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Stable isotope evidence of dual (Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal) vapour sources in monsoonal precipitation over north India 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
High resolution time series data of hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope values of precipitation have been generated for the first time at Kolkata, eastern India where the summer monsoon clouds from Bay of Bengal (BOB) commence their journey over India. Use of a Rayleigh cum two component mixing model and comparison of Kolkata data with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)–Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) data base of New Delhi suggest that the precipitation at New Delhi cannot be explained by simple continental effect of a BOB vapour source alone, traveling and raining successively along Kolkata–New Delhi route. It is necessary to invoke an admixture of 20% vapour originating from the Arabian sea with the vapour coming from BOB and finally causing summer monsoon rains at New Delhi. The findings have major implications to the regional water vapour budget over India. 相似文献
Summary The object of the present paper is to investigate the magneto-elastic surface waves in an initially stressed conducting medium. The theory of magneto-elastic surface waves in an initially stressed conducting medium has firstly been deduced and then it has been employed in investigating the particular cases of surface waves such as (i) Rayleigh waves (ii) Love waves and (iii) Stoneley waves. The wave-velocity equations obtained in different cases are in agreement with the corresponding classical results when the solid is initially unstressed and the magnetic field is absent or the material is non-magnetic. 相似文献
Summary Some propagation characteristics of low frequency surface waves have been studied at the different soil formations. The field records were obtained by operating a mechanical-optical seismograph in the vicinity of small explosions. The records have been analysed for both amplitude and spectral attenuation studies. The existence of power laws are suggested in general. 相似文献
Natural Hazards - Landslide susceptibility (LSI) modeling of Darjeeling–Sikkim Himalaya is performed by integrating 28 causative factors on 28C28 combinations on Geographical Information... 相似文献
A. Sarkar S. Sengupta J.M. McArthur P. Ravenscroft M.K. Bera Ravi Bhushan A. Samanta S. Agrawal 《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(25-26):2564-2581
Sedimentology, carbon isotope and sequence stratigraphic analysis of subsurface sediments from western part of Ganges–Brahmaputra (GB) delta plain shows that a Late Quaternary marine clay and fluvial channel-overbank sediments of MIS 5 and 3 highstands are traceable below the Holocene strata. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) sea-level lowering of >100 m produced a regional unconformity (type 1), represented by palaeosols and incised valley. C4 vegetation expanded on exposed lowstand surface in an ambient dry glacial climate. At 9 ka transgression inundated the lowstand surface pushing the coastline and mangrove front 100 km inland. Simultaneous intensification of monsoon and very high sediment discharge (4–8 times than modern) caused a rapid aggradation of both floodplain and estuarine valley fill deposits between 8 and 7 ka. The Hoogli River remaining along its present drainage possibly acted as the main conduit for transgression and sediment discharge that was subsequently abandoned. C3 vegetation dominated the delta plain during this time. From 7 ka onward progradation of delta plain started and continued till recent. This period experienced a mixed C3–C4 vegetation with localized mangroves in the mid-Holocene to dominant return of C4 vegetation in the late Holocene period. The study indicates that while the initiation of western part of GB delta occurred at least 1 ka earlier than the global mean delta formation age, the progradation started at 7 ka, at least 2 ka earlier than thought before. The terrestrial vegetation change was modulated by changes in depositional environment, specific ecological niches and climate rather than pCO2. 相似文献
A refined garnet - biotite Fe−Mg exchange geothermometer and its application in amphibolites and granulites 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Somnath Dasgupta Pulak Sengupta Dipayan Guha M. Fukuoka 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1991,109(1):130-137
A new formulation of garnet-biotite Fe–Mg exchange thermometer has been developed through statistical regression of the reversed experimental data of Ferry and Spear. Input parameters include available thermo-chemical data for quaternary Fe–Mg–Ca–Mn garnet solid solution and for excess free energy terms, associated with mixing of Al and Ti, in octahedral sites, in biotite solid solution. The regression indicates that Fe–Mg mixing in biotite approximates a symmetrical regular solution model showing positive deviation from ideality withW
=1073±490 cal/mol. H
and S
for the garnet-biotite exchange equilibrium were derived to be 4301 cal and 1.85 cal respectively. The resultant thermometer gives consistent results for rocks with a much wider compositional range than can be accommodated by earlier formulations. 相似文献
The Lanta Khola is a major landslide on the North Sikkim Highway in the Indian state of Sikkim. The abnormally low width-to-length
ratio and slope instability in spite of the gentle surface slope (24°) make this slide unique. Geological, geophysical, and
geotechnical studies reveal that a major Himalayan discontinuity daylights within the slide. At the contact, the schist is
weathered to fine sand and silt with lower shear strength and permeability. The overlying gneiss is less weathered and exposed
at the contact. Surface runoff enters the contact zone through crevices in the overlying gneiss, and debris material is extruded
laterally from within this zone rendering instability, with blocks collapsing and eventually rolling down the slope after
cloud bursts. Numerical modeling of the slide confirms this mechanism of instability. Diversion of runoff, plugging of crevices,
and construction of pipe piles and horizontal drains are suggested as remedial measures. 相似文献
The northern fold belt away from the Singhbhum Shear Zone displays a set of folds on bedding. The folds are sub-horizontal
with E-W to ESE striking steep axial surfaces. In contrast, the folds in the Singhbhum Shear Zone developed on a mylonitic
foliation and have a reclined geometry with northerly trending axes. There is a transitional zone between the two, where the
bedding and the cleavage have become parallel by isoclinal folding and two sets of reclined folds have developed by deforming
the bedding—parallel cleavage. Southward from the northern fold belt the intensity of deformation increases, the folds become
tightened and overturned towards the south while the fold hinges are rotated from the sub-horizontal position to a down-dip
attitude. Recognition of the transitional zone and the identification of the overlapping character of deformation in the shear
zone and the northern belt enable the formulation of a bulk kinematic model for the area as a whole. 相似文献