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张永丰  曹东生 《高原气象》1990,9(2):177-182
本文介绍利用计算机和通讯技术,建立局地网络的微气象观测系统,实现气象数据的自动采集、无线传输和集中实时处理。整个系统由一个中心站和五个(或更多)观测子站组成,是一个点到点的通讯网络。该系统为研究不同下垫面地气相互作用的观测实验提供了手段和方便。整个系统分两部份介绍,本文作一总体概述,第二部份说明数据采集和无线传输的具体实施。  相似文献   
多源遥感技术在汝箕沟煤田火区动态监测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以高空间分辨率的Quickbird卫星图像和高光谱分辨率的OMIS Ⅰ航空高光谱图像数据为信息源,结合细分光谱仪、红外测温计等地面遥感技术,对宁夏汝箕沟煤田的煤火现状进行了定量调查分析及动态监测,查明了煤田煤火的范围、强度,分析了不同时期煤田火区的变化规律,评价了火区治理效果并对后续灭火工作提出建议,为火区治理提供了决策依据.  相似文献   
ImooUonONSCCisoneofthemosttwortantcausoffailureofstaiuleSsstalequipmentandfacilitieS.Studiesonunh0refacilitiesshowedthatanaddicchloridesolutionfilmcouldbefo~onthescheeofstalandthatstaiuleSSstalisinaCtivedissolutionstateinaedicchloridesolutionopinetal.,l99O;Gnanamoorthyetal.,l99O).ltisgenerallythoughtxthatSCCcannotoimrwhenthematerialisinaCtiveanodicdissolutionstate,soitsomcewithresultingcasualties(0ldfieldetal.,l99O)arousedattentiont0it.SomeSCCmeCanisrnsproposedpeuang,l988,Newmanctal.,…  相似文献   
Spectro-polarimetric observations at 2231 nm were made of NOAA 10008 near the west solar limb on 29 June 2002 using the National Solar Observatory McMath–Pierce Telescope at Kitt Peak and the California State University Northridge – National Solar Observatory infrared camera. Scans of spectra in both Stokes I and Stokes V were collected; the intensity spectra were processed to remove strong telluric absorption lines, and the Stokes V umbral spectra were corrected for instrumental polarization. The sunspot temperature is computed using the continuum contrast and umbral temperatures down to about 3700 K are observed. A strong Tii line at 2231.0 nm is used to probe the magnetic and velocity fields in the spot umbra and penumbra. Measurements of the Tii equivalent width versus plasma temperature in the sunspot agree with model predictions. Zeeman splitting measurements of the Stokes I and Stokes V profiles show magnetic fields up to 3300 G in the umbra, and a dependence of the magnetic field on the plasma temperature similar to that which was seen using Fei 1565 nm observations of the same spot two days earlier. The umbral Doppler velocity measurements are averaged in 16 azimuthal bins, and no radial flows are revealed to a limit of ±200 m s–1. A Stokes V magnetogram shows a reversal of the line-of-sight magnetic component between the limb and disk center sides of the penumbra. Because the Tii line is weak in the penumbra, individual spectra are averaged in azimuthal bins over the entire penumbral radial extent. The averaged Stokes V spectra show a magnetic reversal as a function of sunspot azimuthal angle. The mean penumbral magnetic field as measured with the Stokes V Zeeman component splitting is 1400 G. Several weak spectral lines are observed in the sunspot and the variation of the equivalent width versus temperature for four lines is examined. If these lines are from molecules, it is possible that lines at 2230.67, 2230.77, and 2231.70 nm originate from OH, while the line at 2232.21 nm may originate from CN.  相似文献   
文中运用GAMIT/GLOBK 软件,解算了南极长城站GPS接收机天线在不同的相位中心和使用不同星历情况下的天顶总延迟,分析了在不同条件下解算结果的差异,探讨了获取高精度的天顶总延迟和实时获取天顶总延迟的具体方法,为今后实现GPS精密定位和实时天气预报提供了依据.  相似文献   
在柱坐标下将黑子周围的环形区域(黑子除外)内的振荡分解为朝向黑子传播的(入射的)波和离开黑子传播的(出射的)波。对无黑子的环形区域内的振荡也进行了同样的分解。将黑子周围的入射波看成是被黑子磁流管磁化了的介质(介质内的磁场基本是水平的)中的波。而无黑子区的入射波看成是非磁化介质中的波。比较这两种波在固定波数下功率随频率的分布发现,在磁化介质中不同径向除n的声波(p模)频率系统降低,同时功率也降低,降低的功率最高达非磁化介质中波的功率的30%。而比较在固定频率下功率随波数的分布发现,磁场中f模及n=1,2,3的p模的脊向高波数方向位移,功率的降低受频率调制,即声波在某些有限的频带中被吸收。这些观测表明,在磁场中p模与磁声重力波(MAG)产生了模式混合或耦合。模式混合的存在支持了模式转换作为p模式被黑子吸收的机制的解释。此外,本文还分析了转换的MAG波进入黑子磁流管(其中的磁场基本上是垂直的)后进一步被吸收,吸收的功率最高达MAG波的20%。在磁流管内没有进一步观测到模式的转换  相似文献   
在归纳1954年山丹71/4级地震已有地震史料的基础上,根据新获得的朱允明(2006)《山丹地震考察笔记》的详细考察资料,按照《新中国地震烈度表》重新评定了本次地震中各考察点的地震烈度,重新绘制了该地震的等震线图。其中,极震区Ⅸ—Ⅹ度区长轴方向为北西向,呈扁椭圆形,长轴直径约40km;Ⅷ度区南西侧为山丹盆地,第四纪沉积较厚,地震烈度衰减缓慢,因此,Ⅷ度区等震线向南明显突出。1954年山丹71/4级地震极震区位于龙首山北缘断裂西段,大致与该断裂的包代河-黑头山段相吻合,综合分析认为,该段断裂是本次地震的主发震断层,而破喇嘛顶西缘断裂和毛湖洞断裂是重要的参与断裂。  相似文献   
Boli basin, between Yishu fracture belt and Dunmi fracture belt, is the biggest Mesozoic coal basin in the east of Heilongjiang Province. Now it is a fault - fold remnant basin. The basin' s shape is generally consistent with the whole distribution of the cover folds, an arc protruding southwards. The basement of the basin can be divided into three fault blocks or structural units. The formation and evoluation of the basin in Mesozoic was determined by the basement fault blocks' displacement features rusulted from by the movement of the edge faults and the main basement faults.  相似文献   
The first-stage of an ecological conservation and restoration project in the Three-River Source Region (TRSR), China, has been in progress for eight years. However, because the ecological effects of this project remain unknown, decision making for future project implementation is hindered. Thus, in this study, we developed an index system to evaluate the effects of the ecological restoration project, by integrating field observations, remote sensing, and process-based models. Effects were assessed using trend analyses of ecosystem structures and services. Results showed positive trends in the TRSR since the beginning of the project, but not yet a return to the optima of the 1970s. Specifically, while continued degradation in grassland has been initially contained, results are still far from the desired objective, ‘grassland coverage increasing by an average of 20%–40%’. In contrast, wetlands and water bodies have generally been restored, while the water conservation and water supply capacity of watersheds have increased. Indeed, the volume of water conservation achieved in the project meets the objective of a 1.32 billion m3 increase. The effects of ecological restoration inside project regions was more significant than outside, and, in addition to climate change projects, we concluded that the implementation of ecological conservation and restoration projects has substantially contributed to vegetation restoration. Nevertheless, the degradation of grasslands has not been fundamentally reversed, and to date the project has not prevented increasing soil erosion. In sum, the effects and challenges of this first-stage project highlight the necessity of continuous and long-term ecosystem conservation efforts in this region.  相似文献   
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