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Innumerable forest fire spread models exist for taking a decision, but far less focus is on the real causative factors which initiate/ignite fire in an area. It has been observed that the majority of the forest fires in India are initiated due to anthropogenic factors. In this study, we develop a geo-information system approach for management of forest fire in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, India, with the objective to develop a forest fire likelihood model, integrating GIS and knowledge-based approach for predicting fire-sensitive initiation areas considering major causative and anti-causative factors. Amongst the various causative factors investigated, it was found that wildlife-dependent factor (antler collection and poaching) contributed significantly to fire occurrence followed by management-dependent factors (uncontrolled tourism and grazing), with much less influence of demographic factors. Similarly, anti-causative factor (stationing of anti-poaching/ fire camps) was considered as quite significant.

The likelihood model so developed, envisaging various factors and flammability, accounted for different scenarios as a result of pair-wise comparison on an ordinal scale in a knowledge matrix. The inferential statistics computed indicated the robustness of the model and its insensitivity to moderate changes. It makes it possible for this forest fire likelihood model to predict and prevent a forest fire in an effective and scientific manner because it can assume forest fire likelihood in real time and present in proper time.  相似文献   

Coincident observations made over the Moroccan desert during the Sahara mineral dust experiment (SAMUM) 2006 field campaign are used both to validate aerosol amount and type retrieved from multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) observations, and to place the suborbital aerosol measurements into the satellite's larger regional context. On three moderately dusty days during which coincident observations were made, MISR mid-visible aerosol optical thickness (AOT) agrees with field measurements point-by-point to within 0.05–0.1. This is about as well as can be expected given spatial sampling differences; the space-based observations capture AOT trends and variability over an extended region. The field data also validate MISR's ability to distinguish and to map aerosol air masses, from the combination of retrieved constraints on particle size, shape and single-scattering albedo. For the three study days, the satellite observations (1) highlight regional gradients in the mix of dust and background spherical particles, (2) identify a dust plume most likely part of a density flow and (3) show an aerosol air mass containing a higher proportion of small, spherical particles than the surroundings, that appears to be aerosol pollution transported from several thousand kilometres away.  相似文献   
Abatement of particulate matter has traditionally been driven by health concerns rather than its role in global warming. Here we assess future abatement strategies in terms of how much they reduce the climate impact of black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) from contained combustion. We develop global scenarios which take into account regional differences in climate impact, costs of abatement and ability to pay, as well as both the direct and indirect (snow-albedo) climate impact of BC and OC. To represent the climate impact, we estimate consistent region-specific values of direct and indirect global warming potential (GWP) and global temperature potential (GTP). The indirect GWP has been estimated using a physical approach and includes the effect of change in albedo from BC deposited on snow. The indirect GWP is highest in the Middle East followed by Russia, Europe and North America, while the total GWP is highest in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. We conclude that prioritizing emission reductions in Asia represents the most cost-efficient global abatement strategy for BC because Asia is (1) responsible for a large share of total emissions, (2) has lower abatement costs compared to Europe and North America and (3) has large health cobenefits from reduced PM10 emissions.  相似文献   
In May/June 2006, the largest mineral dust experiment to date (Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment, SAMUM-1) was conducted in Southern Morocco. The aim was to characterize dust particles near the world's largest mineral dust source, and to quantify dust-related radiative effects. At one of the two ground-based measurement sites dust particle size distribution, optical, hygroscopic, chemical and structural particle characteristics were measured. One research aircraft mainly measured solar spectral irradiances and surface albedo. The other aircraft provided in situ physical aerosol measurements and samples and lidar profiles through the dust layers. Three ground-based lidars were operated at the second ground-based measurement site. They determined optical dust properties, particle shape and temporal development of dust layers. Columnar, ground-based sun photometer measurements complemented the lidar data. Additionally a station in Évora, Portugal monitored dust outbreaks from the North African source region to the Iberian Peninsula during SAMUM-1.
Volumetric and columnar closure exercises utilized these detailed measurements of dust characteristics together with optical and radiative transfer models. Concurrent developments of a mesoscale dust transport model were validated with the experimental data. The paper gives an overview over rationale and design of SAMUM-1, introduces and highlights the subsequent reports on experimental and modelling results.  相似文献   
The regional dust model system LM-MUSCAT-DES was developed in the framework of the SAMUM project. Using the unique comprehensive data set of near-source dust properties during the 2006 SAMUM field campaign, the performance of the model system is evaluated for two time periods in May and June 2006. Dust optical thicknesses, number size distributions and the position of the maximum dust extinction in the vertical profiles agree well with the observations. However, the spatio-temporal evolution of the dust plumes is not always reproduced due to inaccuracies in the dust source placement by the model. While simulated winds and dust distributions are well matched for dust events caused by dry synoptic-scale dynamics, they are often misrepresented when dust emissions are caused by moist convection or influenced by small-scale topography that is not resolved by the model. In contrast to long-range dust transport, in the vicinity of source regions the model performance strongly depends on the correct prediction of the exact location of sources. Insufficiently resolved vertical grid spacing causes the absence of inversions in the model vertical profiles and likely explains the absence of the observed sharply defined dust layers.  相似文献   
Activities within the collaborative project East Asia Climate and Environment focus on the impact on the composition of chemically active greenhouse compounds from the rapidly growing emissions in Asia. Estimates of emissions (past and future) are discussed in light of the demand for energy in the different sectors. The impact includes regional scale contributions through short-lived climate compounds like particles and ozone, while global scale contributions are demonstrated through changes in oxidation capacity affecting compounds like CH4. One key issue is the important and increasing contribution from China to atmospheric chemical changes.  相似文献   
A hypothesis that air pollution in the form of small particles has caused a secular decrease in precipitation over South East (SE) Australia was advanced by Rosenfeld (2000) , who concluded that the hypothesis was proven. This paper critically reviews the experimental design used in that paper and subsequent work presented in Rosenfeld (2006). It is shown that the meteorological conditions on the single day studied were inappropriate for testing the hypothesis, as was the synoptic weather pattern. Moreover, the study failed to consider prior published work in Australia and readily available independent data such as rainfall patterns that call into question the approach used. We conclude that the experimental design was incapable of addressing the hypothesis, which therefore remains unproven.  相似文献   
An 'alternate grid' (GridAlt) technique is presented, which allows the different components of a general circulation model's governing equations to be computed on distinct grids chosen for that component or process. In the implementation presented here, the tendencies of state variables from the physical parametrizations are computed on a vertical grid with very fine resolution near the surface, whereas the remaining terms in the equations of motion are computed using an Eta coordinate with coarser vertical resolution.
Results from a suite of aquaplanet experiments show that much of the benefit of increased vertical resolution in the whole model can be realized by enhancing the vertical resolution of the 'physics grid' using GridAlt. The benefit is realized in the fields which are computed directly in the physical parametrizations, and in the vertical structure of the relative humidity and mass streamfunction. Results from a suite of realistically configured simulations demonstrated an impact of GridAlt that was similar to its impact in the simplified simulations, as well as an improved response to El Niño Southern Oscillation forcing. It is concluded that the present implementation of GridAlt offers a practical way to allow GCMs to better capture the near-surface structure of the atmosphere.  相似文献   
Observations suggest that the large-scale tropical atmospheric circulations, associated with intraseasonal variabilties, are dominated more by the vorticity than the divergence. The present paper examines the consistency of the above observations with linear equatorial wave theories. Both free and forced linear waves are considered. The free equatorial waves are classified into two major categories: (1) the Rossby waves, strongly dominated by vorticity and (2) the inertial-gravity waves, relatively dominated by the divergence. Both the Kelvin and the mixed-Rossby gravity waves are intermediate of these two major categories.
In the forced case, the wave response is predominantly inertial-gravity wave-like for periods less than 5 d, thus predominantly divergent. On the other hand, for forcing with the longer periods, the wave response closely following free Rossby-wave structures, asymptotically approaches to a non-divergent state. The asymptotic tendency for non-divergence is found to be much stronger than observed. The difference is so stark that, notably, the tropical intraseasonal variability cannot be consistent with linear equatorial waves theories.  相似文献   
The Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) was conducted in May and June 2006 in Tinfou, Morocco. A H-TDMA system and a H-DMA-APS system were used to obtain hygroscopic properties of mineral dust particles at 85% RH. Dynamic shape factors of 1.11, 1.19 and 1.25 were determined for the volume equivalent diameters 720, 840 and 960 nm, respectively.
During a dust event, the hydrophobic number fraction of 250 and 350 nm particles increased significantly from 30 and 65% to 53 and 75%, respectively, indicating that mineral dust particles can be as small as 200 nm in diameter. Log-normal functions for mineral dust number size distributions were obtained from total particle number size distributions and fractions of hydrophobic particles. The geometric mean diameter for Saharan dust particles was 715 nm during the dust event and 570 nm for the Saharan background aerosol.
Measurements of hygroscopic growth showed that the Saharan aerosol consists of an anthropogenic fraction (predominantly non natural sulphate and carbonaceous particles) and of mineral dust particles. Hygroscopic growth and hysteresis curve measurements of the 'more' hygroscopic particle fraction indicated ammonium sulphate as a main component of the anthropogenic aerosol. Particles larger than 720 nm in diameter were completely hydrophobic meaning that mineral dust particles are not hygroscopic.  相似文献   
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