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Diagenesis has a significant impact on reservoir quality in deeply buried formations. Sandstone units of the Shahejie Formation (Es1 Member) of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China is a typical deeply buried sandstone with large hydrocarbon accumulations. The methodology includes core observations and thin section studies, using fluorescence, scanning electron microscope (SEM), cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion and isotope and electron probing analysis as well as the numerical determination of reservoir characteristics. The sandstones consist of medium to coarse-grained, slight to moderate sorted lithic arkose and feldspathic litharenite. Porosity and permeability values range from 0.5 to 30% and 0.006 to 7000 mD, respectively. The diagenetic history reveals mixed episodes of diagenesis and deep burial followed by uplift. The main diagenetic events include compaction, cementation alteration, dissolution of unstable minerals and grain fracturing. Compaction resulted in densification and significantly reduced the primary porosity. Quartz, calcite and clay are the dominant pore-occluding cement and occur as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Alteration and dissolution of volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution of feldspar grains were the key sources of quartz cement whereas carbonate cement is derived from an external source. Clay minerals resulted from the alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments. Porosity and permeability data predict a good inverse relationship with cementation whereas leaching of metastable grains, dissolution of cement and in some places formation of pore-lining chlorite enhanced the reservoir quality. The best reservoir is thicker sandstone bodies that are medium to coarse-grained, well-sorted sandstone with low primary ductile grains with a minor amount of calcite cement. The present study shows several diagenetic stages in the Es1 Member, but the overall reservoir quality is preserved.  相似文献   
中国东北地区的构造格局与演化:从500Ma到180Ma   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
中国东北变质基底为由含矽线石榴片麻岩、角闪斜长片麻岩、石墨大理岩和各种长英质片麻岩组成的孔兹岩系。采自额尔古纳、兴安、佳木斯和兴凯地块的矽线石榴片麻岩样品的锆石U-Pb测年均指示高级变质发生在500Ma左右。来自松辽地块古生代沉积物碎屑锆石的证据也表明约500Ma构造岩浆事件的存在。跨越整个中国东北不同地块的泛非期高级变质岩形成了超过1 300km北西向展布的晚泛非期"中国东北孔兹岩带",以顺时针p/T轨迹的孔兹岩带与同期岩浆杂岩共同构成了一巨型的约500Ma前后的造山带,笔者这里命名为"中国东北早古生代造山带"。这证明了中国东北各地块在500Ma之前已经拼合,并与西伯利亚克拉通具有构造亲缘性,曾是晚泛非期(500 Ma)西伯利亚南缘Sayang-Baikal造山带的组成部分。450Ma之后,已经拼合的中国东北地块群从西伯利亚裂解,向南朝现今的中国东北漂移;230Ma前后,东北地块群沿索伦—西拉沐伦—长春缝合带与华北板块碰撞;210~180 Ma,由于太平洋板块的俯冲导致佳木斯地块与西部松辽地块最终拼贴,沿佳木斯—兴凯地块西缘和南缘形成一弧形高压带(包括佳木斯—兴凯地块西缘黑龙江蓝片岩带和佳木斯—兴凯地块南缘长春—延吉带),这里简称"吉林—黑龙江高压变质带",之后东北地区进入了环太平洋构造域演化阶段并持续至今。  相似文献   
且干布拉克蛭石的矿物学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对产于新疆且干布拉克的我国最大蛭石矿的组成、结构和谱学特征做了系统的阐述。研究表明:且干布拉克蛭石是由金云母风化而成。由于风化的不完全,该蛭石保留了许多金云母的特征。该蛭石不是个严格矿物学意义上的蛭石,它是由金云母、严格矿物学意义上的蛭石、以及两者组成的多种混层矿物的混合物。金云母风化过程中可能有杂质铁相生成。蛭石的颜色和多色性,可能起因于其中的O~(2-)→Fe~(2+23+)和Fe~(2+)→Fe~(3+)  相似文献   
枣庄地区岩溶地面塌陷成因与防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹锋  吴春寅 《中国岩溶》1998,17(2):104-110
枣庄地区第四系覆盖层厚5~10m,其结构上细下粗,下伏的奥陶系灰岩岩溶裂隙发育,岩溶地面塌陷主要集中在十里泉和丁庄—东王庄这两个最大的水源地。大量抽取地下水使地下水位波动的幅度增大,潜蚀作用增强。当地下水位降至基岩面以下时,上覆土层的浮托力消失,产生失托加荷作用,同时在岩溶洞穴中出现的真空又对土层产生了吸蚀作用,上述各种作用均能破坏土层结构,最终导致地面塌陷。因此,在地面塌陷的防治上可采用调整地下水开采量,把水位波动带控制在基岩面以下,以避免地下水各种作用的破坏;在兴建工程建筑时,避开岩溶裂隙发育地段;对塌陷区及时进行相应的工程治理等。   相似文献   
轮古西地区前石炭纪古岩溶微地貌特征及刻画   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用印模法,以石炭系区域标志层双峰灰岩底至奥陶系潜山面填平补齐的沉积厚度为标识,恢复了轮古西地区前石炭纪古岩溶地貌。自东向西划分了岩溶台地、岩溶缓坡地和岩溶盆地3类二级地貌单元。应用现代岩溶分类方法,根据微地貌组合形态,对二级地貌作精细刻画,划分了9种三级地貌单元。认为不同的地貌位置,其水动力条件不同,不同类型岩溶地貌的发育特征、古水系排泄和储层充填特征存在着差异性。  相似文献   
多元门限回归模型的一种建模方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
严华生  曹杰 《大气科学》1994,18(2):194-199
本文根据门限自回归模型的基本思想[1],提出一种多元门限回归模型的建模方法。其特点是充分考虑了预报系统中某些特殊预报因子突变点对预报关系的改变作用。数值实例表明,该模型在模拟和预报精度上比一般线性逐步回归模型有一定程度的提高。  相似文献   
利用室内模拟试验成果对长春市生活垃圾淋滤液的组分特征、变化规律及其对土壤、地下水的污染机理进行了分析;结合野外监测资料运用非确定性模型方法建立模拟模型,对淋滤液的污染组分进行趋势预测,为垃圾堆放场地的设计和垃圾污染的治理提供理论上的依据。同时为解决城市生活垃圾污染问题和寻找垃圾场地奠定了基础  相似文献   
为了对西藏错那洞电气石花岗岩源区进一步约束,利用显微镜、电子探针和激光剥蚀多接收等离子质谱仪,对错那洞电气石花岗岩中电气石的形态、成分及硼同位素组成进行了研究.结果表明,错那洞电气石花岗岩中的电气石为碱族黑/铁电气石,直接结晶自富硼熔体,与熔体之间未发生明显的硼同位素分馏.电气石δ11B值主要在-6.91‰^-9.17‰之间,与大陆地壳平均δ11B值(-10‰±3‰)相近,表明错那洞电气石花岗岩主要源自变质沉积岩的部分熔融.然而,与起源于变质沉积岩的花岗岩相比,样品的δ11B值明显偏高,而与前人报道的雅拉香波淡色花岗岩(源自石榴石角闪岩部分熔融)的δ11B值相似.因此,错那洞电气石花岗岩源区中,除了变质沉积岩外,可能还混入了少量石榴石角闪岩.  相似文献   
The China Seas include the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea. Located off the Northwestern Pacific margin, covering 4700000 km~2 from tropical to northern temperate zones, and including a variety of continental margins/basins and depths, the China Seas provide typical cases for carbon budget studies. The South China Sea being a deep basin and part of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is characterized by oceanic features; the East China Sea with a wide continental shelf, enormous terrestrial discharges and open margins to the West Pacific, is featured by strong cross-shelf materials transport; the Yellow Sea is featured by the confluence of cold and warm waters; and the Bohai Sea is a shallow semiclosed gulf with strong impacts of human activities. Three large rivers, the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Pearl River, flow into the East China Sea, the Bohai Sea, and the South China Sea, respectively. The Kuroshio Current at the outer margin of the Chinese continental shelf is one of the two major western boundary currents of the world oceans and its strength and position directly affect the regional climate of China. These characteristics make the China Seas a typical case of marginal seas to study carbon storage and fluxes. This paper systematically analyzes the literature data on the carbon pools and fluxes of the Bohai Sea,Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea, including different interfaces(land-sea, sea-air, sediment-water, and marginal sea-open ocean) and different ecosystems(mangroves, wetland, seagrass beds, macroalgae mariculture, coral reefs, euphotic zones, and water column). Among the four seas, the Bohai Sea and South China Sea are acting as CO_2 sources, releasing about0.22 and 13.86–33.60 Tg C yr~(-1) into the atmosphere, respectively, whereas the Yellow Sea and East China Sea are acting as carbon sinks, absorbing about 1.15 and 6.92–23.30 Tg C yr~(-1) of atmospheric CO_2, respectively. Overall, if only the CO_2 exchange at the sea-air interface is considered, the Chinese marginal seas appear to be a source of atmospheric CO_2, with a net release of 6.01–9.33 Tg C yr~(-1), mainly from the inputs of rivers and adjacent oceans. The riverine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) input into the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 5.04, 14.60, and 40.14 Tg C yr~(-1),respectively. The DIC input from adjacent oceans is as high as 144.81 Tg C yr~(-1), significantly exceeding the carbon released from the seas to the atmosphere. In terms of output, the depositional fluxes of organic carbon in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea are 2.00, 3.60, 7.40, and 5.92 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The fluxes of organic carbon from the East China Sea and South China Sea to the adjacent oceans are 15.25–36.70 and 43.93 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage of mangroves, wetlands, and seagrass in Chinese coastal waters is 0.36–1.75 Tg C yr~(-1), with a dissolved organic carbon(DOC) output from seagrass beds of up to 0.59 Tg C yr~(-1). Removable organic carbon flux by Chinese macroalgae mariculture account for 0.68 Tg C yr~(-1) and the associated POC depositional and DOC releasing fluxes are 0.14 and 0.82 Tg C yr~(-1), respectively. Thus, in total, the annual output of organic carbon, which is mainly DOC, in the China Seas is 81.72–104.56 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the East China Sea to the adjacent oceans is 15.00–35.00 Tg C yr~(-1). The DOC efflux from the South China Sea is 31.39 Tg C yr~(-1). Although the marginal China Seas seem to be a source of atmospheric CO_2 based on the CO_2 flux at the sea-air interface, the combined effects of the riverine input in the area, oceanic input, depositional export,and microbial carbon pump(DOC conversion and output) indicate that the China Seas represent an important carbon storage area.  相似文献   
Potential ecological risk of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in agricultural black soil in Jilin Province, China was analyzed by the methods of risk assessment based on dose–effect relationships and ecological risk index. Heavy Cd-contamination occurred mainly around the coal mine region. The accumulation area for Pb appeared mostly in the suburbs and roadsides, whereas the higher As content was mainly found in the farmland of suburb and coal mine vicinity. In acute toxicity test, Cd, Pb and As in the soil had adverse effects on both roots and shoots growth in soybean with the greatest toxicity of arsenic and the least toxicity of lead at the same concentration levels. Exposed to Cd, Pb and As, the EC50 (50% effective concentration) values for the growth of soybean root (shoot) were 212.59 (376.70), 528.53 (828.69) and 194.60 (299.03) mg/kg, respectively. Results of potential ecological risk index showed that soil contamination from Cd in some samples had very high potential ecological risk; Pb contamination for almost all sampling sites had moderate ecological risk; while soil contamination from As had low ecological risk. With the present accumulation rate, concentrations of Cd, Pb and As in agricultural black soil near coal mine would reach the threshold values in 68, 175 and 120 years, respectively.  相似文献   
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