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Sediment input to SMB appears to be associated with at least two point sources on the shelf, with Malibu Creek and the Hyperion sewage outfall being the most significant. Sediment contributions are sufficient to support apparent mass accumulation rates near these sources up to approximately 1.8 g/cm(2) year, which with distance decrease to approximately 0.5 g/cm(2) year near the shelf break (approximately 80-100 m water depth). Sequestering of material on the shelf and decreasing sediment supply to the slope is evident as rates decrease between 100 and 200 m water depths to less than 0.2 g/cm(2) year. Below 100-200 m water depth, rates are relatively slow throughout a broad region of the slope (0.07-0.14 g/cm(2) year). These slower rates are in general agreement with rates determined on the flanks of the California Borderland basins. Sediment texture fines from approximately 3.5 phi to approximately 7 phi with distance offshore. Texture does not exhibit significant changes from surficial values with depth in the seabed at any given site or between sites on the slope. This similarity in rates and downcore texture over such a broad extent suggests that hemiplegic sedimentation is the dominant mechanism of sediment delivery in water depths >200 m. Seabed distributions of radionuclides suggest that apparent accumulation rates in SMB may be twice the actual accumulation rates. A sediment budget documents that over the past century at least, SMB has served as a sink for 50-100% of the natural and anthropogenic inputs to the coastal ocean.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - This paper reports the main results of an experimental study on the mechanics of intensely fissured natural clays, extending our previous studies on scaly clay from Santa Croce...  相似文献   

Oil and gas exploration data for the Northern Somalia and Horn of Africa region have been utilised for deep freshwater resources exploration. This unique geophysical and petrophysical dataset is integrated into a regional hydrogeological study and it allows for targeting of unmapped and unknown deep aquifers that would otherwise be beyond the conventional reach of the groundwater sector. The database includes open-hole well logging surveys (resistivity, gamma ray, and spontaneous potential), mud logging and drill stem test (DST) data. The results from the data analysis are combined with the geological interpretation to assess the freshwater potential of each mapped hydrostratigraphic unit in the region. The results highlight the presence of several previously unknown deep low-to-medium salinity (<9  g/L total dissolved solids (TDS)) aquifers within the Jurassic to Eocene units, including the Adigrat, Hamanlei, Gabredarre, Gumburo, Jessoma, and Auradu formations. With tested intervals of water containing less than 3.8 g/L total dissolved solids, the Auradu, Jessoma, and Gumburo formations are the most promising deep freshwater aquifers. Additional results on the analysis of groundwater parameters, such as hydraulic head, provide the basis for further groundwater modelling. The results show that the method has good potential, in particular for use in drought-stricken areas of arid regions. Ultimately, the results from this region have global significance, as the method can provide a new means of boosting fresh groundwater resources in water-poor regions, and supporting sustainable development and utilization of the resources in the medium and long term.

Active Long Path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) measurements of halogen oxides were conducted at Masaya Volcano, in Nicaragua from April 14 to 26, 2007. The active LP-DOAS system allowed night-time halogen measurements and reduced the ClO detection limit by an order of magnitude when compared to previous passive DOAS measurements, as wavelengths below 300 nm could be used for the DOAS retrievals. BrO was detected with an average BrO/SO2 molecular ratio of approximately 3 × 10−5 during the day. However, BrO values were below the detection limit of the instrument for all night-time measurements, a strong indication that BrO is not directly emitted, but rather the result of photochemical formation in the plume itself according to the autocatalytic “bromine explosion” mechanism. Despite the increased sensitivity, both ClO and OClO could not be detected. The achieved upper limits for the X/SO2 ratios were 5 × 10−3 and 7 × 10−6, respectively. A rough calculation suggests that ClO and OClO should be present at similar abundances in volcanic plumes. Since the DOAS technique is orders of magnitude more sensitive for OClO than for ClO, this indicates that OClO should always be detectable in plumes in which ClO is found. However, further LP-DOAS studies are needed to conclusively clarify the role of chlorine oxides in volcanic plumes.  相似文献   
We use sulfur (S) isotope signatures within ancient sediments and a photochemical model of sulfur dioxide (SO2) photolysis to interpret the evolution of the atmosphere over the first half of Earth's history. A decrease in mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation has been reported in Archean rocks deposited between ~ 2.7 Ga and ~ 3.2 Ga, and is reinforced by new S isotope data that we report here. This pattern has been interpreted by some as evidence that atmospheric oxygen (O2) was elevated during this time. In this paper, we argue against that conclusion, and show that it is inconsistent with other geochemical data. In its place, we propose a new model that can explain the sulfur isotope record that can also avoid conflicts with independent constraints on O2 and account for concurrent glacial deposits. Specifically, we suggest that prior to the rise of O2 excursions in the sulfur isotope record were modulated by the thickness of an organic haze. This haze would have blocked the lower atmosphere from the UV fluxes responsible for the anomalous sulfur photochemistry and would have caused an anti-greenhouse effect that triggered the glaciations. We used a photochemical model to verify that a haze could have affected the isotopic signal in this manner, and to examine how changes in atmospheric methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations could have controlled haze thickness. Finally, we combined the resulting relationships with climate models and sulfur isotope and glacial records to deduce a new evolutionary sequence for Archean climate, surface chemistry, and biology.  相似文献   
We describe an algorithm for inverting magnetotelluric (MT) data in the presence of strong bathymetry or topography. Instead of correcting distortions due to bathymetry or topography we incorporate them directly into the inversion. To achieve a high accuracy in computing MT responses we use finite‐difference approximations that permit sloping discrete boundaries inside model elements. The same approach is applicable to any seafloor electromagnetic calculation and can also be used to incorporate steep topography on land. We test our approach on various topographic features and compare our results to that of a finite element approach. Finally, we present inversion examples that illustrate the effectiveness of our inversion algorithm in recovering true subsurface structures in the presence of strong bathymetry and topography.  相似文献   
Alterations in the glutathione antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation in Avicennia marina were studied under laboratory and field conditions. The activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was found to respond to Zn exposure, and a significant positive relationship between leaf Zn concentration and GPx activity was observed after 96 h and 8 weeks. Lipid hydroperoxides increased proportionally with increasing leaf Zn concentration after 2 and 8 weeks, while no changes in total glutathione were observed. Induction of GPx at 96 h predicted effects at the individual level at a later time interval (reduced biomass at 8 weeks). Results from the field revealed that increasing leaf metal concentration (Zn, Cu or Pb) produced a proportional increase in GPx activity whereas lipid hydroperoxides and total glutathione were not affected. The utility of GPx as an early warning biomarker is suggested, since GPx activity increases in a dose-dependant fashion in response to accumulated leaf metals, and is predictive of later effects on growth.  相似文献   
Richards Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, is characterized by thermokarst lakes which record Holocene limnological change. This study is the first report of thecamoebian assemblages and continuous annual lake water temperatures from these Arctic lakes. Ecological environments on Richards Island are influenced by a climatic gradient resulting from the contrasting influences of the cold Beaufort Sea to the north and the warm waters of the Mackenzie Delta to the east and west. This climatic gradient in turn influences modern thecamoebian assemblages, and is an indication of the complexity involved in interpreting past conditions from core material in this area.Population abundance and species diversity of thecamoebian assemblages on Richards Island are not significantly different from those reported from temperate and semi-tropical latitudes. However, certain assemblage characteristics, such as large and coarse agglutinated tests, dominance of assemblages by one or two species and low morphological variation are interpreted to be diagnostic of Arctic conditions. Thecamoebian assemblages in core material from the area indicate that the local paleolimnological conditions may have changed within the last 3 ka, and this is unrecorded in previously reported pollen data.Paleoenvironmental interpretations in a permafrost landscape have to take into account morphological instability of thermokarst lakes, which can be the cause of paleolimnological and consequently faunal change. In this area ecosystem development is clearly related to geomorphology and local climatic effects and is not exclusively controlled by regional climate change.  相似文献   
Water quality monitoring could benefit from information derived from the newest generation of medium-resolution Earth observation satellites. The main objective of our study was to assess the suitability of both Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2A satellites for estimating and mapping of Secchi disk transparency (SDT), a common measurement of water clarity, in Cassaffousth Reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina). Ground observations and a dataset of four Landsat 8 and four Sentinel-2A images were used to create and validate models to estimate SDT in the reservoir. The selected algorithms were used to obtain graphic representations of water clarity. Slight differences were found between Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 estimations. Thus, we demonstrated the suitability of both satellites for estimating and mapping water quality. This study highlights the importance of free and readily available satellite datasets in monitoring water quality, especially in countries where conventional monitoring programmes are either lacking or unsatisfactory.  相似文献   
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