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A semi-quantitative risk assessment model for dispersion of ballast water organisms in shelf seas is applied to the Scotian Shelf region of eastern Canada. The ballast water exchange process is simulated as the dispersion of tracer released into the surface layer of an ocean circulation model of the region. Circulation model variability is driven by wind stress from a cyclical year of forcing representing climatological storminess. Dispersion metrics related to invasion risk are developed and incorporated into a risk equation that computes the relative overall risk of invasion for ballast water exchange segments along vessel tracks crossing the shelf. Three hundred and sixty dispersion simulations are done for each segment of each of six tracks. Because the flow fields represent climatological variability in shelf circulation, the application of the risk assessment model captures the expected variability in invasion risk. Model results indicate that more than an order of magnitude variation in risk can exist along a given vessel track, and that tracks with offshelf segments provide a lower risk option compared to onshelf tracks. The model provides quantitative guidance to regulators regarding what is an acceptable trip diversion and can aid in numerous other management decisions.  相似文献   
当信号持幅小和噪声水平高而无法测量信号时,提出了一种利用震相振幅内在信息的区域性地震识别法。该法称为二次否定证据识别法,是对Elvers(1974)提出的远震技术的发展,并推广用于区域识别。本文提出的方法是为单个地震台站开发的,利用了区域的Pg与Lg对比判据中的经验信息(Pomeroy,et al,1983)。我们推导出计算特定台站爆炸漏报和虚报的误识率方程。这些误 认率取决于所要求的最小 信噪比  相似文献   
lINTR0DUCTIONSoiler0si0ncanbeaseriousproblemonsl0pinguplands0fthes0uthemUnitedStatesthatareintensivelycr0pped.Conservati0nprovisionsofthel985U.S.FarmBillmandateddevelopmentofaconservati0nplanonhighlyer0diblelands.Researchwasinitiatedinl9870na28-haareaattheA-E.Nels0nFarrninn0rthernMississippit0determineiftheconservati0nprovisionscouldbeachievedwhileprofitablygr0wingrowcropsincludingcott0n(GosSyPiumhirsutumL.),soybean(GlyciDemax(L.)Merr.),sorghum(SOrghumbicolor(L.)Moench),c0rn(Zeam…  相似文献   
镍锗尖晶石位错域的高温蠕变实验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用人工合成的多晶材料研究了镍锗尖晶石在位错域的高温蠕变性质.多晶材料的颗粒尺寸约8μm.单轴压缩试件为圆柱状,使用气体介质围压筒.常压蠕变试验过程中,围压为300MPa,温度为1373-1523K,应力在55-330MPa范围内.从实验结果得出了镍锗尖晶石在位错域的流动律,应力指数n=29±01,表明流动的微观机制为位错蠕变.与其他尖晶石进行对比可以发现一个力学同构群,虽然在正尖晶石和反尖晶石之间存在一定的差异.在位错蠕变域,尖晶石与橄榄石归一化的强度类似.由于尖晶石的剪切模量比橄榄石高50%,其实际强度也比橄榄石高.将橄榄石和尖晶石的蠕变数据外推到地球内部条件时,由于其高应力指数,橄榄石则有可能比尖晶石的强度高.  相似文献   
The application of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as a shell extractant for preparation of soft body parts with reference to tissue metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) in shellfish has been evaluated on the example of the mud snail Hydrobia ulvae, a small marine prosobranch densely present in rocky and soft-bottom habitats of the eastern Atlantic. A solution of 0.1 M TCA was tested on individuals treated according to two different protocols: (1) thawed after freezing ("non-dried") and (2) thawed and air-dried to a constant weight ("dried"). Two points were investigated in detail to improve the method: individual soft tissue dry weight and tissue metal concentration following a standard digestion method. In both instances, the results were compared with those from manually dissected snails. Conditions for total shell decalcification of 60 individuals (3-4 mm long) were 5.5 h in 20 ml of 0.1 M TCA.No differences in individual soft tissue weight were observed between the treatments, indicating good efficiency of the TCA extraction with respect to weight of soft body parts. In contrast, tissue metal concentrations varied among treatments. The TCA extraction of the dried animals had a good recovery for Cd, most likely due to the lower solubility of Cd vital cellular components (proteins and mineral concretions) from the dried tissue. Satisfactory recoveries of the tissue concentrations of Cu and Pb were obtained for the non-dried individuals. This might be related to the specific distribution of metals in the organism (namely in the digestive glands and gonads) and their different chemical reactivity with TCA after the tissue was dried. Limited susceptibility of Zn-bearing protein bindings to complexing with TCA also accounts for significantly lower concentrations of Zn in the mud snail's soft tissue that was extracted. The 0.1 M TCA solution is therefore recommended for extraction of the shells of Hydrobia ulvae for tissue determination of Cd, Cu and Pb; however the treatment protocol does affect metal recovery and thus a consistent procedure should be followed.The extracted metals from the soft tissues and shells of the mud snails (on the basis of both metal concentrations and contents) were ranked in order of increasing contribution of soft body parts to the total (shell+tissue): Pb相似文献   
It is of major scientific interests to determine the parameters of momentum, heat and vapor exchange in the planetary boundary layer in order to study the effects of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions and their feedback mechanisms on global climate[1]. Lin…  相似文献   
古地震学、地震复发性及面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去25年中,地震地质学家和古地震学家们在确定单个古地震的时间和强度方面取得了重要信息。全球大部分地区,历史地震记录都短于地震轮回长度(发生一次会释放出某个地区长期累积的平均地震  相似文献   
在过去25年里,对沿加利福尼亚州的圣安德烈斯断层系的运动速率和长期地震记录的认识已显著提高了。这些认识使得对地震发生概率,尤其是30年周期概率的长期估计成为可能(Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities,1999)。但是,我们对断裂产生的物理过程的了解仍然非常不足——关于短期预报的可行性问题、一个断层产生地震是否会增加另一断层  相似文献   
中国西南天山山前的晚新生代构造与地震活动   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
天山是研究现今陆内造山作用及过程、陆内变形、陆内强震及其预测等大陆动力学问题的理想实验场。西南天山和塔里木之间的新生代褶皱-逆断裂带基本上由一南冲弧形推覆构造系统和一向北反冲的构造系统组成,由北而南主要由以下4个运动学单元组成:(1)新生代复活的喀拉铁热克山-天山南脉古生代造山带,其快速变形和抬升可能起始于23-26Ma前,持续至13-16Ma前。(2)向南逆冲的西南天山前陆薄皮主冲断带,包括木兹杜克弧形薄皮推覆体和依柯冲断带,前者代表了向南薄皮逆掩的天山型岩系,地表主要表现为一系列的飞来峰群,在14Ma前曾有过大规模活动,最小缩短量约为20-35km,最小缩短速率为1.4-2.8mm/a;后者代表了向南叠瓦状薄皮逆冲推覆的前陆古生代基底(塔里木地台型沉积岩系)卷入构造,其西段在距今14Ma时曾有过强烈活动。两者共同组成了一复杂的双重构造;新生代地层也卷入变形。(3)喀什-阿图什弧形反冲褶皱-逆断裂带,由3排向北(天山)反冲的左阶雁列展布的第四纪地表滑脱褶皱组成,仅在大山口以西发育。该构造带形成于距今约1.4Ma以后。依什拉克喀拉乌尔断裂以南,博古孜河剖面的最小缩短速率约为5.8mm/a,翁库尔剖面的最小缩短速率约为8.6mm/a。(4)塔里木克拉通下盘块体,向北西方向缓倾,内部变形较小。里木块体西北存在明显的不均匀性,其学问基底高角度逆断裂和走滑断裂控制了盆地新生代沉积的厚度,导致西南天山前陆冲断带的地形地貌、地层、构造变形样式、变形时间以及变形缩短量沿走向的巨大差异性。迈丹-喀拉铁克断裂和阿图什断裂带均为岩石圈规模断裂,研究区的中强地震主要发生在这两条断裂带以及它们之间的西南天山前陆冲断带上。  相似文献   
The lysosomal membrane destabilization and the metallothionein content in the digestive gland cells of mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam.), collected along the east coast of the North Adriatic (Istrian and Kvarnerine coast, Croatia), were examined over a period of four years (1996–1999). The lysosomal membrane stability, as a biomarker of general stress, showed that the membrane labilization period in mussels from polluted, urban- and industrial-related areas was significantly decreased (p<0.05) when compared to mussels from control, clean sea water sites. In the harbour of Rijeka, the most contaminated site, the lysosomal membrane stability was reduced by more than 70% compared to the control. This method also proved to be a useful biomarker for detection of additional stress caused by short-term hypoxia that occurred once during this study inside the polluted and periodically quite eutrophic Pula Harbour. The concentration of metallothioneins in the mussel digestive gland, as a specific biomarker of exposure to heavy metals, did not reveal significant differences (p<0.05) between sites covered by this study.  相似文献   
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