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蜀南地区茅口组为一套沉积稳定的巨厚层生物碎屑灰岩,基质致密性脆。中二叠世末的东吴运动使蜀南地区茅口组顶部发育古风化壳岩溶,古岩溶地区水系控制着古岩溶的发育和演化。在研究古地貌恢复方法的基础上,分析研究区地层特征和区域构造背景,采用印模法进行古地貌恢复,进而研究了古岩溶地区的水系发育特征。在此基础上,结合风化壳表面侵蚀溶蚀特征、沉积物性质、地貌组合形态、钻井和地震资料,把研究区划分为岩溶台地、岩溶陡坡、岩溶缓坡及岩溶盆地4种二级地貌单元和溶丘洼地、岩溶槽谷、峰林平原等10种三级地貌单元,进一步分析了各种地貌单元的岩溶特征,为下一步的储集层预测提供了有利的目标。  相似文献   
广西巴马长寿之乡气候环境特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用统计方法计算出巴马50a平均气温和降水、日照时数、气压等数值,分析该地区气候环境变化对人类生存的作用,以揭示巴马地区气候环境与人类长寿的特征与规律。分析结果表明:巴马平均气温接近于人类生活舒适温度;降水均匀,雨水丰富;湿度、太阳辐射量适中;大气压与人体处于平衡状态,具有最适宜于人类健康生活和人类长寿的自然气候环境。  相似文献   
This paper integrates random field simulation of soil spatial variability with numerical modeling of coupled flow and deformation to investigate consolidation in spatially random unsaturated soil. The spatial variability of soil properties is simulated using the covariance matrix decomposition method. The random soil properties are imported into an interactive multiphysics software COMSOL to solve the governing partial differential equations. The effects of the spatial variability of Young's modulus and saturated permeability together with unsaturated hydraulic parameters on the dissipation of excess pore water pressure and settlement are investigated using an example of consolidation in a saturated‐unsaturated soil column because of loading. It is found that the surface settlement and the pore water pressure profile during the process of consolidation are significantly affected by the spatially varying Young's modulus. The mean value of the settlement of the spatially random soil is more than 100% greater than that of the deterministic case, and the surface settlement is subject to large uncertainty, which implies that consolidation settlement is difficult to predict accurately based on the conventional deterministic approach. The uncertainty of the settlement increases with the scale of fluctuation because of the averaging effect of spatial variability. The effects of spatial variability of saturated permeability ksat and air entry parameters are much less significant than that of elastic modulus. The spatial variability of air entry value parameters affects the uncertainties of settlement and excess pore pressure mostly in the unsaturated zone. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
2002年11月30至12月4日,北京持续4天大雾天气,空气污染物在持续的稳定层结条件下,空气质量连续3天达5级以上。文中分析了大雾天气各主要污染物的变化特征,以及此次过程中天气形势的特点及演变,并对造成大雾日空气污染天气的物理量分布特征进行分析。结果表明:高空WNW气流、稳定性持续增加、逆温层结持续存在、低空风速较小、相对湿度大,导致局地污染物不能及时随大气扩散;1000~700hPa有弱的上升气流形成和维持,与500hPa高空下沉气流之间在低空的某层高度上形成稳定层结(逆温层),导致大雾及重污染的形成;850hPa为暖区,850~500hPa为冷平流,有利于大雾的形成和加重。  相似文献   
隔震换能结构体系的能量分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将换能器安装在隔震结构的隔震层处,由结构和换能装置构成隔震换能结构体系,它既可以将地震输入给结构的部分能量转换成液压能,实现地震能量的转换,又能减小隔震层的水平位移,降低对隔震层的技术要求,降低造价。本文详细研究地震输给隔震换能结构体系的能量在体系各部分的分配,并与普通隔震结构对比,从能量的角度揭示隔震换能体系的换能控制原理。  相似文献   
Water pipe cooling has been widely used for the temperature control and crack prevention of massive concrete structures such as high dams. Because both under‐cooling and over‐cooling may reduce the efficiency of crack prevention, or even lead to great harm to structures, we need an accurate and robust numerical tool for the prediction of cooling effect. Here, a 3D discrete FEM Iterative Algorithm is introduced, which can simulate the concrete temperature gradient near the pipes, as well as the water temperature rising along the pipes. On the basis of the heat balance between water and concrete, the whole temperature field of the problem can be computed exactly within a few iteration steps. Providing the pipe meshing tool for building the FE model, this algorithm can take account of the water pipe distribution, the variation of water flow, water temperature, and other factors, while the traditional equivalent algorithm based on semi‐theoretical solutions can only solve problems with constant water flow and water temperature. The validation and convergence are proved by comparing the simulated results and analytical solutions of two standard second‐stage cooling problems. Then, a practical concrete block with different cooling schemes is analyzed and the influences of cooling factors are investigated. In the end, detailed guidance for pipe system optimization is provided. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
周成  王宁  杨学斌  张园园 《山东气象》2018,38(3):128-136
利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料分析了2017年5月4日浮尘和5月5日扬沙天气的成因。结果表明:3日20时—4日08时,蒙古气旋在有利的环流背景下迅速发展,配合冷锋在内蒙古中部和东部形成大范围的强沙尘天气;4日20时—5日08时沙尘通过高空气流输送到华北地区,在自身沉降和较强下沉气流的共同作用下,迅速沉降形成华北地区大范围的浮尘天气;5日08—14时由于西北路冷空气影响,横槽转竖,冷锋加速南下,将大量沙源地的沙尘输送到德州造成扬沙天气。通过HYSPLIT模式对本次过程中气团后向轨迹的模拟,证实以上两个阶段沙尘天气过程中的输送方式及路径。通过分析影响系统、物理量和气象要素发现,蒙古国、我国内蒙古中部沙源地天气系统强度、位置的变化直接影响沙尘天气的类型,高层气流变化与沙尘天气的类型有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
基于县域单元的江苏省经济空间格局演化   总被引:62,自引:5,他引:62  
靳诚  陆玉麒 《地理学报》2009,64(6):713-724
通过ESDA相关分析,描述了20世纪90年代以来江苏省县域经济格局在空间上的变化状况.在经济总体空间格局上,江苏省县域经济发展水平表现出很强的空间自相关性,相似的地区在空间上集聚分布,热点区的空间结构多表现为以苏州、无锡为核心的罔状空间结构,且不断的向东南方向集聚.经济增长空间格局存空间分布上表现出更多的随机性和结构的不稳定性,热点区域切换频繁,没有明显的地理集中现象.江苏经济空间格局连续性和自组织性越来越强,空间分异格局中的随机成份在不断降低,而由空间自相关引起的结构化分异越来越显著,东北-西南方向经济发展的空间差异较小,而东南-西北方向经济发展空间差异最大.最后,将江苏省经济格局演化的驱动力归结为3个方面:历史发展基础、经济区位和区域发展政策.  相似文献   
Xizhang trench is located 10 km northwest of Taiyuan city, Shanxi Province, in front of a NNW-trending scarp of 4.6m height on the northern segment of the Jiaocheng fault zone. The dimensions of the trench are 108m in length, 8m in width, and 10m in depth. There are 18 horizons revealed in the trench. The upper strata are sandy loam; the upper strata of the downthrown block of the fault are gravels, the lower ones are an interbed of brown loam and sandy loam. The strata on the upthrown block of the fault are sandy loam containing gravel. The trench shows 3 fault planes, and the upper offset point on the fault plane is 1.5m below the ground surface, the newest dislocated stratum is (3.74±0.06) ka BP. The trench reveals a lot of deformation traces, such as fault planes, dislocated strata, colluvial wedges and formation tilting. The relationship between strata and faults in the trench shows that 3 paleoearthquake events have occurred at the Jiaocheng fault zone since the Early Holocene, they are about (3.74±0.06)- (3.06±0.26)ka BP, (8.35±0.09)ka- (3.74±0.06)ka BP, and( 10.66±0.85) - (8.35±0.09)ka BP. The average interval among the events is 2.6 - 3.6ka. The minimum coseismic vertical displacements of the 3 events are 3.0m, 2.5m and 3.2m, respectively. The significance of Xizhang trench is that the Jiaocheng fault used to be active thousands of years ago, though there is no M ≥ 7.0 earthquake recorded in historical documents. Evidence of new Jiaocheng fault zone activity during the Holocene is important for the earthquake safety assessment of Taiynan city in the future.  相似文献   
Image processing techniques are discussed that correct distortions in GLORIA II side scan sonar imagery including water column offset, slant-range distortion, multiple returns, aspect ratio, speckle noise, striping, and cross-track power drop-off. The software operates within NASA's ELAS image processing system and is applied to the original 12-bit GLORIA II data. Procedures are discussed for generating large scale mosaics and three-dimensional overlays with sea floor bathymetry. The results are shown in four sonographs acquired off the southern coast of California.  相似文献   
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