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Activity concentration data from ambient radioxenon measurements in ground level air, which were carried out in Europe in the framework of the International Noble Gas Experiment (INGE) in support of the development and build-up of a radioxenon monitoring network for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification regime are presented and discussed. Six measurement stations provided data from 5 years of measurements performed between 2003 and 2008: Longyearbyen (Spitsbergen, Norway), Stockholm (Sweden), Dubna (Russian Federation), Schauinsland Mountain (Germany), Bruyères-le-Châtel and Marseille (both France). The noble gas systems used within the INGE are designed to continuously measure low concentrations of the four radioxenon isotopes which are most relevant for detection of nuclear explosions: 131mXe, 133mXe, 133Xe and 135Xe with a time resolution less than or equal to 24 h and a minimum detectable concentration of 133Xe less than 1 mBq/m3. This European cluster of six stations is particularly interesting because it is highly influenced by a high density of nuclear power reactors and some radiopharmaceutical production facilities. The activity concentrations at the European INGE stations are studied to characterise the influence of civilian releases, to be able to distinguish them from possible nuclear explosions. It was found that the mean activity concentration of the most frequently detected isotope, 133Xe, was 5–20 mBq/m3 within Central Europe where most nuclear installations are situated (Bruyères-le-Châtel and Schauinsland), 1.4–2.4 mBq/m3 just outside that region (Stockholm, Dubna and Marseille) and 0.2 mBq/m3 in the remote polar station of Spitsbergen. No seasonal trends could be observed from the data. Two interesting events have been examined and their source regions have been identified using atmospheric backtracking methods that deploy Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling and inversion techniques. The results are consistent with known releases of a radiopharmaceutical facility.  相似文献   
We present time-resolved spectrophotometry of the pulsating DA white dwarf G29-38. As in previous broad-band photometry, the light curve shows the presence of a large number of periodicities. Many of these are combination frequencies, i.e. periodicities occurring at frequencies that are sums or differences of frequencies of stronger, real modes. We identify at least six real modes, and at least five combination frequencies. We measure line-of-sight velocities for our spectra and detect periodic variations at the frequencies of five of the six real modes, with amplitudes of up to 5 km s−1. We argue that these variations reflect the horizontal surface motion associated with the g-mode pulsations. No velocity signals are detected at any of the combination frequencies, confirming that the flux variations at these frequencies do not reflect physical pulsation, but rather reflect mixing of frequencies owing to a non-linear transformation in the outer layers of the star. We discuss the amplitude ratios and phase differences found for the velocity and light variations, as well as those found for the real modes and their combination frequencies, both in a model-independent way and in the context of models based on the convective-driving mechanism. In a companion paper, we use the wavelength dependence of the amplitudes of the modes to infer their spherical degree.  相似文献   
The fauna of the Enspel (Westerwald) and the neighbouring Kärlich (Neuwied basin) fossil deposits correspond to the Upper Oligocene Mammal Paleogene (MP) reference level 28 and 28–30, respectively. Basaltic flows and a trachyte tuff terminating and predating the fossil deposit sedimentation allow to numerically calibrate the MP reference levels by radioisotope dating. Laser fusion 40Ar/39Ar step heating on volcanic feldspars yield a time interval of 24.9–24.5 Ma for reference level MP28 at Enspel and a maximum age of 25.5 Ma for the time interval MP28–MP30 at Kärlich. Interpolation between the time intervals determined for the Enspel reference level MP28 and the age of the global Oligocene/Miocene boundary of 24.0 ± 0.1 Ma taken from literature results in time intervals of 24.5–24.2 Ma and 24.2–23.9 Ma for the younger reference levels MP29 and MP30, respectively. These intervals of ≤ 0.4 m.y. for MP reference levels of the latest Oligocene are short relative to older Oligocene MP reference levels 21–27 between 34 and 25 Ma. Since subdivision into MP reference levels essentially is based on assemblages of mammal taxa and on evolutionary changes in tooth morphology of mammals short MP time intervals during the latest Oligocene indicate a rapid evolutionary change relative to the early Oligocene.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung des Adoudounien (Infrakambrium) und Géorgien (Unterkambrium) ist im Mittleren Antiatlas durch einen Wechsel von marinen und kontinentalen Sedimenten gekennzeichnet. Wildbachablagerungen an der Basis und an den Beckenrändern werden von marin-marginalen stromatolithischen Karbonaten abgelöst. Ignimbrite belegen wiederholte terrestrische Sedimentation.Mit fluviatilen Sanden und wiederum Stromatolithen und lagunären Karbonaten (mit ersten Trilobiten!) setzt ein zweiter transgressiver Großzyklus ein, der an der Wende Infra-/Unter-Kambrium einen ersten Höhepunkt erreicht. Durch regressive Kleinzyklen charakterisierte Abfolgen leiten zu Sandsteinen über, die als Ablagerungen eines Deltas gedeutet werden.Vom Mittelkambrium bis Ordovizium dominiert marine Schelfsedimentation.
The formations of Adoudounien (Infra Cambrian) and Géorgien (Lower Cambrian) of the middle Anti-Atlas are characterized by an alternation of marine and continental sediments. Torrent conglomerates at the base and the margins of the basin took turns to marine-marginal stromatolitic carbonates. Ignimbrites prove repeated terrestrial sedimentation.A second transgressiv megasequence begins with fluviatil sands and goes on with stromatolites and lagoon carbonates (first Trilobites). This transgression reachs his first culmination at the Infra-/Lower-Cambrian boundary. Typical regressiv cycles form a transition to sandstones, which are interpreted as sediments of a delta.Marine shelf environment dominates from Middle Cambrian to Ordovician beds.

Résumé Dans le moyen Anti-Atlas, l'évolution de l'Adoudounien et du Géorgien est caractérisée par un changement des sédiments marins et continentaux. Les dépôts des torrents à la base et dans la bordure du bassin font place à des carbonates marins marginaux stromatolithiques. Les ignimbrites marquent le retour fréquent à la sédimentation terrestre.Une deuxième mégaséquence transgressive débute avec des sables fluviatiles, des stromatolithes et des carbonates lagunaires (premiers trilobites). La transgression atteint une première phase culminante à la transition de l'Adoudounien au Géorgien. Des séquences caractérisées par de petits cycles régressifs conduisent à des grès qui pourraient être interpré tés comme des sédiments deltaïques.A partir du Cambrien moyen jusqu'à l'Ordovicien prédomine un milieu de plate-forme externe.

Adoudounien — — Géorgien — — . — — . , - , , . , , . .
We classified homogenous river types across Europe and searched for fish metrics qualified to show responses to specific pressures (hydromorphological pressures or water quality pressures) vs. multiple pressures in these river types. We analysed fish taxa lists from 3105 sites in 16 ecoregions and 14 countries. Sites were pre-classified for 15 selected pressures to separate unimpacted from impacted sites. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to split unimpacted sites into four homogenous river types based on species composition and geographical location. Classification trees were employed to predict associated river types for impacted sites with four environmental variables. We defined a set of 129 candidate fish metrics to select the best reacting metrics for each river type. The candidate metrics represented tolerances/intolerances of species associated with six metric types: habitat, migration, water quality sensitivity, reproduction, trophic level and biodiversity. The results showed that 17 uncorrelated metrics reacted to pressures in the four river types. Metrics responded specifically to water quality pressures and hydromorphological pressures in three river types and to multiple pressures in all river types. Four metrics associated with water quality sensitivity showed a significant reaction in up to three river types, whereas 13 metrics were specific to individual river types. Our results contribute to the better understanding of fish assemblage response to human pressures at a pan-European scale. The results are especially important for European river management and restoration, as it is necessary to uncover underlying processes and effects of human pressures on aquatic communities.  相似文献   
We present subarcsec angular resolution observations of the neutral gas in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 520. The central kpc region of NGC 520 contains an area of significantly enhanced star formation. The radio continuum structure of this region resolves into ∼10 continuum components. By comparing the flux densities of the brightest of these components at 1.4 GHz with published 15-GHz data we infer that these components detected at 1.4 and 1.6 GHz are related to the starburst and are most likely to be collections of several supernova remnants within the beam. None of these components is consistent with emission from an active galactic nuclei. Both neutral hydrogen (H  i ) and hydroxyl (OH) absorption lines are observed against the continuum emission, along with a weak OH maser feature probably related to the star formation activity in this galaxy. Strong H  i absorption  ( N H∼ 1022 atoms cm−2)  traces a velocity gradient of 0.5 km s−1 pc−1 across the central kpc of NGC 520. The H  i absorption velocity structure is consistent with the velocity gradients observed in both the OH absorption and in CO emission observations. The neutral gas velocity structure observed within the central kpc of NGC 520 is attributed to a kpc-scale ring or disc. It is also noted that the velocity gradients observed for these neutral gas components appear to differ with the velocity gradients observed from optical ionized emission lines. This apparent disagreement is discussed and attributed to the extinction of the optical emission from the actual centre of this source hence implying that optical ionized emission lines are only detected from regions with significantly different radii to those sampled by the observations presented here.  相似文献   
High mountainous areas are geomorphologically active environments which are strongly shaped by redistribution of sediments and soils. With the projected climate warming in the twenty-first century and the continued retreat of glaciers, the area of newly exposed, highly erodible sediments and soils will increase. This presents a need to better understand and quantify erosion processes in young mountainous soils, as an increase in erodibility could threaten human infrastructure (i.e. hydroelectric power, tourist installations and settlements). While soil development is increasingly well understood and quantified, a coupling to soil erosion rates is still missing. The aim of this study was, therefore, to assess how soil erosion rates change with surface age. We investigated two moraine chronosequences in the Swiss Alps: one in the siliceous periglacial area of Steingletscher (Sustenpass), with soils ranging from 30 a to 10 ka, and the other in the calcareous periglacial area of Griessgletscher (Klausenpass) with surfaces ranging from age of 110 a to 13.5 ka. We quantified the erosion rates using the 239+240Pu fallout radionuclides and compared them to physical and chemical soil properties and the vegetation coverage. We found no significant differences between the two parent materials. At both chronosequences, the erosion rates were highest in the young soils (on average 5−10 t ha-1 a-1 soil loss). Erosion rates decreased markedly after 3−5 ka of soil development (on average 1−2.5 t ha-1 a-1 soil loss) to reach a more or less stable situation after 10−14 ka (on average 0.3–2 t ha-1 a-1). Climate change not only causes glacier retreat, but also increased sediment dynamics. Depending on the relief and vegetational development, it takes up to at least 10 ka to reach soil stability. The establishment of a closed vegetation cover with dense root networks seems to be the controlling factor in the reduction of soil erodibility. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper continues the investigations of Clemens and Hartwig from 1992 on the proportion of garbage used as nesting material in the Kittiwake colony at Bulbjerg in the Jammerbugt in Northwest Denmark. Whereas in the year 1992 plastic garbage items were included in 39.3% of 466 Kittiwake nests in the Bulbjerg colony, in 2005 57.2% of 311 nests contained plastic debris. Although it has been forbidden to dispose of plastic garbage into the marine environment since the implementation of the MARPOL 73/78-Agreement/Annex V (Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by Ship Waste) of 1989 and especially since the declaration of the North Sea as a MARPOL-Special Area for garbage in 1991, the pollution of the oceans and the North Sea is still an ubiquitous problem, particularly with regard to plastic waste. Plastic waste is presumably not used preferentially for nest-building, but in the context of available nesting material in the waters surrounding the breeding colony. Therefore the share of garbage parts in nests of certain species of birds is an indicator of the amount of waste in the natural environment in the vicinity of their breeding site.  相似文献   
Abstract– We have performed six shock experiments at nominal peak‐shock pressures of 12.5, 20, 33, 46.5, 64, and 85 GPa using polycrystalline anhydrite discs embedded in ARMCO‐Fe sample containers and the shock reverberation technique. The recovered samples were analyzed using X‐ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The X‐ray diffraction patterns recorded on all samples are compatible with the anhydrite structure; extra‐peaks have not been observed. Peak intensities decrease and peak broadening increases progressively in the pressure range from 0 to 46.5 GPa. At higher pressures, peak broadening diminishes and the X‐ray diffraction pattern of the 85 GPa sample resembles essentially that of unshocked, well‐crystallized anhydrite. Related structural changes at the nanoscale include in the pressure regime up to 20 GPa “cold” deformation phenomena such as cracks and deformation twins. Dislocation density increases up to 33 GPa and the strain increases up to 46.5 GPa. In the pressure range from 46.5 to 85 GPa, high postshock temperatures caused annealing of the deformation features. Increasing density and size of voids in the anhydrite samples shocked at 64 and 85 GPa indicate partial decomposition of anhydrite. Recalculation of the peak‐shock pressure in the experiments to a more realistic natural loading path indicates the onset of degassing of anhydrite in the pressure range of 30–41 GPa.  相似文献   
The title of this article is designed to provoke. Naturally occurring parameters are, by definition, not contamination. Nevertheless, nature is not necessarily nice, and naturally occurring trace toxins can be every bit as undesirable as their counterparts derived from human pollution.  相似文献   
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