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Four bedform provinces have been identified on Georges Bank using sidescan-sonar and echo-sounding techniques: large sand waves superimposed on sand ridges, small sand waves, megaripples, and featureless seafloor. The large sand waves and sand ridges are found on the bank crest where the surface tidal currents are strongest. Areas of small sand waves and megaripples, formed where tidal currents are moderate in strength, border the area of large sand waves to the north and south. Featureless seafloor is found farthest from the bank crest where surface tidal currents are weakest. Sand-wave asymmetry and surface-sediment texture have been used to infer bedload transport paths on Georges Bank. In the large sand-wave area, bedforms indicate a clockwise transport around each of the linear north-west-striking sand ridges with slight convergence of the sand waves on the ridge crests. This transport pattern implies erosion from the troughs and accumulation on the sand ridges. The asymmetry of the small sand waves along the south side of Georges Bank indicates that sand is also transported southward away from the linear sand ridges on top of the bank. Although the asymmetry of megaripples could not be determined, the occurrence of megaripples between the small sand-wave province and areas of featureless seafloor suggests a decreasing effectiveness of sand transport away from the bank crest. This sand dispersal pattern is further supported by the surface sediments which become progessively finer to the north and SW away from the crest of Georges Bank.  相似文献   
Many of the high-Ti quartz-normative tholeiitic intrusive sheetsin the early Mesozoic rift basins of the Eastern USA exhibitlateral differentiation from mafic cumulate units, through diabase,to relatively evolved iron-rich rock types. We have investigateda representative example in detail, the York Haven sheet inthe Gettysburg basin of south–central Pennsylvania. Itranges in thickness from 330 m to 675 m, and we have sampledit from base to top along four separate stratigraphic sectionsevenly spaced over the extent of the intrusion. The easternmostsection (York Haven) is entirely basaltic bronzite cumulate(average 15 vol. % bronzite), whereas the westernmost (ReesersSummit) consists of diabase and low-MgO diabase with a middleto upper ‘sandwich zone’ of ferrogabbro. The interveningsections feature rock types transitional between the two end-membersequences. Chemically, the rock series shows a gradual eastto west depletion of compatible elements (Mg, Ca, Ni, and Cr),and enrichment of incompatible elements [Ti, Fe, Na, K, P, Cu,Zr, Th, Ta, Hf, Sb, Cs, As, platinum group elements (PGEs),and rare earth elements (REEs)]. We suggest two main processes for the trends observed in theYork Haven sheet. First, flow differentiation during ascentand lateral injection of the parental magma produced a tongueof basaltic bronzite cumulate that thins from southeast to northwestand passes laterally into diabase, and, at the distal end ofthe intrusion, into low-MgO diabase. Then, in the latter stagesof crystallization, densitydriven hydrothermal fluids transportedincompatible elements westward, into structurally higher partsof the intrusion. Reaction of this residual aqueous fluid withpartly crystallized low-MgO diabase produced a zone of ferrogabbrorich in hydrothermal replacement products (e.g., Cl-amphibole,biotite, ferrohypersthene, and skeletal ilmenite) and precipitates(e.g., quartz, fayalite, Cl-apatite, sulfides, and PGE minerals). * Present address: US Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Hawaii National Park, Hawaii 96718  相似文献   
The Honolulu Volcanics comprises small volume, late-stage (post-erosional)vents along rifts cutting the older massive Koolau tholeüticshield on Oahu, Hawaii. Most of these lavas and tuff of theHonolulu Volcanics have geochemical features expected of near-primarymagmas derived from a peridotite source containing Fo87–89olivine; e. g. 100 Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) >65, >250 p. p. m. Ni,and presence of ultramafic mantle xenoliths at 18 of the 37vents. Consequently, the geochemistry of the alkali olivinebasalt, basanite, nephelinite and nepheline melilitite lavasand tuff of the Honolulu Volcanics have been used to deducethe composition of their mantle source and the conditions underwhich they were generated by partial melting in the mantle. Compositional trends in 30 samples establish that the magmaswere derived by partial melting of a garnet (<10 per cent)Iherzolite source, which we infer to have been carbon-bearing,from analogy with experimental results. This source was isotopicallyhomogeneous (Sr, Lanphere & Dalrymple, 1980; Pb, Sun, 1980;Nd, Roden et al., 1981), and we infer that the source was compositionallyuniform in all major-element oxides except TiO2, in compatibletrace elements (Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co and Ni), and in highly incompatibletrace elements (P, Th, La, Ce). However, the source appearsto have been heterogeneous in TiO2, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta, elementsthat were not strongly incompatible during partial melting.Some nepheline melilitite samples may be derived from a sourcewith distinct Sc and heavy-rare-earth-elements (REE) abundances,or which had a phase or phases controlling the distributionof these elements. The relatively limited abundance range for several elements,such as Ti, Zr, Nb, is partly a consequence of the low degreesof melting inferred for the series (2 per cent for nephelinemelilitite, 11 per cent for alkali olivine basalt), which failedto exhaust the source in minor residual phases. We infer thatthese residual phases probably included phlogopite, amphibole,and another Ti-rich phase (an oxide?), but not apatite. In comparison with estimates of a primordial mantle compositionand the mantle source of mid-oceanic-ridge basalt the garnetperidotite source of the Honolulu Volcanics was increasinglyenriched in the sequence heavy REEs, Y, Tb, Ti, Sm, Zr, andHf all <P <Nd <Sr Ce <La <Nb Ta. A multi-stagehistory for the source of the Honolulu Volcanics is requiredbecause this enrichment was superimposed on a mantle that hadbeen previously depleted in incompatible elements, as indicatedby the relatively low 87Sr/86Sr ratio, high 143Nd/144Nd ratioand low contents of K, Rb, Ba, and Th. The composition of thesource of the Honolulu Volcanics differs from the source ofthe previously erupted tholeiitic shield. The modal mineralogyof the source of the Honolulu Volcanics is not represented inthe upper-mantle xenoliths, e. g. the garnet pyroxenite andolivine-poor garnet Iherzolite included within the lavas andtuff of the unit.  相似文献   
We report an extensive helium isotope survey of basaltic toandesitic lavas from the Lesser Antilles island arc—anarc system with well-documented evidence of crustal contamination.Given the sensitivity of helium isotopes as a tracer of theeffects of crustal additions, our aim is to evaluate the relationshipof 3He/4He ratios to other indices of contamination processessuch as oxygen and strontium isotopes. To this end, we havecarried out 53 3He/4He analyses on separated minerals (olivinesand pyroxenes) from throughout the arc, which we compare withwhole-rock strontium and phenocryst oxygen isotope measurements.We show that the three isotopic tracers show coherent patternsthroughout the Lesser Antilles, indicating a regional controlon crustal contamination. The southern section of the arc (Grenadato Martinique) shows clear evidence for major crustal contaminationin all three isotopic systems with results for our samples inthe range 3He/4He(olivine) 3·6–7·6RA,  相似文献   
Settling rates of natural sand-size particles are influenced, to some extent, by their shapes and this may be an important factor in using settling rates to estimate grain size. In order to gauge the sensitivity of this influence, two natural sand populations from the Mesozoic Nubian Sandstones of Southern Israel, with a high probability of being similar in their bulk shape characteristics, were examined in ¼φ sieved fractions for their shape characteristics and settling rates. Fine surface features (roundness and surface roughness) were evaluated using Fourier shape analytical methods. Significant differences in bulk shape were detected and their influence on settling rates was measured empirically in a settling tube. The most marked differences were in the coarse grain sizes and, to a lesser extent, in the intermediate sizes. Sampling of raw settling data at closely-spaced time intervals yielded high-resolution grain size frequency plots which were usually polymodal in nature. Subtle shape contrasts, which are an important influence on settling rates, are thus an important consideration when working at this level of sensitivity. Natural sand populations which have followed a more varied provenance or process pathway could be expected to have even greater contrasts in settling rates than the samples analysed here. Thus it is recommended that the bulk shape factor should be taken into account in order to minimize errors in the conversion of settling times to grain size. An easy method, outlined in this paper, is through the establishment of an empirically derived calibration curve for each individual suite of sand undergoing analysis. Sieved ¼φ samples, derived from a split of the total composite sample undergoing analysis, forms the basis of the calibration and hence a correction factor converting sieve diameters to true diameters must be applied. In this research, nominal section diameters were obtained optically through an image analyser.  相似文献   
Petrology of Submarine Lavas from Kilauea's Puna Ridge, Hawaii   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
We have studied 30 quenched tholeiitic lava flows recoveredby 20 dredge hauls and one submersible dive along Puna Ridge,the submarine part of the East Rift Zone of Kilauea Volcano,Hawaii Glass grains from numerous additional flows were recoveredin turbidite sands cored in the Hawaiian Trough. These quenchedlavas document variable primary magma compositions; olivineand multiphase crystallization and fractionation; degassing;wall-rock stoping and assimilation; mixing in the crustal reservoirand the rift zone; entrainment of olivine xenocrysts from ahot, ductile, olivine cumulate body; and disruption of gabbrowallrocks in the rift zone. Glass grains in turbidite sands contain up to 15•0wt% MgO,in contrast to < 7•0wt% MgO for the sampled glass rindson lavas. The most forsteritic olivine phenocryst (F0907) isin equilibrium with primary Kilauea liquid containing an average16•5 wt% MgO, but ranging from 13•4 to 18•4%.Lavas and glass grains have more restricted P2O5/K2O and TiO2/K2Othan glass inclusions in olivine, because more diverse liquidstrapped as glass inclusions are mixed and homogenized beforeeruption. Variable trace element compositions in glass grainsand whole rocks indicate that the primary liquids form by partialmelting of mantle sources retaining clinopyroxene and garnet. Orthopyroxene xenocrysts formed at moderate pressures provideevidence for a sub-crustal staging zone. Chromite and olivinecrystallize in the crustal magma reservoir as the liquid coolsfrom an average 1346C to 1170C. Low viscosities of the primaryliquids (04 Pas) facilitate olivine settling, and the crystallizedolivine forms an olivine cumulate body at the base of the reservoir.Olivine is deformed as the hot ductile dunite body flows downand away from the summit. This flow drives instability of theHilina landslide on Kilauea. Dikes intrude the dunite, and magmaflowing through the dikes disaggregates and entrains olivinexenocrysts in Puna Ridge magmas. Primary liquids pond at or near the base of Kilauea's crustalreservoir because they are denser than more fractionated liquidsthat occupy the upper parts of the reservoir. The sulfur andwater contents of glass rinds indicate that fractionated liquidsnear the top of the reservoir degas at low pressure, a processthat increases their density and causes them to sink to levelswhere they mix with resident undegassed, near-primary liquid.The fractionated liquids near the top of the magma reservoiracquire excess Cl, owing to assimilation of hydrothermally alteredroofrocks. Magma flowing into the rift zone encounters and mixes with low-temperature,multiphase-fractionated melt. The mixed magmas typically containrare orthopyroxene, plagioclase as sodic as andesine, olivineas fayalitic as F075 and Fe-rich augite derived from the fractionatedmagma. Magma flowing through dikes also dislodged fragmentsof gabbroic wallrocks that occur as xenoliths. The interrelations in the Kilauean submarine lavas between hostglass and glass inclusion compositions, volatile contents andmineral chemistry reveal an extraordinarily complex sequenceof petrogenetic processes and events that are difficult or impossibleto determine in subaerial Kilauea lavas because of crystallization,reequilibration and degassing during or after their eruption. KEY WORDS: submarine lavas; petrology; Kilauea; Hawaii; magma mixing *Corresponding authorPresent address: Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149-1098, USA  相似文献   
New relative sea-level (RSL) data from Disko Bugt, a large marine embayment in West Greenland, are used to examine the deglacial history of the Jakobshavns Isbrae ice stream. RSL data show rapid deglaciation after 10.3 ka cal. yr BP. Once deglaciation began, a bedrock high in the west of the bay exerted no discernible influence on the deglacial chronology. Following initial rapid retreat, ice stream recession slowed as it approached the eastern shores of the bay. Seabed elevations increase here and the ice stream terminus lingered for several thousand years before retreating into the narrow bedrock-confined Jakobshavns Isfjord. The seabed topography of Disko Bugt includes several deep channels which probably record the former course of the ice stream. Using a simple water depth/calving velocity relationship it is estimated that the maximum calving velocity on deglaciation was c. 4.8 km a-1. This is less than the present rate (6–7 km a-1), although ice discharge was two to four times that observed today. Initiation of rapid ice stream retreat was probably caused by ice stream thinning and increased surface melting. A critical point in time was the retreat of the ice stream from shallow continental shelf waters ( c. 400 m) into the deep bedrock trough (>800 m) which marks the entrance to Disko Bugt.  相似文献   
Exhumed early Pleistocene reefs along the eastern coast of Jamaica expose deep-water environments downslope from the more familiar, shallow-water reef frameworks. Such environments have quite different faunas from the shallow parts of the reefs, including common 'Palaeozoic-type' biotas like the brachiopods and crinoids. These animals are found in deeper-water settings around the Caribbean today; however, these biotas are not readily available nor easily studied. The slightly older Pleistocene faunas are much more accessible and informative. Here the past may be the key to the present.  相似文献   
Dispersal patterns of indicator rocks in central Gaspésie reveal that glacial debris is entrained in a basal debris-rich zone of shearing where clast diffusion takes place. The Grand-Volume Till forms a thin till sheet over the high plateaus of Gaspésie Peninsula and resulted from a succession of two Wisconsinan ice flows of distinct orientations (SSE and NE). The lithological composition of this till determined by pebble counts and the three-dimensional dispersal patterns of indicator rocks in it suggest that debris transport occurred principally by simple shear deformation of glacial debris. In addition, the intermixing of clasts at the intersection of two lithologically distinct dispersal trains of SSE and NE orientations, respectively, suggests that extensive mixing takes place during shearing. Physical interactions among the clasts lead to both upward and downward movements which cause the clasts to diffuse across the zone of shearing. This process of shear-diffusion results in continuous incorporation and mixing of the newly encountered rock types during glacial transport.  相似文献   
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