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Refractory Ti-bearing minerals in the calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) Inti, recovered from the comet 81P/Wild 2 sample, were examined using analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (STEM) methods including imaging, nanodiffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Inti fassaite (Ca(Mg,Ti,Al)(Si,Al)2O6) was found to have a Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio of 2.0 ± 0.2, consistent with fassaite in other solar system CAIs. The oxygen fugacity (logfO2) of formation estimated from this ratio, assuming equilibration among phases at 1509 K, is −19.4 ± 1.3. This value is near the canonical solar nebula value (−18.1 ± 0.3) and in close agreement with that reported for fassaite-bearing Allende CAIs (−19.8 ± 0.9) by other researchers using the same assumptions. Nanocrystals of osbornite (Ti(V)N), 2–40 nm in diameter, are embedded as inclusions within gehlenite, spinel and diopside in Inti. Vanadium is heterogeneously distributed within some osbornite crystals. Compositions range from pure TiN to Ti0.36V0.64N. The possible presence of oxide and carbide in solid solution with the osbornite was evaluated. The osbornite may contain O, but C is not present at detectable levels. The presence of osbornite, likely a refractory early condensate, together with the other refractory minerals in Inti, indicates that the parent comet contains solids that condensed closer to the proto-sun than the distance at which the parent comet itself accreted. The estimated oxygen fugacity and the reported isotopic and chemical compositions are consistent with Inti originating in the inner solar system like other meteoritic CAIs. These results provide insight for evaluating the validity of models of radial mass transport dynamics in the early solar system. The oxidation environments inferred for the Inti mineral assemblage are inconsistent with an X-wind formation scenario. In contrast, radial mixing models that allow accretion of components from different heliocentric distances can satisfy the observations from the cometary CAI Inti.  相似文献   
The response of phytoplankton assemblage structure to terrestrial nutrient inputs was examined for the Gulf of Kalloni in the Northern Aegean Sea, a productive semi-enclosed coastal marine ecosystem. The study was focused on a typical annual cycle, and emphasis was placed on the comparative analysis between blooms developing after significant nutrient inputs from the watershed, and naturally occurring blooms. Baseline information was collected on a monthly basis from a network of stations located in the oligotrophic open sea and the interior and more productive part of the embayment. Intensive sampling was also carried out along a gradient in the vicinity of a river which was the most important source of freshwater and nutrient input for the Gulf. Phytoplankton assemblage structure was analyzed from 188 samples using diversity indices (Shannon and Average Taxonomic Distinctness), multivariate plotting methods (NMDS), multivariate statistics (PERMANOVA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Three characteristic assemblages were recognized: (1) an autumn assemblage developed under nutrient depleted conditions, having low diversity due to the dominance of two small diatoms, (2) a winter bloom of the potentially toxic species Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha occurring immediately after a nutrient peak and characterized by very low diversity, and (3) a naturally occurring early summer bloom of centric diatoms with relatively high diversity. The results of the study support the view that moderate nutrient inputs may have a beneficial effect on the functioning of coastal ecosystems, stimulating the taxonomic diversity through the growth of different taxonomic groups and taxa. On the other hand, a sudden pulse of high nutrient concentrations may greatly affect the natural succession of organisms, have a negative effect on the diversity through the dominance of a single species, and can increase the possibility of a harmful algal bloom development.  相似文献   
区域精密水准测量在地震监测中发挥了重要的作用,但是由于其作业范围广、观测周期长,容易受外界复杂多变的环境因素影响。目前对环境因素的影响分析大多是定性描述,缺乏实验观测数据的支撑。针对这一问题,选取大约2000km区域精密水准观测数据,结合观测环境资料,统计分析不同环境因素对观测成果的影响程度,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   
2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2001年1月26日11:10~11:40UT, ClusterⅡ卫星簇位于午后高纬磁鞘边界层和磁鞘区,此 时行星际磁场Bz为南向. 本文对在此期间观测到的多次磁通量管事件作了详细的研究 ,获得一系列的新发现:(1)高纬磁鞘边界层磁通量管的出现具有准周期性,周期约为78s ,比目前已知的磁层顶向阳面FTE的平均周期(8~11min)小得多. (2)这些通量管都具有 强的核心磁场;其主轴多数在磁场最小变化方向,少数在中间变化方向,有些无法用PAA判 定其方向(需要用电流管PAA确定),这与卫星穿越通量管的相对路径有关. (3)每个事件 都存在很好的HT参考系,在HT参考系中这些通量管是准定常态结构;所有通量管都沿磁层顶 表面运动,速度方向大体相同,都来自晨侧下方. 通量管的径向尺度为1~2RE, 与通 常的FTE通量管相当. (4)起源于磁层的强能离子大体上沿着管轴方向由磁层向磁鞘运动; 起源于太阳风的热等离子体沿管轴向磁层传输. 通量管为太阳风等离子体向磁层输运和磁层 粒子向行星际空间逃逸提供了通道. (5)每个通量管事件都伴随有晨昏电场的反转,该电 场为对流电场.  相似文献   
对蚌埠地震台测震数据中的干扰信号进行分析,并对其进行滤波处理,结果表明,根据干扰源特性分别设计相应的滤波器,能够解决台站测震数据受到的干扰,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   
针对目前"九五"仪器数据采集工作中遇到的问题,应用Visual Basic编制通用型地震前兆通讯控制软件.其主要特点是,微机不需安装通讯控制卡,RS-232串口或网口均可,网络对时服务,并结合日常工作要求新增部分功能.结果发现,效果良好.  相似文献   
中国火成岩化学元素的丰度与分布   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
鄢明才  迟清华 《地球化学》1996,25(5):409-424
在中国各构造单元构选采了10364件火成岩样品合成1131个分析样,采用仪器中子活化法,X射线荧光光谱法,原子吸收法,原子荧光光谱法,催化波极谱法和分光光度法等15种可靠分析方法进行测试,对一些难测痕量元素采用了最新的分析研究成果,以同类国家一级标准物质监控分析质量。  相似文献   
潘金平  胡晓君  陆利平  印迟 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7410-7416
采用热丝化学气相沉积法制备B掺杂纳米金刚石薄膜,并对薄膜进行真空退火处理,系统研究了不同退火温度对B掺杂纳米金刚石薄膜的微结构和电化学性能的影响.结果表明,当退火温度升高到800 ℃后,薄膜的Raman谱图中由未退火时在1157,1346,1470,1555 cm-1处的4个峰转变为只有D峰和G峰,说明晶界上的氢大量解吸附量减少;并且D峰和G峰的积分强度比ID/IG值变为最小,即sp2相团簇  相似文献   
On the basis of the wave action balance equation which incorporates refraction, diffraction, reflection and wave-current interaction, a directional spectral wave transformation model WABED is developed for predicting the irregular wave refraction-diffraction with strongly reflecting structures in coastal regions. In the model, diffraction is taken into account by introducing a term formulated from a parabolic approximation wave equation, and reflection is calculated through a back-marching numerical approach at the reflecting boundary. Two experimental data sets are used to examine the performance of present model with regard to wave characteristics around reflecting coastal structures. One is from a physical experiment at idealized inlet with parallel jetties, while the other is from a laboratory study on a coastal project of the concave breakwater. Reasonably good agreements are found for both cases, revealing the applicability of the present model for predicting combined wave refraction-diffraction processes with strongly reflecting coastal structures.  相似文献   
Radionuclide activities of 210Pb and 226Ra were measured to determine bioturbation coefficients (Db) in seven sediment cores from the Korean licensed block for polymetallic nodules in the Clarion–Clipperton Fracture Zone. Variability in Db is considered in the context of the sedimentological, geochemical, and geotechnical properties of the sediments. Db values in the studied cores were estimated using a steady-state diffusion model and varied over a wide range from 1.1 to 293 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 144 cm. When excepting for spurious results obtained from cores where diffusive mixing does not apply, Db values range from 1.1 to 9.0 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 63 cm. Such wide variability in Db and L values is exceptional in sites with water depths of ~5000 m and is attributed in this study to an uneven distribution of sediment layers with different shear strengths and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, caused by erosion events. The studied cores can be grouped into two categories based on lithologic associations: layers with high maximum shear strength (MSS) and low TOC content, showing a narrow range of Db values (1.1–9.0 cm2/yr); and layers with low MSS and high TOC content, yielding much higher Db values of over 30 cm2/yr. The distribution of different lithologies, and the resultant spatial variability in MSS and labile organic matter content, controls the presence and maximum burrowing depth of infauna by affecting their mobility and the availability of food. This study provides a unique case showing that shear strength, which relates to the degree of sediment consolidation, might be an important factor in controlling rates of bioturbation and sediment mixing depths.  相似文献   
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