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J. Gittins  R.E. Harmer  D.S. Barker   《Lithos》2005,85(1-4):129-139
The concept of compositional bimodality in carbonatites has become widely accepted and has been used to impose restrictions on the composition of carbonatite magmas. We agree that mineralogical bimodality exists in carbonatites (most are either calcitic or dolomitic/ankeritic), but we argue that there is no compositional bimodality. The idea of bimodality is based on the interpretation of a variety of element distribution diagrams which were compiled only from chemical analyses in which SiO2 is < 10 wt.%. All others were rejected. Even with such a restricted data set the case for compositional bimodality is extremely weak, but the inclusion of analyses with higher SiO2 content destroys it completely. Yet these more siliceous compositions must be included, for many carbonatites contain substantial amounts of Fe–Mg silicates which are an essential part of the magmatic mineralogy of the rocks. They account for much of the Mg in carbonatites that are otherwise calcitic. Many such carbonatites contain well in excess of 10 wt.% SiO2. Supporters of the bimodality concept argue that liquids having compositions between calcite and dolomite can precipitate neither calcite nor dolomite because the minimum on the solid solution loops in the system calcite–dolomite permits only a carbonate of intermediate composition. Therefore, it is argued, liquids of such intermediate composition cannot be parental to calcitic and dolomitic carbonatites; their parent magmas must be calcitic and dolomitic. This deduction is incorrect. It is well established that dolomitic liquids have calcite as the liquidus phase over substantial temperature intervals, and that this is followed by dolomite precipitation. Mixed calcite–dolomite carbonatites are explicable in this way. Therefore, dolomitic liquids can be parental to calcitic carbonatites. However, dolomitic carbonatites cannot crystallize from a calcitic liquid. We suggest that intermediate composition carbonatite magmas are probably common. Bimodality in carbonatites is solely mineralogical, not compositional.  相似文献   
Fractal modelling has been applied extensively as a means of characterizing the spatial distribution of geological phenomena that display self-similarity at differing scales of measurement. A fractal distribution exists where the number of objects exhibiting values larger than a specified magnitude displays a power-law dependence on that magnitude, and where this relationship is scale-invariant. This paper shows that a number of distributions, including power-function, Pareto, log-normal and Zipf, display fractal properties under certain conditions and that this may be used as the mathematical basis for developing fractal models for data exhibiting such distributions. Population limits, derived from fractal modelling using a summation method, are compared with those derived from more conventional probability plot modelling of stream sediment geochemical data from north-eastern New South Wales. Despite some degree of subjectivity in determining the number of populations to use in the models, both the fractal and probability plot modelling have assisted in isolating anomalous observations in the geochemical data related to the occurrence of mineralisation or lithological differences between sub-catchments. Thresholds for the main background populations determined by the fractal model are similar to those established using probability plot modelling, however the summation method displays less capacity to separate out anomalous populations, especially where such populations display extensive overlap. This suggests, in the geochemical data example provided, that subtle differences in the population parameters may not significantly alter the fractal dimension.  相似文献   
A new formulation for the phase matrix for the scattering of radiation in a weak magnetic field is presented. The phase matrix is represented as a product of individual matrices that depend on the angle of incidence and the scattering angle. It is shown that the Hanle effect is absent in observations of scattered light in the solar atmosphere when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the atmosphere. In strong magnetic fields, the phase matrix depends only on the direction of the magnetic field relative to the basic coordinate system.  相似文献   
Simultaneous in situ immobilisation of uranium (U) and radium (226Ra) by injectible amounts of grey cast iron (gcFe), nano-scale iron (naFe) and a gcFe/MnO2 mixture (1:1) was studied in batch and column tests. Both 0.5 g/L naFe and gcFe are effective in 226Ra and U removal from mine water, whereas MnO2 addition clearly increased the efficiency of gcFe for 226Ra and U immobilisation. In a column test with 0.6 wt% gcFe/MnO2 mixture (1:1), neither 226Ra nor U was detected in the effluent after replacement of 45 pore volumes. A sequential extraction under flow condition revealed 226Ra to be mostly occluded in manganese oxides. Uranium was mostly sorbed onto poorly crystalline iron hydroxides, but a significant part was found to be occluded in manganese oxides also. The results of this study suggest that MnO2 promotes iron hydroxide formation under slightly reducing environmental conditions resulting in an increased pollutant retention capacity.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION LateOlenekianandAnisianmarinedepositsin SouthPrimoryewerefirststudiedbyD.L.Ivanov,thechiefofageologicalteammakingreconnaissance workfortheconstructionofthetrans Siberianrail road.HecollectedEarlyandMiddleTriassicam monoidsonRussianIsland.Arep…  相似文献   
The Shah-Kuh granitic pluton of eastern Central Iran was emplaced 165 Ma ago, in an active continental margin setting. It is made of two main units: a granodioritic unit (SiO2=63–71 wt%) to the north–west and a syenogranitic unit (SiO2=73–77 wt%) to the south–east. The former unit displays seriate medium-grained textures and contains locally abundant mafic enclaves. The latter unit is medium- to coarse-grained and porphyritic, with 0.5–3 cm long K-feldspar megacrysts. Fine-grained granitic bodies are present in both units. The rocks are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous (I-type) and peraluminous (S-type) and belong to the ilmenite-series granites. Fractional crystallization appears to have been a very effective differentiation process in both units, and the fractionated mineral assemblages are determined by mass balance calculations. Isotopic data (Sri=0.7065 and εNdt=−2.5) are consistent with a young upper crustal protolith. Tin mineralization in sheeted quartz-tourmaline (-cassiterite) veins is spatially associated with the granodioritic unit. The veins formed by hydraulic fracturing when the granodioritic to monzogranitic magma became water-saturated and exsolved a fluid phase during crystallization. The reduced nature of this magma is responsible for the incompatible behaviour of Sn, likely to favour Sn concentration in the residual melt and then in the exsolved fluid. Another fluid phase was exsolved by the syenogranitic magma and was responsible for local greisenized granites, characterized by high Y and HREE-contents and non-fractionated REE distribution patterns. Field and mineralogical data show that the (B, Sn) vein-forming fluid was different from the (F, Li) greisen-forming fluid.  相似文献   
The conventional interpretation methods of pressuremeter testing effectively approximate pressuremeter membranes as infinitely long. As a result, the effects of the two‐dimensional geometry of pressuremeters are ignored, leading to an overestimation of soil shear strength by pressuremeter testing, as demonstrated in several previous studies. This paper presents results of a numerical study of two‐dimensional geometry effects on self‐boring pressuremeter tests in undrained clay. The results are obtained using critical state soil models with an effective stress formulation. This is in contrast to most (if not all) existing studies on pressuremeter geometry effects, which were based on perfectly plastic soil models (e.g. Yu (Cavity expansion theory and its application to the analysis of pressuremeters. DPhil Thesis, The University of Oxford, 1990), Yeung and Carter (Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Pressuremeters, 1990), and Houlsby and Carter (Géotechnique, 1993; 43 (4):567–576)). The present study suggests that the overestimation of soil strength due to the neglect of finite pressuremeter length is significantly affected by the soil model used in the calculations. It is found that for clays with a high overconsolidation ratio (OCR) the strength overestimation predicted using critical state soil models could be considerably smaller than that predicted using perfectly plastic soil models. The main conclusion of this numerical study is that care must be exercised before directly applying any numerically determined pressuremeter geometry correction factors in practice. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Kerosene is common adulterant utilized for mixing with diesel. Five fuel-adulterant mixtures in different proportions by volume were prepared and individually tested for density and kinematic viscosity. The mixtures were administered to six light cargo vehicles and the tail pipe exhaust emission was tested for opacity value. No appreciable density variation at different levels of adulteration was observed. Density was within the prescribed value even at higher adulteration. Considerable decrease in kinematic viscosity, a departure from prescribed viscosity, was noted at higher adulteration level. The percent opacity value decreased sharply even at small level of adulteration. The probable amount of kerosene present as an adulterant in diesel dispensed at filling stations in Kathmandu city ranged between 35% and 50%. The observations suggest density test is not a good indicator of diesel adulteration. Kinematic viscosity and opacity value are useful diesel adulteration test parameters. Existing diesel adulteration warrants initiation of strict compliance regulation.  相似文献   
The mineral industry is leading towards a technology driven optimization process. Drilling and blasting are such unit operations in a mine, which can alter the balance sheet of the mine if not planned properly. The development, improvement and utilization of innovative technologies in terms of blast monitoring instruments and explosives technology are important for cost effectiveness and safety of mineral industries.

The ever-growing demand for minerals has compelled the industry to adopt large opencast projects using heavy equipment. This has necessitated use of a few hundred tonnes of explosives in each blast. The bulk delivered fourth generation explosives have solved the problem of explosive loading to a large extent as it provides improved safety in manufacturing, transportation and handling. Bulk delivered emulsion is non-explosive until gasification is complete and a large quantity of explosive can be transported and loaded into blast holes efficiently and with safety. The priming of bulk delivered explosives in Indian mines uses the conventional PETN/TNT-based boosters. The conventional booster possesses safety problems in terms of handling and use, so Indian Explosives Ltd has developed an emulsion-based booster (Powergel Boost).

This paper explores the potential of an emulsion-based booster used as a primer to initiate bulk delivered emulsion explosives used in mines. An attempt has been made at a comparative study between the conventional booster and the emulsion-based booster in terms of the initiation process developed and their capability of developing and maintaining a stable detonation process in the column explosives. The study has been conducted using a continuous velocity of detonation (VOD) measuring instrument, the VODMate two channel system manufactured by Instantel Inc. of Canada. During this study three blasts were monitored. In each blast two holes were selected for study, the first hole was initiated using a conventional booster while the other one used an emulsion-based booster. The findings of the study advocates that the emulsion-based booster is capable of the efficient priming of bulk delivered column explosive with a stable detonation process in the column.  相似文献   
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