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Sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, were fed diets containing non-immunostimulant (basal diet), 0.2% β-glucan and 0.02% glycyrrhizin in a recirculatory water system for 45 days, and subsequently challenged with Vibrio splendidus by injection at 1.0×108 cfu / sea cucumber for 15 days. Phagocytic capacity (PC), intracellular superoxide anion production (ISAP), lysozyme (LSZ) activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the coelomic fluid were analyzed on the 0th, 5th, 10th and 15th days after injection. Results showed that after the 45-day feeding period, PC, ISAP, LSZ activity and SOD activity in sea cucumbers fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin were significantly higher than in those fed with the basal diet. On the 5th day after infection, all the immune parameters examined in the sea cucumbers injected with V. splendidus decreased in value significantly. On the 15th day, PC, ISAP and LSZ activity returned to levels similar to those on the 0th day. For the sea cucumbers injected with saline, there were no significant differences in all the immune parameters examined and in the cumulative morbidity during the 15-day challenging trial. After injecting with V. splendidus, the cumulative morbidity of sea cucumbers fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin when challenged with V. splendidus challenged sea cucumber fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin. There was no significant difference in cumulative morbidity between the dietary β-glucan and glycyrrhizin treatments over time.  相似文献   
利用CODE GIM数据分析了2008年5月12日汶川地震和2010年4月14日青海玉树地震震前电离层TEC变化。以震前10天TEC中位数为基准,1.5倍标准差为误差限值,并考虑相应时期的太阳和地磁活动水平(Dst指数和Kp指数),对震前电离层异常的分布进行了分析。结果表明,两次地震震前几天内都有TEC异常出现。  相似文献   
分析常年土壤干湿状况及其影响因子,是监测评价四川盆地区土壤水分变化的基础,有利于农业干旱防灾减灾.利用四川盆地区农业气象站近17年0~20cm的逐旬土壤湿度观测资料,运用旋转正交函数分解(RE-OF)、相关分析、趋势倾向率分析等方法,对四川盆地区表层土壤相对湿度的时空变化特征进行分析,并分区域选取代表站建立表层土壤湿度与气温、降水量、日照时数的多元回归方程.结果表明,盆地表层土壤相对湿度空间分布大致是从南到北逐渐减小;年际变化呈现弱的上升趋势;常年季节变化呈双峰型特点,秋季高,春季低,夏季波动明显,初夏高盛夏低;表层土壤干湿状况总体呈现出冬春季相对偏干、夏秋季相对偏湿的季节变化.盆地表层土壤湿度变化与气温、日照显著负相关,与降水显著正相关性,气温、日照、降水因子分别对盆地东北部、中南部、西北部表层土壤湿度变化影响大.  相似文献   
We conducted acoustical surveys with a horizontal beam transducer to detect fish and with a vertical beam transducer to detect depth and macrophytes in two typical shallow lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River in November 2013. Both lakes are subject to active fish management with annual stocking and removal of large fish. The purpose of the study was to compare hydroacoustic horizontal beam estimates with fish landings. The preliminary results show that the fish distribution patterns dif fered in the two lakes and were af fected by water depth and macrophyte coverage. The hydroacoustically estimated fish biomass matched the commercial catch very well in Niushan Lake, but it was two times higher in Kuilei Lake. However, acoustic estimates included all fish, whereas the catch included only fish 45 cm(smaller ones were released). We were unable to determine the proper regression between acoustic target strength and fish length for the dominant fish species in the two lakes.  相似文献   
本文根据小浪底水库地区的地震地质和水文地质条件,浅析了水库诱发地震的可能性,并对其最大震级进行了多种方法的估算预测。  相似文献   
Measurements of the adhesive corrosion and protective potentials of 3 Bohai Sea oilplatforms under different cathodic protection showed corrosion still occurred on these platforms undertheir designed protective potentials. Preliminary conclusions from indoor experiments on the relation betweenadhesive corrosion and cathodic protection showed adhering organisms caused the corrosion onthese platforms.  相似文献   
Changes in sea surface temperature(SST), seawater oxygen isotope(δ 18 O sw), and local salinity proxy(δ 18 O sw-ss) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core(MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacifi c Warm Pool(WPWP), within the fl ow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ 18 O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO 2 profi le showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of δ 18 O sw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ 18 O sw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ 18 O sw-ss refl ect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation(SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ 18 O sw-ss and local SI in the WPWP may refl ect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their infl uence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.  相似文献   
近年来,随着我国经济建设的高速发展,私家车的拥有量在急速增加,同时,现代化生活和集约有效利用土地的要求使地下车库(位)(以下统称“地下车位”)的建设越来越多。根据国家统计局《中华人民共和国2005年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》公布的统计数字,2005年全国商品房竣工建筑面积48793万m2,按照每套房子100m2测算,共计488万套,假设房屋与车位配备比为5∶1,则车位数量将为97.6万个。地下车位的产权不清,不仅国有土地资产流失严重,而且购买者的权益得不到应有的保护,全国各地因此引起的纠纷甚至诉讼频发。1地下车位产权不清车位的产权到底归谁…  相似文献   
MD06-3050岩芯位于西菲律宾海吕宋岛以东本哈姆高原,利用钙质超微化石下透光带种属Florisphaera profunda占总颗石的相对丰度,恢复了中更新世以来该海区的上层水体结构演化特征。结果显示,西菲律宾海区自1040ka以来,温跃层/营养跃层经历了由浅—深—浅—深的长周期变动,可能是由于全球碳库的长周期变化对气候系统的大规模调整所致; 同时温跃层/营养跃层也具有明显的冰期-间冰期旋回性特征。温跃层变动的另一个重要特征是在中布容事件前后呈现出相反的冰期-间冰期变化趋势,认为可能是由东亚冬、夏季风强度变化引起。  相似文献   
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