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Many scholars have argued that the importance of geographic proximity in human interactions has been diminished by the use of the Internet, while others disagree with this argument. Studies have noted the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, showing that interactions occur with an inverse relationship between the number of interactions and the distance between the locations of the interactors. However, these studies rarely provide strong evidence to show the influence of distance on interactions in cyberspace, nor do they quantify the differences in the amount of friction of distance between cyberspace and real space. To fill this gap, this study used massive amounts of social media data (Twitter) to compare the influence of distance decay on human interactions between cyberspace and real space in a quantitative manner. To estimate the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, the distance decay function of interactions in each space was modeled. Estimating the distance decay in cyberspace in this study can help predict the degree of information flow across space through social media. Measuring how far ideas can be diffused through social media is useful for users of location-based services, policy advocates, public health officials, and political campaigners.  相似文献   
The values of parameters in a groundwater flow model govern the precision of predictions of future system behavior. Predictive precision, thus, typically depends on an ability to infer values of system properties from historical measurements through calibration. When such data are scarce, or when their information content with respect to parameters that are most relevant to predictions of interest is weak, predictive uncertainty may be high, even if the model is "calibrated." Recent advances help recognize this condition, quantitatively evaluate predictive uncertainty, and suggest a path toward improved predictive accuracy by identifying sources of predictive uncertainty and by determining what observations will most effectively reduce this uncertainty. We demonstrate linear and nonlinear predictive error/uncertainty analyses as applied to a groundwater flow model of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the United States' proposed site for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Linear and nonlinear uncertainty analyses are readily implemented as an adjunct to model calibration with medium to high parameterization density. Linear analysis yields contributions made by each parameter to a prediction's uncertainty and the worth of different observations, both existing and yet-to-be-gathered, toward reducing this uncertainty. Nonlinear analysis provides more accurate characterization of the uncertainty of model predictions while yielding their (approximate) probability distribution functions. This article applies the above methods to a prediction of specific discharge and confirms the uncertainty bounds on specific discharge supplied in the Yucca Mountain Project License Application.  相似文献   
Generalized Born scattering of elastic waves in 3-D media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is well known that when a seismic wave propagates through an elastic medium with gradients in the parameters which describe it (e.g. slowness and density), energy is scattered from the incident wave generating low-frequency partial reflections. Many approximate solutions to the wave equation, e.g. geometrical ray theory (GRT), Maslov theory and Gaussian beams, do not model these signals. The problem of describing partial reflections in 1-D media has been extensively studied in the seismic literature and considerable progress has been made using iterative techniques based on WKBJ, Airy or Langer type ansätze. In this paper we derive a first-order scattering formalism to describe partial reflections in 3-D media. The correction term describing the scattered energy is developed as a volume integral over terms dependent upon the first spatial derivatives (gradients) of the parameters describing the medium and the solution. The relationship we derive could, in principle, be used as the basis for an iterative scheme but the computational expense, particularly for elastic media, will usually prohibit this approach. The result we obtain is closely related to the usual Born approximation, but differs in that the scattering term is not derived from a perturbation to a background model, but rather from the error in an approximate Green's function. We examine analytically the relationship between the results produced by the new formalism and the usual Born approximation for a medium which has no long-wavelength heterogeneities. We show that in such a case the two methods agree approximately as expected, but that in a media with heterogeneities of all wavelengths the new gradient scattering formalism is superior. We establish analytically the connection between the formalism developed here and the iterative approach based on the WKBJ solution which has been used previously in 1-D media. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the examples discussed.  相似文献   
The \(\mu _{O_2 } \) defined by the reaction 6 MnO+O2 =2 Mn3O4 has been determined from 917 to 1,433 K using electrochemical cells (with calcia-stabilized zirconta, CSZ) of the type: Steady emfs were achieved rapidly at all temperatures on both increasing and decreasing temperature, indicating that the MnO-Mn3O4 oxygen buffer equilibrates relatively easily. It therefore makes a useful alternative choice in experimental petrology to Fe2O3-Fe3O4 for buffering oxygen potentials at oxidized values. The results are (in J/mol, temperature in K, reference pressure 1 bar); \(\mu _{O_2 } \) (±200)=-563,241+1,761.758T-220.490T inT+0.101819T 2 with an uncertainty of ±200 J/mol. Third law analysis of these data, including a correction for the deviations in stoichiometry of MnO, impliesS 298.15 for Mn3O4 of 166.6 J/K · mol, which is 2.5 J/K · mol higher than the calorimetric determination of Robie and Hemingway (1985). The low value of the calorimetric entropy may be due to incomplete ordering of the magnetic spins. The third law value of Δ r H 298.15 0 is-450.09 kJ/mol, which is significantly different from the calorimetric value of-457.5±3.4 kJ/mol, calculated from Δ f H 298.15 0 of MnO and Mn3O4, implying a small error in one or both of these latter.  相似文献   
The newly independent country of Timor Leste is located in the eastern half of Timor Island (Indonesian archipelago). Geological studies of the country’s mineral resources and extractive activities are practically non-existent. There is evidence of the exploitation of ceramic raw materials at outcrop level and two small brick kilns, nowadays inactive, in the Dili and Aileu areas. Near Aileu, there are light-coloured silt-rich deposits, interpreted as overbank deposits, interbedded with ancient river terraces (post-Pliocene) overlying metamorphic bedrock. These sediments are the subject of this study, which encompassed geological mapping and preliminary characterisation. Tectonically, the area is a graben, preserving alluvium and colluvium deposits. Five channel samples representative of the silt-rich deposits were collected. Semi-quantitative mineralogical analysis shows that the samples are made of illite, quartz and kaolinite clays, with accessory illite/vermiculite interstratified minerals and K-feldspar. The chemical data show agreement with the estimated mineralogical composition. The grain size distribution points to a silt-dominated assemblage. Most samples have a satisfactory extrudability but deficient moulding properties. After firing, the sampled raw materials form a final product with possible ceramic capability for whiteware production.  相似文献   
Geochemical patterns from two lag anomalies in the Cobar region of central New South Wales are described. The region is semi-arid, deeply weathered and some areas are covered by variable thicknesses of aeolian and alluvial transported overburden.Lag morphology and mineralogy are related to landform. In erosional landforms the surface is covered by lag, which is composed of coarse fragments derived locally from bedrock and displays varying degrees of ferruginization, together with a range of secondary pisoids. In depositional landforms the lag is less abundant and contains more pisoids. Deflation by sheetwash may lead to lag being partially buried by alluvium. In a large proportion of pisoid lag, hematite and goethite have been converted to maghemite, allowing ready separation into magnetic and non-magnetic fractions. The non-magnetic fraction is dominated by the lithic lag whereas the magnetic fraction is dominated by pisoid lag.The magnetic and non-magnetic components of the 2–11 mm lag fraction, milled to < 75 μm and subjected to HF-HNO3-HClO4 attack, give rise to distinct geochemical patterns at targets related to a variant of the Cobar style of Pb-Zn mineralization with variable silicification and to Zn mineralization in a swarm of quartz and carbonate veinlets. The patterns are influenced by metal source, lag type, surface chemical conditions and landtbrm. Differences in the correlation between metal contents in the magnetic and non-magnetic lag components, and between trace elements and Fe. indicate variable loss of Cu and Zn from the magnetic lag at some targets but retention of Pb. The presence of a readily cxtractable base metal component in the lag has implications for detecting anomalies in transported cover in the region.  相似文献   

L’aquifère du Trarza s’étend sur environ 40 000 km2 dans le Sud-Ouest mauritanien, entre le fleuve Sénégal au Sud, l’Océan Atlantique à l’Ouest et la chaîne métamorphique des Mauritanides au Nord et à l’Est. La nappe libre est contenue dans les sédiments du Continental Terminal et du Quaternaire. Les campagnes de terrain menées entre 2010 et 2012 ont significativement complété les quelques mesures anciennes. Le croisement d’approches hydrodynamiques et géochimiques a montré que, dans cette zone semi-aride, la dynamique de la nappe est influencée par les multiples changements, actuels et anciens, de l’environnement (depuis les transgressions quaternaires jusqu’aux différents barrages régulant le cours du fleuve Sénégal). La nappe est principalement alimentée par l’infiltration latérale des eaux de surface du fleuve Sénégal et, dans une moindre proportion, par les précipitations. La minéralisation des eaux souterraines résulte d’interactions eau-roches et minéraux silicatés et alumino-silicatés et est localement influencée par des traces des transgressions quaternaires. L’évaporation marque fortement les eaux de surface avant et durant leur infiltration. Des calculs encore très préliminaires suggèrent une recharge annuelle inférieure ou égale à 5% des précipitations, soit de 5 à 10 mm.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Mohamed, A.-S., Marlin, C., Leduc, C., et Jiddou, M., 2014. Modalités de recharge d’un aquifère en zone semi-aride: cas de la nappe du Trarza (Sud-Ouest Mauritanie). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 1046–1062.  相似文献   
A significant fraction of the total number of particles present in the atmosphere is formed by nucleation in the gas phase. Nucleation and the subsequent growth process influence both number concentration of particles and their size distribution besides chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Sulphate aerosol nucleation mechanisms promoted by ions have been evaluated here in a tropospheric interactive chemistry-aerosol module for mass and number concentration in a global atmospheric model. The indirect radiative forcing of sulphate particles is assessed in this model; indirect radiative forcing is different for ion-induced (IIN) and ion-mediated (IMN) mechanisms. The indirect radiative forcing in 10-year simulation runs has been calculated as ?1.42?W/m2 (IIN) and ?1.54?W/m2 (IMN). The 5% emission of primary sulphate particles in simulations changes the indirect radiative forcing from ?1.42 to ?1.44?W/m2 for IIN case, and from ?1.54 to ?1.55 W/m2 for the IMN case. More precisely, owing to greater nucleation rates, IMN mechanisms produces greater cooling than the IIN mechanisms in the backdrop that both mechanisms produce almost identical distribution of CDNC in their pre-industrial runs. The inclusion of primary particles in simulations with IIN and IMN mechanisms increases both CDNC and the indirect radiative forcing.  相似文献   
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