和相对湿度数据,初步比较了香港市郊温度和相对湿度差异的日变化和季节变化,并试图分析这些差异变化与城市化影响的关系.结果显示郊区的气温变化幅度比市区大、变化也较突然,市区晚间至清晨气温较郊区为高;日间情况大致逆转,但气温差别幅度不及晚间.一年之中,城市化效应在冬季最为显著,春季则最不明显.市郊相对湿度的差异同样很明显.晚间至清晨市区相对湿度较郊区为低,日间相反.  相似文献   
Two major cohesionless soil series of the central Coast Ranges of Oregon were examined for soil and hydrologic properties. Although derived from different parent material, the Bohannon and Klickitat series exhibited nearly identical values of soil and hydrologic properties. Aggregation in both soils was found to be the most important property, for it influences shear strength and subsurface water movement, prime components of slope stability. The unusually high angle of internal friction of both cohesionless soils was 40° to 41°. The angle of internal friction was affected significantly by the mode of wetting. Subsurface water movement was predominantly by unsaturated flow. The influence of soil aggregation on pore-size distribution and arrangement created conditions where unsaturated flow was an effective means for water dispersal in both soils during most observed storm events. Considering the large area covered by these two soil series, aggregation appears to be an important slope-stability property with regional significance.  相似文献   
A weather classification scheme was coupled with a semi-Markov model to represent the coincident occurrence of rain/no rain states at a single rain gauge and classes representing regional atmospheric circulation patterns, as identified from National Meteorological Center gridded observations for a large area of the North Pacific. Weather classes were identified from daily observations of surface pressure and 850 mb pressure height at five selected ten degree latitude by ten degree longitude cells using a K-means clustering algorithm, which was applied on a month-by-month basis. The number of climate classes, K, for each month was chosen based on a preliminary analysis of the model's ability to describe statistics of observed precipitation occurrences at the Stampede Pass, Washington weather station. The length of stay distributions within each precipitation occurrence/weather class were assumed to be geometric, and the precipitation amounts for each class and season were fitted with a mixed exponential distribution. Parameters of the length of stay distributions, transition probabilities, and precipitation amounts were estimated from the period of record 1975–84.The fitted model was used to simulate a ten year sequence of daily precipitation. It was found that the semi-Markov model of climate class/wet-dry states preserved the length of wet and dry day runs reasonably well, with the exception of months with long average run lengths. Likewise, the occurrence frequencies of the climate classes were reasonably well preserved with a few exceptions. An exploratory analysis of the properties of wet and dry period runs for those classes and months whose run frequencies were poorly preserved showed that the log survivor functions and variance time curves were also poorly preserved, which suggests that more complex distributions may be required for some of the run length distributions.  相似文献   
A suite of pelitic schists from the contact metamorphic aureole around the syenite stock at Ascutney Mountain, Vermont, shows a decrease in the amounts of cordierite, quartz, and andalusite and an increase in pleonaste and corundum as the contact is approached. Whole rock chemical analyses show a distinct SiO2 concentration gradient from the wall rocks toward the intrusion; however, the syenite has a higher weight percent SiO2 than the adjacent schists. It is suggested that silica diffused down an SiO2 activity gradient into the intrusive; other major oxide components were apparently immobile. The diffusion of silica was probably through intergranular fluids, and the amount of silica available for diffusion was governed by the solubilities of cordierite, andalusite, and quartz in the interstitial fluid.  相似文献   
Chaotic radar signal processing over the sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is demonstrated that the random nature of sea clutter may be explained as a chaotic phenomenon. For different sets of real sea clutter data, a correlation dimension analysis is used to show that sea clutter can be embedded in a finite-dimensional space. The result of correlation dimension analysis is used to construct a neural network predictor for reconstructing the dynamics of sea clutter. The deterministic model so obtained is shown to be capable of predicting the evolution of sea clutter. The predictive analysis is also used to analyze the dimension of sea clutter. Using the neural network as an approximation of the underlying dynamics of sea clutter, a dynamic-based detection technique is introduced and applied to the problem of detecting growlers (small fragments of icebergs) in sea clutter. The performance of this method is shown to be superior to that of a conventional detector for the real data sets used here  相似文献   
Hydrological simulations to delineate the impacts of climate variability and human activities are subjected to uncertainties related to both parameter and structure of the hydrological models. To analyze the impact of these uncertainties on the model performance and to yield more reliable simulation results, a global calibration and multimodel combination method that integrates the Shuffled Complex Evolution Metropolis (SCEM) and Bayesian Model Averaging of four monthly water balance models was proposed. The method was applied to the Weihe River Basin, the largest tributary of the Yellow River, to determine the contribution of climate variability and human activities to runoff changes. The change point, which was used to determine the baseline period (1956–1990) and human-impacted period (1991–2009), was derived using both cumulative curve and Pettitt’s test. Results show that the combination method from SCEM provides more skillful deterministic predictions than the best calibrated individual model, resulting in the smallest uncertainty interval of runoff changes attributed to climate variability and human activities. This combination methodology provides a practical and flexible tool for attribution of runoff changes to climate variability and human activities by hydrological models.  相似文献   
In eastern England the Chalk aquifer is covered by extensive Pleistocene deposits which influence the hydraulic conditions and hydrochemical nature of the underlying aquifer. In this study, the results of geophysical borehole logging of groundwater temperature and electrical conductivity and depth sampling for major ion concentrations and stable isotope compositions (δ18O and δ2H) are interpreted to reveal the extent and nature of the effective Chalk aquifer of north Norfolk. It is found that the Chalk aquifer can be divided into an upper region of fresh groundwater, with a Cl concentration of typically less than 100 mg l−1, and a lower region of increasingly saline water. The transition between the two regions is approximately 50 m below sea-level, and results in an effective aquifer thickness of 50–60 m in the west of the area, but less than 25 m where the Eocene London Clay boundary is met in the east of the area. Hydrochemical variations in the effective aquifer are related to different hydraulic conditions developed in the Chalk. Where the Chalk is confined by low-permeability Chalky Boulder Clay, isotopically depleted groundwater (δ18O less than −7.5‰) is present, in contrast to those areas of unconfined Chalk where glacial deposits are thin or absent (δ18O about −7.0‰). The isotopically depleted groundwater is evidence for groundwater recharge during the late Pleistocene under conditions when mean surface air temperatures are estimated to have been 4.5°C cooler than at the present day, and suggests long groundwater residence times in the confined aquifer. Elevated molar Mg:Ca ratios of more than 0.2 resulting from progressive rock-water interaction in the confined aquifer also indicate long residence times. A conceptual hydrochemical model for the present situation proposes that isotopically depleted groundwater, occupying areas where confined groundwater dates from the late Pleistocene, is being slowly modified by both diffusion and downward infiltration of modem meteoric water and diffusive mixing from below with an old saline water body.  相似文献   
Fractionation of carbon and hydrogen isotopes by methane-oxidizing bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon isotopic analysis of methane has become a popular technique in the exploration for oil and gas because it can be used to differentiate between thermogenic and microbial gas and can sometimes be used for gas-source rock correlations. Methane-oxidizing bacteria, however, can significantly change the carbon isotopic composition of methane; the origin of gas that has been partially oxidized by these bacteria could therefore be misinterpreted.We cultured methane-oxidizing bacteria at two different temperatures and monitored the carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the residual methane. The residual methane was enriched in both 13C and D. For both isotopic species, the enrichment at equivalent levels of conversion was greater at 26°C than at 11.5°C. The change in δD relative to the change in δ13C was independent of temperature within the range studied. One culture exhibited a change in the fractionation pattern for carbon (but not for hydrogen) midway through the experiment, suggesting that bacterial oxidation of methane may occur via more than one pathway.The change in the δD value for the residual methane was from 8 to 14 times greater than the change in the δ13C value, indicating that combined carbon and hydrogen isotopic analysis may be an effective way of identifying methane which has been subjected to partial oxidation by bacteria.  相似文献   
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