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Riassunto Per alcuni casi diFöhn delle Alpi Italiane, interessanti il Piemonte e la Lombardia, sono state esaminate le variazioni dei deflussi nei giorni in cui soffiava tale vento nonchè in quelli adiacenti, trovando che di regola, quando non intervengono precipitazioni od altri fattori, ilFöhn provoca una diminuzione netta delle portate, che può raggiungere e superare il 10% e che si esplica con relativa prontezza. Si spiega tale riduzione con la forte evaporazione causata dalFöhn.
Summary Researches have been undertaken on the influence of the Föhn in the italian Alps, regarding the runoff-variations. The Föhn causes as a rule a decrease of the runoff, which, in absence of precipitation, can reach or exceed 10%. It can be explained by the strong evaporation during the Föhn.

Zusammenfassung Anhand einiger Föhnfälle in den italienischen Alpen wurde der Einfluss des Föhns auf die Aenderungen der Abflussmenge untersucht. Wenn empfindliche Niederschläge oder andere Faktoren nicht vorkommen, verursacht in der Regel der Föhn eine Abnahme der Abflussmenge, die 10% erreichen oder sogar überschreiten kann. Die Erklärung ist in der starken Verdunstung während des Föhns zu suchen.
Summary First, the theory of the barovariograph, the deductions from which have also been confirmed by experiments, is presented with some improvements. Then there follows a concise illustration of the various possibilities of applying the instrument for the disclosure of aerological phenomena existing over a given locality.
Zusammenfassung Zunächst wird, mit einigen Erweiterungen, die Theorie des Barovariographen dargelegt, deren Ableitungen auch experimentell bestätigt wurden. Dann folgt eine kurze Erläuterung der verschiedenen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Instrumentes für die Registrierung gewisser aerologischer Erscheinungen über einem Ort.

Riasunto Dapprima viene esposta con alcuni perfezionamenti la teoria del barovariografo, le cui deduzioni sono state confermate anche sperimentalmente. Segue una illustrazione succinta delle varie possibilità applicative dello strumento per la rilevazione dei fenomeni aerologici sovrastanti una località determinata.

Communication présentée à l'Association Internationale de Météorologie, IXe Assemblée Générale de l'UGGI, Bruxelles, Séance du 24 Août 1951.  相似文献   
Riassunto Viene descritto ed illustrato un nuovo procedimento di registrazione del moto ondoso marino, il quale consiste sostanzialmente nel trasformare l'escursione verticale che subisce la superficie del mare nella compressione o dilatazione di una massa d'aria sovrastante racchiusa in un tubo verticale munito superiormente di opportuna membrana sensibile. Un tale apparecchio, installato a Prà (Genova) dal-l'Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova, funziona con successo da alcuni mesi. Segue un esame dei primi risultati ivi conseguiti, dal quale appare l'importanza del passaggio dei fronti freddi sul moto ondoso del mare.
Summary A new method for the recording of sea-wave motion is described and explained. It consists in having the vertical movement of the sea surface transformed into compression or expansion of a volume of air enclosed in a tube which is carrying on its upper part a sensitive membrane. This self-recording instrument, set up at Prà (Genoa) by the Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova is functioning since several months already without giving rise to objections. Some first results obtained up now are also examided, from which it appears the importance of the passage of cold fronts.

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neues Verfahren für die Registrierung der Meereswellenbewegung beschrieben und erläutert. Es besteht darin, dass der vertikale Gang der Meeresoberfläche umgewandelt wird in Kompression oder Expansion einer in einem Rohre befindlichen Luftmasse, welche am oberen Teil von einer empfindlichen Membran geschlossen ist. Dieser Gerät, vom Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova in Prà (Genua) aufgestellt, arbeitet bereits seit einigen Monaten einwandfrei. Einige vorläufige Ergebnisse werden dann erläutert, wofür auf die Bedeutung des Durchganges von Kaltfronten hingewiesen wird.
Riassunto Quando una membrana elastica ed isotropa che riveste parzialmente una sfera viene distesa su un piano, la rete dei meridiani e paralleli stampata sulla membrana stessa si deforma secondo il principio della minima energia. L'Autore illustra con alcuni esempi la possibilità di ottenere buone proiezioni cartografiche fruendo del principio medesimo.
Summary Whenever an elastic and isotropic diaphragm partially coating a sphere is spread on a plane, the net of the meridians and parallels loses the proper shape according to the principle of the lowest energy. The Author explains through some examples how to get cartographic projections by using the same principle.
We applied magnetostratigraphy and mammal biostratigraphy to date climate-sensitive pollen cycles and lithostratigraphic units of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Leffe sedimentary succession from the Southern Alps, Italy. The Leffe section was correlated to additional sections (Casnigo, Fornaci di Ranica, and Pianengo) to construct a stratigraphic network along a common fluviatile system (the Serio River) sourced in the Southern Alps and flowing southward into the Po River Basin. We obtained a coherent scenario of climate variability for the last ∼ 2 Myr. At Leffe, lacustrine deposition commenced during the Olduvai Normal Subchron (1.94-1.78 Ma) and lasted up to a chronologic level compatible with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 22 (0.87 Ma). Pollen analysis revealed that climate varied cyclically from warm-temperate to cool during this time interval, but never as cold as during glacial intervals. At around MIS 22, climate cooled globally. Gravels, attributed to high-energy braided river systems fed locally by alluvial fans, prograded from the Serio River catchment area over the Leffe Basin and toward the Po Plain in response to a generalized event of vegetation withdrawal and enhanced physical erosion. At this time, Alpine valley glaciers reached their first maximum southward expansion with glacier fronts located at only ∼ 5 km upstream from Leffe.  相似文献   
The diversity of epiphytic lichens and mercury concentrations in lichen samples were measured to monitor the release of airborne pollutants from the industrial exploitation of geothermal resources in the Mt. Amiata area (Italy). The lichen biodiversity showed a general condition of moderate environmental alteration around the geothermal power plants, contrasting with the low environmental alteration of the remaining sites investigated. According to the accumulated Hg in lichen thalli, it was possible to estimate mean Hg and H2S concentrations in the air, which resulted in very good agreement with values measured instrumentally. Based on these data and the correlation between lichen diversity values and Hg concentrations in lichens, it was possible to calculate the threshold of 8 μg/m3 H2S as responsible for the worsening from low to moderate environmental alteration according to the biodiversity of epiphytic lichens, and to infer that around geothermal power plants, although not toxic to humans, H2S concentrations are such to alter the nasal quality of the air. Based on the growth rate of X. parietina, it was possible to convert Hg concentrations into estimates of average Hg deposition rates, which showed fluxes of the order of 65–100 mg/ha/y, indicating a dispersions factor of about 104 for the Hg emitted from the geothermal power plants.  相似文献   
Iovine  Giulio  Tansi  Carlo 《Natural Hazards》1998,17(3):195-224
In active geodynamic areas, such as the Italian Southern Apennines, the specific structural conditions have a profound effect on both the superficial and deep gravitational evolution of slopes. Chain sectors commonly exhibit structural complexities due to the superimposition, in space and time, of diverse tectonic stress fields. In this paper, attention is focused on particular structural configurations, connected to the tectonic quaternary phases that have affected the Southern Apennines, constituting a peculiar type of lateral spread gravitational deformations – which have not been previously described.The study area is characterized by regional roughly east-verging overthrusts (Holigo–Miocene). Superimposed on these, is a system of transpressive thrust ramps (Quaternary), connected to the activity of strike-slip faults. The latest tectonic phase, still active, has been characterized by an extensional stress field, which has produced differentiated uplifts along normal faults. All these factors have encouraged an intense and widespread processes of erosion, the creation of considerable relief energy and the development of both superficial and deep gravitational phenomena.It has been ascertained that the late extensional phases favoured gravitational reactivations (with normal movements) along those most recent thrust ramps whose attitude was kinematically consistent with the main extension direction of the stress field. Such reactivations were accommodated by antithetic neo-formational structures – these are also characterized by normal kinematics. Overall, such mechanisms lead to the individuation of wedge-shaped rock portions delimited by the normally reactivated thrust ramps, on one side, and by the antithetic structures, on the other.Structural wedges represent a particular type of lateral spread phenomena. On the basis of their orientation with respect to the orography, three typical situations have been defined: (1) wedge perpendicular to the ridge; (2) wedge parallel to the ridge; (3) wedge oblique to the ridge.In this paper three Calabrian case studies, exemplifying the above-mentioned situations, are described. The same framework can be applied to sectors of chain with an analogous structural setting, for a better understanding of the kinematic features of observed gravitational phenomena.  相似文献   
In an attempt to estimate the spatial and temporal behaviour of rainfall over the mountainous areas of the Peruvian Andes, a new in situ monthly rainfall dataset has been collected (1998–2007) and compared with Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B43 monthly precipitation data for regions located above 3000 m. The reliability of the TRMM 3B43 data varies depending on the root mean squared error ratio (%RMSE) and correlation coefficient. Because of the discrepancy between the two datasets, the use of additive and multiplicative correction models is proposed for the TRMM 3B43 data. In the Peruvian mountain ranges, these correction models better approximate TRMM rainfall monthly values, as already verified for annual values. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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