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深部煤岩在垂直扰动作用下发生振动,当水平冲击足以克服块体间摩擦阻力时,极易发生超低摩擦型冲击地压。文章以细砂岩-煤-细砂岩组合块体为研究对象,考虑顶板-煤-底板临近工作面开采工况,采用数值模拟方法,建立围压与冲击扰动下组合煤岩数值模型,以煤块水平位移、垂直加速度差值作为超低摩擦效应特征参数,分析围压、垂直冲击及水平冲击对特征参数的影响规律。研究结果表明:在垂直冲击与围压共同作用下,煤岩体残余位移及水平位移峰值随围压增大且呈指数增长趋势;在垂直冲击、水平冲击和围压三者共同作用下,煤岩体超低摩擦效应强度与作用时间都随着围压呈增加趋势;垂直冲击对组合煤岩超低摩擦效应的影响最为显著。   相似文献   
华阳川铀铌铅矿床位于华北克拉通南缘小秦岭西段,是一个以铀铌为主,并伴生有铅的超大型综合矿床。根据含矿脉体的穿插关系、蚀变矿物组合及矿物共生关系,将华阳川铀铌铅矿床的成矿过程划分为伟晶岩期、碳酸岩期和碳酸盐化-硫化物期。伟晶岩期可细分为褐帘石阶段和钾长石-黑云母-角闪石化阶段;碳酸岩期可细分为霓辉石-磁铁矿阶段、角闪石-榍石-磷灰石阶段和独居石-褐帘石阶段;碳酸盐化-硫化物期可细分为黄铁矿-磁铁矿化阶段和方铅矿化阶段。铀铌矿化主要发育在伟晶岩期和碳酸岩期,铅矿化主要发育在碳酸盐化-硫化物期,晚于铀铌矿化形成。其中,伟晶岩期的钾长石-黑云母-角闪石组合、碳酸岩期的角闪石-榍石-磷灰石组合和独居石-褐帘石组合为矿区主要的富铀铌矿化组合,可作为富铀矿的找矿标志。结合华阳川含矿钾长石伟晶岩的锆石U-Pb定年研究和前人关于碳酸岩的年代学研究成果,推测华阳川存在两期铀铌成矿作用,分别为1.8 Ga和220 Ma±。  相似文献   
五龙金矿床位于五龙矿集区中部,是矿集区内规模大的石英脉型金矿。为查明矿集区深部构造及指导深部找矿预测,需结合深部地球物理资料综合分析研究。本文基于五龙矿集区航空探测任务,并结合其成矿地质特征,研究了五龙金矿在平面、剖面、空间等维度的航磁、航空TEM、航空大地电磁特征及其找矿意义。研究表明:平面上矿体位于鸡心沟断裂东侧负磁背景场中NE与近SN、NW向弱磁异常带交汇处,中等 强剩余磁异常带的转折端、梯度带,视电阻率低阻区及中低阻梯度带,深部存在团块状视磁化率高值区;剖面上矿体位于“左低右高,上高下低”的视电阻率梯度带上,呈中低阻、低阻特征及强磁场区至弱磁场区的视磁化率梯度带上,呈浅部“上高下低”、深部“下高上低”的中等 弱磁特征;空间上矿体位于鸡心沟断裂东侧的断裂构造低阻带与岩体高阻异常带的梯度带。五龙金矿地质地球物理找矿标志的建立和深部高视磁化率异常区的存在,表明矿区深部1000~2000m空间与五龙金矿体视电阻率、视磁化率特征相似的地段,仍具有较好找矿潜力。  相似文献   
吴林  管树巍  冯兴强  任荣  张春宇 《岩石学报》2020,36(11):3427-3441
塔里木盆地及周缘南华系、震旦系广泛发育,是揭示前寒武纪重大地质事件的重要地区之一,然而其研究程度低于华南、华北地区。早期认为塔里木盆地及周缘南华系、震旦系可划分为哈尔克山、柯坪、库鲁克塔格、铁克里克及塔克拉玛干等五个分区,由于各分区研究程度及资料之间的差异较大,且近期盆地内部钻井揭示越来越多,地层划分对比问题逐渐突出,传统分区方案面临诸多挑战。综合地质、地震等多学科资料认为,塔里木南华纪原型盆地基底、充填过程、分布统一具有南北分异的特征,区域地层格架剖面显示南华纪-震旦纪原型盆地分布于中央古隆起南北两侧,表现出北强南弱的不同地震反射特征。因此,本文以原型盆地中南、北分异的特征为原则进行地层分区,大致以现今中央隆起带南缘为界,分为北部地层分区和南部地层分区。北部可划分为东北部库鲁克塔格地层小区和西部阿克苏地层小区,其中阿克苏地层小区包括原方案中柯坪、塔克拉玛干北部、哈尔克山分区;南部初步划分出铁克里克地层小区,具体有待完善。震旦纪末期,受柯坪运动"大继承、小改造"的演化模式影响,北部地层分区广泛发育下寒武统烃源岩。因此,塔里木盆地及周缘新元古界分区新方案既符合南北不同的超大陆动力学背景,又控制下寒武统烃源岩分布,理论意义与勘探意义明显。  相似文献   
针对煤矿井下碎软煤层瓦斯抽采中风压空气钻进施工中排粉能力有限,易造成粉尘污染问题,提出采用煤矿井下泡沫灌注系统及宽翼螺旋钻杆进行高效泡沫钻进的技术方案。通过对钻孔环空间隙流场的数值模拟,研究宽翼螺旋钻杆结构对泡沫钻进高效排粉的影响,确定头数3、槽宽26 mm、螺距110 mm为宽翼螺旋钻杆的优化结构参数。在淮北某矿3204工作面碎软煤层中进行了深度达195 m的本煤层钻孔试验,结果表明,相对于中风压空气钻进工艺,钻进回转阻力降低了42%~48%,表现出高效的排粉效果,可提高煤矿井下碎软煤层钻孔深度和成孔率。该工艺可为类似煤矿井下深钻孔施工提供借鉴。  相似文献   
文章在资源评价和有利区优选的基础上,建立了川南地区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩储层分类评价标准。确定孔隙度(Φ) 大于3%,含气饱和度(Sg) 高于30%,岩石骨架密度(DEN) 低于2.7 g/cm3,脆性指数(BI) 高于40%时,对应含气量(Vt) 高于1 m3/t,可识别出储层与非储层,是有效储层识别的标准。采用地质工程一体化评价思路,选取含气量表征页岩储层物质基础,与孔隙度和有机质丰度正相关;选取脆性指数评价工程可压性,与硅质和碳酸盐岩含量正相关,明确了含气量和脆性指数可综合表征页岩储层地质和工程两方面特征。进一步将有效储层划分为三类:I类储层含气量(Vt) 高于4 m3/t,脆性指数(BI)高于50%;II类储层含气量与脆性指数中任何一项低于4 m3/t或50%;三类储层含气量(Vt)介于1~4m3/t,脆性指数(BI) 为40%~50%。川南地区五峰组—龙一1亚段各小层品质较好,以I、II类储层为主,局部为III类储层。采用该分类评价标准,评价水平井实际钻遇储层品质,Ⅰ类储层比例与气井测试产量、EUR间呈正相关,且当Ⅰ类储层钻遇率高于50%,气井测试产量超过15×104 m3/d概率达到92%,对应气井EUR在8000×104 m3以上,达到效益开发的要求。  相似文献   
平顶山金矿床位于佳木斯地块与松嫩地块的衔接处北端,地处中亚造山带的东段。前人对该矿床的岩(矿)石物理化学特征及地质特征已进行了研究,但对与成矿密切相关的花岗岩缺乏系统的岩石学、地球化学和高精度年代学等方面的研究。本次研究通过锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年、Hf同位素示踪以及全岩的主、微量元素测试,探讨了平顶山金矿区赋矿花岗岩的源区特征、形成机制和构造背景。矿区花岗岩包括早期的浅色中粒二长花岗岩和稍晚期的细粒黑云母二长花岗岩,两期花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄分别为271.7±2.3 Ma和249.8±3.3Ma,对应的εHf(t)为-4.17~-0.58和-4.98~-0.49,两阶段平均模式年龄tDM2分别为1432 Ma、1457Ma,原始岩浆可能来源于中元古代增生的壳源物质的重熔。两期花岗岩均以高碱(Na2O+K2O)、富Al2O3、富集LREE和LILE(Rb、Ba、Th、U和K)、低MgO、贫HREE和HFSE(Nb、Ta、P和Ti)为特征,属高钾钙碱性系列的准铝质/过铝质I型花岗岩,代表了火山弧-同碰撞环境。结合中亚造山带东段构造演化历史,我们认为平顶山金矿的花岗岩可能是古亚洲洋向北俯冲、闭合、华北克拉通与佳-蒙陆块碰撞产物。  相似文献   
Remediation of heavy-metal-contaminated sediment is often hampered by the availability of heavy metals to the added chemical agents because the heavy metals are often shielded by the sediment matrix. Effective heavy-metal extraction technique becomes an important factor in enhancing the treatment efficiency. A novel extraction/washing technique utilizing chelating agent and elevated pressure in consecutive cycles of compression and decompression has been developed for heavy-metal-contaminated sediment washing in the presence of chelating agent. In this study, the optimal operational conditions of pressure-assisted cyclic washing of Cu-contaminated sediments (initial Cu concentration = 23.177 mg/kg) were determined in a laboratory-scale system. The control factors included applied pressure level, washing time, applied chelant [ethylenediamine-tertraacetic (EDTA)] concentration (0.01–0.5 M), pressure times, and application of consecutive batches washing. Results from the bench-scale study showed that up to 70 % of Cu can be removed from the sediments when 10 atm of pressure was applied for washing. The efficiency dropped to 55 % when the pressure dropped to 6 atm. Under the same operational conditions, the optimal cyclic washing time was 60 min. Results from the particle size analyses indicate that the mean particle size dropped from 100 to 50 μm after the pressure-assisted cyclic washing. Thus, cyclic pressure caused the fracture of sediment aggregates resulting in the exposure of Cu to chelating agents. With the assistance of pressure cyclic system, the total washing time and the amount of added chemical agent used can be significantly reduced.  相似文献   
Metal-complex dyes are widely used in textile industry, but harmful to the environment and human health due to aromatic structure and heavy metal ions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the adsorption potential of bamboo biochar for the removal of metal-complex dye acid black 172 from solutions. Freundlich model was more suitable for the adsorption process of bamboo biochar than Langmuir isotherm, indicating multilayer adsorption of acid black 172 on a heterogeneous bamboo biochar surface. Adsorption kinetics analysis of pseudo-second-order and Weber–Morris models revealed that intraparticle transport was not the only rate-limiting step. The bamboo biochar exhibited a good adsorption performance even at high ionic strength. Analysis based on the artificial neural network indicated that the temperature with a relative importance of 29 % appeared to be the most influential parameter in the adsorption process for dye removal, followed by time, ionic strength, pH and dye concentration.  相似文献   
This study examined the impacts of reservoir properties on carbon dioxide (CO2) migration after subsurface injection and evaluated the possibility of characterizing reservoir properties using CO2 monitoring data such as spatial–temporal distributions of gas pressure, which can be reasonably monitored in practice. The injection reservoir was assumed to be located 1,400–1,500 m below the ground surface such that CO2 remained in the supercritical state. The reservoir was assumed to contain layers with alternating conductive and resistive properties, which is analogous to actual geological formations such as the Mount Simon Sandstone unit. The CO2 injection simulation used a cylindrical grid setting in which the injection well was situated at the center of the domain, which extended out 8,000 m from the injection well. The CO2 migration was simulated using the latest version of the simulator, subsurface transport over multiple phases (the water–salt–CO2–energy module), developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A nonlinear parameter estimation and optimization modeling software package, Parameter ESTimation (PEST), is adopted for automated reservoir parameter estimation. The effects of data quality, data worth, and data redundancy were explored regarding the detectability of reservoir parameters using gas pressure monitoring data, by comparing PEST inversion results using data with different levels of noises, various numbers of monitoring wells and locations, and different data collection spacing and temporal sampling intervals. This study yielded insight into the use of CO2 monitoring data for reservoir characterization and how to design the monitoring system to optimize data worth and reduce data redundancy. The feasibility of using CO2 saturation data for improving reservoir characterization was also discussed.  相似文献   
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