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Peat mires retain a sensitive record of water‐table (base‐level) fluctuations throughout their accumulation. On this basis, coals provide one of the best opportunities to interpret high‐resolution base‐level change in ancient non‐marine deposits. The petrographic composition of 275 samples collected from 11 localities along a 100 km south‐west to north‐east transect across the regionally extensive (>37 000 km2) Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) Fire Clay coal of the Central Appalachian Basin, USA was analysed to determine its internal stratigraphy. The coal is positioned within the late lowstand/early transgressive systems tract of a fourth‐order depositional sequence. The results of the petrographic analyses reveal a cyclicity in the composition of the Fire Clay coal, which defines six units that are correlated over more than 100 km. Each coal cycle is characterized by a gradual upward transition from vitrinite‐dominated to inertinite‐dominated coal, which represents a ‘drying‐up’ succession. Increased concentrations of resistant peat components at the top of the drying‐up successions indicate reduced peat accumulation rates associated with slowing rate of water‐table rise, and may represent a residue of peat remaining from a phase of exposure and erosion resulting from a falling water table. These drying‐up successions are bound by surfaces that display an abrupt coal facies shift from inertinite‐rich to vitrinite‐rich coal, representing a rapid water‐table rise. Each cycle represents markedly different mire conditions with different aerial distributions, which supports the notion of temporal disconnection between each unit of coal, and suggests that considerable time may be ‘locked‐up’ in unit bounding exposure surfaces. Recognition that the rate of peat accumulation in a mire may vary considerably through time, has important implications for studies which assume that peat and coal successions provide continuous and time‐invariant records of base‐level fluctuations or palaeoecological change.  相似文献   
Continuous palaeoenvironmental sequences from three peat bogs located in north-west Scotland are presented which reveal palaeoclimatic changes during the Holocene, Peat cores were analysed lor humification. pollen and a range of other physical and palaeoecological data, and chronologies were constructed by radiocarbon dating. Reconstruction of past changes in bog hydrology formed the basis for palaeoclimatic interpretation. Four regional shifts to wetter bog conditions and two regional shifts to drier conditions are inferred. Best estimated aye ranges for the wet shifts span c . 5120 to 5070, 4020 to 3630, 3340 to 3270 and 940 to 800 cal BP, arid dry shifts are estimated at c . 4330 to 4120 and 1480 to 1340 cal BP. The most distinctive feature of the record is the oscillation from wetter to drier conditions around 4300 cal BP, followed by a return to wetter conditions after 4000 cal BP. This oscillation was probably caused by climatic changes which also had an inHuence on the dynamics of Scots pine within the region prior to, and during, its mid-Holocene phase of decline. Later shifts probably also reflect climatic changes, although evidence for human land-use complicates interpretation at c . 3300 cal BP. Potential causes are considered, including changes in the circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean during the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   
Vertical gradational structures develop as sand infiltrates into static gravel beds. Understanding the vertical distribution of interstitial sand deposits will improve predictions of ecological suitability and hyporheic hydrodynamics. A series of flume experiments was performed to investigate fine infiltration processes. Four sand distributions were introduced into flows over gravel beds. After each experiment, bed cores were extracted and analysed in vertical layers to examine the gradational trends with depth. Vertical trends of fine content were highly sensitive to the relative grain‐size distributions of the gravel bed and the introduced sand. For experiments with d15gravel/d85sand ratios 15·4 and larger unimpeded static percolation was observed, where sand filled the voids relatively uniformly from the bottom of the gravel layer to the top. Experiments with ratios 10·6 and smaller bridged. Sand clogged a thin layer of gravel pores near the bed surface, precluding subsequent infiltration. Interstitial sand deposits fined with depth of penetration for all experiments which was the result of three distinct but overlapping processes. (i) Granular sorting: As particles fell through the substrate, smaller material preferentially passed through the voids deeper into the gravel. (ii) Bed‐load sorting: Size segregation occurs in the wake of the leading bed form as smaller particles saltate further and settle first. (iii) Hydraulic sorting: Smaller sand was transported preferentially as suspended load filling the deep voids of the furthest flume positions downstream. Finally, when the experiments that formed a bridge layer were replicated with higher bed shear stresses, less interstitial sand deposition was observed. Higher shear stresses transported coarse particles downstream more efficiently causing bridge layers to form earlier and allowing less time for suspended load to settle into the deeper substrate pores before the pathways were closed.  相似文献   
Prior to the Silurian a lack of land vegetation is expected to have influenced the processes of sedimentation on alluvial fans, principally by causing increased rates of run-off and erosion in the fan catchments. In the Cambro-Ordovician Rozel Conglomerate Formation, this effect was central to the generation of alluvial fan deposits that are unusually deficient in sand and clay, despite being sourced from a catchment dominated by sandstone and mudstone. Seven facies are identified, interpreted as representing the deposits of: (i) shallow stream and sheetfloods, (ii) channelized, non-cohesive debrisflows, (iii) sub-aerial mud-rich debrisflows, (iv) sub-aqueous mud-rich debrisflows, (v) low energy streams that reworked abandoned fan sectors, (vi) a sandflat-playa lake system and (vii) talus slopes. The first two facies are both clast-supported conglomerate, comprise 98% of the deposit, and represent deposition on active depositional lobes and in the fan head trench. The remaining facies are the products of infrequent sedimentary processes, fan abandonment processes and marginal sub-environments. The facies assemblage in many ways mimics that of a modern-day, water-lain, arid region fan. However, the palaeolatitude of these fans was high and the climate is inferred to have been cool and wet. The near absence of sandstone and mudstone beds with few mudflows is ascribed to rapid hinterland uplift and high rates of erosion resulting in minimal chemical breakdown of source rocks in the catchments. Such high rates of erosion are in turn ascribed to a combination of frequent rainstorms and an absence of vegetation cover.  相似文献   
Dolomite was successfully precipitated in culture experiments that simulated microbiogeochemical conditions prevailing during late stages of evaporation in ephemeral, hypersaline dolomitic lakes of the Coorong region, South Australia. Analyses of lake- and pore-water samples document rapid geochemical changes with time and depth in both dolomitic and non-dolomitic lakes. Extremely high sulphate and magnesium ion concentrations in lake waters decline rapidly with depth in pore waters throughout the sulphate-reduction zone, whereas carbonate concentrations in pore waters reach levels up to 100 times those of normal sea water. Ultimately, sulphate is totally consumed and no solid sulphate is recorded in the dolomitic lake sediments. ‘Most probable number’ calculations of lake sediment samples record the presence of large populations of sulphate-reducing bacteria, whereas sulphur-isotope analyses of lake-water samples indicate microbial fractionation in all the lakes studied. Viable populations of microbes from the lake sediments were cultured in anoxic conditions in the laboratory. Samples were then injected into vials containing sterilized clastic or carbonate grains, or glass beads, immersed in a solution that simulated the lake water. Falls in the levels of sulphate and rising pH in positive vials were interpreted as indicating active bacterial sulphate reduction accompanied by increased concentrations of carbonate. Within 2 months, sub-spherical, sub-micron-size crystals of dolomite identical to those of lake sediments were precipitated. It is concluded that bacterial sulphate reduction overcomes kinetic constraints on dolomite formation by removing sulphate and releasing magnesium and calcium ions from neutral ion pairs, and by generating elevated carbonate concentrations, in a hypersaline, strongly electrolytic solution. The results demonstrate that bacterial sulphate reduction controls dolomite precipitation in both the laboratory experiments and lake sediments. It is proposed that dolomite formation, through bacterial sulphate reduction, provides a process analogue applicable to thick platformal dolostones of the past, where benthic microbial communities were the sole or dominant colonizers of shallow marine environments.  相似文献   
Aeolian limestones are widespread in the Quaternary record and have been identified in outcrops and cores of late Palaeozoic strata. These rocks have been interpreted as a low latitude signal of glacio-eustatic sea level fluctuations and have not been previously reported from the Mesozoic or from other episodes of earth history generally believed to have been non-glacial. Numerous lenticular bodies of cross-stratified oolite lie near the contact between the lower and upper members of the mudstone-dominated lower Sundance Formation (Middle and Upper Jurassic) in the Bighorn Basin of north-central Wyoming, USA. The lenses, up to 12 m thick, contain sedimentary structures diagnostic of aeolian deposition. Inversely graded laminae within thick sets of cross-strata were deposited by climbing wind ripples. Adhesion structures and evenly dispersed lag granules are present in flat-bedded strata at the bases of several of the oolite bodies. Thin sections reveal abundant intergranular micrite of vadose origin. The lenses appear to represent virtually intact, isolated aeolian bedforms that migrated across a nearly sand-free deflation surface. When the Sundance Sea transgressed the dunes, a thin (<1 m thick), wave-rippled, oolite veneer formed on the upper surface of the aeolianite. Previous workers, primarily on the basis of sedimentary structures in the veneer, interpreted the oolite lenses as tidal sand bodies. The dunes provide clear evidence of widespread subaerial exposure on the crest and north flank of the Sheridan Arch. This structural high was delineated by previous workers who demonstrated thinning of pre-upper-Sundance Formation strata and localized development of ooid shoals. Ooids that formed in shoals on the windward (southern) side of the palaeohigh were exposed and deflated during lowstand. Thin, scour-filling ooid grainstone lenses that crop out in the southern part of the study area represent remnants of the marine beds that sourced the aeolianites. Farther north (down-wind), oolitic dunes prograded over thinly laminated lagoonal silts. When relative sea level began to rise, the uncemented dunes were buried under fine-grained marine sediment as the lee side of a low-relief island was inundated.  相似文献   
Geochemical and Isotopic Evolution of Loihi Volcano, Hawaii   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
A 680m thick section from the deeply dissected east flank ofLoihi Volcano was sampled using the Pisces V submersible toevaluate the volcano's geochemical evolution. Three types oflavas were recovered: tholeiitic, weakly alkalic and stronglyalkalic. The ratio of alkalic to tholeiitic lavas varies systematicallywith depth, from predominantly alkalic at the base of the sectionto tholeiitic at the top. Glasses from these rocks have similarratios of highly incompatible elements and Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes,but distinct ratios of highly to moderately incompatible elements.Partial melting modeling indicates that these tholeiitic andalkalic lavas could be derived by variable degrees of partialmelting of a slightly heterogeneous source. Many distinct parentalmagmas were generated for each rock type during the 100–150k.y. that the east flank section was formed. Crystal fractionationand olivine accumulation were the dominant processes controllingcompositional variation among lavas of the same rock type. Magmamixing features were observed in only a few of the lavas collected. Loihi typifies the preshield stage of Hawaiian volcanism whenthe volcano drifts closer to the focus of the hotspot. The compositionalvariation in Loihi's east flank section, which may represent40% of the volcano's extrusive history, is consistent with thepredicted increase in partial melting during this drift. Thetransition from dominantly alkalic to tholeiitic volcanism onLoihi was fitful but relatively rapid and is now nearly complete.This transition is the opposite of that which occurs duringthe post-shield stage of Hawaiian volcanism as the volcano migratesaway from the hotspot focus. Loihi's tholeiitic lavas overlap in ratios of incompatible traceelements and Pb, Sr and Nd isotopes with lavas from its moreactive neighbor, Kilauea. The small differences in major elementcontents between lavas from these adjacent volcanoes can beexplained by high-pressure orthopyroxene fractionation of Loihimagmas, which may be a consequence of a low magma-supply rate,or by slightly shallower depths of melt segregation for Kilaueamagmas. KEY WORDS: Loihi volcano; Hawaii; geochemistry; Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes  相似文献   
In settings where the transport of sand is partially or fully supply limited, changes in the upstream supply of sand are coupled to changes in the grain size of sand on the bed. In this manner, the transport of sand under the supply-limited case is ‘grain-size regulated’. Since the closure of Glen Canyon Dam in 1963, the downstream reach of the Colorado River in Marble and Grand Canyons has exhibited evidence of sand-supply limitation. Sand transport in the river is now approximately equally regulated by changes in the discharge of water and changes in the grain sizes of sand on the channel bed and eddy sandbars. Previous work has shown that changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel (driven by changes in the upstream supply of sand owing to both tributary floods and high dam releases) are important in regulating sand transport over timescales of days to months. In this study, suspended-sand data are analysed in conjunction with bed grain-size data to determine whether changes in the grain size of sand on the bed of the channel or changes in the grain size of sand on the surface of eddy sandbars have been more important in regulating sand transport in the post-dam Colorado River over longer, multi-year timescales. The results of this study show that this combined theory- and field-based approach can be used to deduce which environments in a complicated setting are the most important environments for regulating sediment transport. In the case of the regulated Colorado River in Marble and Upper Grand Canyons, suspended-sand transport has been regulated mostly by changes in the surface grain size of eddy sandbars.  相似文献   
Flow properties of turbidity currents in Bute Inlet, British Columbia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bute Inlet, a fiord along the southwestern coast of British Columbia, Canada, includes a sea-floor sedimentation system 70 km in length which resembles those developed on some large submarine fans. Turbidity currents originate at the head of the flord on the submerged delta fronts of the Homathko and Southgate rivers. They move downslope for about 30 km within a single large incised channel, spill onto a depositional area termed the channel lobe complex, and finally spread out over a low-relief distal splay area that passes 55 km downslope into a flat basin floor. During the present study, turbidity currents in Bute Inlet were studied using sea-floor morphology, bottom sediment distribution, and in-situ instrument packages. The mean velocities of the most recent flows, estimated from surface sediment grain size, has varied between 100–120 cm s–1 in the incised channel, 20–50 cms–1 in the channel lobe complex, and < 5 cm s–1 on the basin floor. Velocities based on channel morphology are poorly constrained but are in the range of 160-425 cm s–1 in the upper part of the incised channel and 66 cm s–1 in the lower channel. Calculated flow densities range from 1.049 to 1.028g cm–3. Turbidity flows monitored in 1986 using submerged instrument packages exceeded 32 m in thickness in the upper part of the incised channel, where the maximum measured velocity was 330 cm s–1. At the head of the channel lobe complex the maximum velocity had declined to 75 cm s–1. The density of the monitored flows is estimated at 1.025-1.03g cm–3. The cored sediments and channel morphology yield estimates of mean flow velocities that are generally greater than those measured by the in-situ instrument packages and estimated from modern surface sediments. The former suggest past flow velocities up to 500 cm s–1 in the incised channel, about 20 cm s–1 in spillover deposits along the lower part of the incised channel, and 100-140 cm s–1 in the distal splay. The contrast between the velocities of modern and past flows suggests that past flows may have been considerably larger and more energetic than those presently occurring in Bute Inlet. The size properties of sediments in the monitored turbidity flows suggest a strong vertical size gradient in the suspended load during transport. The surface and cored sediments fine downslope from the channel lobe complex to distal splay area. Distinctive sedimentary sequences are recognized in cores from the spillover lobes, channel lobe complex, distal splay, and basin floor depositional areas. Many individual turbidites grade downslope from massive Ta divisions in the channel lobe complex and probably in the incised channel to Ta divisions overlain by slurried divisions on the distal splay and largely slurried beds on the basin floor. These facies suggest that individual currents commonly evolve from largely cohesionless suspensions in the incised channel and channel lobe complex to dilute cohesive slurries downslope on the distal splay and basin floor. Many flows in Bute Inlet fail to develop a traction state of sedimentation and the resulting turbidites lack well-developed Tb. Tc, and Td divisions.  相似文献   
A series of sensitivity analyses using dielectric, mixture and microwave scattering models is presented. Data from the Seasonal Sea Ice Monitoring and Modeling Site (SIMMS) in 1990 and 1991 are used to initialize the models. The objective of the research is to investigate the role of various geophysical and electrical properties in specifying the total relative scattering cross section (ρ') of snow covered first-year sea ice during the spring period.
The seasonal transition period from the Winter SAR scattering season to Early Melt was shown to signal a transition in dielectric properties which caused the snow volume to become a factor in the microwave scattering process. The effect of the thermal insulation of a snow cover on sea ice was shown to be significant for both ε' and ε'. Higher atmospheric temperatures caused proportionally greater changes in the dielectric properties of the sea ice at the base of the snow cover. Model ρ0 was computed for a range of sensor, sensor-earth geometry, and geophysical properties. In the Winter season the surface roughness terms (ohand L) were shown to have a significant impact on ρ0 when the ice surface was the primary scattering mechanism. Once the snow cover began to warm and water was available in a liquid phase, the ice surface became masked because of the decrease in microwave penetration depths. During this period the water volume variable dominated ρ0, both from its impact on ρv0, and due to its control over the dielectric mismatch created at the air/snow interface.  相似文献   
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