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Conditions prevalent in dense molecular clouds are shown to favour the polymerization of H2CO molecules and the deposition of formaldehyde co-polymer mantles, with typical radii 10–5 cm, on smaller refractory grains. If a significant fraction of such co-polymer coated grains are expelled with systematic gas flows into the general interstellar medium, these moderately refractory grains may be responsible for the bulk of interstellar extinction and polarization at optical wavelengths. Mie calculations for a mixture consisting of iron, graphite and POM particles are presented as an example where POM grains of radii 0.15 dominate the extinction at optical wavelengths, providing a satisfactory overall fit to a range of extinction data. A size distribution of POM needles with a mean radius 0.15 also provides good agreement with data on interstellar linear as well as circular polarization. Suitably end-capped and stabilized co-polymer-coated grains, with either silicate or graphite cores, may survive at temperatures 450 K under interstellar ambient conditions and be responsible for the 10 emission feature in many sources. Theoretically computed band profiles of the 10 -feature in POM coated grains, in general, provide better agreement with observations than most types of silicate grains considered so far. We also note that an unexplained dip at 10 in the 8–12 feature of the infrared source OH 231.8+4.2 may be a signature of POM grains; likewise, a persistent 3.3 emission feature in many different types of infrared source could be attributed to the CH stretching mode in formaldehyde co-polymer grains.  相似文献   
H. Jay Melosh 《Icarus》1977,31(2):221-243
Mercury, the Moon, and many large satellites of the major planets have been tidally despun from an initially faster rotation. These bodies probably possessed equatorial bulges which relaxed as they lost their spin. An analysis of the stresses induced in an elastic shell by the relaxation of an equatorial bulge indicates that differential stresses may reach a few kilobars and that the tectonic pattern developed depends mainly upon the shell thickness. In every model studied the azimuthal stress σ?? is larger (more compressive) than the meridional stress σθθ. For a thin elastic shell (thickness less than one-twentieth of the planet's radius) the zone from the equator to 48° latitude is characterized by strike-slip faulting. Poleward of this, normal faults and graben trending east-west are expected. Thicker elastic shells acquire an equatorial belt of thrust faults with east-west throw and rough north-south trends. These tectonic styles may be modified by a small (0.05-0.1%) radial expansion or contraction. Expansion shifts the polar normal faulting province toward the equator, while contraction shifts the equatorial provinces poleward. These patterns are not substantially altered by plastic yielding of the shell, although the equatorial thrust fault province is suppressed by strike-slip faulting until strike-slip faults occur poleward of 64.8° latitude. We conclude that there are many tectonic patterns consistent with despinning and radial contraction or expansion, but they must all be consistent with σ?? > σθθ. These results also indicate that the polar regions of a despun planet are of particular interest in deciding whether a given lineament system is due to stresses induced by the relaxation of the planet's equatorial bulge.  相似文献   
The aim of the present paper is to find the eclipse perturbations, in the frequency-domain, of close eclipsing systems exhibiting partial eclipses.After a brief introduction, in Section 2 we shall deal with the evaluation of thea n (l) integrals for partial eclipses and give them in terms ofa 0 0 ,a 0 0 (of the associated -functions) and integrals; while Section 3 gives the eclipse perturbations arising from the tidal and rotational distortion of the two components. The are given for uniformly bright discs (h=1) as well as for linear and quadratic limb-darkening (h=2 and 3, respectively).Finally, Section 4 gives a brief discussion of the results and the way in which they can be applied to practical cases.  相似文献   
The solar magnetic fields observed in active regions and their residues are thought to be parts of toroidal field systems renewed every 11-yr cycle from a poloidal field. The latter may be either a reversing (dynamo) field or a non-reversing, primordial field. The latter view was held for some 70 yr, but the apparent reversals of the polar-cap fields in 1957–8 and the development of dynamo theory brought wide acceptance of the former. Here we consider evidence for and against each model, with these conclusions. (i) Several errors combine so that the non-spot measurements of gross magnetic fluxes are too low by factors of 10 or more. A permanent field of 2 G or more might remain unobserved. (ii) Measurements of average magnetic field strength are subject to various large errors. In particular, the reported reversals of the polar-cap fields are better explained in terms of tilts of toroidal field residues. (iii) Observations of new-cycle magnetic fields among old-cycle fields, of the gradual fading away of large unipolar regions, and the ubiquitous jumble of very small magnetic loop structures appear explicable only in terms of a primordial field. (iv) More positive evidence of a primordial field is found in the extreme order, symmetry and long-term stability of the polar cap streamers or rays. During one eclipse (1954) the primordial field was seen in the absence of all toroidal field residues. (v) A form of reversal of the interplanetary magnetic field is re-interpreted and shown to be consistent with a primordial, but not a dynamo, field. (vi) A test for a primordial field is that the fields below coronal holes should tend to be positive (outwards) in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern hemisphere. (vii) Further evidence may be available by studying various plasma structures below coronal holes. An urgent requirement is a study of fibrils, faculae, macrospicules and rays in these regions.  相似文献   
A study of the background corona near solar minimum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The white light coronagraph data from Skylab is used to investigate the equatorial and polarK andF coronal components during the declining phase of the solar cycle near solar minimum. Measurements of coronal brightness and polarization brightness product between 2.5 and 5.5R during the period of observation (May 1973 to February 1974) lead to the conclusions that: (1) the equatorial corona is dominated by either streamers or coronal holes seen in projections on the limb approximately 50% and 30% of the time, respectively; (2) despite the domination by streamers and holes, two periods of time were found which were free from the influences of streamers or holes (neither streamers nor holes were within 30° in longitude of the limb); (3) the derived equatorial background density model is less than 15% below the minimum equatorial models of Newkirk (1967) and Saito (1970); (4) a spherically symmetric density model for equatorial coronal holes yields densities one half those of the background density model; and (5) the inferred brightness of theF-corona is constant to within ±10% and ±5% for the equatorial and polar values, respectively, over the observation period. While theF-corona is symmetric at 2R it begins to show increasing asymmetry beyond this radius such that at 5R the equatorialF-coronal brightness is 25% greater than the polar brightness.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field data were obtained by the PROGNOZ 1 and PROGNOZ 2 satellites during the period following the August 4, 1972 (0621 UT) solar flare. A thermalized plasma was recorded one hour after the shock followed two hours later by the plasma piston with a bulk velocity higher than 1700 km s-1. The comparison between the PROGNOZ and PIONEER 9 solar wind data shows an attenuation of the plasma properties with the deflection from the flare's meridian.  相似文献   
Radiative recombination of N and O provides a significant source for auroral emission in the γ and δ bands of NO with selective population of vibrational levels in the A2Σ+ and C2Π states. This mechanism may account for emissions detected near 2150 Å. Models are derived for the auroral ionosphere and include estimates for the concentrations of N and NO. The concentration of NO is estimated to have a value of about 108 cm?1 near 140 km in an IBC III aurora. The corresponding density for N is about 5 × 107cm?3 and the concentration ratio NO+O2+ has a value of about 5.5.  相似文献   
Disturbances in the heat flow in the solar convection zone are calculated with a turbulent thermal diffusion coefficient based on a mixing length approximation. As a consequence of the radiative boundary condition at the surface and the strong increase of the diffusion coefficient with depth, the convection zone resembles a thermally superconducting shell enclosed between a thin surface layer and an interior core of low thermal conductivity. Thermal disturbances originating in the convection zone do not penetrate into the interior, and penetrate only weakly through the solar surface. A thermally isolating obstacle buried entirely in the convection zone casts a shadow of reduced temperature at the solar surface; the brightening surrounding this shadow is undetectable. The shadow is weak unless the object is located close to the surface (less than 2000 km). Assuming a sunspot to be an area of reduced thermal conductivity which extends a finite depth into the convection zone, the heat flow around this obstacle is calculated. The heat flux blocked below the spot (missing flux) spreads over a very extended area surrounding the spot. The brightening corresponding to this missing flux is undetectable if the reduction of the thermal conductivity extends to a depth greater than 1000 km. It is concluded that no effect other than a decrease of the convective efficiency is needed to explain the temperature change observed at the solar surface in and around a sunspot. The energy balance is calculated between magnetic flux tubes, oriented vertically in the solar surface, (magnetic elements in active regions and the quiet network) and their surroundings. Near the visible surface radiation enters the tube laterally from the surrounding convection zone. The heating effect of this influx is important for small tubes (less than a few arcseconds). Due to this influx tubes less than about 1 in diameter can appear as bright structures irrespective of the amount of heat conveyed along the tube itself. Through the lateral influx, small tubes such as are found in the quiet network act as little leaks in the solar surface through which an excess heat flux escapes from the convection zone.  相似文献   
We show the existence of a general relation between the parameters of periodic solutions in dynamical systems with ignorable coordinates. In particular, for time-independent systems with an axis of symmetry, the relation takes the form T/A=–/E, whereT is the period,A is the angular momentum, is the angle through which the system has rotated after one period, andE is the energy.  相似文献   
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