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Information of aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in marshes has been limited by the lack of accurate methods for assessment. Most popular methods have weaknesses that cause either underestimates or overestimates of ANPP values. The nondestructive growth kinetics monitoring method used by Williams and Murdoch (W-M) has provided, perhaps, a most ideal and reasonable assessment of ANPP inJuncus roemerianus marshes Unfortunately, the W-M procedure is difficult to carry out and it is restricted toJuncus marshes. I present here a modification of the W-M procedure. The modified procedure applies the principle of the original W-M method while eliminating the need to monitor growth kinetics of individual plants. The modified ANPP procedure requires monthly harvests of the above-ground plant biomass over a period of 1 yr and the estimation of mean residence time of the plant. The modified W-M procedure was comparable to the original procedure inJ. roemerianus marshes of northern Florida. This modified procedure has the potential to be applied to marshes other than those dominated byJuncus.  相似文献   
Sediments produced by landslides are crucial in the sediment yield of a catchment, debris flow forecasting, and related hazard assessment. On a regional scale, however, it is difficult and time consuming to measure the volumes of such sediment. This paper uses a LiDAR‐derived digital terrain model (DTM) taken in 2005 and 2010 (at 2 m resolution) to accurately obtain landslide‐induced sediment volumes that resulted from a single catastrophic typhoon event in a heavily forested mountainous area of Taiwan. The landslides induced by Typhoon Morakot are mapped by comparison of 25 cm resolution aerial photographs taken before and after the typhoon in an 83.6 km2 study area. Each landslide volume is calculated by subtraction of the 2005 DTM from the 2010 DTM, and the scaling relationship between landslide area and its volume are further regressed. The relationship between volume and area are also determined for all the disturbed areas (VL = 0.452AL1.242) and for the crown areas of the landslides (VL = 2.510AL1.206). The uncertainty in estimated volume caused by use of the LiDAR DTMs is discussed, and the error in absolute volume estimation for landslides with an area >105 m2 is within 20%. The volume–area relationship obtained in this study is also validated in 11 small to medium‐sized catchments located outside the study area, and there is good agreement between the calculation from DTMs and the regression formula. By comparison of debris volumes estimated in this study with previous work, it is found that a wider volume variation exists that is directly proportional to the landslide area, especially under a higher scaling exponent. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary ¶During the Post-TAMEX forecast experiment of Taiwan in 1992, a mesoscale convective system (MCS) developed on June 5–6 over southern China. As this system matured, it produced readily apparent cirrus outflow on satellite imageries while the upper level flow also exhibited a diffluent pattern. The purpose of the current study is to examine the possible changes in its environment associated with the development of this MCS.By using 12-h data from 1200 UTC June 5 to 1200 UTC June 6, objective analyses were performed for a 1°×1° latitude/longitude grid using sounding data and a low-pass filter. To facilitate the diagnosis, a band-pass filter was further applied to separate mesoscale features from macroscale ones, while the apparent heat source and apparent moisture sink defined by Yanai et al (1973) were also calculated.Results suggest that the MCS exerted clearly discernable effects on its environment. The latent heat release led to the development of a warm core and mesoscale high-pressure disturbance at upper levels when the system matured. Ageostrophic winds and diffluent flow patterns together with strong anticyclonic vorticity at 200hPa near the MCS were associated with the mesohigh. After the mature stage, weak cooling occurred above 350hPa, likely due to radiative emission from the cloud top. However, a mid-level cyclonic vortex, often present in MCSs over the North America, was not apparent here due to weak environmental vorticity and small Coriolis parameter f. The level of maximum divergence was initially located at 500hPa, but rose to 200hPa as the MCS matured. In response, the upward motion not only intensified, but the level at which strongest rising occurred also ascended from 700 to 350hPa. Results from the apparent heat source and moisture sink calculation suggest that this slow ascent of maximum heating was partially due to vertical transport of sensible heat by updrafts.During the MCSs mature stage, under the stratiform clouds to the west of the strongest convection, a cold mesohigh formed at the surface due to evaporative cooling in downdrafts, and a gust front appeared along the leading edge of the outflow boundary. A trailing mesolow was also observed, likely due to near-adiabatic warming in drier downdrafts since no precipitation was associated with it.Received April 11, 2002; revised May 27, 2002; accepted July 14, 2002 Published online: April 10, 2003  相似文献   
This study is aimed at investigating the vertical velocity profile of flow passing over a vegetal area by an analytical approach. The soil ground is considered as pervious and thus non-zero velocity at the ground surface can be estimated. The soil and vegetation layers are regarded as homogeneous and isotropic porous media. Therefore the solution of the flow can be obtained by applying the theory of turbulent flow and Biot’s theory of poroelasticity after dividing the flow field into three layers: homogenous water, vegetation and pervious soil. The velocity distribution is compared with the experimental data of [Rowiński PM, Kubrak J. A mixing-length model for predicting vertical velocity distribution on flows through emergent vegetation. J Hydrol Sci 2002;47(6):893–904] to show its validity. In addition, five dimensionless parameters denoting the variation of slope, permeability of soil, Reynolds stress, density of vegetation, and relative height of vegetation are proposed to reveal their effects on the surface water flow. The analytical solutions of flow velocity can also be simplified into simpler expressions to describe the flow passing over a non-vegetated area.  相似文献   
Data from the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) sensor of the ASPERA-3 instrument suite on Mars Express have been analyzed to determine the mass composition of the escaping ion species at Mars. We have examined 77 different ion-beam events and we present the results in terms of flux ratios between the following ion species: CO+2/O+ and O+2/O+. The following ratios averaged over all events and energies were identified: CO+2/O+ = 0.2 and O+2/O+ = 0.9. The values measured are significantly higher, by a factor of 10 for O+2/O+, than a contemporary modeled ratio for the maximum fluxes which the martian ionosphere can supply. The most abundant ion species was found to be O+, followed by O+2 and CO+2. We estimate the loss of CO+2 to be by using the previous measurements of Phobos-2 in our calculations. The dependence of the ion ratios in relation to their energy ranges we studied, 0.3-3.0 keV, indicated that no clear correlation was found.  相似文献   
A submerged apparatus, which consists of a buoy, several horizontal contraction and expansion tubes (Venturi-type tubes) and a long pipe, is expected to be used to pump the subsurface sea-water (200–300 meter depth) containing abundant nutrients to surface layer (50–100 m) by the dynamic of ocean currents. i.e. an artificial upwelling without energy cost. A preliminary experiment and analysis are undertaken and shows that the capacity of pumping the nutrient-rich sea-water is worth to build a pilot prototype model.  相似文献   
谢义炳 《气象学报》1980,38(2):111-121
本文考虑高度非线性的大气中期运动是一种准涡旋运动,引用了准涡旋观点和方法来处理二维无辐散和三维运动方程,即在开始时保留涡旋项,而在对方程进行纬圈平均后,去掉一些涡旋项,得到了某些大气运动特征如西风指数、纬向动量和涡度的经向输送的纬圈平均值等的变化或摆动的振动方程,并求出谐波解。振动周期决定于经向动能二倍的纬圈平均值的平方根(v2)1/2。基本周期约二十天左右。所得结果可能对极端复杂的大气运动总有出现中期振动的趋势和精致设计的圆盘模拟实验出现摆动的事实,提供某种程度的动力学解释,同时也可能对中期预报的实践提供一些依据。本文的主要科学目的,是想指出对极端复杂的大气中期过程还是可能用线性理论来研究其某些特征的。  相似文献   
 The possibility of using a nonlinear empirical atmospheric model for hybrid coupled atmosphere-ocean modelling has been examined by using a neural network (NN) model for predicting the contemporaneous wind stress field from the upper ocean state. Upper ocean heat content (HC) from a 6-layer ocean model was a better predictor of the wind stress than the (observed or modelled) sea surface temperature (SST). Our results showed that the NN model generally had slightly better skills in predicting the contemporaneous wind stress than the linear regression (LR) model in the off-equatorial tropical Pacific and in the eastern equatorial Pacific. When the wind stresses from the NN and LR models were used to drive the ocean model, slightly better SST skills were found in the off-equatorial tropical Pacific and in the eastern equatorial Pacific when the NN winds were used instead of the LR winds. Better skills for the model HC were found in the western and central equatorial Pacific when the NN winds were used instead of the LR winds. Why NN failed to show more significant improvement over LR in the equatorial Pacific for the wind stress and SST is probably because the relationship between the surface ocean and the atmosphere in the equatorial Pacific over the seasonal time scale is almost linear. Received: 2 March 1999 / Accepted: 13 July 2000  相似文献   
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