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The Cretaceous gabbroic to granitic intrusive rocks of the Tehachapi Mountains were emplaced at depths of 25–30 km and thus afford a view of deep processes in the Sierra Nevada batholith. They consist of the 115 Ma Tehachapi suite and the 100 Ma Bear Valley suite; new zircon U-Pb age data reveal the presence of the latter as far west as Grapevine Canyon. The Nd, Sr, Pb, and O isotopic whole-rock data and zircon Pb inheritance patterns for the bulk of the suites suggest an origin by mixing between depleted mantlederived magmas and metasedimentary material with a substantial component of old continental material. However, this mixing is not evident in variations between isotopic ratios and chemical and lithologic parameters. This implies that isotopic hybridization of magmas took place deeper than 30 km, and that fractionation processes are likely responsible for the bulk of the chemical variation in this part of the Sierra Nevada batholith. Consideration of the isotopic data in the context of the Sierra Nevada batholith as a whole suggests that the well-known east-to-west isotopic gradients in the batholith may reflect a change in the average isotopic character of the preintrusive frame-work rather than a change in amount of crustal component. On the other hand, the lack of areal gradients in Sr and Nd isotopic ratios in the main study area may indicate a lack of pronounced gradation at deep levels, at least within the western batholith.  相似文献   
The high-grade metamorphic basement of the Modum Complex, South Norway,exhibits retrogradation and alteration due to late stage fluid infiltration.Extensive alteration zones of albite-and calcite-rich veining occur especiallywithin and around numerous metagabbros. The gabbros, intruded at 1224±15Ma, are now partly altered to amphibolites due to the subsequent high-grade metamorphism.Two generations of albite-rich rocks have been recognized: (1) a fine-grained, foliated type;(2) a coarse-grained, crosscutting type. Both types show a typical greenschist facies mineralassemblage; albite ± actinolite ± chlorite ± talc. The calcite veins/dykesrepresent a younger generation of veins than both albite-rich types. U–Pb data for spheneof type (1) yielded an age of 1080±3 Ma, determining a point on the retrogradeP-T-t path of the Modum Complex. Increasing albitisation of themetagabbros leads to a decrease in(143ND/144Nd)oand an increase in (87Sr/86)o.Albite- and calcite-rich samples show negative Nd and positive Sr, suggesting that fluids which interacted with the metagabbros originated from a crustal reservoir. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show disequilibrium at the microscale as well as at the macroscale. Negative Sm–Nd model ages of the albite-rich rocks demonstrate that rare-earth elements (REEs) were mobile and fractionated during albitisation.  相似文献   
Abstract The crystallography and crystal chemistry of a new calcium-titanium-aluminosilicate mineral (UNK) observed in synthetic analogs to calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from carbonaceous chondrites was studied by electron diffraction techniques. The unit cell is primitive hexagonal or trigonal, with a = 0.790 ± 0.002 nm and c = 0.492 ± 0.002 nm, similar to the lattice parameters of melilite and consistent with cell dimensions for crystals in a mixer furnace slag described by Barber and Agrell (1994). The phase frequently displays an epitactic relationship in which melilite acts as the host, with (0001)UNK | (001)mel and <10T0>UNK | <100>mel. If one of the two space groups determined by Barber and Agrell (1994) for their sample of UNK is applicable (P3ml or P31m), then the structure is probably characterized by puckered sheets of octahedra and tetrahedra perpendicular to the c-axis with successive sheets coordinated by planar arrays of Ca. In this likely structure, each unit cell contains three Ca sites located in mirror planes, one octahedrally coordinated cation located along a three-fold axis and five tetrahedrally coordinated cations, three in mirrors and two along triads. The octahedron contains Ti but, because there are 1.3–1.9 cations of Ti/formula unit, some of the Ti must also be in tetrahedral coordination, an unusual but not unprecedented situation for a silicate. Tetrahedral sites in mirror planes would contain mostly Si, with lesser amounts of Al while those along the triads correspondingly contain mostly Al with subordinate Ti. The structural formula, therefore, can be expressed as with Si + Ti = 4. Compositions of meteoritic and synthetic Ti-bearing samples of the phase can be described in terms of a binary solid solution between the end-members Ca3TiAl2Si3O14 and Ca3Ti(AlTi)(AlSi2)O14. A Ti-free analog with a formula of Ca3Al2Si4O14 synthesized by Paque et al. (1994) is thought to be related structurally but with the octahedral site being occupied by Al, that is   相似文献   
The relationship between the production of -ray emitting particles and non-thermal soft X-ray line broadening is investigated. A model of particle acceleration via the stochastic interaction with MHD turbulence is assumed and the time development of the wave energy density derived under the condition of energy conservation between waves and particles. The inferred numbers and energy distribution of accelerated protons for four -ray flares are used to define the wave energy density and its temporal development. The presence of Alfvén wave turbulence is considered as the source of the non-thermal motions in the ambient plasma. These motions are observed as excess widths in the soft X-ray line emission from these events. The decay of the waves via the particle acceleration process is compared with the observed decays of this non-thermal line broadening. Our results show that both the -ray emission and excess soft X-ray line widths in these flares can be explained by the single physical phenomenon of Alfvén wave turbulence.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of shrubland expansion: land use,climate or CO2?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Encroachment of trees and shrubs into grasslands and the thicketization of savannas has occurred worldwide over the past century. These changes in vegetation structure are potentially relevant to climatic change as they may be indicative of historical shifts in climate and as they may influence biophysical aspects of land surface-atmosphere interactions and alter carbon and nitrogen cycles. Traditional explanations offered to account for the historic displacement of grasses by woody plants in many arid and semi-arid ecosystems have centered around changes in climatic, livestock grazing and fire regimes. More recently, it has been suggested that the increase in atmospheric CO2 since the industrial revolution has been the driving force. In this paper we evaluate the CO2 enrichment hypotheses and argue that historic, positive correlations between woody plant expansion and atmospheric CO2 are not cause and effect.Please direct all correspondence to the senior author.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the first all-sky suvey of cosmic extreme ultra-violet sources, discovered by theROSAT Wide Field Camera. Details of the instrument and the survey are presented, with comparisons made to previous selected surveys in the X-ray regime. The subsequent optical identification program is described, and the major results summarized. I then discuss the main classes of EUV emitters: active chromosphere stars and hot white dwarfs, and describe the importance of EUV obserevations in understanding the astrophysics of these objects. Many bright, and relatively nearby, sources have been identified with hitherto unrecognized active stars, representing the extremes in chromospheric and coronal activity, be it binary or age related. Many new hot DA white dwarfs have also been indentified, and the most exciting result in this area is the discovery that significant traces of heavier elements (e.g. C, N, O, Si, Fe & Al) exist in their atmospheres, substantially increasing their EUV opacities. The importance of hot white dwarfs as standard candles in probing the local interstellar medium is also discussed. Miscellaneous counterparts (AGN, PNN, O-B stars and CVs) that make up the rest of the sample of EUV sources are also briefly mentioned. I conclude the paper with a discussion of the new magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered at SAAO, which have been the subject of intensive follow-up observations.  相似文献   
The temporary capture of the dust grains in the exterior resonances with planets is studied in the frames of the planar circular three-body problem with Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. For the Earth and particles ~ 10 m the resonances 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 are shown to be most effective. The capture is only temporary (of order 105 years) and the position of resonance may be calculated from semi-analytical model using averaged disturbing function. These semi-analytical results are confirmed by numerical integration. For various planet this picture changes as with increasing planetary mass the more exterior resonances become more important. We showed that for Jupiter (at least in the space between Jupiter and Saturn) the resonance 1/2 plays the dominant role. The capture time is here several myr but again eccentricity is evolving to eccentricity e 0 ~ 0.48 of libration point for this resonance.  相似文献   
A flare observed with the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) was studied during its rise to maximum temperature and X-ray emission rate. Two proximate flare loops, of lengths 2.8 × 109 cm and 1.1 × 1010 cm, rose to temperatures of 21.5 × 106 K and 30 × 106 K, respectively, in 30 s. Assuming equal heat flux F into each loop from a thermal source at the point where they met, we derive a simple relationship between temperature T and loop length , which gives a loop temperture ratio of 0.68, in close agreement with the observed ratio of 0.72. The observations imply that heating in each loop was maintained by a thermal flux of 5 × 109 ergs cm-2 s-1. It is suggested that conductive heating adequately describes the rise and maximum phase emissions in the loops and that long flare loops reach higher temperatures than short loops during the impulsive phase because of an equipartition of energy between them at their point of interaction.  相似文献   
The baroclinic stability of Jupiter's zonal flow is investigated using a model consisting of two continuously stratified fluid layers. The upper layer, containing a zonal shear flow and representing the Jovian cloudy regions above p ~ 5 bars, is the same as Eady's (1949) model for the Earth. The lower layer has a relatively large but finite depth with a quiescent basic state, representing the deep Jovian fluid bulk below p ~ 5 bars. Due to the presence of the lower layer, the linearized non-dimensional growth rates are drastically reduced from the O(1) growth rates of the original Early model. Only very long wavelengths relative to the upper fluid's radius of deformation L1 are unstable. Eddy transports of heat are also reduced relative to estimates based on scaling arguments alone. Since the hydrostatic approximation for the lower-layer perturbation breaks down at great depths, a second model is presented in which energy propagates downward in an infinitely deep lower fluid obeying the full linearized fluid equations. In this model, the growth rates are again very small, but now all wavelengths are unstable with maximum growth rates occurring for wavelengths O(1) relative to L1. These results illustrate the importance for the upper-layer meteorology of the interface boundary condition with the lower fluid, which is radically different from the rigid lower boundary of the Earth's troposphere.  相似文献   
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