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通过对下庄矿田鲁溪地区笋洞岩体花岗岩特征,U含量、Th/U比值等特点进行研究,推测鲁溪地区具备较好的铀成矿物质来源。对铀成矿紧密相关的控矿构造和基性岩脉的展布特征、分布规模,揭露情况,以及与成矿紧密的绢云母化、绿泥石化、碳酸盐化等围岩蚀变进行了研究,预测鲁溪地区具有较大的铀成矿潜力。并根据成矿条件,把铀矿化类型确定为硅化带型和"交点"型。  相似文献   
Signal to noise ratio (SNR) and resolution are two important but contradictory characteristics used to evaluate the quality of seismic data. For relatively preserving SNR while enhancing resolution, the signal purity spectrum is introduced, estimated, and used to define the desired output amplitude spectrum after deconvolution. Since a real reflectivity series is blue rather than white, the effects of white reflectivity hypothesis on wavelets are experimentally analyzed and color compensation is applied after spectrum whitening. Experiments on real seismic data indicate that the cascade of the two processing stages can improve the ability of seismic data to delineate the geological details.  相似文献   
As fundamental parameters of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, ice thickness and subglacial topography are critical factors for studying the basal conditions and mass balance in Antarctica. During CHINARE 24 (the 24th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, 2007/08), the research team used a deep ice-penetrating radar system to measure the ice thickness and subglacial topography of the “Chinese Wall” around Kunlun Station, East Antarctica. Preliminary results show that the ice thickness varies mostly from 1600 m to 2800 m along the “Chinese Wall”, with the thickest ice being 3444 m, and the thinnest ice 1255 m. The average bedrock elevation is 1722 m, while the minimum is just 604 m. Compared with the northern side of the ice divide, the ice thickness is a little greater and the subglacial topography lower on the southern side, which is also characterized by four deep valleys. We found no basal freeze-on ice in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains area, subglacial lakes, or water bodies along the “Chinese Wall”. Ice thickness and subglacial topography data extracted from the Bedmap 2 database along the “Chinese Wall” are consistent with our results, but their resolution and accuracy are very limited in areas where the bedrock fluctuates intensely. The distribution of ice thickness and subglacial topography detected by ice-penetrating radar clarifies the features of the ice sheet in this “inaccessible” region. These results will help to advance the study of ice sheet dynamics and the determination of future locations of the GSM’s geological and deep ice core drilling sites in the Dome A region.  相似文献   
中国主要沙尘暴源区稳定同位素背景值初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用稳定同位素方法,对中国沙尘暴主要源区塔克拉玛干沙漠、柴达木盆地沙漠、库姆塔格沙漠、腾格里沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠、毛乌素沙地进行了采样分析。结果表明:22个样品18O和30Si的δ值变化范围分别为9.6~14.8和-1.7~0.3,其中18O的δ值库姆塔格沙漠最大,柴达木盆地沙漠最小,30Si的δ值毛乌素沙地最大,柴达木盆地沙漠最小。总体而言,样品中30Si的δ值的变异系数要比18O的δ的变异系数大,因此30Si更适合用于沙尘溯源。相邻的沙漠(沙地)呈现出30Si的δ值相近的趋势,因此推断相邻的沙漠(沙地)沉积物可能来自同一地区。  相似文献   
降尘对中国北方主要城市光伏电站发电量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国太阳能光伏发电在2010-2015年实现了飞速发展。降尘降低了光伏电池板表面玻璃的透光率,导致电池板的发电量下降。降尘对太阳能光伏发电影响的量化是预测光伏电站发电量的基础。以降尘相对较严重的北方(年均降雨量小于800mm)36个城市的光伏电站为研究对象,综合考虑温度、降尘、辐射等因素导致的光伏发电量损失,模拟了各城市光伏电站25年内的年均最大发电量。模拟结果显示:(1)36个城市平均年发电量为209.62±30.15kWh·5m-2,其中,发电量最大的城市是拉萨,最小的为西安,前者约为后者的两倍;(2)年降雨量100~200mm地区年发电量最高,其次为≤100mm的地区,200~400mm和400~600mm的地区发电量几乎相等,600~800mm的地区发电量最小;(3)降尘与电池板最佳倾角的关系可以忽略;(4)降尘导致的光伏发电量损失最大值发生在降雨量为100~200mm区域(5.32%),然后依次为≤100mm(5.21%)、200~400mm(4.46%)、400~600mm(3.29%)和600~800mm(2.09%)的区域。  相似文献   
针对目前广泛使用的侧向测井电极系结构和聚焦方式,利用有限元数值模拟方法研究了三种常见的侧向测井电极系结构对电极系数、井眼影响系数、径向探测深度的影响;对比硬件聚焦中监督电极残余电位差对测井响应的影响,引入聚焦系数,提出了一种利用软件聚焦实现阵列化测量的新方法;利用Oklamoha标准地层模型验证了方法的正确性。结果表明,不同电极系结构和电极系的不同部分对测井响应的作用不同,其中电极系绝缘部分长度对探测特性的影响很大,在电极系设计过程中应重视绝缘尺寸对探测特性的影响。采用软件聚焦方式,不仅消除了硬件聚焦方式中残余电位差的影响,而且在不改变双侧向电极系结构的基础上,选择聚焦系数为0~1.1,得到了不同径向探测深度的测井曲线,实现了类似于阵列侧向测井中的阵列化测量。测量结果表明,电极系数随着聚焦系数的增大而减小,井眼影响系数保持在0.80~1.16,并提高了径向探测能力,最大探测深度达到2.0 m以上,获得更丰富的地层电阻率分布信息。  相似文献   
介绍一种定性识别和预测断层相关裂缝的新方法-断面脱空法。该方法以断面脱空理论为基础,通过建立断面脱空空间与断层相关裂缝之间的置换模型,从而实现通过观察断层形迹开展地下断层相关裂缝的定性识别。以塔中Ⅰ号断裂带西侧中古3、塔中72两个井区下奥陶统良里塔格组(O3l)为例,基于地震资料分别开展剖面和平面上的断层相关裂缝识别,并将预测结果与钻井、测井及地震属性分析获得的裂缝发育特征进行对比研究。结果表明:利用断面脱空原理预测结果与钻测井揭示结果基本一致,与根据均方根检测的裂缝平面分布对比,细节上有差异,但总体特征基本一致,表明利用断面脱空原理可以定性地对断层相关裂缝做出预测。断面脱空理论的提出不仅为定性评价地表、地下断层相关裂缝发育分布规律提供一种新思路,更为定量表征断层相关裂缝提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
Weakening of the upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water formation was detected based on the dissolved oxygen concentration and potential temperature from 1970 to 2004, unlike the suggestion of previous studies that it has been enhanced since the 1970s. The revealed warming and decreasing trends in DO concentration throughout the water column indicate that the conveyor belt system in the Japan Sea is still slowing down even in the intermediate layers, though a relatively active dissolved oxygen supply into the intermediate layers is suggested. This fact leads us to modify the previous concept about the water mass formation; though a relatively active formation of the intermediate water mass occurs, the deep water formation is not counterbalanced by the intermediate water formation, and the overall Japan Sea Proper Water formation has been stagnating since the 1970s.  相似文献   
 交通路况在时间上和空间上具有连续变化的特征,在时空维度上对交通路况进行高分辨率采样得到的数据,对研究交通路况的时空动态十分有利。但长时间大范围的高分辨率交通路况信息数据量巨大,给数据的组织和管理带来了困难。目前,尚没有一种成熟的时空数据模型对高时空分辨率交通路况数据进行高效(顾及数据存储与访问效率)的组织管理。本文提出一种基于线性参照系统的交通路况基态修正模型。此模型应用基态修正模型的基本思想,在时间维度上对交通路况数据进行无损压缩,又引入动态分段技术和线性参照系统,以路划作为交通路况载体,在空间维度上对交通路况数据进行压缩存储。利用成都市区真实交通路况数据,本文验证了此模型的有效性,比较了6种不同参数下交通路况基态修正模型的存储和访问效率,给出了最佳模型建议。  相似文献   
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