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钽钼杂多酸—碱性染料多元缔合物体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在PVA、OP或Tween-60存在下,采用平衡移动法确定了碱性染料亚甲基蓝、耐尔蓝(NB)、罗丹明B(RB)、丁基罗丹明B(BRB)、结晶紫(CV)、乙基紫(EV)与Ta的摩尔比是1:1至7:1;考察了NB(或BRB)-钽钼杂多酸缔合物的红外光谱,初步探讨了反应机理:比较了几个碱性染料-钽钼杂多酸缔合物体系的光度特性,筛选出两个摩尔吸光系数>2×10~6的分析体系,并用于合金钢和地质标样中痕量Ta的测定,方法可行。  相似文献   
陈璋如  顾孝发 《矿物学报》1990,10(2):102-105,T001
新矿物产于云南盈江县的一个铀矿点氧化带,与多种铀矿物共生。该矿物为致密状集合体,黄色,透明至半透明。斜方晶系,空间群C222_1,晶胞参数a=13.73(1),b=15.99(1),c=17.33(2);V=3804(5);Z=8。计算比重4.17。二轴晶负光性,2V计算=83°,α=1.669;β=1.692;γ=1.710。紫外光照射发弱绿黄色荧光。化学成分UO_376.54,P_2O_511.10,K_2O 2.46,CaO 1.57,ThO 0.51,RE_2O_3 0.45,H_2O 7.37%。矿物化学式为(K_(1-x),Ca_x)(UO_2)_3 (PO_4)_2 (OH)_(1+x)·4H_2O,文中还给出X射线粉晶衍射数据。  相似文献   
Channels of cross - equatorial flow and their characteristics Winds at every 5 deg. grid point from 30°E to 180° over the equator at 850 hPa and 200hPa from December 1984 to February 1985 have been separated into U(zonal wind) andV(meridional wind).The V component has been used to represent cross- equatorial flow. FromFig. 1 we obtained that as during the Northern summer,there are also severa1 regions in which  相似文献   
为推动资源与生态环境遥感监测数据的应用与服务,为国家、相关行业管理决策和社会公众提供有价值的信息,需要在资源与生态环境遥感监测成果数据基础上,开发数据管理与应用服务系统。本文从国家资源与生态环境建设的实际需求出发,结合国土资源部实施的环北京地区资源与生态环境遥感监测成果,探讨资源与生态环境遥感监测数据管理与应用服务的技术解决方案,搭建资源与生态环境遥感监测数据管理与应用服务技术平台,并实现网络环境下对资源与生态环境监测形成的各种类型数据的集成化管理。  相似文献   
利用长江中下游、河口及口外、浙-闽沿岸陆架6个主要沉积盆地的40个晚第四纪钻孔及其年代学数据和长江口外、陆架的浅地层剖面,计算了全新世不同阶段各沉积盆地的沉积速率,并进行了近7 000年来泥沙堆积通量的估算。研究发现全新世早期距今10 000年至8 000年间长江口下切古河谷是长江泥沙的主要堆积中心,沉积速率可高达15m/ka。随着海平面上升,全新世中期长江中下游也成为长江泥沙的重要沉积盆地,其中江汉盆地的沉积速率可达10m/ka。近2 000年来,口外、陆架的堆积呈明显增加趋势,反映长江中下游盆地和河口可容空间日益减小。根据沉积速率估算,距今7 000年来长江中下游堆积泥沙约13 074×108 t,同期水下三角洲和陆架的泥沙堆积量约为9 470×108 t。研究还发现全新世以来有两个异常低沉积速率时期:距今8000-7 000年期间上述各沉积盆地沉积速率均显著低,未见长江泥沙的沉积中心; 距今4 000-2 000 年期间长江口呈现低沉积速率。 这两次异常的原因推测与海平面、气候波动事件密切相关。  相似文献   
Abstract The Taiwan orogen has been the focus of a number of models of mountain building processes, but little attention has been paid to high‐pressure (HP) metamorphic rocks that are found as exotic blocks intermingled within the deepest units of the mountain belt. In this study, we re‐appraise from updated petrological and thermodynamic databases the physical conditions of HP metamorphism in Taiwan, and we combine our findings with available geochronological data to estimate the thermal history of these rocks. Our results indicate that peak metamorphic conditions of ~550 °C and 10–12 kbar have been followed by a rapid isothermal decompression, with exhumation possibly as rapid as burial. These units have subsequently been stored at a pressure of ~3 kbar for ~4–5 Myr, before their final exhumation, probably facilitated by the accretion of passive margin sequences during the Late Cenozoic collision. Therefore, HP units in Taiwan maintain a record of processes at depth from the early stages of oceanic subduction to the present arc‐continent collision.  相似文献   
庙岛群岛中的大黑山岛出露碱性火山岩,对研究壳-幔过程及黄、渤海演化具重要意义。文中作者对大黑山岛火山岩的常、微量元素、K-Ar年龄及Nd-Sr-Pb同位素体系进行测试确定。结果表明,岩石属钠质碱性玄武岩系列,岩浆岩喷发可分为8Ma前和8Ma后两个阶段;岩石常量元素含量除K2O、Na2O外差异小;随着火山岩的演化,岩浆源区深度变大;大黑山火山岩Nd-Sr-Pb同位素比值与夏威夷洋岛玄武岩相似,其岩浆的地幔端元组分为PREMA DM,又以PREMA为主,并有MORB物质混入。  相似文献   
Brillouin light scattering technique can be successfully used to determine the whole set of elastic and piezoelectric constants of a ZnO single crystal irradiated by different laser energy densities, into a micron range (radiation layer thickness). It is found that the scattering intensity, the linewidth and the Brillouin scattering shift of acoustic phonons are all strongly dependent on laser energy density. Based on the sound propagation equations and these results, the directional dependences of the compressional and shear moduli of the irradiated ZnO sample in the (001) plane are investigated. It is found that under an appropriate laser condition, 248 nm KrF excimer laser irradiation can significantly improve the surface quality and increase the elastic properties of ZnO single crystal. This procedure has potential applications in the fabrication of ZnO-based surface acoustic wave and optic-electronic devices.  相似文献   
The GMRES approach is used to solve complex matrix solution arising from boundary element analysis of large offshore structures. This makes it possible to solve problems with large numbers of panels on a workstation with a much smaller memory than typical high performance computers. The speed of the solver is compatible with direct solvers when the enough RAM is available. Otherwise, an iteration procedure can be used. By using an out-of-core treatment, typical RAM requirement is reduced to a size approximately linearly proportional to the panel number n instead of being proportional to n2. The code is first verified with direct solver for cases with small number of panels. The applicability to large offshore structure of the model is demonstrated for a TLP case.  相似文献   
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