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Mineralogical and chemical compositions of ejected carbonate inclusions of Vesuvian gaseous phase are compared with those of carbonate sediments of the Somma-Vesuvius area. The basement of Vesuvius mainly consists of Mesozoic limestones. Most of these are characterized by extremely low insoluble residues. In this area thick dolomite beds occur in the Triassic system only. A calcareous layer of approximately 100 to 150 meters thickness characterized by high Sr contents (0.19% Sr in the average) is to be found within the Triassic dolostones. Several carbonate ejecta also show high Sr contents (0.1% Sr) but chemical composition of some of these ejecta differs somewhat from that of the Triassic layer high in Sr. Contact with the volcanic volatile phase and melt has produced some alterations in the composition of many ejecta. Magnesian calcites are abundant and periclase, brucite, tremolite, phlogopite and magnesite were found in the ejecta examined. Silicon, manganese, iron, zinc and, to a smaller extent, potassium and copper have been most probably transported from the volcanic gas phase into ejected carbonate inclusions. Owing to metasomatic actions of the volcanic volatile components, rearrangement and alteration of Ca and Mg contents occurred in the carbonate minerals of several ejecta. Under the influence of volcanic pressure and temperature, magnesium content originally in dolomite might be transformed into the calcite structure. \(\frac{{{\text{MgO}}}}{{{\text{CaO + MgO}}}}\) molar ratios of several carbonate ejecta do not correspond with those found in sedimentary limestones and dolostones. It cannot be proved whether the Mg of the mixed calcite-dolomite ejecta has been partially introduced from the volatiles or lost from the carbonate phases.  相似文献   
The heliocentric orbits of the two STEREO satellites are similar in radius and ecliptic latitude, with separation in longitude increasing by about 45° per year. This arrangement provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of stream interfaces near 1 AU over time scales of hours to a few days, much less than the period of a Carrington rotation. Assuming nonevolving solar wind sources that corotate with the Sun, we calculated the expected time and longitude of arrival of stream interfaces at the Ahead observatory based on the in situ solar wind speeds measured at the Behind observatory. We find agreement to within 5° between the expected and actual arrival longitude until the spacecraft are separated by more than 20° in heliocentric inertial longitude. This corresponds to about one day between the measurement times. Much larger deviations, up to 25° in longitude, are observed after 20° separation. Some of the deviations can be explained by a latitude difference between the spacecraft, but other deviations most likely result from evolution of the source region. Both remote and in situ measurements show that changes at the source boundary can occur on a time scale much shorter than one solar rotation. In 32 of 41 cases, the interface was observed earlier than expected at STEREO/Ahead.  相似文献   
最近十年来研究的地质数据包括比尔马尼亚盆地岩相的地层、岩性、岩石、粒度和地球化学资料。这些数据已进入专用的\"Foxsedba\"数据表以建立比尔马尼亚盆地的数据总库。采用Harward制图法在x-y轴(粒度参数和地球化学数据)上作图。该盆地各种岩相的环境解释模式都配备有\"图象\"软件。最后,上述资料被用来解释所推断的比尔马尼亚盆地各种岩相的沉积环境。该盆地的沉积充填物含硅质碎屑、碳酸盐和磷块岩相的混合组合,指示变幻不定的沉积环境,即有若干具间歇海进事件的沉积海退事件。结果,磷块岩主要形成一种浅水正化学沉积和异化学沉积的复杂组合。  相似文献   
Modelling and extracting 3D geographical data presents numerous challenges that require continual research to attempt to evolve an efficient, reliable and accurate solution. LiDAR data capture and analysis has become a preferred acquisition choice for elevation data because the resulting quality and level of detail far exceeds traditional methods for large survey areas. As with any data collection system, LiDAR is prone to errors. Analysing these errors, ascertaining causes and producing error correction strategies is vital if accurate and confident results are to be obtained. Eight years of LiDAR datasets (from 1998 to 2005) have been closely analysed for a large coastal area of South Wales. This article provides a detailed and accurate summary of the identified LiDAR data issues and subsequent errors which affect the accuracy of end products such as Digital Surface Models (DSMs).  相似文献   
Opinions often differ among coal petrographers as to the relative ad-vantages of the thin sections and the polished sections.In reality both of themare useful and they should be used simultaneously in order to get a clear and  相似文献   
The western and north-eastern parts of Shansi Province are districts of typical development of the oldest Pre-Palaeozoic formations. In western Shans these formations are well exposed in the territory midway between the Taiyuan plain and the Yellow River and are bordered on almost all sides by the so-called Shansi Formation of late Palaeozoic age. Near the margin the area of oldest  相似文献   
Much of the sedimentary geochemistry of iodine has been surmised from analyses of solid phase distributions without direct documentation of reactions or reaction rates. It is shown here that the anoxic production rate of dissolved I in nearshore terrigenous sediments decreases rapidly below the sediment-water interface and is strongly temperature controlled. An apparent activation energy of ~19.3 Kcal/mole comparable to that found for other microbially mediated reactions, describes the temperature dependence of release. Production of dissolved iodide is zeroth order with respect to natural ranges of pore water concentrations and apparently first-order with respect to a reactive I component in the solid phase. First order reaction coefficients in sediments from Mud Bay, South Carolina and Long Island Sound, Connecticut, U.S.A., are strongly depth dependent, varying from ~6.9/yr in the top few centimeters to an average of ~0.011/yr over the upper 70 cm. About 90% of the dissolved I flux comes from the top 10 cm with estimated values of ~ 15 and 29 μmoles/m2/day at 22–23°C in Mud Bay and Long Island Sound, respectively. The I/C net release ratio of decomposing material changes rapidly below the sediment surface. When temperature corrections are made, I remineralization rates from nearshore sediments below the bioturbated zone appear to be similar to those observed in deep water sediments underlying oxygenated waters.  相似文献   
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