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The Early Miocene Bílina Palaeodelta consists of fluvio‐deltaic and lacustrine clastics deposited along the south‐eastern margin of the extensional Most Basin, part of the Eger Graben in north Bohemia (Czech Republic). The Bílina succession shows evidence of repeated advances of an axial deltaic system across a thick accumulation of organic material and clay in the hangingwall of an active fault. Exposures up to ca 4·5 km long in the Bílina open‐cast mine help bridge the gap between seismic scale and typical outcrop scale of observation and thus allow the relationships between small‐scale and basin‐scale stratal geometries to be evaluated. The Bílina Palaeodelta deposits include sand‐dominated, fluvial channel fills and heterolithic sheets interpreted as delta plain strata, sand‐dominated mouth‐bar wedges and heterolithic sheets of prodeltaic deposits, passing distally into lacustrine clays. The depositional environment is interpreted as a fluvial‐dominated, mixed‐load, lacustrine delta with a high degree of grain‐size segregation at the feeder‐channel mouths. On the largest temporal and spatial scales, variable tectonic subsidence controlled the overall advance and retreat of the delta system. The medium‐term transgressive‐regressive history was probably driven by episodes of increased subsidence rate. However, at this temporal scale, the architecture of the deltaic sequences (deltaic lobes and correlative lacustrine deposits) was strongly affected by: (i) compaction of underlying peat and clay which drove lateral offset stacking of medium‐term sequences; and (ii) growth of a fault‐propagation fold close to the active Bílina Fault. At the smallest scale, the geometries of individual mouth bars and groups of mouth bars (short‐term sequences) reflect the interaction among sediment loading, compaction and growth faulting that produced high‐frequency relative lake‐level fluctuations and created local accommodation at the delta front.  相似文献   
An injection dyke of fine-grained sandstone derived from the Kellaways Sand Formation intrudes overlying organic-rich shales and shell beds of the Lower Oxford Clay. The dyke shows cross-cutting relationships with early carbonate concretions, and fills uncompacted kosmoceratid ammonite shells both within the concretions and surrounding shales. Internally the dyke displays flow-like features, and the walls show lobate flow structures. Clasts of uncompacted Lower Oxford Clay and fragments of pyrite-rich concretions occur within the sandstone intrusions. The sandstone of the dyke was cemented by calcite identical to that precipitated in septarian cracks in the concretions. This cementation took place prior to final compaction of the Oxford Clay. The dyke has a sub-parallel relationship to the nearby Tinwell-Marholm fault suggesting that the dyke may be related to local tectonic events during the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
A unique association of beds containing fenestral pore-filling medium crystalline dolomite with beds of dolospar and quartz sandstone occurs in the Lower Devonian Camsell Formation. Many of these sandstones consist almost entirely of dolospar sand. Sedimentological, petrographic, cathodoluminescent and chemical data indicate that the dolospar sands consist of grains that have been eroded and reworked during Camsell deposition from fenestral dolostone beds that directly underlie these sandstones. Erosional truncation of individual dolomite crystals and of intracrystalline cathodoluminescent zonations along the edges of sand grains indicates that either dolomitization, or dolomite cementation of the pore-filling carbonate cements within fenestrae of the fenestral fabrics, occurred before erosion and deposition of dolospar sand. The fine details of the cathodoluminescent zonations suggest that the pore-filling fenestral dolomite originated as primary cements that underwent some annealing recrystallization under the influence of high subsurface temperatures. This unique occurrence may document synsedimentary Devonian cementation by medium to coarsely crystalline dolomite.  相似文献   
Microbiological effects on slope stability: an experimental analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A natural, pure quartz sand has been seeded with the bacterium Pseudomonas atlantica and the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, and angles of avalanche and repose have been measured under water using a laboratory clinometer. The lowest angles of avalanche occur in freshly packed clean sediment (control), with the seeded sediments having higher values. Among the latter, the lowest angles of repose occur in the bacterial seeded sediments, and the highest in the fungal seeded sediments. The largest differences between the angle of avalanche and angle of repose occur in the bacterial seeded and media control sediments. The smallest differences occur in the fungal seeded sediment. In most cases the second angle of avalanche is lower than the first angle of avalanche, whilst the second angle of repose is higher than the first angle of repose. The bacteria bind particles together with their extracellular polymeric material, while the fungus binds particles by holding them together with a network of hyphal filaments. In the bacterial seeded sediment growth is uniform over the sediment surface. In the fungal seeded sediment growth occurs as discrete colonies separated by bare sediment, and the fungal hyphae penetrate the sediment to a significant depth. On avalanching, the fungal colonies move down the slope with the hyphal filaments trailing behind them in the sediment. Overall, both the bacterium and the fungus increase slope stability. However, the fungal colonies maintain slope stability after avalanching more effectively than does the uniform bacterial growth. The results are discussed in relation to the wide range of biological effects that stabilize flat sediments and to laboratory and field studies on the stability of sediment slopes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. An appropriate conceptual leap can be made from human geography to physical geography by applying space‐time continuum modeling to zoogeomorphology—the alteration of the landscape by animals. Drawing on the work of Torsten Hägerstrand, we propose a space‐time continuum model of grizzly bears, a geomorphic agent. Through both data‐driven and conceptual applications, the model traces where and when grizzly bears are likely to wield a geomorphic impact. The model further demonstrates that geographers have much to gain by merging concepts from human and physical geography.  相似文献   
The atomic ratios given by Eugster and Wones (1962) for analysesof high FeO-low MgO micas cited by Foster (1960) are in error.The recalculated atomic ratios herein presented show that onlythree of the thirteen have low (OH+F), and only one has characteristicsthat may possibly be due to loss of water during determination.None of the analyses exhibit characteristics suggestive of oxidationof iron and loss of H, as in progression towards oxyannite. The average recalculated octahedral occupancy is 2.69, not 2.91as in the previous calculation. The differences between atomic ratios calculated on the basisot determined H2O+ and F and those calculated on the basis ofthe theoretical O10 (OH)2 content are not great enough to changethe essential compositional character of these micas as interpretedby Foster (1960). However, they do affect significantly thecalculated octahedral occupancy.  相似文献   
Characteristic length and timescales for a turbid surge are used to estimate bedload transport by the surge, deriving estimates for the conditions under which deposited material will be mobilized as bedload, and of the relative importance of bedload in determining the overall deposit geometry. A critique is provided of the common modelling assumptions which underlie these estimates and of how their consistency can be checked. For large turbidity currents, such as those which emplaced the Marnoso Arenacea turbidites in northern Italy, model predictions of overall geometry are not easy to reconcile with the field data: some possible reasons for this are discussed. The estimates obtained from these characteristic scales are consistent with the widespread presence in turbidites of sedimentary structures which indicate bedload transport; some of these structures from the Marnoso Arenacea Formation are reviewed briefly. However, the estimates suggest that bedload transport is not a major factor responsible for the geometry of the large turbidites in this formation, which exhibit a broad thickness maximum in their proximal region that contrasts with the downstream-thinning geometry of smaller beds. This effect suggests that the explanation for this theoretically unexpected geometry should be sought in other physical mechanisms.  相似文献   
This study is part of a basin-wide re-evaluation of Irish Sea glacigenic deposits which aims to test whether diamicts, collectively known as Irish Sea Tills, represent in situ glacimarine sediments or sediments that have been reworked or deformed by the Last Glacial Maximum Irish Sea Glacier. New results are presented for two key localities at Abermawr and Traeth y Mwnt in Wales. Unlike previous studies in the Irish Sea region that have focused on macro-scale sedimentology and structural analyses, this study combines macro-scale and micro-scale sedimentary analyses. This approach reveals that the dominant diamict facies at Abermawr are subglacially deformed primary (glaci)marine deposits, emplaced by the Irish Sea Glacier. An inland glacial source is unlikely. The Traeth y Mwnt diamicts are likely to be subaqueous in origin, possibly formed in an ice-dammed lake in the Mwnt embayment. There are no indications of subglacial deformation or shearing at Mwnt; deformation structures are related to gravity-driven or density-driven mechanisms.  相似文献   
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