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有机碳同位素示踪古环境变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐国军  陈衍景 《矿物岩石》2004,24(3):110-115
对有机碳同位素示踪环境变化的原理、研究对象、取得的进展和存在的问题等进行了详细研究,认识到C~H键比C-O键有利于富集^12C,从而导致生物或有机碳δ^13C为极低的负值,使有机碳与无机碳之间存在显著的碳同位素差异。光合作用类型的不同使植物分为C3,C4和CAM3种类群,并导致不同类群的植物具有不同的碳同位素组成,C3植物δ^13C=-20‰~-32‰,平均-28‰,而C4植物δ^13C=-9‰~-17‰,平均-14‰。气候环境的差异影响了光合作用的类型和强度,使不同环境的植物类群特征不同,不仅造成植物组合的碳同位素组成不同,而且导致不同食性的动物牙齿等化石的碳同位素组成的差异,甚至相应的无机碳同位素的变化,因此生物链及其衍生物的碳同位素研究也就成为反演某一地区或某一时期气候环境的有效手段。被作为研究对象的地质记录可分为有机和无机两类,有机类主要包括树轮等植物化石、牙齿等动物化石、煤等陆相沉积有机质、海相沉积有机质、土壤(前者的衍生物),这些研究对象分别适合于目的不同的环境研究,并获得了较好的效果。进而发现有机碳同位素在研究重大生物灭绝事件、C4植物起源、地球早期生命起源、地外生命存在与否、矿产资源形成时的有机质作用等问题上将有重要作为。  相似文献   
陈杰 《岩矿测试》2004,23(3):183-186
利用激光粒度仪测试超细煤粉的粒度。对测试超细煤粉试样粒度时的试样浓度、测试温度、分散时间、分散剂的种类及浓度等方面的影响进行了实验研究,给出了激光粒度仪测试超细煤粉粒度的最佳实验条件。  相似文献   
Shale gas is one of the most promising unconventional resources both in China and abroad. It is known as a form of self-contained source-reservoir system with large and continuous dimensions. Through years of considerable exploration efforts, China has identified three large shale gas fields in the Fuling, Changning and Weiyuan areas of the Sichuan Basin, and has announced more than 540 billion m~3 of proven shale gas reserves in marine shale systems. The geological theories for shale gas development have progressed rapidly in China as well. For example, the new depositional patterns have been introduced for deciphering the paleogeography and sedimentary systems of the Wufeng shale and Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin. The shale gas storage mechanism has been widely accepted as differing from conventional natural gas in that it is adsorbed on organic matter or a mineral surface or occurs as free gas trapped in pores and fractures of the shale. Significant advances in the techniques of microstructural characterization have provided new insights on how gas molecules are stored in micro- and nano-scale porous shales. Furthermore, newly-developed concepts and practices in the petroleum industry, such as hydraulic fracturing, microseismic monitoring and multiwell horizontal drilling, have made the production of this unevenly distributed but promising unconventional natural gas a reality. China has 10–36 trillion m~3 of promising shale gas among the world's whole predicted technically recoverable reserves of 206.6 trillion m~3. China is on the way to achieving its goal of an annual yield of 30–50 billion m~3 by launching more trials within shale gas projects.  相似文献   
云南抚仙湖沉积物有机质来源与时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示抚仙湖沉积物总有机碳(TOC)和总氮(TN)的时空分布特征及其主要来源,对抚仙湖表层沉积物和沉积物柱芯的TOC、TN和有机碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)进行了分析。结果表明,表层沉积物的TOC和TN含量分别为2.02%~3.40%和0.16%~0.36%;沉积物柱芯的TOC和TN含量分别为0.41%~6.63%和0.08%~0.77%,呈现出北湖高南湖低、表层高底部低的分布特征。内源有机质是抚仙湖沉积物中有机质的主要来源,不同湖区外源有机质的输入差异明显,其中南湖沉积物有机质中陆源比例较高。沉积物柱芯C/N值从底部到表层逐步增大,表明抚仙湖沉积物有机质中陆源有机质所占比例持续增加。与内源有机质相比,外源有机质输入增加更快,指示流域内人为活动增强导致流域侵蚀和水土流失加剧。  相似文献   
在浅水区,由于水深较浅,缺少近偏移距的海底反射信号,采用常规SRME方法和预测反褶积不能有效地衰减海底相关多次波。笔者采用DWD+SRME组合法来衰减海底相关多次波,其中DWD方法用来衰减与海底相关的短周期多次波,SRME方法压制自由表面相关的长周期多次波,另外运用Radon变换去除层间多次波。结果表明,运用DWD+SRME组合法压制海底相关多次波效果较好,并且没有损害浅层的有效反射信号,采用Radon变换使层间多次波得到了良好的压制,深部有效反射信号逐步体现。因此,对于浅水区低信噪比地震资料,采用DWD+SRME组合方法和Radon域去多次,是比较可行的去多次波方法。  相似文献   
土壤酶对碘离子在土壤中吸附行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以批式试验法研究了微生物、葡萄糖氧化酶、脲酶、纤维素酶及其催化底物葡萄糖、尿素和纤维素对Ⅰ-在土壤中吸附的影响,结果表明微生物能显著提高Ⅰ-吸附量,但葡萄糖氧化酶、脲酶、纤维素酶及葡萄糖、尿素和纤维素对Ⅰ-吸附并无促进作用.葡萄糖氧化酶及葡萄糖含量在小于100 mg/L时对Ⅰ-吸附无影响,1000 mg/L时与Ⅰ-呈竞争吸附;脲酶及尿素随浓度增大,对Ⅰ-吸附的抑制作用变得明显;1~1000 mg/L范围内,纤维素酶和纤维素对Ⅰ-吸附没有影响;但葡萄糖氧化酶和葡萄糖生成的中间产物可促进土壤对Ⅰ-的吸附.平衡液中溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量随时间增加而逐渐降低,有机质浓度越大,降低趋势越明显.  相似文献   
拉拉铜矿黄铁矿微量元素地球化学特征及其成因意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
四川会理拉拉铜矿床是我国著名大型富铜矿床,针对该矿床中黄铁矿的微量元素、稀土元素地球化学分析表明:拉拉铜矿经历了早期火山喷发成岩成矿和晚期变质成岩成矿作用.条带状矿石中的黄铁矿Co/Ni比值集中于4.92~79.2之间,落入火山成因黄铁矿区,稀土元素分布具有Eu正异常和轻稀土富集的特征,反映矿床具有伴随河口群火山喷流沉积成岩过程的同生沉积成矿作用.脉状矿石中的黄铁矿Co/Ni比值集中于1.10~3.45,落在热液成因黄铁矿区,稀土元素较河口群岩石及其他典型块状硫化物矿床矿石稀土元素更加富集轻稀土元素,稀土含量变化范围更大,显著的负Eu异常,则又说明,矿床形成的主要成矿作用是伴随新元古代晋宁运动而发生的大规模的变质作用.  相似文献   
按照矿石矿物组成、矿石组构、矿石类型以及围岩蚀变特点等,将山东招远界河金矿的金矿化类型分为钾化花岗岩型、黄铁绢英岩型、石英一多金属脉型和似青盘岩型等4种.钾化花岗岩型金矿化分布于"蚀变岩型金矿"成矿系统的深部,是富钾岩浆热液钾交代作用和黄铁矿脉充填作用的结果,一般形成于大矿体的下部或旁侧或作为大矿体的下部或根部的一部分.黄铁绢英岩型矿化位于成矿系统中部的主控矿断裂中的最佳成矿部位,是深部岩浆和浅部天水热液发生混合、交代和充填的最理想部位,往往构成大型和特大型工业矿体.脉状多金属型矿化位于该成矿系统的中浅部,地下水热液参与较多,成矿温度低,只能形成小而富的多金属硫化物型金矿体.在成矿系统的边部,热液活动更弱,形成以绿泥石化为主的似青盘岩化带,矿化较弱或构成无矿节理化带,本身不具工业意义,但可以指示深部成矿作用和隐伏矿体的存在.不同金矿化类型在界河金矿范围内有规律地分布是界河金矿深部和外围探矿的重要地质依据.  相似文献   
Fold terminations are key features in the study of compressional fault-related folds. Such terminations could be due to loss of displacement on the thrust fault or/and forming a lateral or oblique ramp. Thus, high-quality seismic data would help unambiguously define which mechanism should be responsible for the termination of a given fault-related fold. The Qiongxi and Qiongxinan structures in the Sichuan Basin, China are examples of natural fault-propagation folds that possess a northern termination and a structural saddle between them. The folds/fault geometry and along-strike displacement variations are constrained by the industry 3-D seismic volume. We interpret that the plunge of the fold near the northern termination and the structural saddle are due to the loss of displacement along strike. The fault geometry associated with the northern termination changes from a flat-ramp at the crest of the Qiongxinan structure, where displacement is the greatest, to simply a ramp near the northern tip of the Qiongxi structure, without forming a lateral or oblique ramp. In this study, we also use the drainage pattern, embryonic structure preserved in the crest of the Qiongxinan structure and the assumption that displacement along a fault is proportional to the duration of thrusting to propose a model for the lateral propagation of the Qiongxinan and Qiongxi structures. Specifically, we suggest that the structure first initiated as an isolated fault ramp within brittle units. With increased shortening, the fault grows to link with lower detachments in weaker shale units to create a hybridized fault-propagation fold. Our model suggests a possible explanation for the lateral propagation history of the Qiongxinan and Qiongxi structures, and also provides an alternative approach to confirming the activity of the previous Pingluoba structure in the southwestern Sichuan Basin in the late Cenozoic.  相似文献   
康志强  许继峰  王保弟  陈建林 《岩石学报》2010,26(10):3106-3116
拉萨地块广泛分布有中生代的岩浆活动,研究它们对于认识特提斯洋的演化和理解整个青藏高原的形成过程有着重要的启示。本文首次对出露于拉萨地块北缘的去申拉组火山岩进行了详细的主、微量及同位素地球化学研究,结果显示去申拉组火山岩主要包括亚碱性的玄武岩、玄武安山岩、安山岩,主体为中钾钙碱性系列;其明显亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti等),相对富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Sr等),具有岛弧火山岩的特征;稀土元素配分模式主体表现为轻稀土元素富集右倾型,少数具有较平坦的配分模式,无Eu异常;具有低Sr、高Nd(εNd:0.32~5.29)同位素特征,表明其源于亏损的地幔源区,暗示其为俯冲带地幔楔部分熔融的产物。结合区域地质资料及前人的研究成果,认为去申拉组火山岩代表了特提斯班公湖-怒江洋盆沿拉萨地块北缘南向俯冲消减的产物,从而为中生代班公湖-怒江洋盆的南向俯冲消减提供了直接的岩石学证据。  相似文献   
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