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The concentrations of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium (3H) content in groundwater were used to date groundwater age, delineate groundwater flow systems and estimate flow velocity in the Hohhot basin. The estimated young groundwater age is fallen in the bracket of 21 ~ 50 a and indicates the presence of two different age profiles and flow systems in the shallow groundwater system. Older age waters occur under the topographically low areas, where the aquifer is double‐layer aquifer system consisting of shallow unconfined‐semi‐confined aquifer and deep confined aquifer. This reflects long flow paths associated with regional flow. Groundwater (range from 21 to 34 years) in the north piedmont and east hilly areas, where the aquifer is a single‐layer aquifer consisting of alluvial fans, are typically younger than those in the low areas. The combination of CFCs dating with hydrogeological information indicates that both local and regional flow systems are present at the basin. The regional groundwater flow mainly flows from the north and east to the southwest, the local groundwater flow system occurs nearby the Hohhot city. The mean regional groundwater flow velocity of the shallow groundwater is estimated about 0.73 km/a. These findings can aid in refining hydrogeological conceptual model of the study area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hysteresis is a common feature exhibited in hydraulic properties of an unsaturated soil. The movement of wetting front and the hysteresis effect are important factors which impact the shear strength of the unsaturated soil and the mechanics of shallow landslides. These failures are mainly triggered by the deepening of the wetting front accompanied by a decrease in matric suction induced by infiltration. This research establishes a method for determining a stability analysis of unsaturated infinite soil slopes, integrating the influence of infiltration and the water retention curve hysteresis. Furthermore, the present stability analysis method including the infiltration model and the advanced Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion calculates the variations of the safety factor (FS) in accordance with different slope angle, depth and hydrological processes. The experimentally measured data on the effect of hysteresis are also carried out for comparison. Numerical analyses, employing both wetting and drying hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated soil, are performed to study the difference in soil‐water content as observed in the experiments. The simulating approximations also fully responded to the experimental data of sand box. The results suggest that the hysteresis behaviour affect the distribution of soil‐water content within the slope indeed. The hysteresis made the FS values a remarkable recovery during the period of non‐rainfall in a rainfall event. The appropriate hydraulic properties of soil (i.e. wetting or drying) should be used in accordance with the processes that unsaturated soil actually experience. This method will enable us to acquire more accurate matric suction head and the unsaturated soil‐shear strength as it changes with the hysteretic flow, in order to calculate into the stability analysis of shallow landslides. An advanced understanding of the process mechanism afforded by this method is critical to realizing a reliable and appropriate design for slope stabilization. It also offers some immediate reference information to the disaster reduction department of the government. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对传统震害预测方法逐栋抽样计算建筑物抗震性能的不足,本文提出了一种基于蚁群聚类径向基(ACCRBF)网络模型的建筑物震害预测方法。依据不同地震动峰值加速度下多层砖房的实际震害资料,对模型进行训练,在模型的输入和输出之间建立映射关系,并利用这种映射关系对未知样本进行分类,实现对多层砖房的震害分析和预测。模型的输入为反映结构的震害影响因子,输出为给定的地震动峰值加速度下结构震害等级。研究表明,基于ACCRBF网络模型的多层砖房震害预测结果与震害实例基本吻合,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   
本文首先简要介绍了成都区域气象中心业务使用的GRAPES模式的运行现状,然后针对模式在业务运行中出现的问题进行了详细分析,指出了导致模式出现异常状况的原因,以及解决问题的几点建议.  相似文献   
本文用电子探针对岩浆和变质重结晶锆石进行了成份分带的研究,结果表明,变质重结晶锆石具有从晶体中心至边缘P2O5含量增大的特点,可作为它们的成因标型特征,岩浆锆石则P2O5含量变化不稳定,本文论述了它们的成因。  相似文献   
The jet grouting technique was originally initiated in the UK and progressively developed following the needs for larger geometries, ease of implementation, economic rationality, and better mechanical properties. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the development and practice of jet grouting through some fundamental concepts and relevant case studies. Subsequently, a laboratory testing program is performed to investigate the factors affecting the efficacy of the twin grouting system. The principal objective of this study is to define the suitable conditions for the jet grouting efficacy regarding economic rationality as well as quality control. For the first phase, a particular emphasis is placed on the properties of jet columns, site geological conditions, implementation methods, and the justification of each selected treatment option, while the second phase mainly focuses on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests. It follows that the mono-fluid jet grouting system presents a valuable flexibility in dealing with complex configurations; yet, the double- and triple-fluid systems are more indicated for cases of mass treatments for which large portions of space must be treated and overlapping is fundamentally important for the reliability of the treatment. Furthermore, it was established that the efficacy of the twin-jet method primarily relies on the proper adequacy of some critical parameters, namely, the cement content, the water-cement ratio, and cement slurry-water glass ratio. In spite of some uncertainties inherently related to the technique, the UCS test represents the quintessential laboratory index for evaluating the mechanical properties of grouted elements, deriving jet grouting efficacy and the economics of jet grouts.  相似文献   
The competitive advantages of spatially concentrated and networked production systems, in terms of flexibility and adaptivity, have been well documented. This paper contributes to this literature by improving our understanding regarding the underlying mechanisms behind the governance and evolution of such a production system. By using the case of Taiwan’s machine tool (MT) industry, this paper demonstrates how lead firms depend on their relational capabilities or relation-building skills, nurtured greatly by cluster embeddedness, to effectively govern their suppliers in the production networks. While the production systems constantly evolve, this paper also discusses the ongoing reconfiguration of Taiwan’s MT production networks stimulated by lead firms’ efforts to tackle the cluster’s emerging diseconomies so as to sustain their competitiveness. This paper concludes that a cure to deal with the cluster’s diseconomies would be the reinforcement of industrial clustering.  相似文献   
并列圆柱体在均匀流场中的涡激振动十分复杂,但又广泛存在于实际工程之中。当两柱在流体激励作用下产生振动时,由于同时存在着流固耦合作用和柱间干扰作用,而使周围流场变得更加复杂。本文对并列刚性和弹性圆柱的流场分类,Strouhal数及流体载荷等问题进行了综述,在此基础上提出了进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
本文用变分法的基本理论的方法,推导出了均质土坡稳定性在平面应变情况下的基本方程,将简单边坡无粘性土(C=0)与纯粘性土ψ=0)的情况作为特例导出了相应的计算方法与计算公式,并对传统的条分法与土坡临界高度计算方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   
项目启动会于2006年11月13日在北京召开。许小峰副局长在会上指出,该项目集中了我国气溶胶各领域研究的精兵强将,有着深厚的研究基础和创新能力。项目首席科学家张小曳研究员做了项目总体情况报告,介绍了研究意义、总体目标、关键科学问题、主要研究内容、总体研究方案、项目主要学术骨干等诸多方面内容。中国气象科学研究院是该项目的主持单位。本项目要实现以下3方面的科学目标:(1)取得对中国大气气溶胶特性、分布和变化的准确与系统的科学认识;  相似文献   
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