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1INTRODUCTIONEnrichment of3He and heavy ions(i.e.,Ne,Mg,Si and Fe),characteristic of impulsive?ares,have beenstudied for more than three decades.It is found that they are generally associated with nonthermal energeticelectron-rich events(Reames et al.1988;Reames1999and references therein;Ho et al.2001;Wang et al.2006)and are related to the peculiar ratio of charge to mass(Mazur et al.1996;Reames1999).Althoughthe abundance of3He ions is not correlated with the abundance of heavy ions,s…  相似文献   
厦门港浮游植物对磷酸盐吸收速率的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
用无载体32P同位素示踪测定海水中浮游植物和细菌吸收磷酸盐速率的方法,对厦门港浮游植物和细菌进行了研究。结果表明,厦门港海水中吸收磷酸盐的主体是浮游植物(几乎占100%),平均吸收速率为4.28×10-5μmol/(L·s),并且存在着晚秋<冬<初春的季节变化,培养实验的结果表明吸收速率的季节变化主要是由于种类更替和温度效应所致。  相似文献   
叠覆式三角洲——一种特殊的浅水三角洲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同于常规三角洲以分流河道体系所形成的分流河道、河口坝、席状砂等微相为三角洲朵体的基本单元,叠覆式三角洲以内部结构简单的朵体为基本构成单元,朵体相互叠置,形成复合叠合体,进而构成三角洲骨架。单个朵体由河道扫描或扩展而成,复合朵体则是由单朵体侧向迁移或前(退)积而成。三角洲因大量朵体叠置而形成厚层状、内部结构复杂的复合砂体。不同朵体形成于不同时期,因而不存在统一的分流体系,单一沉积体具有层状特征,但不同期朵体受可容空间和地貌控制,呈三维叠置,而非简单的层状叠加,从而使得三角洲内部呈现出拼合式、立体式特点。单朵体是结构的基本单元,发育范围有限,与相邻朵体发育于不同时间单元,因而只能在复合体约束下小范围追踪。单一朵体接触关系及接触界面的渗流能力决定了油气富集和注水开发响应特征。朵体迁移、叠置造成大面积、巨厚的砂层可形成大型油气藏,而同时朵体间泥岩的不均匀分布也造就了砂体局部不连通或朵体间连通性变化,为岩性油气藏形成创造了条件,并且影响了注水开发中的注采对应性,进而影响水驱采油效果。  相似文献   
以国家统筹城乡教育发展试验区的重庆市乡村地区为例,采用Densi-Graph城乡识别法进行行政区划内部格网尺度的精准识别,在此基础上探究义务教育资源可得性水平的空间差异及影响因素。结果表明:1)基于Densi-Graph城乡识别法的重庆市城乡差异显著,乡村区域面积达79 752 km2,占区域总面积的96.82%。城市部分面积为2 616 km2,占区域总面积的3.18%。2)重庆市义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著的空间集聚与关联特征,并呈现由中心城区向外递减的格局。3)政府重视程度、社会经济发展水平、交通设施水平、自然地理环境均与义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著相关性。4)交通站点密度与教育投入是影响义务教育资源可得性水平的主导因子,二者与各项因子的交互叠加作用增强效果显著;影响机制上,地形起伏度与坡度是乡村义务教育资源可得性水平的限制条件,社会经济是基础,交通是关键,教育投入是核心。  相似文献   
The extraction of partition lines for long and narrow patches (LN patches) is an important yet difficult problem in the generalization of thematic data. When current methods are used to process polygons with irregular shapes or complex branch convergence zones, the extracted line structural features tend to be inaccurate and topologically erroneous. In this article, we propose an improved partition lines extraction algorithm of constrained Delaunay triangulation to counter these issues. The proposed method aims to maintain consistency between the extracted line structure characteristics and the actual object structure, especially for complex branch convergence zones. First, we describe three types of aggregation patterns (Type A, B, and C aggregation zones) that occur in partition line extractions for LN patches of complex branch convergence zones using Delaunay triangulation. Then, a partition line extraction algorithm that accounts for the direction between the edges of triangles and the distance of nodes in aggregation zones is proposed. Finally, we test our method for a dataset relating to Guizhou Province, China. Compared with the current method that uses quantitative indicators and visualization, the results indicate that our method not only has applicability for simple situations but also is superior for preserving structural features of complex branch convergence zones.  相似文献   
We present new CCD photometry of the solar-type contact binary IU Cnc, which was observed from November 2017 to March 2018 with three small telescopes in China. BV light curves imply that IU Cnc is a W-type contact binary with total eclipses. The photometric solution indicates that the mass ratio and fill-out factor are q = 4.104 ± 0.004 and f = 30.2%± 0.3%, respectively. From all available light minimum times, the orbital period may increase at a rate of dP/dt =+6.93(4)× 10^-7 d yr^-1, which may result from mass transfer from the secondary component to the primary one. With mass transferring,IU Cnc may evolve from a contact configuration into a semi-detached configuration.  相似文献   
平方千米阵列即将开始建设,各子工作包也进入关键设计评估阶段。基于云与容器技术是平方千米阵列科学数据处理器未来可能采用的平台技术。针对超大规模海量数据处理面临的天文应用软件快速部署、运行与实测要求,充分考虑天文应用软件运行环境复杂、云计算环境下超大规模计算集群部署困难等问题,系统研究并给出了一种使用容器技术的天文应用软件通用自动部署方法。以目前较为常用的可见度函数校准软件SAGECaL为例,首先分析了SAGECaL的相关特性和分布式部署方面存在的困难,进而给出了基于容器技术的SAGECaL分布式集群的自动部署方法。实验结果表明,自动部署方法极大地提高了SAGECaL分布式集群的部署效率,满足项目组承担平方千米阵列科学数据处理器相关测试工作所需要的基础平台部署与切换等需求,同时也为其它天文软件在云端的快速部署与执行提供了有益的思路。  相似文献   
A coupled ocean-ice-wave model is used to study ice-edge jet and eddy genesis during surface gravity wave dissipation in a frazil-pancake ice zone. With observational data from the Beaufort Sea, possible wave dissipation processes are evaluated using sensitivity experiments. As wave energy dissipated, energy was transferred into ice floe through radiation stress. Later, energy was in turn transferred into current through ocean-ice interfacial stress. Since most of the wave energy is dissipated at the ice edge, ice-edge jets, which contained strong horizontal shear, appeared both in the ice zone and the ocean. Meanwhile, the wave propagation direction determines the velocity partition in the along-ice-edge and cross-ice-edge directions, which in turn determines the strength of the along-ice-edge jet and cross-ice-edge velocity. The momentum applied in the along-ice-edge(cross-ice-edge)direction increased(decreased) with larger incident angle, which is favorable condition for producing stronger mesoscale eddies, vice versa. The dissipation rate increases(decreases) with larger(smaller) wavenumber, which enhances(reduces) the jet strength and the strength of the mesoscale eddy. The strong along-ice-edge jet may extend to a deep layer(> 200 m). If the water depth is too shallow(e.g., 80 m), the jet may be largely dampened by bottom drag, and no visible mesoscale eddies are found. The results suggest that the bathymetry and incident wavenumber(magnitude and propagation direction) are important for wave-driven current and mesoscale eddy genesis.  相似文献   
A promising method for gas hydrates exploration incorporates pre-stack seismic inversion data, elastic properties modeling, and seismic interpretation to predict saturation of gas hydrates (Sgh). The technology can be modified slightly and used for predicting hydrate concentrations in shallow arctic locations as well. Examples from Gulf of Mexico Walker Ridge (WR) and Green Canyon (GC) protraction areas illustrate how Sgh was derived and used to support the selection of well locations to be drilled for gas hydrates in sand reservoirs by the Chevron-led Joint Industry Project (JIP) Leg II cruise in 2009. Concentrations of hydrates were estimated through the integration of seismic inversion of carefully conditioned pre-stack data, seismic stratigraphic interpretation, and shallow rock property modeling. Rock property trends were established by applying principles of rock physics and shallow sediment compaction, constrained by regional geological knowledge. No nearby sonic or density logs were available to define the elastic property trends in the zone of interest. Sgh volumes were generated by inverting pre-stack data to acoustic and shear impedance (PI and SI) volumes, and then analyzing deviations from modeled impedance trends. In order to enhance the quality of the inversion, we stress the importance of maximizing the signal to noise ratio of the offset data by conditioning seismic angle gathers prior to inversion. Seismic interpretation further plays an important role by identifying false anomalies such as hard, compact strata, which can produce apparent high Sgh values, and by identifying the more promising strata and structures for containing the hydrates. This integrated workflow presents a highly promising methodology, appropriate for the exploration of gas hydrates.  相似文献   
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