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Valley networks observed on the martian surface are found mostly on Noachian-aged highlands units, but a few occur on younger volcanic edifices. Enigmatically, they do not occur on all younger volcanoes of similar age or location. Using new data, we reanalyze the radially arrayed valleys on the flanks of Hecates Tholus, a Hesperian-aged shield volcano, and test the hypothesis that these valleys might have formed via basal melting of summit snowpack. We find that magmatic intrusions with reasonable geometries provide sufficient heat flux to cause basal melting of snowpack, with the resulting meltwater interpreted to be responsible for incision of the observed valleys. Valley morphology is similar to valleys observed adjacent to seasonally melting Antarctic Dry Valley glaciers formed on comparable slopes, supporting the hypothesis of a snowmelt origin. These relatively young valley networks are thus plausibly interpreted to form under circumstances in which summit snow accumulation was melted during one or more episodes of high localized heat flux.  相似文献   
Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of salts in surface water bodies can be affected by the natural environment and local human activities such as surface and ground water withdrawals, land use and energy extraction, and variability and long‐term trends in atmospheric conditions including temperature and precipitation. Here, we quantify the relationship between 121 indicators of mean and extreme temperature and precipitation and 24 water quality parameters in 57 Texas reservoirs using observational data records covering the period 1960 to 2010. Over time scales ranging from 1 week to 2 years, we find that water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, chloride, sulfate, and phosphorus all show consistent correlations with atmospheric predictors, including high and low temperature extremes, dry days, heavy precipitation events, and mean temperature and precipitation. Based on these relationships combined with regional climate projections, we expect climate change to increase water temperatures, decrease dissolved oxygen levels, decrease pH, increase specific conductance, and increase levels of sulfate and chloride in Texas reservoirs. Over decadal time scales, this may affect aquatic ecosystems in the reservoirs, including altering the risk of conditions conducive to algae occurrence, as well as affecting the quality of water available for human consumption and recreation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
After decades of research and development, the WSR-88 D(NEXRAD) network in the United States was upgraded with dual-polarization capability, providing polarimetric radar data(PRD) that have the potential to improve weather observations,quantification, forecasting, and warnings. The weather radar networks in China and other countries are also being upgraded with dual-polarization capability. Now, with radar polarimetry technology having matured, and PRD available both nationally and globally, it is important to understand the current status and future challenges and opportunities. The potential impact of PRD has been limited by their oftentimes subjective and empirical use. More importantly, the community has not begun to regularly derive from PRD the state parameters, such as water mixing ratios and number concentrations, used in numerical weather prediction(NWP) models.In this review, we summarize the current status of weather radar polarimetry, discuss the issues and limitations of PRD usage, and explore potential approaches to more efficiently use PRD for quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasting based on statistical retrieval with physical constraints where prior information is used and observation error is included. This approach aligns the observation-based retrievals favored by the radar meteorology community with the model-based analysis of the NWP community. We also examine the challenges and opportunities of polarimetric phased array radar research and development for future weather observation.  相似文献   
Cation partitioning and speciation in an aqueous soil suspension may depend on the coupling of reaction time, sorbate amount and mineral weathering reactions. These factors were varied in sediment suspension experiments to identify geochemical processes that affect migration of Sr2+ and Cs+ introduced to the subsurface by caustic high level radioactive waste (HLRW). Three glacio-fluvial and lacustrine sediments from the Hanford Site (WA, USA) were subjected to hyperalkaline (pH > 13), Na-Al-NO3-OH solution conditions within a gradient field of (i) sorptive concentration (10−5-10−3 m) and (ii) reaction time (0-365 d). Strontium uptake (qSr) exceeded that of cesium at nearly all reaction times. Sorbent affinity for both Cs+ and Sr2+ increased with clay plus silt content at early times, but a prolonged slow uptake process was observed over the course of sediment weathering that erased the texture effect for Sr2+; all sediments showed similar mass normalized uptake after several months of reaction time. Strontium became progressively recalcitrant to desorption after 92 d, with accumulation and aging of neoformed aluminosilicates. Formation of Cs+ and Sr2+-containing cancrinite and sodalite was observed after 183 d by SEM and synchrotron μ-XRF and μ-XRD. EXAFS data for qSr ≈ 40 mmol kg−1 showed incorporation of Sr2+ into both feldspathoid and SrCO3(s) coordination environments after one year. Adsorption was predominant at early times and low sorbate amount, whereas precipitation, controlled largely by sediment Si release, became increasingly important at longer times and higher sorbate amount. Kinetics of contaminant desorption at pH 8 from one year-weathered sediments showed significant dependence on background cation (Ca2+ versus K+) composition. Results of this study indicate that co-precipitation and ion exchange in neoformed aluminosilicates may be an important mechanism controlling Sr2+ and Cs+ mobility in siliceous sediments impacted by hyperalkaline HLRW.  相似文献   
We assessed the effectiveness of pulse flows in facilitating the upstream migration of an imperiled summer-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) stock in the Puntledge River, BC, Canada. During July and August, over 3 years, we tracked radio-tagged fish (n = 100) in a reach of the Puntledge River where water is diverted for power generation, resulting in stable low flows that are believed to impede migration. Over the course of  13 pulse flows, we measured migration rate, passage rate at natural barriers that are difficult to pass during low flows, movement away from the turbine outlet pool that creates distracting flows, and locomotor activity. Mean river flow during the peak of the pulses varied from 12.1 to 42.5 m3 s?1 and was at least 6.1 m3 s?1 above residual base flows. Typically, the pulse flows lasted 48 h. Migration rate was higher during some pulse flows, but results varied among pulses. Passage at natural barriers was only higher during an abnormal pulse where flows reached twice that of the prescribed flow (i.e., 24+ m3 s?1). Some fish moved away from the turbine outlet pool during pulse flows. Pulse flows did not affect fish activity levels, as measured by electromyogram telemetry. Although the effect of pulsed flows on the migration of the Puntledge River summer-run Chinook salmon was unclear, no negative impacts, such as hyperactivity or downstream displacement were observed. The use of pulse flows as a management tool still requires further research.  相似文献   
The ability of five satellite sensor bands (IKONOS band 4, Terra ASTER bands 3 and 4, and Landsat ETM+ bands 4 and 5) was examined to extract the waterline at coral reef coasts (Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands) using different wavelength regions (near infrared [NIR] and shortwave infrared [SWIR]) and different spatial resolutions (4, 15, and 30 m). After performing georeferencing and normalization of the images, density slicing was used to extract the waterline. Comparisons of extracted waterline positions with ground-level data for eight transects and global positioning system (GPS) tracks of the island shorelines showed that NIR bands were superior to SWIR bands because of the characteristics of the coral reef coasts, including a lack of foam and suspended sediments (which can affect the NIR wavelength region, if present) and the presence of remnant water on reef flats during low tide (which can affect the SWIR wavelength region). A linear relationship was found between the estimation errors of waterline positions and the spatial resolutions of the NIR sensors. Analysis on estimation errors and image costs showed that Terra ASTER band 3 was the most cost-effective sensor for extracting waterlines with reasonable accuracy. The results serve as general guidelines for using satellite-derived data to estimate intertidal topography and detect and monitor shorelines in coral reef environments.  相似文献   
Air pollution has been recognized as a significant problem in China. In its Twelfth Five Year Plan, China proposes to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions significantly, and here we investigate the cost of achieving those reductions and the implications of doing so for CO2 emissions. We extend the analysis through 2050, and either hold emissions policy targets at the level specified in the Plan, or continue to reduce them gradually. We apply a computable general equilibrium model of the Chinese economy that includes a representation of pollution abatement derived from detailed assessment of abatement technology and costs. We find that China's SO2 and NOx emissions control targets would have substantial effects on CO2 emissions leading to emissions savings far beyond those we estimate would be needed to meet its CO2 intensity targets. However, the cost of achieving and maintaining the pollution targets can be quite high given the growing economy. In fact, we find that the near term pollution targets can be met while still expanding the use of coal, but if they are, then there is a lock-in effect that makes it more costly to maintain or further reduce emissions. That is, if firms were to look ahead to tighter targets, they would make different technology choices in the near term, largely turning away from increased use of coal immediately.  相似文献   
Porosity and permeability in sediment mixtures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Porosity in sediments that contain a mix of coarser- and finer-grained components varies as a function of the porosity and volume fraction of each component. We considered sediment mixtures representing poorly sorted sands and gravely sands. We expanded an existing fractional-packing model for porosity to represent mixtures in which finer grains approach the size of the pores that would exist among the coarser grains alone. The model well represents the porosity measured in laboratory experiments in which grain sizes and volume fractions were systematically changed within sediment mixtures. Permeability values were determined for these sediment mixtures using a model based on grain-size statistics and the expanded fractional-packing porosity model. The permeability model well represents permeability measured in laboratory experiments using air- and water-based permeametry on the model sediment mixtures.  相似文献   
Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2008,195(1):61-89
Valley networks, concentrations of dendritic channels that often suggest widespread pluvial and fluvial activity, have been cited as indicators that the climate of Mars differed significantly in the past from the present hyperarid cold desert conditions. Some researchers suggest that the change in climate was abrupt, while others favor a much more gradual transition. Thus, the precise timing of valley network formation is critical to understanding the climate history on Mars. We examine thirty valley network-incised regions on Mars, including both cratered upland valley networks and those outside the uplands, and apply a buffered crater counting technique to directly constrain when valley network formation occurred. The crater populations that we derive using this approach allow assessment of the timing of the last activity in a valley network independent of the mapping of specific geological units. From these measurements we find that valley networks cluster into two subdivisions in terms characteristics and age: (1) valley network activity in the cratered highlands has an average cessation age at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary and all valleys that we crater counted are Early Hesperian or older. No evidence is found for valley networks in the cratered uplands of Late Hesperian or Amazonian age. The timing of the cessation of cratered upland valley network activity at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary also corresponds to a decline in the intensity of large crater formation and degradation and to the apparent end of phyllosilicate-type weathering. (2) A few valley network-incised regions formed outside of the cratered uplands on volcanic edifices, in association with younger impact craters, and on the rim of Valles Marineris. We applied our buffered crater counting technique to four such valleys, on the volcanoes Ceraunius Tholus, Hecates Tholus, and Alba Patera and on the rim of Echus Chasma, and find that each has distinctive and different Late Hesperian or Early Amazonian ages, indicating that valley networks formed from time to time in the post-Noachian period. Unlike the cratered upland valley networks, these isolated occurrences are very local and have been interpreted to represent local conditions (e.g., snowpack melted during periods of intrusive volcanic activity). In contrast to a gradual cessation in the formation of valley networks proposed by some workers, our new buffered crater counting results indicate a relatively abrupt cessation in the formation of the widespread cratered upland valley networks at approximately the end of the Noachian, followed only by episodic and very localized valley network formation in later Mars history, very likely due to specific conditions (e.g., local magmatic heating). These valley network ages and correlations are thus consistent with a major change in the near-surface aqueous environment on Mars at approximately the Noachian-Hesperian boundary. The Noachian environment supported surface running water and fluvial erosion across Mars in the cratered uplands, enhanced crater degradation, and a weathering environment favoring the formation of phyllosilicates. The Hesperian-Amazonian environment was more similar to the hyperarid cold desert of today, with valley networks forming only extremely rarely and confined to localized special conditions. Sources of water for these latter occurrences are likely to be related to periodic mobilization and equatorward migration of polar volatiles due to variations in spin-axis orbital parameters, and to periodic catastrophic emergence of groundwater.  相似文献   
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