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Analytic expressions are derived for the minimum easterly and westerly jet strengths necessary for baroclinic instability, in terms of their half-widths and location. For this purpose the necessary condition for an internal jet is utilized and the jets and static stability are represented by simple mathematical functions. Dependency of the minimum jet strengths to their half-width and location are discussed.  相似文献   
Using the United States Geological Survey global daily data sets for 31 years, we have tabulated the earthquake intensities on a global latitude longitude grid and represented them as a finite sum of spherical harmonics. An interesting aspect of this global view of earthquakes is that we see a low frequency modulation in the amplitudes of the spherical harmonic waves. There are periods when these waves carry larger amplitudes compared to other periods. A power spectral analysis of these amplitudes clearly shows the presence of a low frequency oscillation in time with a largest mode around 40 days. That period also coincides with a well-know period in the atmosphere and in the ocean called the Madden Julian Oscillation. This paper also illustrates the existence of a spatial oscillation in strong earthquake occurrences on the western rim of the Pacific plate. These are like pendulum oscillations in the earthquake frequencies that swing north or south along the western rim at these periods. The spatial amplitude of the oscillation is nearly 10,000 km and occurs on an intraseasonal time scale of 20–60 days. A 34-year long United States Geological Survey earthquake database was examined in this context; this roughly exhibited 69 swings of these oscillations. Spectral analysis supports the intraseasonal timescale, and also reveals higher frequencies on a 7–10 day time scale. These space-time characteristics of these pendulum-like earthquake oscillations are similar to those of the MJO. Fluctuations in the length of day on this time scale are also connected to the MJO. Inasmuch as the atmospheric component of the MJO will torque the solid earth through mountain stresses, we speculate the MJO and our proposed earthquake cycle may be connected. The closeness of these periods calls for future study.  相似文献   
Some of the basic requirements for cropping system analysis are updated information on crops grown, their phenological behaviour, method and duration of establishment and harvest, inter and intra crop variability, sequential cropping patterns. The next generation Indian Remote Sensing Satellite with high repeat cycle opens new possibility of crop surveys to derive such information. In this study, an attempt has been made to analyse cropping system at district level using simulated IRS-1C Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) data. Data acquired for nineteen dates during 1992–93 season for Bardhaman district, West Bengal has been used. It was feasible to derive accurate information on cropping pattern, crop rotation, crop duration, progress of harvest, crop growth profiles and annual crop acreage using multidate data. It was observed that even a seven to eight day interval of data acquisition during critical growth periods significantly affected classification and identification accuracy.  相似文献   
The current development of satellite technology particularly in the sensors like POLDER and MISR, has emphasized more on directional reflectance measurements (i.e. spectral reflectance of the target measured from different view zenith and azimuth angles) of the earth surface features mainly the vegetation for retrieval of biophysical parameters at regional scale using radiative transfer models. This approach being physical process based and uses directional reflectance measurement has been found to better and more reliable compared to the conventional statistical approach used till date and takes care of anisotropic nature (i.e. reflectance from the target is different if measured from different view angles) of the target. Keeping this in view a field experiment was conducted in mustard crop to evaluate the radiative transfer model for biophysical parameter retrieval through its inversion with the objectives set as (i) to relate canopy biophysical parameters and geometry to its bidirectional reflectance, (ii) to evaluate a canopy reflectance model to best represent the radiative transfer within the canopy for its inversion and (iii) to retrieve crop biophysical parameters through inversion of the model. Two varieties of the mustard crop (Brassica juncea L) were grown with two nitrogen treatments. The bidirectional reflectance data obtained at 5 nm interval for a range of 400–1100 nm were integrated to IRS LISS–II sensor’s four band values using Newton Cotes Integration technique. Biophysical parameters like leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf length, plant height and average leaf inclination angle, biomass etc were estimated synchronizing with the bi-directional reflectance measurements. Radiative transfer model PROSAIL model was validated and its inversion was done to retrieve LAI and ALA. Look Up Table (LUT) of Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) was prepared simulating through PROSAIL model varying only LAI (0.2 interval from 1.2 to 5.4 ) and ALA (5° interval from 40° to 55°) parameters and inversion was done using a merit function and numerical optimization technique given by Press et al. (1986). The derived LAI and ALA values from inversion were well matched with observed one with RMSE 0.521 and 5.57, respectively.  相似文献   
Rocks from the Micaschist–Marble Complex of the Wölz Tauern, which are part of the middle Austroalpine unit, contain large (up to 2 cm) garnet crystals that show clear evidence of multistage growth. Isotopic dating indicates that a Variscan (~270 Ma) garnet core was overgrown by new garnet formed during Eo-Alpine metamorphism at Cretaceous times. P-T paths for the Eo-Alpine metamorphism were obtained using the method of pseudosections (Powell and Holland in Metam Geol 16:309–343, 1998) and are consistent with earlier results from independent thermobarometry. Due to the large size of the garnets, growth zoning was preserved during amphibolite facies metamorphism at both Variscan and Alpine times. Full multicomponent diffusion modeling of compositional zoning at the interface of the Alpine and Pre-Alpine garnets in conjunction with the retrieved P-T paths allow average subduction/exhumation as well as heating/cooling rates to be retrieved. The modeling suggests that a minimum subduction/exhumation rate of ~4 cm/a and heating/cooling rates on the order of 100–260°C/Ma for a 60°C subduction angle are required to preserve the observed compositional zoning overall while modifying the zoning at the interface between two garnets to the extent observed. Such rapid rates of burial/exhumation are consistent with the results of direct GPS measurements of convergence rates at several orogenic belts as well as with inferred rates from modeling in the Alps and other areas. In combination, this indicates that such rapid rates are commonplace during metamorphism in collisional orogens and places important constraints on the rheological behavior of crustal blocks in such orogens.  相似文献   
Free metal ion concentration is generally considered a useful indicator of a metal’s bioavailability and ecotoxicity to aquatic biota. This article reports the speciation of nickel in mining and municipal effluents from Sudbury (Ontario, Canada), and also in model solutions containing a fully characterized laurentian fulvic acid (LFA) at environmentally relevant concentrations. A column ion exchange technique (IET) using a cation exchange resin (Dowex 50W-X8) was applied to determine free nickel ion concentrations. In model solutions, reasonable correlation was found between the predictions of an equilibrium-based computer speciation code, Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM) VI, and the results obtained by IET at low nickel-to-fulvic acid ratios. However at higher mole ratios, the WHAM VI predicted higher free nickel ion concentrations than IET. Only three out of six effluent samples showed reasonable agreement between the IET and the WHAM VI results, indicating the need for further development of IET for application to effluent waters.  相似文献   
The High Himalayan Crystallines (HHCs) provide an excellent natural laboratory to study processes related to crustal melting, crustal differentiation, and the tectonic evolution of mountain belts because partial melting in these rocks occurred under well-defined tectonic boundary conditions (N–S collision of the Indian and the Eurasian plates) and the rocks have not been modified by subsequent metamorphic overprinting. We have used petrogenetic grids, kinetically constrained individual thermobarometry, pseudosection calculations, and reaction histories constrained by textural evidence to determine that the migmatites in the HHC of Sikkim attained peak P–T conditions of 750–800 °C, 9–12 kbar, followed by steep isothermal decompression to 3–5 kbar, and then isobaric cooling to ~600 °C. There may be a trend where rocks to the north [closer to the South Tibetan detachment system (STDS)] attained somewhat higher maximum pressures. The decompression may have been triggered by a reduction in density due to the production of melt (~20 vol%); minor amounts of additional melt may have been produced in individual packages of rock during decompression itself, depending on the exact geometry of the P–T path and the bulk composition of the rock. The stalling of rapid, isothermal exhumation at depths of 10–18 km (3–5 kbar) is related to metamorphic reactions that occur in these rocks. Geospeedometry indicates that at least a two-stage cooling history is required to describe the compositional zoning in all garnets. Both of these stages are rapid (several 100’s °C/my between 800 and 600 °C, followed by several 10’s °C/my between 600 and 500 °C), but there appears to be a spatial discontinuity in cooling history: Rocks to the south (closer to main central thrust) cooled more slowly than rocks to the north (closer to STDS). The boundary between these domains coincides with the discontinuity in age found in the same area by Rubatto et al. (Contrib Mineral Petrol 165:349–372, 2013). Combined with the information on petrologic phase relations, the data reveal the remarkable aspect that the rapid cooling and change of cooling rates all occurred after, rather than during, the rapid exhumation. This result underscores that high-temperature (e.g., >550 °C) cooling is a result of several processes in addition to exhumation and a one-to-one correlation of cooling and exhumation may sometimes be misplaced. Moreover, average cooling rates inferred from the closure temperatures of two isotopic systems should be interpreted judiciously in such nonlinearly cooling systems. While many aspects (e.g., isothermal decompression, isobaric cooling, duration of metamorphism, and cooling rates) of the pressure–temperature history inferred by us are consistent with the predictions of thermomechanical models that produce midcrustal channel flow, the occurrence of blocks with two different cooling histories within the HHC is not explained by currently available models. It is found that while exhumation may be initiated by surface processes such as erosion, the course of exhumation and its rate, at least below depths of ~15 km, is mostly controlled by a coupling between mechanical (density gain/loss) and chemical (metamorphic reactions) processes at depth.  相似文献   
The western part of Cuddapah basin has been considered as a foreland to the fold-thrust belt represented by eastern Nallamalais and Nellore schist belt. The igneous activities, in the form of lava flows and sills, in western Cuddapahs have been a subject of controversy since tectonogenetic models ranging from a mantle plume to lithospheric extension have been suggested. The present work covers a detailed study of the mafic sills and lava flows of Vempalle and Tadpatri formations in western Cuddapahs, which earlier workers have also noted. A detailed field and laboratory work in this study brings out, for the first time, five distinct petrographic and geochemical varieties of sills. Geochemical studies also suggest that the different sill types have originated from varying degrees of partial melting of a metasomatized subcrustal lithospheric mantle, the metasomatism of source being attributed to older Archaean convergent settings/greenstone belts that the basin unconformably overlies. The possible contribution of any small plume is only heating and doming of overlying mantle that induced incipient crustal rifting. Our geochemical studies on the lava flows of Vempalle Formation also suggest that the magma was derived from small degree of partial melting of spinel-garnet peridotite mantle in a rift setting.  相似文献   
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